
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 3 Is this your pencil? 單元綜合測試

1 2 3 4 5
1. This is y__________.( )
2. And that’s her__________ .( )
3. Can you spell__________ ? ( )
4. —Is this his__________? ( ) —Yes, it is.
5. —Is that a __________? ( ) —No, it isn’t.

how, it’s, set, a11, found
6.—__________do you spell it. —C- A-S-E.
7. Please__________ary at 235-0285.
8.This is a__________of keys.
9. Is that your coputer gae in the Lost and__________ case?
10. —What's this? —__________a ring.

1 2 3 4 5
1. —What's this in_______ ? —It's an_______ .
2. —Is this your _______ ? —Yes,_______ is.
3. —_______ that her _______ ? —No, it isn't.
4. — How_______ you_______ it? —B-A-S-E-B-A-L-L.
5. —____this in English? —It's a____.
B) 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。
6.Is this your pen?(作否定回答) _______ , _______ _______ .
7.That’s y book,(改為一般疑問句) _______ that_______ book?
8.This is an eraser.(對畫線部分提問) _______ this?
9.It's his pencil box.(改為否定句) It_______ _______ pencil box.
10. We spell it P-E-N.(對畫線部分提問) _______ you_______ it?
( )1.—Is this a pencil box? —_______ .
A. Yes;this is B. No, this's C. Yes, it is D. No, this isn't
( )2.—1s that_______ pencil?—No,it's_______ pencil.
A. her; her B. her; his C. his; you D. your; y
( )3. —How do you spell "eraser" ? —_______ .
A. It's an eraser B. No, it's not an eraser C. It's eraser D. E- R- A- S-E-R
( )4.—What's this? —_______ .
A. No,it's not a ruler B. It's a ruler C. Yes, it is D. This is a ruler
( )5. This is_______ coputer.
A.y B.an C.ya D.the
( )6. —Is that your pencil box? —_______ . It's her pencil box.
A. Yes, it's y pencil box B. Yes, it isn't y pencil box
C. No, it's y pencil box D. No, it isn't y pencil box
( )7. —_______ is y book. _______ her book.
A. This; That's B. It's; That's C. That; That are D. That's; this
( )8. —_____ this your eraser? —No, _____ isn't. _____ his eraser.
A. Is; it; its B. Is; it; Its C. Is; it; It's D. Are; it; It's
( )9. Please call ary_______ 7685528.
A.is B.at C.in D.on
( )10. Found: A set_______ keys.
A. to B. at C.in D. of
A:Excuse 11 ,what's 12 ?
B: y nae is Ann Read. And 13 ?
A:Wei Hua.Nice to 14 you,
B: Nice to eet you, too.
A: 15 this? Is it a book?
B:No.It's 16 notebook.
A:What's that 17 English?
B:It's a ring,a 18 ring.
A: Can you 19 "ring" ?
B: 20 ,I can. R- I- N- G.
( )11.A.y B.e C.I D.you
( )12.A. that B. It C. This D. your nae
( )13. A. are you B. your C. Nae D. your nae
( )14. A. eet B. See C. found D. eets
( )15.A.What B.Is C. What's D. How
( )16. A. / B. A C. an D. the
( )17. A. in B. / C. of D. is
( )18. A. y B. You C. his D. white
( )19. A. say B. Look C. eet D. spell
( )20. A. No B. Yes C. Thank you D. It is
Lost: y new (新的) bike.
It is red.
y nae is Jiy.
Please call 678-42190.Found: Is this your ring?
Please call Betty.
Phone # 291-02311.
Lost: y baseball.
y nae is Bruce.
Please call 708-52097.
Found: Is this your schoolbag?
Please call David.
Phone # 291-20845.

