
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

面包_____ 香蕉________ 漢堡包___________
沙拉_________ 草莓_________ 梨_________
1.Star 2. apple 3. watch
4. photo 5.Backpack 6.Toato
7. key 8. bus
9. strawberry 10.Dictionary
達(dá)標(biāo)測(cè)試 效果反饋
1. There are four _______( toato) in the drawer.
2. Jeff likes _________( strawberry ) very uch.
3. Are these _________( you) oranges.
4. She ___________( like ) bananas.
5. I ______________ (not like ) ath.
二、單項(xiàng)選擇 。
1. ost boys ___________ haburgers .
A. likes B. like C. does D. do
2. Do ___________like French fries?
A. he B. she C. the D. you

3. y other ____________oranges or strawberry .
A. don't like B. do likes  
C. doesn't like   D. doesn't likes
4. ——Do they like broccoli ? ——
A. Yes , I do   B. Yes , they do
C. No , I don't D No , they do
5. There is soe _________in the bag .
A. apple B. salad C. toato D. banana
haburger__________ dictionary__________ toato_________ photo_________ strawberry__________ banana__________ pear__________ orange_________
炸馬鈴薯?xiàng)l__ 七個(gè)草莓_____________________
紅色毛衣 _________ 藍(lán)色襯衫_____________
白襪子 __________ .給你 _______________
1. y sister likes soe____________.
A. apple B. banana C. broccolis D. salad
2. I like ______ oranges. I don't like _______ orange. A .these, those
B. those, the C. that, these D. / , /
3. Bill and Bob ________ like bananas.
A. does B. don't C. not D. does
4._____your brother ______French fries?
A. do like B. does like C. Does like D. Do like
5. Does she like broccoli? ----__________.
A.Yes, she like. B. No, she does.
C. Yes, she does. D. No, he does.
達(dá)標(biāo)測(cè)試 效果反饋
1.—Do you like __________ (草莓) ?—Yes, I do.
2. I like haburgers for b________________.
3. We ust eat _________________.( 蔬菜 )
4. I like ______________, for exaple (例如 ),apples, bananas, oranges….
5. She doesn't like b_____________.(花椰菜)
1. y brother likes toatoes. (改為否定句)
y brother ______ ______ toatoes.
2. Do you like broccoli and French fries? (作否定回答)
No, ______ _______.
3. ary likes apples for breakfast. (對(duì)畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))
_______ does ary _______ for breakfast?
4. They have soe oranges. (用he 作主語(yǔ)改為單數(shù)句子)
He ______ ______ orange.
5. Kate often eats pears. (改為一般疑問(wèn)句)
______ Kate often ______ pears?
1. This is an egg .(改為復(fù)數(shù)句)
———— —————— eggs .
2. Are these toatoes ? (改為單數(shù)句)
—— —— ———— toato ?
3. He's Ji iller .(改為同義句)
——— —————— is Ji iller .
4. Sith is his last nae . (改為同義句)
His ———— —————— is iller .
5. y sister likes this photo . (改為否定句)
y sister ———— —————— this photo .
1. lots of_______ 2.healthy food_______
3. French fries_________ 4.running star ________
5 .一個(gè)雞蛋_________ 6. 一些雞肉________
(7) 以一個(gè)很好的價(jià)格______________
(8) 只有25塊錢__________
3.藝術(shù)節(jié)________ 4.October tenth ________
5.郊游 ________ 6.School Day_____________
1.The _________ (run)runs very fast(快).
2.The food _______(be)very healthy.
3. Where _______ (be)the vegetables?
4. For dinner, she has soe __________(chicken).
5. Sandra Clark is a ___ (run) star .
6. When is__________ birthday ? ( Jeff )
7. _______ birthday is October 5th . ( y father )
8. How old ______ Willia and ary ? ( be )
9. y brother_________ 14 years old . ( be )
10. y little sister is only one ______ old . ( years )
11. Hoework akes e ________(tire).
12. usic is very ____________(interest).
13. y father is ____________(real)busy today.
14.____________(Steven) favorite day is Friday.
15. I' sure you like so_______(subject).I like ath and English.
二) 單選題
1. How uch _______ these pants?
A. is B. a C. are D. do
2.—How uch are the black socks? —__________________.
A. It's 10 yuan. B. It's 10 yuans.
C. They're 10 yuan. D. They're 10 yuans.
3. Where ______ your new pants?________ on the bed.
A. is, It's B. are, They're
C. is, They're D. are, It's
4. The woen _______red is y other.
A. at B. in C. with D. of
5. We have T--shirts in blue, yellow, red and black_____ only 20 yuan.
A. by B. in C. for D. with
6. He buys this sweater ____a very low price.
A. in B. on C. at D. with
7. —_________your pants? —Yello
A. How uch is B. What color are
C. what's color is D. What color is
8. — How uch _______the blue pants? —_____twenty dollars.
A. is, They're B. are, They're
C. are, It's D. is, It's
9. We can ______clothes ______this shop.
A. buy; to B. buy; fro
C. sell; fro D. buy; for
10. Coe down to the shop and see for_______.
A. you B. yourself C. your D. yours
11. She has _____volleyballs.
A. twenty five B. twenty —five
C. twenty-fifth D. five—twenty
12. The yellow shorts _____15 yuan .
A. is on sale B. are on sale
C. are on sale for D. is on sale for
13.—What color is it?
—It's ____red.It's ____red apple.
A. a, an B. /, a C. /, an D. a, a
14.—How uch are these black socks? —______
A. It's 10 yuan. B.It's 10 yuans.
C. They're 10 yuan. D. They're 10 yuans.
15.When is your birthday? It’s ________.
A.February B.second
C.February second D.1990
16. The _________ onth of the year is April.
A. first B. secondC. thirdD. fourth
17.________ is very difficult.
A.Lesson fifth B.The lesson fifth
C.Fire lesson D.The fifth lesson
18. __________ is your birthday ?
A. Who B. Where C. How any D. When
19.There are ______onths in a year. The _____ onth is Deceber.
A.twelve, twelve B.twelfth, twelfth
C.twelve, twelfth D.twelfth, twelve
20._________ is your birthday?
A. Who B. Where C. How any D. When
21. y other's birthday is _____________.
A. July 22st B. July 22th C. July 22nd
D. 22nd
22. The _______ oth is April.
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth

