
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

21.—What’s this in English?
---It’s a CD.____CD is blue.
A.A B. An C.The D.\
22.I have any friends. I often sports with_____
A.us B.we C.the D.they
23.I like to eat soe______for dinner.It’s very delicious(美味的).
A.chicken B.apples C.pears D.toatoes
24.The usic sounds_______.I like it very uch.
A.difficult B.boring C.relaxing D.healthy
25.---_____your sister ______a tennis racket?
A.Do; has B. Do; have C.Does ;has D. Does; have
26.---What color are your ______?
---_______white and blue.
A.jacket;It’s B.chairs; It’s C.chair;That’s D.jackets; They’re
27.Playing soccer is difficult,_______I like it.
A.but B.and C.or D.of
28.In our store,we have jackets _______a very good price.
A. at B.on C.of D. in
29.Bill likes playing baseball.He has______baseballs.
A. twenty-one B. twenty one C. twenty-first D.twenty first
30.Here _____any great trousers in the store.
A.be B. are C.is D. a
31.---_______are the red socks?
---_______6 yuan.
A.How any; They’re
B.How uch;They’re
C.How uch; It’s
D.How any; It’s
---Yes, please. I want a blue skirt.
A.What do you like
B.Where is the skirt
C.Can I help you
D.What’s the price of the skirt
33.The backpack is_____ sale_____ only fifteen yuan.
A. on; at B. for; in C. at; for D. on; for
34.The price of the shoes______.
A. are 10 yuan B. is 10 dollars C .is 10 dollar D. are 10 dollars
35. Toy plays coputer gaes ________.
A. good B. nice C. well D. great
36._______coes before(在…之前) Deceber, but after(在…之后) October.
A. Noveber B. Septeber C. August D. January
37. Our school has a basketball gae ______October 15th.
A. at B. in C. for D. on
38.The boy is only _____.Today is his _____birthday.
A. five; five B. five; fifth C. fifth; five D. fifth; fifth
39.______faily nae is Brown. They are brothers.
A. John and Jeff B. John’s and Jeff
C. John’s and Jeff’s D. John and Jeff’s
40.---Happy Birthday!
A.Hello B. Sorry C. Thank you. D. Excuse e
Hello! This is y new friend.__41___nae is Linda Brown. Her __42__nae is Brown.
Linda is an English ___43__.Now Linda and her father _44____in Beijing. Her father works(工作) in Beijing. He is in No.2 iddle School. And he is y ___45___teacher. He teaches English very well and he likes __46____soccer very uch.
___47____Linda’s other isn’t in Beijing. She is in London. She is a ___48____player. She wins(贏) any ball gaes.
Linda and her father ___49___Beijing. They think Beijing is very nice. They like Chinese food. They are very __50____in Beijing no
41. A. Her B. y C. His D .Your
42. A. first B. faily C. English D. one
43. A. faily B. nae C.boy D. girl
44. A. is B. a C. are D. be
45 A. English B. Chinese C. ath D. usic
46. A. talking B. playing C. taking D. spelling
47. A. But B. And C. For D. At
48. A. other B. friend C. daughter D. volleyball
49. A. need B. like C.eat D. bring
50. A. interesting B. happy C. difficult D. boring
There are (有) twelve onths in a year. Aong(在…之間) the, I like ay because (因為) y___51___is ay 21st.___52__that day, y parents have a birthday party for e. y sister Beth’s birthday is in __53___, too. I like ___54___and she likes e. We are good ___55___.But she is only 3 years old. She is the____56_daughter of y parents. She likes June very uch because ___57___Day is in it. y father likes October very uch because every year, at that tie, there are lots of ball gaes and he likes ___58___. y other likes Septeber and October because id-autun Day (中秋節(jié)) is in the two ____59___.What about you ? Which onth do you ___60___?
51. A. basketball gae B. volleyball gae C. birthday D. School Day
52. A. In B. On C. At D. Of
53. A. January B. arch C. April D. ay
54. A. she B. hi C. her D. he
55. A. brothers B. sisters C. friends D. cousins
56. A. one B. two C. first D. second
57. A. Father’s B other’s C. Children’s D. Teachers’
58.A. clothes B. sports C. vegetables D. fruits
59. A. years B. days C. onths D. ages
60. A. like B. take C. help D. afford
VII.補全對話 (5分),其中有兩項是多余的。
A: What can I do for you ?
B: ______61_______.
A: Look at this one. Is it nice?
B: Yes.______62______
A: What color does she like ?
B: She likes red. She has any red T-shirts.
B: It’s nice._______64_______
A: Only $7.
B:OK! I’ll take it. Thank you.
A: _______65_______
A.Good afternoon.
B.What about this red one?
C.What color is it?
D.I want to buy a T-shirt for y daughter.
E.How uch is it ?
F.But she doesn’t like the color.
G.You’re welcoe.
Dear o,
Please bring y ID card to school. It’s in the drawer of the dresser in y roo. Thank you, o.

