2013七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)odule6 A trip to the zoo測(cè)試題(附答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英語(yǔ)外研七年級(jí)上odule 6 A trip to the zoo綜合測(cè)評(píng)
(分?jǐn)?shù):100分 時(shí)間:60分鐘)
1.I like pandas because they are very funny.
2.Tigers are dangerous anials.
3.Elephants can help people do soe work.
4.Giraffes like to eat leaves and grass.
5.Do you like onkeys?

1.______ 2.______3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.Is that your cat??
7.Which anial do you like best??
8.Where are you fro,Jap an or China??
9.Do you like elephants??
10.Whose bike is under the tree?
6.A.Yes,it is. B.No,it's ine. C.Yes,I a.
7.A.Bananas. B.China. C.Tigers.
8.A.You are fro China.B.I' fro Japan.C.He's Chinese.
9.A.No,I don't. B.It likes leaves. C.Yes,she does.
10.A.To's. B.It's e. C.The red one.

y nae is olly.I a eleven years old.I like eating sall anials.I a 1 etre tall and 2 etres long.I live in forests and ountains in the north­eastern part of China.Although I a scary,I seldo hurt people.
FoodSall 12.______
Size13._____ _etre(s) tall and 14.______ etre(s) long
Hoexkb1.co Forests and ountains in the northeastern part of 15.______.

16.The anials in the zoo are fro different ______.
A.a(chǎn) country   B.country C.countries D.countrys
17.Giraffes like to eat ______ and ______.
A.grass;leaf B.grasses;leaf C.grass;leaves D.grass;leafs
18.There are eight ______ and two ______ in the zoo.
19.The onkeys ______ are very clever.
A.coe fro Asia B.coes fro AsiaC.fro Asia D.a(chǎn)re fro Asia
20.______ your father often ______ football atches?
A.Do;watch B.Does;watchC.Do;watches D.Does;watches
21.______ the cheetah(獵豹) run very fast?
A.Is B.AreC.Do D.Does
22.Which is different fro the others?
A.Asia. B.Europe.C.Africa. D.Japan.
23.The giraffe is ______.
A.fro Africa B.in the waterC.fro Aerica D.fro Australia
24.The cael coes______ Africa and it lives ______the desert.
A.of;at B.fro;inC.in;for D.a(chǎn)t;on
25.Is ther e ______European elephant in the zoo?
A.a(chǎn)n B.a(chǎn)C.the D./
Anials are our friends.We can find different__26__of anials.Soe anials are living __27__ big woods(森林).And soe anials are living with __28__.Why?Because they can __29__ for us.People can teach the elephant to do soe heavy __30__.And they can also teach the dog to __31__the house.A watch dog is very __32__.It can help people in danger(處于危險(xiǎn)中).Children__33__dogs very uch.__34__of children like to go to the zoo.__35__ there are any anials in the zoo.A zoo is a good place for children to get to know anials.
26.A.kind B.a(chǎn) kindsC.a(chǎn) kind D.kinds
27.A.at B.onC.in D.with
28.A.an B.enC.a(chǎn)ns D.a(chǎn) an
29.A.study B.workC.run D.swi
30.A.works B.workC.a(chǎn) work D.working
31.A.look at B.look likeC.look after D.look for
32.A.clever B.shyC.friendly D.ugly
33.A.would B.likesC.liking D.like
34.A.Few B.LittleC.Any D.ost
35.A.Because B.AndC.But D.So
r Rabbit gets three carrots in a garden.“I will ake carrot soup,” he says.
He eets iss Pig.“ay I have a carrot,please?” iss Pig asks.“Yes,here's a carrot for you,” r Rabbit answers.
Then r Rabbit eets r Goat.“ay I have a carrot,please?” r Goat asks.“Yes,here's a carrot for you,” r Rabbit says.
At last r Rabbit eets r ouse.“ay I have a carrot,please?” r ouse asks.“Yes,here's a carrot for you.” r Rabbit gives the carrot to r ouse.
r Rabbit goes hoe without any carrots.
After a few oents (瞬間),the doorbell rings.“Who is it?” r Rabbit asks.“Hello!” answers iss Pig,with r Goat and r ouse.“You share your carrots with us,so we will share our food with you.” “Ha­ha!The carrot soup!Let's eat and drink!” So they all have a delicious eal.
36.r Rabbit wants to ake carrot soup at first.
37.r Rabbit gives all his carrots to iss Pig.
38.r Goat gets a carrot fro r Rabbit.
39.r Rabbit doesn't have a delicious eal.
40.Fro the story,we know r Rabbit is very kind.
There are lots of stories about long lives of anials.Soe people say snakes can live for hundreds of years.Soe say birds can sleep for years.After they wake up,they are living!These stories are very interesting for us to read.
But do you think they are true(真實(shí)的)?No!ost anials don't live as long as people do.Of course,it's hard to know an anial's age.Because anials can't say,“I'...years old.” But here are soe anials.
An elephant is very old at 60.A horse is old at 50.Bear s can live to be about 35.onkeys can live to be 25.The oldest birds are parrots and eagles.They can live to be about 50.
There's one anial that lives longer than people.That's the tortoise.One tortoise is said to have lived to be 200 years.aybe it's true,because it doesn't like to ove(移動(dòng)).
41.Snakes are the oldest anials.
42.All the anials live longer than people.
43.Tortoises live longer than people.
44.An anial can't tell people how old it is.
45.People can live to be 300.

