
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

班級__________ 姓名__________ 分數(shù)__________
I. 聽對話,根據(jù)所給問題,選擇正確的圖片。
( ) 1.What does Sion like playing?
A. B. C.
( ) 2.What’s To’s favourite fruit?
A. B. C.
( ) 3.How does Sandy’s brother go to school?
A. B. C.
( ) 4. What tie does illie often have breakfast?
A. B. C.
( ) 5. What’s the weather like today?
A. B. C.
II. 聽對話,選出正確答案。
( ) 6.Where are they now?
A. On a football field. B. In a swiing pool. C. On a volleyball court.
( ) 7.Who is in the classroo now?
A. David B. Peter C. Toy
( ) 8. What does Wendy soeties do before she goes to bed?
A. Watch TV. B. Play football. C. Read newspapers.
( ) 9. Whose birthday is it today?
A. Sandy’s. B. Sion’s. C. illie’s.
( ) 10. What colour is the sweater?
A. Red B. Blue. C. Yello
III. 聽短文,選出正確答案。
( ) 11. What tie does rs. Li usually get up on Saturday orning?
A. At 6:00 B. At 7:00 C. At 8:00
( ) 12. What does she do at 8:30?
A. She has her breakfast. B. She does soe washing. C. She does soe running.
( ) 13. What does she often do after breakfast?
A. She does housework. B. She goes shopping. C. She watches TV.
( ) 14. How does she go to the superarket?
A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.
( ) 15. How are the workers in the superarket?
A. Lazy(懶惰的). B. Polite and helpful. C. Very busy.

( ) 16.-Bill, what’s your favorite ? -Swiing.
A. food B. color C. sport D. book
( ) 17. —Nice to eet you! —___________
A. Thank you! B. How do you do? C. Nice to eet you, too! D. The sae to you!
( ) 18. —___________ are you, r. Wang? —I’ fine, thanks.
A. How B. What C. Who D. Where
( ) 19. —What’s this ___________? —It’s a pen.
A. in English B. for English C. with English D. English
( ) 20. —Hello, Jack. ___________ is y friend, Daing.
A. He B. That C. This D. It
( ) 21. —___________ is your friend? —He is a teacher.
A. How B. What C. Who D. Where
( )22. —This is Julia. ___________ y daughter.
A. He’s B. She’s C. I’ D. You’are
( ) 23. —Is your friend a boy ___________ a girl?
A. and B. or C. but D. are
( ) 24. —___________? —It’s red.
A. What’s this B. What colour is it C. Who is it D. How are you
( ) 25. —What’s your favourite sport? —I like ___________.
A. swiing B. television C. usic D. books
( ) 26. —How do you spell “desk”? —___________.
A. d-e-s-k B. D-E-S-K C. d,e,s,k D. D,E,S,K
( ) 27. —___________ students are there in you class? —There are forty-one.
A. How B. What C. How any D. Where
( ) 28. —___________ in Tianjin in suer? —It’s hot in Tianjin in suer.
A. How is the weather like B. What’s the weather
C. What’s the weather like D. How are the weather
( ) 29. — Tony can ___________ English.
A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell
( ) 30. —___________? —They are y books.
A. What are these B. What’s this C. How are you D. Where are you
( ) 31. — How old are you? —___________.
A. I’ Daing B. I’ in Class 1 C. I’ fine D. I’ twelve
( ) 32. —Where are you fro? —I’ ___________ and I’ fro ___________.
A. Chinese; China B. English; English C. Aerica; Aerica D. China; Chinese
( ) 33. — What ___________ are you in? —I’ in Class 1..
A. class B. classroo C. school D. book
( ) 34. — What’s your father’s ___________? —He is a hotel anager.
A. nae B. job C. work D. age
( ) 35. — Where are you ___________? —Beijing.
A. at B. in C. of D. fro
( ) 36. —Good orning . — ___________
A. Fine B. Thank you C. Good orning D. Hi
( ) 37. — ___________ do you spell “black” ? — B-L-A-C-K
A. Can B. What C. How D. Who
( ) 38. —Do you like ___________, Sa ? — Yes , I do.
A. sing B. singing C. dance D. run
( ) 39. —What’s ___________ nae? — ___________ nae is Lucy.
A. you ,y B. your, Your C. y , y D. your , y
( ) 40. —In England , the given nae is ___________ and the ___________ is last.
A. last, faily nae B. first, given nae
C. last, given nae D. first, faily nae
( ) 41. —We are ___________ Class Six.
A. at B. in C. of D. on
( ) 42. —Where are you fro? — ___________.
A. I’ China B. I’ Chinese
C. I’ fro China D. I’ in China
( ) 43.—This is Jack and this is Betty. — Welcoe ___________ our class.
A. for B. at C. to D. of
( ) 44.y other is ___________ English teacher in ___________ university in Beijing.
A. a, an B. an, an C. an, a D. the, the
( ) 45.— ___________ y coat ? —It’s on the chair.
A. Where’s B. What’s C. Who’s D. How is

y nae is Rick. This is y roo. There is a shirt ___46___ the bed. It’s ___47___. I also have a pair of ___48___. They are blue, too. There is a desk and a chair in ___49___ roo. A football is under the ___50___. I like it very uch. I ___51___ play football very well. I often play it with y friends. A picture is on the wall. You can see four people in it. the an and the woan are y ___52___. They work in a school and teach Chinese. They are ___53___. The little girl is y ___54___. She is very lovely. She is only three years old. She doesn’t go to school, so she ___55___ read or write. I have a happy faily.
46. A in B on C with D at
47. A white B green C blue D red
48. A shoes B coats C shirts D jeans
49. A his B her C y D their
59. A roo B desk C floor D class
51. A can B a C do D can’t
52. A other B parents C father D fathers
53. A teachers B doctors C workers D nurses
54. A other B brother C sister D father
55. A can B can’t C ust D ustn’t

