odule3 y school測(cè)試題(2013年外研版有答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

odule 3 y school檢測(cè)題


1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______

4. ______ 5. ______
6. What’s the girl’s nae?
A. Lily. B. Jane. C. ary.
7. What’s that?
A. It’s an English book.B. It’s a Chinese book. C. It’s a pencil.
8. Where is Peter?
A. He is in the classroo. B. He is in the library. C. There he is.
9. What is s Liu?
A. She is a teacher. B. She is a girl. C. She is y o.
10. What’s the girl good at?
A. aths. B. English. C. Chinese.
11. What anials are endangered?
A. anatees.B. Tigers.C. Pandas.
12. What do you know about the bag?
A. It was ade of old jeans.B. Her other bought it for her.
C. The woan bought the bag in the shop.
13. What ust be done with the trees?
A. The trees ust be taken good care of.B. The trees ust be watered well.
C. The trees ust be planted.
14. What does the woan like best?
A. onkeys.B. Rabbits.C. Dogs.
15. What does the woan ean?
A. Recycling paper is difficult.B. Recycling paper is easy.
C. Recycling is useless.
16. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t.
C. No, he is in the classroo.
17. A. It’s David’s. B. It’s David’s brother’s. C. It’s David’s sister’s.
18. There are _______students in Li Hong’s class.
A. 36 B. 46 C. 56
19. Li Hong is in_________.
A. Class One B. Class Two C. Class Three
20. The library is _________ Li Hong’s classroo.
A. next to B. in front of C. behind
21.— How any students are there in the roo? —There aren’t _____.
A. soe B. any C. one
22. _____ there a bookshelf in your hoe?
A. Are B. Be C. Is
23. There is a picture ______ Lucy’s faily ______ the wall.
A. of;on B. at;in C. of;in
24. —Is the gy next to the office? —_______
A. Yes, the gy is. B. It’s behind the office. C. No, it isn’t.
25. _____ soe books and pens on her desk.
A. There is B. There has C. There are
26. —Where is your school? —It’s _______ Changsha.
A. behind B. next to C. in
27. How any _______ are there in your school?
A. librarys B. library C. libraries
28.There ______ a bed and two chairs in y bedroo.
A. are B. is C. has
29. Are there ______ apples on the desk?
A. soe B. any C. any
30. There are soe birds _______ the picture ____ the classroo.
A. in; on B. in; in C. on; on
Bill lives in a big city. Today he 31 very happy. It’s 32 day of school. Bill wants to go 33 to school. He wants to see his friends. He 34 eet his new teachers.
Bill gets 35 early in the orning. He washes and puts 36 his new clothes. Look! He is having 37 with his parents. Now he’s ready for school.
He goes to school 38 bike. He 39 his friends outside the school gate. They are talking about soething. Everyone 40 to his or her classroo.
31. A. a B. is
C. be D. are
32. A. the first B. first
C. one D. a
33. A. / B. up
C. down D. on
34. A. goes B. is going
C. go to D. is going to
35. A. to B. up
C. on D. down
36. A. on B. in
C. with D. at
37. A. lunch B. supper
C. breakfast D. dinner
38. A. on B. with
C. at D. by
39.A. eet B. eets
C. is eeting D. is going to
40. A. runs B. run
C. is running D. are running
四、理解(每小題2分,滿分20 分)
Aerican schools begin in Septeber after a long suer holiday. There are two ters in a school year.The first ter is fro Septeber to January, and the second ter is fro February to June. ost Aerican children begin to go to school when they are five years old. ost children are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.
High school students take only five or six subjects each ter. They usually go to the sae class every day, and they have hoework for every class. After class, they do a lot of interesting things.
After high school, any students go to colleges. They usually have to pay a lot of oney. So any college students work after class to get oney for their studies.
41. Aerican schools begin in_________.
A. Septeber B. July
C. ay D. February
42. When a boy is six years old, he_________.
A. has to stay at hoe B. can go to high school
C. is old enough to go to school D. always plays at hoe
43. In Aerican high school students__________after class.
A. do the hoework B. go to work
C. play basketball D. do any interesting things
44. In order to(為了)_________, any Aerican college students work after class.
A. help their parents B. get oney for their studies
C. help others D. learn soe useful things
45. Which is right?
A. ost Aerican children begin to go to school when they are five years old.
B. Aerican students have three ters in a year.
C. High school students take seven subjects each ter.
D. Aerican students don’t like to go to school.
Every year students in any countries learn English. Soe of these students are children. Others are young people. Soe learn at school, others teach theselves. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is hard to answer that question.
any boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. any people learn English because it is useful in their work. Soe young people learn English for their higher studies because soe of their books are in English at college(學(xué)院)or university(大學(xué)). Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and agazines(雜志)in English.
( ) 46. Everybody learn English at school.
( ) 47. It is hard to answer why so any people learn English.
( ) 48. Children learn English because they like it.
( ) 49. All the books are written in English.
( ) 50. English is useful in people’s work and life.
51. We can eat eals in the d__________ hall in our school.
52. There is a bank n__________ to the hospital.
53. In our school, there is a big l__________. We often read books in it.
54. His father bought(買) a d___________ for her. It can help her study.
55. Ten and forty is f_________.
56. ______________ (有)two aps and soe pictures on the wall.
57. Her father____________ (沒有) any sisters.
58. _____________ (有) soe water in the cup.
59. —What’s his_____________ (爸爸的) job?
—He is a teacher.
60. I can see______________ (十九) students in the classroo.
61.The library is in front of the science lab? (就畫線部分提問)
62. There are soe pears in Li Lei’s bag.(變?yōu)榉穸ň?
63. Polly is five years old. (就畫線部分提問)
64. __________________________________________________________(根據(jù)答語寫出問句)
—The library? Oh, it’s next to the office.
65.There is no park on this street.(改為同義句)
There______________________________ park on this street.