( )21. Who lost a bike?
A. Betty. B.Jiy. C.Bruce. D.David.
( )22.1s the ring Betty's(貝蒂的)?
A. Yes, it is. B.No, it isn't. C. Yes, this is. D.No, it is David's.
( )23. What color is Jiy's new bike?
A.Green. B.White. C.Black. D.Red.
( )24. Who(誰)can you call for(為了)the schoolbag?
A. Betty. B.Jiy. C.Bruce. D.David.
( )25. What is Bruce's phone nuber?
A. 678-42190 B.291-02311 C. 708-52097 D.291-20845
1.Eily Sith丟了電腦游戲機,她的電話:372-5683。
2.Ben Green拾到了一串鑰匙,他的電話:645-2357。

基礎(chǔ)知識 詞匯直通車 l.pencil 2.ruler 3.key 4.coputer
5.pencil box 6.How 7.call 8.set 9.Found 10.It's
句型訓(xùn)練場 1.English;eraser 2.dictionary;it 3.Is;notebook
4.do;spell 5.What's;watch 6.No;it isn't 7.Is;your
8.What's 9.isn't his 10.How do; spell
綜合能力 單項選擇 1-5 CBDBA 6-10 DACBD
完形 11-15 BDDAC 16-20 BADDB 理解 21-25 BBDDC
1. Lost:A coputer gae. Please call Eily Sith at
2. Found:A set of keys. y nae's Ben Green. Phone
nuber is 645-2357.

Unit 4 Where’s y schoolbag? 單元綜合測試
1.—W_______ is y ath book? —It's on the sofa.
2.Please b______soe school things to your sister her pen, her notebook and her ID card.
3. y coputer gaes are u_________the bed.
4.y_________(錄像)tape is on the table.
5. His hat is on the__________(書桌).

6 7 8 9 10
6.This is y________. 7. Where's y_________?
8, They're his_________. 9. Is it on the_________?
10. Are they on the___________?
1.y baseball is in y backpack.(對畫線部分提問) _______ _______ baseball?
2.They're on the dresser.(改為一般疑問句) _______ _______ on the dresser?
3.Is it under the table?(作否定回答) _______ ,_______ _______ .
4.His baseball is under the chair.(改為復(fù)數(shù)形式) His______ ______ under the chair.
5. bring, school, can, to, you, things, soe(?)(連詞成句)______________________
6.我的雙肩背包在書桌下面。 y backpack is_______ _______ _______ .
7.你的鑰匙在抽屜里嗎? _______ your_______ in the drawer?
8.請把你的筆記本帶到學(xué)校來。 Please______your notebook_______ school.
9.我的棒球在床底下的地上。 y baseball is_______ the floor, ______ the bed.
10.“我的書在哪里?” “它們在梳妝臺上!
Where are y books? _______ _______ the dresser.

11.——Where's y baseball? —__________________________.
12. —Where are y books? —__________________________.
13. —Is y backpack under the dresser? —____________________.
14. —________________________? —It's on the book.
15. —Where is y pencil? —________________________.
( ) 1. _______ your books?
A. What is B. Where’re C. Where’s D. What are
( ) 2. Where are y pens? Are_______ in the drawer?
A. we B. the C. you D. they
( ) 3. —Is the baseball on the desk? —No, _______ isn't.
A. it B. its C. it's D. the baseball
( ) 4. His notebook is_______ the floor.
A.under B.in C. on D. of
( ) 5. —_______ ? —They are on the sofa.
A, Are those y books B. Where are y books
C. What are y books D. Where are the
( ) 6. Please _______ the hat_______ your father
A. bring; to B. fetch; to C. get; to D. take; to
( ) 7.Is y baseball_______ y roo?
A.in B. on C. under D. at
( ) 8. Where are y keys? I_______ kno
A. a not B. Don’t C. can not D. aren’t
( ) 9. —_______ your alar clocks? —_______ are in the drawer.
A. Where are; They B. What's; They C. Where is; It's D. What are; They
( ) 10. _______ the alar clock on y table?
A.Can B.Are C.Do D.ls
This is 11 phot0 12 y roo. Can you see(看見) y bed? It is here. It is beautiful(漂亮的). These 13 y books. They are 14 .y chair is 15 desk.Look!(看)What's that? It's 16 alar clock.It's 17 the floor. y 18 is on the bed. 19 are those 20 0n the desk? Oh, they are soe plants.
( )11.A.a B.an C./ D.the
( )12.A.to B.at C.in D.of
( )13.A.is B. an C. are D. do
( )14.A. on desk B. on the desk C. at a desk D. on a desk
( )15. A. in the B. In C. under the D. on the
( )16.A.a B.the C. / D.an
( )17.A.in B.under C,on D.at
( )18.A.books B.quilt C. hats D. alar clock
( )19.A.What B.Where C.Here D.How
( )20. A. thing B. plants C. plant D. things
Dear Rose,
Please take these things to your sister, Alice.They are her CD player and C.D case, backpack,sunglasses(太PH鏡), baseball cap, keys and alar clock. Her CD player and her CD case are on the table in her bedroo. Her backpack is under her bed.The sunglasses are on the desk in y roo. Her baseball cap is on her bed. Her keys are on the table in the kitchen(廚房). The alar clock is on the table in her roo.
( )21. Who is this letter(信) written to(寫給)?
A. o. B. Rose. C.Alice. D. e.
( )22. Are Alice's keys on the table in her bedroo?
A. Yes, it is. B.Yes, they are. C. No, they aren't. D. No, it isn't.
( )23. Where is the alar clock?
A. It’s on Alice's table. B. It’s on the table in the kitchen.
C. It’s in Rose's roo. D. It’s under the table.
( )24. Where are Alice's sunglasses?
A. They are on the desk of Alice's roo. B. They are on the desk of Rose's roo.
C. They are under the desk of o's roo. D. They are on the desk of o's roo.
( )25. Does o have(有) two daughters?
A.Yes, she does. B. No, she isn’t. C. No, she does’t. D. We don’t kno
y ideal(理想的)bedroo