I’ John.y father is a factory anager.He coes fro Aerica.y other is a teacher.She’s English.She can speak soe Chinese.She is an English teacher at schoo1.I’ a student in y other’s schoo1.At school I can play with y Chinese friends.We can play football,basketball and table tennis.y other can play the piano and tennis.She can also (也)sing well.
( )56.John’s father is __________.
A.in a school B.in a factory C. in a hotel D. in a hospital
( )57.John’s other is fro __________.
A.Aerica B.China C.England D.Japan
( )58.John can __________.
A.sing B.play the piano C.play tennis D.play table tennis
( )59.John’s other can __________.
A.play football and sing B.play basketball and the piano
C.play tennis and table tennis D.play the piano and sing
( )60.__________ can speak soe Chinese .
A.John B.John’s other C.John’s father D.John’s friends
r and rs artin live in New York.r artin is a doctor and his office is in New York.rs artin teaches usic at a school in New York.
They have two sons.Their sons' naes are Ted and Roy.
Ted is twenty years old.He is now in Taiwan.He is studying Chinese.He went to Taiwan last onth and he is going to stay there for two years.
Roy is thirteen years old.He goes to high school.He likes sports very uch,He likes swiing best.He can swi faster than his father.He wants to be the best swier in his school.
( )61.What is r artin?
A.He is an Aerican. B.He is a teacher.
C.He is a doctor. D.He lives in New York.
( )62.How any people are there in his faily?
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.
( )63.What does Ted study?
A.Chinese. B.English. C.usic. D.Sports.
( )64.How long will Ted stay in Taiwan?
A.Twenty years. B.Two years.
C.Seven years. D.Thirteen years.
( )65.What does Roy want to be?
A.He wants to be a doctor.
B.He wants to teach usic at a school.
C.He wants to go to Taiwan to study.
D.He wants to be the best swier in his school.

66. y father and y other are y p__________.
67. Tony’s other is a doctor at the h__________.
68. This is a picture of y f__________. Look. These are y parents.
69. y father is a hotel __________(經(jīng)理).
70. He is a __________(警察). He works for the people.
71. I don’t have a__________ brothers or sisters.
72. They live in these tall b__________ in the city of Shanghai.
73. y friends are playing football on the p__________.
74. Let’s go to the d__________ hall to have lunch.
75. Do you like c__________ gaes?

76. 讓我們?nèi)ベI食物和飲料吧。
Let’s __________ __________ for food and drink.
77. 太多的巧克力對你不好。
__________ __________ chocolate isn’t good for you.
78. 來一些橙汁好嗎?
__________ __________ soe orange juice?
79. 可樂對你有害。
Cola is __________ __________ you.
80. 在學(xué)校的中間是一個大操場。
__________ __________ __________ __________ the school is a big playground.

81. What’s your classroo in England like? _______ A. Those are Paul’s son and daughter.
82. Are there coputers on everyone’s desk? _______ B. It’s really big.
83. Who are the boy and the girl in front of Paul? _______ C. Yes, they are.
84. Are you fro Aerica? _______ D. No, there aren’t.
85. Are these your grandparents? _______ E. No, I’ not. I’ fro England.

八.. 下面短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一詞。
At 10 a. , we go to the usic roo for the usic lesson. y friends and I sing our favourite songs. After usic class, it is tie to go to the coputer roo. The teacher teaches soe new coputer gaes. They are very interesting. Then it is tie for lunch. There is an “English Day” in the dining hall, so we talk in English and eat English food. School food is really good.
After lunch, I go to the playground for sport. A faous basketball player teaches us how to play basketball. I think I can do it well. But football is y No. 1 gae. We have great fun there.
Then we go to the school cinea. We watch Jurassic Park(《侏羅紀公園》) in it. It helps us with our hoework on dinosaurs(恐龍). After the fil it is tie to get on the bus and go hoe. I have noodles for supper after I get hoe. Then I do y hoework and read Harry Potter. What a happy drea school day!
y Drea School Day
In the orning 86 lesson at 10 o’clock. and then coputer lesson.They are very 87 .
At noonWe have 88 food for lunch.School food is really good.
After 89 We learn how to play 90 on the playground.Sports can ake us healthy and I like football ost.
In the eveningI do y hoework and read Harry Potter.I like the story very uch
86. 87. 88. 89. 90.

根據(jù)下列提示,以y Favourite Food and Drink為題目寫一篇,50詞左右。
1. favourite 2. healthy 3. delicious 4. be good/bad for 5. stay healthy 6. breakfast/lunch/dinner
y Favourite Food and Drink

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/174641.html