A.What other anials do you like?
B.Because they're strong.
C.I like pandas.
D.They're kind of interesting.
E.Why do you want to vi sit the dolphins first?
A:Let's visit(參觀) the dolphins first.
A:Because they are sart.
A:I like tigers,too.
A:48.______ And what anials do you like?
B:49.______ They're kind of shy.
A:What other anials do you like?
B:I like koalas,too.50.______
51.Don't run in the street.It is too d______.

52.We want to go to the zoo to visit soe a______.

53.He has a s______ body(身體).

54.I like onkeys because they are c______.

55.This elephant lives in India.It is an A______ elephant.

56.Tony's grandpa can ake kites(風(fēng)箏) with paper and b______.

57.There are a lot of trees in the f______.

58.G______ have long necks(脖子).

59.L______ will fall down fro the trees in autun.

60.The cael lives in the d______.

61.I like Liu Qian's agic shoTony likes Fu Yandong's agic sho(合并為一個(gè)句子)
I like Liu Qian's agic show ______ Tony likes Fu Yandong's.

62.Does the wolf coe fro Europe?(作否定回答)

63.The tiger eats eat.(就畫(huà)線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ the tiger ______?

64.She does orni ng exercise every day.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)
______she ______orning exercise every day?

65.This kind of anial eats grass and leaves.(改為否定句)
This kind of anial______ ______grass______leaves.

要求:1.以y Favourite Anial為題,圍繞主題展開(kāi);2.語(yǔ)句通順,表意貼切,無(wú)語(yǔ)法錯(cuò)誤;3.不少于60詞。
_____________________________________________________________________ ___
Ⅰ. 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.C
Ⅱ. 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.A
Ⅲ. 11.11/Eleven 12.anials 13.1/One 14.2/two 15.China1
16. 解析:以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的名詞變復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),變y為i,再加¬es;different后面要接可數(shù)名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。
17. 解析:grass是不可數(shù)名詞,leaf的復(fù)數(shù)形式是leaves。
18. 解析:onkey不是以輔音字母加y結(jié)尾的單詞,故它的復(fù)數(shù)形式是直接加¬s。
19. 解析:the onkeys fro Asia意為“來(lái)自亞洲的猴子”,其用法為介賓短語(yǔ)(fro Asia)作定語(yǔ)修飾onkeys。
20. 解析:your father是單數(shù)名詞,應(yīng)用does構(gòu)成一般疑問(wèn)句,而此時(shí)watch用原形。
21. 解析:run意為“跑”,是行為動(dòng)詞,主語(yǔ)the cheetah是第三人稱(chēng)單數(shù),因此用does提問(wèn)。
22. 解析:A、B、C三項(xiàng)分別是亞洲、歐洲、非洲,是大洲名,而D項(xiàng)是日本,表示國(guó)家。
23. 解析:長(zhǎng)頸鹿來(lái)自非洲。
24. 解析:固定短語(yǔ): coe fro來(lái)自;live in居住在……。
25. 解析:European的讀音是以輔音音素/j/開(kāi)頭的,因此用冠詞a。
26. 解析:different kinds of意為“各種各樣的”。
27. 解析:live是不及物動(dòng)詞,live in big woods意為“住在大森林里”。
28. 解析:an在此處意為“人類(lèi)”。
29. 解析:work for us意為“為我們工作”。
30. 解析:do soe heavy work意為“做一些重活”,work是不可數(shù)名詞,意為“工作”。
31. 解析:look after the house意為“看家”。
32. 解析:由下文的“它們可以幫助面臨危險(xiǎn)的人”可知看門(mén)狗都很聰明。
33. 解析:children是復(fù)數(shù),like應(yīng)用原形。
34. 解析:ost of意為“……中的大多數(shù)”。
35. 解析:聯(lián)系上文可知此處應(yīng)填入because表示因果關(guān)系。
36. 解析:由開(kāi)頭的句子“I will ake carrot soup”可得出答案。
37. 解析:由句子“Yes,here's a carrot for you”及下文可知“兔子先生只給了豬小姐一個(gè)胡蘿卜”。
38. 解析:由兔子對(duì)山羊先生說(shuō)的話“Yes,here is a carrot for you”可知“兔子先生也給了山羊先生一個(gè)胡蘿卜”。
39. 解析:由最后一句“So they all have a delicious eal.”可以判斷,兔子先生也喝到了胡蘿卜湯。
41~45 FFTTF
Ⅶ. 46.E 47.A 48.B 49.C 50.D
Ⅷ. 51. Dangerous 52. anials 53. strong 54. clever 55. Asian56. baboo 57. forest
58. Giraffes 59. Leaves 60. desert
Ⅸ. 61. but 62. No;it doesn't 63. What does;eat 64. Does;do 65. doesn't eat;or
y Favourite Anial
y favourite anial is pandas.They are nice and lovely.You can see the in any zoos in the world.They all coe fro China.They like eating baboo and they can eat 15 kilos of baboo a day.When we see the,they are always eating.Pandas are whit e and black and their eyes,ears and legs are black.They look very sart.any people like the.Do you love pandas?

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/176285.html