基礎(chǔ)知識 詞匯直通車 l.Where 2.bring 3.under 4.vide0 5.desk
6. table 7.chair 8.books 9.dresser 10. bed
句型訓(xùn)練場 1.Where's your 2.Are they 3.No; it isn't 4.baseballs are
5. Can you bring soe things to school? 6. under the desk 7.1s; key或Are; keys
8. bring; to 9. on; under 10. They're on 11.It's under the table 12. They're under the chair
13. No, it's on the dresser 14. Where's the key 15. It's in your pencil box

綜合能力 單項選擇1-5 BDACB 6-10 DABAD
完形填空11-15 ADCBC 16-20 DCBAD 閱讀理解 21-25 BCADA
書頂表達(dá)y ideal bedroo
This is y ideal bedroo. Here is a bed. y quilt is on it. y coputer gae is under it. Here is y table.y chair is under it. y coputer and backpack are on the table. Those are y books. They are in y bookcase. y keys are on the dresser. And y baseball is in the drawer. Where are y CDs? They're in the drawer, too.

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 單元綜合測試
1. He ________(有)a soccer ball. 2.I have a ________(網(wǎng)球)racket.
3.Let’s play ________ (籃球). 4.That ________(聽起來)good.
5.To ________(觀看)sports on TV

sae, does, have, plays, late, let’s, don,t

6.Do you ________a volleyball? 7.________he have a TV?
8. I ________have a tennis racket. 9.________play soccer.
10.He ________sports every day. 11. It’s 8:05.We are ________for class.
12.We are classates.We are in the ________class
1.I have a coputer.(改為一般疑問句) ________you ________a coputer?
2.His brother has a soccer ball.(改為否定句) His brother ________ a soccer bal1.
3.Does he have a ping-pong bal1?(作否定回答)____________________.
4.Her uncle has 5 basketballs.(改為一般疑問句 _______her uncle ______5 basketballs?
5.Don’t,a,have,I,basketball(. )(連詞成句) _______________________.
6.Let ________(we) play soccer.
7. ________ (do) she play sports?
8. y grandfather ________ (watch) TV every evening.
9. That ________ (sound) interesting.
10. She ________ (play) sports every day!
11.他們有電腦嗎? ________ ________have a coputer?
12.讓我們打網(wǎng)球吧! Let’s________ ________ !
13.你打排球嗎? Do you________ ________ ?
14.她每天都參加體育運動。 She________ ________ every day.
15.我表妹有4個網(wǎng)球拍。 y cousin has four________ ________ .
( ) 1.—Do you have a baseball? —______ .
A. Yes, I a. B. Yes, I don’t. C. No, I don’t. D. No, I doesn’t.
( ) 2. ______ she______ a CD?
A. Do; have B. Does; have C. Does; plays D. Do; has
( ) 3. I______ a basketball and Steve______ volleyball.
A. have; have B. has; have C. have; has D. don't have; has
( ) 4. ______ play______ volleyball.
A. Let’s; the B. Let’s; / C. Let’s; a D. Let us; a
( ) 5. —Let's play coputer gaes. —______ .
A. That's sound good. B. That sounds interested.
C. That sound interesting. D. That sounds good.
( ) 6. She______ a baseball,but she has a volleyball.
A. isn’t have B. Doesn’t have C. Doesn’t has D. Don’t have
( ) 7. —Where is y hat? —It's on the desk. Let e______ it.
A.get B.find C. look for D. take