23. ---How old are you ?
--- I' _____________ .
A. twelfth B. twentieth C. twelve D. twenties
25. The _______ oth is April.
A. first B. second C. third D. fourth
26.—When is your birthday?
—It's ay ______.
A. four B. fourteen C. fourth D. forty
27.August is the _____onth of the year .
A. eighth B. ninth C. eight D. nine
28.New Year's Day (元旦) is on January ______.
A.1th B.1st C.1rd D.2nd
29.Sunday is the ____day of the week.
A. first B. second C. last D. third
30.Deceber is the ______onth of the year.
A. twelve B. tenth C. twelveth D. twelfth
31. —Do you have a School trip at your school ?
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, we do. C. Yes, we does.
D. Yes, it does.
32.—_____is your aunt ? She is thirty.
A. When B. When old C. How old D. How
33.—Happy Birthday to you ! —________.
A. That's all right B. The sae to you.
C. Thank you D. That's OK.
34.—When is ____ birthday.
—It's Noveber 11th.
A. Sallys B. Sally C. Sally's D. Sally is
35. Our school has a speech contest _____ October 16 each year.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
36. —— ________ does she like usic?
——Because she thinks it is relaxing.
A. What B. When C. Why D. How
37. Sarah's favorite ________ is Friday because she has usic.
A. day B. tie C. week D. onth
38——What's your other's favorite color?
—— ________ favorite color is __________..
A. She; red B. Her; blue C. She; bananas D. Her; ath
39. —— _________ is your art teacher?
—— rs. Zhang.
A. Who B. What C. When D. Where
40.——What ________does he like best?
—— Football.
A. food B.subject C. color D. sport
______________? _________________________.
2.這件襯衣多少錢? 8美元.
________________? ______________________.
3.你的帽子多少錢? 3美元.
_________________? _______________________.
4.那個(gè)白色的書(shū)包多少錢? _______________________________________?
5. 她以便宜的價(jià)格買下了這座房子.
She takes the house _____a cheap_______.
6. 這些綠短褲大銷價(jià),每條25美元.
The green short are______ ______ for 25______.
7. 任何一個(gè)人都能買得起.
_________ can _______the prices.
1.The red sweater is 15 dollars.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn)) _____________________________?
2.Her father has a white shirt.(改為否定句)
3. I' 15. (對(duì)劃線提問(wèn)) _____________________________
4. Her birthday is June 3rd. ________________________________
5. 我姐姐的生日是八月四號(hào)。
y _________ birthday is ___________4th.
6. 他的生日是十二月二十五號(hào)。
7. To is nine.(劃線提問(wèn))
8. School Day is October tenth. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ _______ Schhol Day ?
9、y grandfater is seventy. (畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))
____ ____ ____ your grandfater ?
10、She likes basketball gae .(改為否定句)
She _____ ____ basketball gae .
11、I' 15 .(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn)) ___ old ____ _____?
12. He likes English because it's interesting.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
13. Ji's favorite subject is science. (同義句)
Ji ______ science ______.
14. It's tie for e to have breakfast. (同義句)
It's tie ______ y _______.
15.Her favorite subject is art.
_______ her _______ subject?
16. His favorite football player is Beckha.
_______ his _______ football player?
17. y ath teacher is r. Sith.
_______ is your _______ teacher?
18. _______ _______ her parents like usic?
Because it's relaxing.
19.y favourite subject is English.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))