odule 3檢測(cè)題參考答案

1. Is Jane’s favorite subject ath?
2. What do the two old en like best?
3. Do the girls dance well?
4. What does r Sith teach?
5. What day is it today?
6. : Hi, Lily! Where is your school?
W: There it is.
Q : What’s the girl’s nae?
7. W: Is that a Chinese book?
: No, it’s an English book.Q : What’s that?
8. W: Is Peter in the classroo?
: No. He is in the library.
Q : Where is Peter?
9. W: Is s Liu your teacher?
: Yes. Look! She is in the classroo.
Q : What is s Liu?
10. : Are you good at English?
W: No, I’ good at Chinese.
Q : What’s the girl good at?
11. W: There used to be a lot of anatees. But now there aren’t very any of the.
: Let’s try to save the.
Q: What anials are endangered?
12. : How beautiful your bag is!
W: Thank you. This bag was ade of old jeans by y other. y other is good at recycling old things.
Q: What do you know about the bag?
13. : Look at the young trees. They were planted yesterday.
W: They need a lot of water now, don’t they?
: Yes, I think so.
Q: What ust be done with the trees?
14. : Do you like onkeys? They are sart and playful.
W: Yes, they are clever. But I like honest anials best such as dogs.
Q: What does the woan like best?
15. : Recycling paper is very iportant.
W: I agree with you. But it’s difficult for us to do.
Q: What does the woan ean?

16. A:Is he at hoe?
B: Yes, he is.
Question: Is he at hoe?
17. A: Whose book is it?
B: It’s David’s. Oh, no, it’s David’s sister’s.
Question: Whose book is it?
Hello, y nae is Li Hong. I study in Huaxia iddle School. I a in Class One, Grade Seven. In y class there are 46 students. There is a library in our school. It is behind our classroo. And I have a happy faily. There are three people in y faily—y father, y other and e. y father is a worker and y other is a teacher. I love the.
1. No, it isn’t. 2. Playing chess. 3. Yes, they do. 4. He teaches ath. 5. Today/It is Wednesday. 6~10 AABAC 11~15 AABCA 16~20 ACBAC
21. B 由aren’t可排除C項(xiàng),soe一般用于肯定句中,any用于否定句和疑問句中,故選B。
22. C 由主語a bookshelf可知連系動(dòng)詞應(yīng)用is,故選C。
23. A 圖畫“在墻上”應(yīng)用on the wall表示,故選A。
24. C 問句為一般疑問句,故回答應(yīng)用yes或no,排除B項(xiàng),A項(xiàng)中the gy應(yīng)換為it,故選C。
25. C there be句型中be動(dòng)詞的數(shù)由靠近它的名詞決定,soe books為可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)。
26. C 表示在某個(gè)城市應(yīng)用介詞in。
27. C how any提問可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),library的復(fù)數(shù)形式為libraries。
28. B there be句型中be動(dòng)詞的數(shù)由靠近它的名詞決定,由a bed知選B。
29. B soe一般用于肯定句中,any用于否定句和疑問句中,故選B。
30. B 在照片中應(yīng)該用in,在教室里也應(yīng)該用in。
31. B he是第三人稱單數(shù)形式,故連系動(dòng)詞用is。
32. A “學(xué)校的第一天”應(yīng)該用序數(shù)詞the first。
33. A go to school去上學(xué),為固定搭配。
34. D 由前后文可知,此處表示的動(dòng)作還未發(fā)生,故應(yīng)用一般將來時(shí),故選D。
35. B get up起床,為固定搭配。
36. A put on穿上,為固定搭配。
37. C 由后文“他準(zhǔn)備好去上學(xué)了”可知此處應(yīng)是指吃早飯。
38. D by bike表示“騎自行車”。
39. B 通篇用的是一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),故此處應(yīng)選eets。
40. A 通篇用的是一般現(xiàn)在時(shí),everyone作主語,謂語動(dòng)詞用單數(shù)形式,故選A。
41.A 由“Aerican schools begin in Septeber after a long suer holiday.”可知答案。
42.C 由第一段中的“ost Aerican children begin to go to school when they are five years
43.D 由第二段的最后一句可知答案。
44.B 由最后一段可知答案。
45.A 通讀全文可知A項(xiàng)正確。
46~50 FTFFT 51.dining 52.next 53.library 54.dictionary 55.fifty
56.There are 57 doesn’t have 58.There is 59.father’s
60.nineteen 61.Where is the library
62.There aren’t any pears in Li Lei’s bag.
63.How old is Polly? 64.Where is the library? 65.isn’t a
One possible version:
Wu Dong is a iddle school student. He is 13 years old. There are three people in his faily—his parents and he. They live in Beijing no They coe fro the south of China, but they like the north food very uch. They like eating noodles. Wu Dong can swi and play football. There is a playground near his hoe. Every Saturday afternoon, Wu Dong and his classates go to play football on the playground.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/197489.html