( ) 8. They have 56______ .
A. tennis rackets B. soccers balls C. baseballs bats D. tennis racket
( ) 9.The boy______ every day.
A. plays sport B. plays sports C. play sports D. is plays sports
( ) 10. I______ a baseball bat, but she______ .
A. has; does B. a; does C. have; doesn’t D. Don’t have; has
y uncle can play any 11 . He can play 12 , basketball, volleyball, baseball and
ore. He 13 baseball and basketball well. He 14 the sports gaes (比賽) 15 TV. He plays sports every 16 . He 17 a sall roo in his house. There 18 any balls in it. They 19 12 tennis 20 , 10 baseballs, 3 volleyballs, 2 basketballs and a soccer ball.
( )1l. A. Sport B. Sports C. ball D. chess
( )12. A. ping-pong B. Volleyball C. Soccer D. sports
( )13. A. Play B. Has C. plays D. has
( )14. A. has B. Sees C. Watch D. watches
( )15. A. On B. At C.Fro D. in
( )16.A.Year B.day C.days D. ornings
( )17.A.have B. Is C.has D. plays
( )18.A.are B. Is C.do D.does
( )19.A.are B. have C.has D. is
( )20.A.balls B. racket C.bats D./
Ben is y cousin. He is 12 years old. He is in Class 5, Grade 7. He likes sports. He plays sports every day. He likes playing basketball. Because(因為)he thinks(認(rèn)為)it is very interesting. Ben has a great sports collection. He has 4 basketballs, 8 tennis rackets, 5 baseballs and 2 soccer balls.

Linda is y good friend. She is 10 years old. She's in Class 5, Grade 5. She likes sports, too. She plays baseball with her other every day. And she likes to watch the on TV. She has 8 baseballs and 4 baseball bats.

A. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容連線:
21. A. has 4 basketballs, 8 tennis rackets.

B. plays baseball with her other every day.

C. is in Class5, Grade 7.

22. D. has 8 baseballs and 4 baseball bats.

E. likes playing basketball.

B. 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空:
23. Ben thinks playing basketball is very___________. He has a great________ collection.
But Linda likes_______________.
24.How old is Linda? _______________________________________________
25. Does Ben have tennis balls? ___________________________________________

基礎(chǔ)知識 詞匯直通車 1. has 2.tennis 3.basketball 4.sounds 5.watches
6. have 7.Does 8.don't 9.Let's 10. Plays 11. late 12. sae
句型訓(xùn)練場 1. Do; have 2.doesn't have 3.No, he doesn't. 4.Does; have
5.I don't have a basketball. 6. us 7.Does 8.watches 9.sounds
10.plays 11. Do they 12. play tennis 13. play volleyball
14. plays sports 15. tennis rackets
綜合能力 單項選擇1-5 CBCBD 6-10 BAABC 完形填空 11-15 BCCDA 16-20 BCAAA
閱讀理解 21.ACE 22.BD 23. interesting sports baseball
24. She is 10 years old. 25. No, he doesn't.
書面表達(dá) To has any balls in his roo. He has l2 baseballs,4 basketballs,2 soccer balls,2 volleyballs and 3 ping-pong balls. He plays sports every day.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/167021.html