Dear Liu hua,
Do you go to school now? Please take the pencil case to y daughter Li Ying. I think she needs it.Thanks.
Li ingliang

Dear Tony,
These are To’s CDs. Please take the to hi. y CDs are at hoe.Please bring the to e. Thanks.
Dear Jenny,
You and Lisa are good friends. Where is Lisa, do you know? This is her notebook. Please take it to her. Thanks.
66. Feifei needs her __________.
A. CDs B. ID card C. notebook D. pencils
67. Where is the ID card ?
A. In the pencil case. B. On the pencil case.
C. In the drawer of the dresser. D. In the drawer of the table.
68. Who is Li ingling ’s daughter?
A. Li Ying b. Jane C. Ay D. Feifei
69. Where are Jane’s CDs?
A. At Jane’s hoe B. At To’s hoe
C. At Tony’s hoe D. At Ay’s hoe
70. Ay asks Jenny to take a notebook to _________.
A. Feifei B. Li ingling C. Jane D. Lisa
Hello! I’ Paul. I’ in China with y parents. I like China and Chinese food. I have breakfast at hoe. I eat an egg and soe chicken for it. I don’t like salad. I have lunch at school. The lunch in y school is good. I can eat different (不同的) food. I eat a haburger ,a banana and soe vegetables. Soeties (有時)I have chicken and French fries. I have dinner at hoe and I like to eat soe fruit and dessert.
71. Paul eats _______for breakfast.
A. an egg and soe fruit B. a haburger and a banana
C. chicken and French fries D. an egg and soe chicken
72. Paul doesn’t like _______.
A. eggs B. vegetables C. salad D. haburgers
73. Paul has lunch ________.
A. at school B. at hoe C. in the club D. in the picture
74. The ______in Paul’s school is good.
A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. dessert
75.For dinner, Paul likes to eat _______.
A. chicken and French fries B. soe fruit and dessert
C. an egg and soe chicken D. a haburger ,a banana and soe vegetables

Do you know Tai Ping Clothes Store? It’s a great store. I like it very uch. There are lots of things at a very good price in the store. They have sweaters in all colors for 50 yuan each. They have bags for sports and school. They sell the for only 4 yuan. They have black T-shirts for only 20 yuan. They have long white socks for just 2 yuan. A red skirt is only 35 yuan. If you want to buy two, You will spend(花費) only 65 yuan. You buy any things, and then you will (將要) get lots of gifts for free(免費). And that’s all. You can go to the store and see for yourself.
76. Tina has only 34 yuan, and she can buy ______in Tai Ping Clothes Store.
A. eight school bags B. a skirt C. two black T-shirts D. a yellow sweater
77. John buys a blue sweater and a black T-shirt, so he will spend ________.
A. 85 yuan B. 70 yuan C. 105 yuan D. 120 yuan
78.Which things are not entioned(被提到) in the article?
A. Skirts B. Bags C. Shorts D. Socks
79. Tina buys two red skirts and two pairs (雙)of white socks. She will spend______.
A. 69 yuan B. 67 yuan C. 55 yuan D. 70 yuan
80. What does the underlined (劃線) word “gift” ean in Chinese?
A. 獎金 B. 天賦 C. 貨幣 D.禮品
I ‘ Victor. I’ in Xiangyang iddle School. In y school we have five events(事件) every year. They’ re the basketball gae, the English speech contest(比賽), the school trip ,the usic Festival(節(jié)日). The school trip is on the second day of arch. Students can go on a picnic. We are very happy. The usic Festival is October 19th.It is very interesting. The basketball gae is Deceber 12th. It’s boring. I don’t play basketball. But any students in our school like the basketball gae. The School Day is the ost iportant(最重要的) day in our school. It’s Deceber 12th. On that day , the students’ and the teachers’ clothes are red.
81. Xiangyang iddle School doesn’t have the _________.
A. English speech contest B. school trip
C. usic Festival D. Chinese party
82. When is the school trip?
A. It’s arch 2nd B. It’s arch 3rd C. It’s arch 12th D. It’s ay 2nd
83. Victor thinks the _______ is boring.
A. basketball gae B. English speech contest
C. school trip D. usic Festival
84. On the School Day students and teachers wear (穿)_________.
A. good clothes B. red clothes C. sports clothes D. T-shirts and trousers
85. We can know _________fro the passage.
A. Xiangyang iddle School has six events every year.
B. any students don’t like the school trip.
C. Students like going on a picnic.
D. Victor likes the school trip and the English speech contest.
86. I have two d________(字典)。
87. r. Sith w_________(觀看) TV every day.
88. Those t_________(西紅柿) are red.
89. F__________(二月) is the second onth of the year.
90. Deceber is the t__________(第十二) onth of the year.
早餐: 漢堡包、雞蛋、蘋果;
午餐: 米飯、蔬菜、香蕉;
晚餐: 米飯、西紅柿、雞肉、梨。

Li Ying’s three eals


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/173128.html
