
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網

一、 聽力理解 ( 20小題,每小題1分,共20分)
題號 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
第一節(jié). 聽句子,選擇正確的應答語。句子讀一遍。
1. A. It’s Tom.   B. It’s Mike’s.   C. It’s new.
2. A. She has long hair.  B. She is my friend.  C. She likes English.
3. A. Are you kidding?  B. All right.         C. Thank you.
4. A. No problem.   B. Good idea!  C. I’d like some clothes.
5. A. They’re 200 yuan. B. They’re very nice.   C. They’re white.
第二節(jié). 聽對話,選擇正確答案。對話讀兩遍。
6. Who’s Li Ying?
   A. Mary’s friend.         B. Li Gang’s friend.        C. Li Gang’s sister.
7. How old is Li Ying?
   A. She is 8.              B. She is 10.              C. She is 13.
8. What is Mary’s favorite color?
   A. Red.            B. Pink.                   C. Blue.
9. What does Ann look like?
   A. She is short.         B. She has short brown hair.  C. She has long black hair.
10. What does Ann do?
   A. She is a nurse.      B. She is a student.         C. She is an office worker.
第三節(jié). 聽短文,判斷正(T)誤(F)。短文讀兩遍。
11. Lucy comes from Canada.
12. Lucy’s mother teaches Chinese in No. 1 School.
13. Lucy’s father works in a hospital.
14. Lucy’s favorite food is jiaozi.
15. Lucy has a pet dog at home.
第四節(jié). 聽短文,完成表格。短文讀兩遍。
Morning Afternoon
Get up 16 Have lunch 12:10
Have breakfast 8:00 19 3:15
17 9:00 Go home 20
Help mother cook 18  

二、單項填空 (10小題,每小題1分,共10分)
題號 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
21.— How about _____ a pair of gloves for your mother?
— Good idea.
A. giving     B. showing     C. cooking      D. buying
22. — ______?   
— She is tall with long blond hair.
     A. What does she do            B. What does she look like
C. What would she like          D. What does she like
23. — Is this purple coat ______?
    — No, it isn’t. You can ask Maria. _____ is purple.
A. yours, Hers   B. your, Hers   C. yours, She’s  D. yours, Her
24. — ________ rice do you need?
— Two bags.
     A. How old   B. How many   C. How much   D. How heavy
25. There are(有)twenty-six ______ in English.
     A. letters     B. songs      C. legs      D. lions
26. —Why don’t you buy the yellow dress?
    — Oh, I think it’s too ______.
     A. dear       B. free      C. strong        D. new
27. —Let’s go to the zoo.
 A. Good idea!     B. Sure.        C. That’s OK.     D. See you.
28. —Would you like to see the movie with me?
 —Yes, ____.
 A. I’d love        B. I would      C. I like          D. I’d love to
29. Alice, please ask your brother ____ water for them.
  A. get            B. gets         C. to get          D. getting
30. —The pair of shoes look nice. Can I _____?
— Sure.
      A. try it on        B. try them on   C. try on it        D. try on them
題號 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

     Look. All the clothes at this store are on sale(減價出售). They   31    at very good prices. So I want to    32    some clothes for my family. My father wants   33   . I want to buy this pair of shoes for   34   . They’re only 12 dollars. This red sweater is   35  . And my mother’s favorite color is    36   , too. So I’ll    37    it. What about my sister? She    38    a T-shirt. This blue one is OK    39    her. What about me? This pair of    40     looks nice. I want to buy them.
31. A. are        B. is          C. have         D. has
32. A. look       B. buy        C. watch        D. like
33. A. shoes      B. dogs        C. maps        D. eggs
34. A. her        B. him         C. it           D. them
35. A. old        B. nice        C. wide         D. long
36. A. blue       B. white        C. green       D. red
37. A. take        B. say         C. give        D. meet
38. A. needs      B. knows        C. finds       D. helps
39. A. at         B. about         C. for         D. in
40. A. skirts       B. sweaters     C. T-shirts      D. pants
  四、閱讀理解 (15小題,每小題2分,共30分)
題號 A B C
 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