20. Her other's favourite color is blue.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))

21. r. Chen is our P.E teacher.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
________ is ________ P.E teacher?
22. I like ath because it's interesting.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
________ _________ you like ath?
23. We usually have science on onday.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
_________ ________ you have science?
24. He likes soe subjects.(改一般疑問(wèn)句)

25. ike has P.E. on Thursday.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))

26. Our teacher is very strict.(改否定句)
1. The blue hat is seven d________.
2. How _______ is this T-shirt? Four dollars.
3. Thank you. You're w__________.
4. y socks are not green. They are y__________.
5. y favorite s______ is science.
6. Linda likes art and usic because they are r______
7.I like coedies b_________ they are very funny.
8.His _____________ (體育) teacher is r Wang.
9.Rick likes _____________(科學(xué)) very uch.
10. Kuning is a big c_______ in China.
11. iss Liu is y ath t_________.
12. Who is your favorite_________(伙伴)?
13. y favorite s _________ is usic.
14.—Why does he like P.E?
—B ________it's interesting.
15.English is _________(ike) favorite subject.
1. y other's b__________ is in July.
2. When is the s__________trip?
3. Dave's birthday p________is on ay 1st.
4.N__________ coes before Deceber.
5.A_________ is the fourth onth of the year.
6. Teacher's day is on S _______ tenth.
7. Do you like the usic c_______ on CCTV?
8.Our school has a v___________ gae every year.
1. How old is your uncle? He is ___________(25) years old.
2. How uch is this hat? It's ___________(11) dollars.
3. They have _________(12) balls.
4.__________(15)and ___________(18) is _____________(33).
1. How uch is these shoes. ______
2. It's twenty dollar.________
3. Here are you._______________
4. We sell books in a very good price.______
5. Please have a look y sweater.______
1.第一 _______ 第二 _______ 第三 ________ 第八 _______
第九 ________
2.第五 ______ 第十二 ______ 第十八 ________第十九
3.第二十 ______ 第三十 _______第三十一
什么時(shí)候,何時(shí)__________________ 生日_______________
一月_______________ 二月________________
三月________________ 四月_____________ 五月__________ 六月________________ 七月______________
八月______________九月__________ 十月________________
十一月_______________ 十二月______________________
4._____________,____________6.____________,___________10.___________,____________15.____________,_____________1.___________,____________2.________,___________3.____________,_____________ 8.___________,____________ 9.__________,________
5月5號(hào)________________ 4月16號(hào)____________________
展示提煉 拓展延伸
1.1月1日________ 2.4月12日________
3.5月4日________ 4.6月1日________
5.8月15日________ 6.9月10日________
7.10月12日________ 8.12月25日________

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/161388.html
