2013秋期新版譯林牛津英語(yǔ)7A Unit3練習(xí)題

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

7A Unit 3 學(xué)情調(diào)查
班級(jí) 姓名 評(píng)價(jià)___________
1. 歡迎來(lái)到……___________________ 2. 學(xué)校開(kāi)放日_________________
3. 在……前面_____________________ 4. 在一樓(英式)_____________ ____
5. 擅長(zhǎng)生物_________________ 6. 和某人打招呼________________ _
7. 電話中___________________ 8. 在學(xué)校大門(mén)口________________ __
9. 從……到……___________________ 10. 一切順利___________________ ___
1. ost girls like to keep ________(diary) before going to bed.
2. How any _______________(build) are there in your school?
3. I have a ______________(eet) to talk about the new gae at 4 O’clock.
4. Do you know Kitty’s ______________(parent) jobs?
5. ________ (look) left, then right when you cross the road.
6. Which _____________(字母) coes after “T” in the word “twilight”?
7. You can see any nice pictures on the ______(墻).
8. She ___ (僅僅,只) has two apples. That’s not enough.
9. Of all the subjects, I like ___ _______(地理).
10.There are all _ ______(種類(lèi)) of books in the school library.
1. 那一個(gè)學(xué)科你比較擅長(zhǎng)?
_______ subjects are you _______ at?
2. 我住的離學(xué)校比較遠(yuǎn)。
I live _______ _______ fro school.
3. illie正在領(lǐng)她媽媽到處參觀她的新學(xué)校。
illie is _______ her other _______ the new school.
4. 這本書(shū)我是從To那兒借來(lái)的。
I _______ the book _______ To.
5. 桑迪每天步行上學(xué)。
Sandy goes to school _______ _______ every day.
( ) 1. Thank you for e so uch help.
A. give B. to give C. giving D. to giving
( ) 2. This is y pet dog. nae is Eddie.
A. It B. Its C. It’s D. Its’
( ) 3. ---Show e the playground, please.
A. This way. B. Oh, dear.C. You are welcoe. D. You’re welcoe.
( ) 4. ---Would you like _______ y hoetown this suer?
---Yes, _________.
A. to visit; I’d like B. visit; I’d like to
C. visit; I’d like D. to visit; I’d like to
( ) 5. I have a lovely dog. _____ likes to play with _____ very uch.
A. it, I B. It, eC. It, I D. it , e
( ) 6. ---Excuse e, when ______ the superarket ________?
---Early in the orning and it _____ fro 8 a.. to 9 p.. .
A. does open, opens B. is open, is open
C. does open, is open D. does open, opens
( ) 7. ---How do you often go to to school?.
A. ride bike B. On foot C. In car D. By the car
( ) 8. To, bring e a birthday cake _____ your way back.
A. fro B. at C. on D. in
( ) 9.Our club is very sall, and we only have _____ ebers here.
A. little B. a few C. few D. a little
( ) 10. Which word has different pronunciation about the letters “wh” ?
A. whatB. whyC. whichD. whose

It’s Thursday today. 1 very free. At 8 o’clock we 2 aths. Our aths teacher gives us a lot of 3 to do. I don’t like aths because it’s 4 . Then we have English 5 9:00. The teacher asks u s to recite(背誦) the new words. But I can’t! Next, we have Chinese at 10:00. I like it 6 it’s interesting. So I 7 the teacher carefully in class. At11:0 we have History. It’s really 8 because we can talk 9 soething in class. History is y favourite 10 .We don’t have PE today. I don’t like to be in the classroo all day.
( ) 1. A.I not B. I’ not C.I don’t D.I a
( ) 2. A. have B. like C. want D. do
( ) 3. A. classes B. hoework C. subjects D. answers
( ) 4. A. boring B. fun C. interesting D. beautiful
( ) 5. A. in B. at C. on D. for
( ) 6. A. because B. but C. so D. or
( ) 7. A. listen to B. listen C. look D. look at
( ) 8. A. fun B. sad C. boring D. difficult
( ) 9. A. in B. about C. with D .at
( ) 10.A.teacher B. gae C. subject D. sport
Aerican schools begin in Septeber after a long suer holiday. There are two ters in a school year; the first ter is fro Septeber to January, and the second is fro February to June. ost Aerican children begin to go to school when they are five years old. ost children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.
High school students take only five or six subjects each ter. They usually go to the sae class every day, and they have hoework for every class. After class, they do a lot of interesting things.
After high school, any students go to colleges. They usually have to pay a lot of oney. So any college students work after class to get oney for their studies.
( )1. In Aerica, suer holidays begin in July.
( )2. When a boy is six years old, he always plays at hoe.
( )3. In Aerican high school students after class do any interesting things.
( )4. In order to(為了) get oney for their studies, any Aerican college students work after class.
( )5. A ten -year -old child usually has six subjects at school.
y nae is Willia.I’ in No.9 iddle School.It’s a nice school.It’s near Changjiang Road.There are 1000 students and 150 teachers in our schoo1.I like y classroo.It’s big and bright.(1)Fro the window we can see the blue sky and green trees, it’s good for our eyes.In our school, there is also a sall tuck shop(校內(nèi)的零售店)near the playground.Soeties we buy (2)snacks fro it.It’s very nice.iss Jessica is our English teacher.She is a good teacher.(3) in often ,She ,us ,class ,akes, laugh ,her ,.We have five English classes every week.So we can see her alost every day.She often says,“You are y friends.”We all love her very uch.
2. What does the word “snack” in (2) ean ?____________
4.Willia likes his classroo because he can see _________ fro the window.
A.the big playground B.her hoe C.the blue sky and green trees
5.When they want to eat snacks,they go to the __________.
A.classroo B. tuck shop C.teachers’ office
A an fro Western country visited a school in an Eastern country. On the f 1 class, he watched fifty children as they 1 2 drawing a cat. The teacher drew a big ○ on the b 3 , and fifty children copied it on their papers. The teacher drew a
sall○on the top of the first and then put two △△ on top of it. The children drew inthe s 4 way. The lesson went on until there were fifty-one cats in the classroo.
Each student’s cat l 5 exactly like the one on the blackboard.
The visiting an watched the lesson and felt surprised. The t 6 ways were
very different fro the way of teaching in his country. A children’s Art lesson in his
own country produced a rooful of pictures, each one is quite d 7 fro the others, Why? What akes this difference in educational ways? In a classroo in any country , the teacher teaches ore than Art or History or language.
In western countries, s 8 as the United States or Canada, students are asked
to work by theselves and find answers theselves. The students are helped to learn tohave their own i 9 . In soe countries such as China and Japan, students often
work together and help each other in the classroo, but the teachers teach and the
students listen. The students are asked to eorize(記憶) a lot. They ust learn the
sae textbook. They do the sae hoework and give the sae a 10
(1)_________ (2)_________ (3)_________ (4)_________ (5) ____
(6)_________ (7)_________ (8)_________ (9)_________ (10)_________
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本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/179991.html