Do you know this young man? Yes, he is Zhang Jie and his English name is Jason. He is very famous(著名的)in China now. He is 179 cm tall and 68 kg heavy. He likes playing computer games and basketball. His favorite animals are dogs.
    On December 20th, 1982, Zhang Jie was born(出生)in Sichuan. He had a new CD ---《The Most Beautiful Sun》in January,2008. I like the songs in this CD and I can sing some of them.
He sings very well, with a very unique(獨特的)voice and sunny smile. I listen to his music every day. He is my idol. I will support(支持)him forever!
41. What’s Zhang Jie’s family name?___________.
    A. Jason         B. Zhang Jie        C. Zhang         D. Jie
42. How old is Zhang Jie this year? __________.
    A. 30           B. 34               C. 32            D. 22
43. What does Zhang Jie do? __________.
    A. He is a teacher.            B. He is a farmer.
    C. He is an actor.             D. He is a singer.
44. What does the word “idol” mean in Chinese? __________.
    A. 偶像         B. 粉絲            C. 導演        D. 觀眾
45. What’s the best title(標題)of the passage? _________.
    A. Zhang Ji’s CD                B. My favorite singer
    C. Zhang Jie’s songs             D. I like music
            Welcome to Our Restaurant and Enjoy(享受) Our Nice Food!
Fried chicken (油炸雞)
Rice with eggs
Rice with vegetables ¥10.00
¥4.00 ¥18.00 for TWO
Orange juice          Apple juice           Coke               
Milk                  ¥3.50/glass
¥4.00/bottle ¥6.00 for TWO
¥4.50 for TWO
¥9.00 for TWO

Chocolate            Banana cake         
Ice-cream (冰淇淋)      

¥5.00 for TWO
46. 畫線的單詞“Menu”的中文意思是 “_________”。
    A. 賬單        B. 標簽        C. 通知   D. 菜單
47. How much is the rice with vegetables?
    A. ¥3.00.         B. ¥4.00.          C. ¥4.50.            D. ¥7.00.
48. Jane only(只有) has three yuan. She wants to buy something to drink. She can buy _______.
    A. a bottle of milk                B. a glass of orange juice
    C. a glass of apple juice               D. a bottle of coke
49. Tom and Jack buy two hamburgers and three ice-creams. How much do they need to pay (付   款)?
    A. ¥23.00.      B. ¥26.00.       C. ¥29.00.         D. ¥33.00
50. You can’t buy ________ in this restaurant.
    A. fried chicken  B. chocolate       C. banana cake     D. bread

In many English homes, people have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. 51    .They eat porridge(粥), eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.    52    . Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup,      53      . After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or orange.       54      .Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and       55      .
A. all these meals are very simple(簡單).
B. Lunch comes at one o’clock.
C. But not all English people eat like that.
D. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.
E. then they have meat or fish with vegetables.

56. His parents are doctors and they work in Huanghe H________.
57. —What’s your ID n________?    
    — 411202200208295006.
58. —Could you help me with my English?  
    — No p________.
59. I want to visit my grandparents t _______ morning.
60. My father buys me a new bike for five_________ (百) yuan.
B) 用方框中所給單詞的適當形式填空 
it  boy    good    drive   you
61. Every morning my mother gets up early and ________ me to school.
62. Help ____________ to some chocolate, kids.
63. Who is the _________ mother?  
64. Mr. Black can speak Chinese very _________.
65. I have a pet dog at home. _________ (it) name is Lucky.

六、漢譯英 (每個句子2分, 共10分)
66. 我弟弟非常喜歡看書。
67. 你認為你的英語老師怎么樣?
68. 該回家了。
69. 穿黃色衣服的那個年輕女子是誰?
70. 你想要一些喝的東西嗎?

以 My ___________ 為題,寫一篇關于你的一個家庭成員的英語短文。
要求:1、不得透露真實姓名和學校;     2、60詞左右。
My ______________

1-5  BACCA  6—10   CABBB  11—15  TFTTF    
16. 7:30    17. Read English   18.10:45    19.Go shopping   20. 5:20

21-25  DBACA     26-30  AADCB     

31-35  ABABB     36-40  DAACD

四、閱讀理解 (15小題,每小題2分,共30分)
41-45  CCDAB     46-50  DBCBD      51-55  DBECA

56. Hospital     57. number      58. problem     59. tomorrow   60. hundred
61. drives       62. yourselves    63. boy’s       64. well       65. Its

66. My mother likes reading books very much / a lot.
67. What do you think of / How do you like your English teacher?
68. Let’s meet at 8:30 tomorrow morning at my home!
69. Who’s the young woman in yellow T-shirt?
70. Jane often helps me with my English.

七、書面表達 (7分)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/254618.html
