
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Class:        Name:        Marks:       (滿分100分)

一. 單項(xiàng)選擇 (每小題1分,共15分)
(   )  1. 找出下列單詞中劃線部分發(fā)音與其他三個(gè)不同的選項(xiàng):
 A. pear      B. near      
 C. ear       D. hear
(   )  2. — Does your dog sleep in the garden at      night?
       — No. He usually sleeps in my room in      evening.
 A. a; the      B. \; the      
 C. the; the      D. the; \
(   )  3. — Do you like Huaiyang food or Sichuan food?
       — It’s a good     . I think I like both of them.
 A. meal      B. question     
 C. answer       D. reason
(   )  4. — Do you eat any sweets      snacks often?
       — No. I only eat fruit.
 A. to      B. with      
 C. as       D. about
(   )  5. — Doing homework every day is     .
       — Yes. We students must do homework.
 A. interesting    B. difficult    
 C. important      D. special
(   )  6. The lemon tea      too sweet. There is too much sugar in it.
 A. eats       B. drinks      
 C. makes       D. tastes
(   )  7. — Could I have      orange juice?
 — Of course. Enjoy it!
 A. a         B. an       
 C. some       D. any
(   )  8. — Good morning, sir! Are you ready to      food now?
 — Yes. Dongpo meat and fish, please.
 A. cook      B. eat       
 C. order       D. take
(   )  9. — Mum, can I help you clean the house?
       — Of course,      you would like to.
 A. because      B. but       
 C. and       D. if
(   )10. —      the total number of the students in your school?
       — About 800, I think.
 A. What is      B. What are       
 C. How many is      D. How many are
(   )11. —      do you celebrate the Spring Festival?
       — Well, for about 15 days.
 A. How often    B. How long      
 C. How many      D. How much
(   )12. Look, the child is      fireworks. Go to stop him.
 A. letting off     B. letting in      
 C. letting out      D. letting away
(   )13. — Lots of milk      in the bottle.
       — Yes. Let’s drink     .
 A. is; it       B. are; it  
 C. is; they      D. are; them
(   )14. —      of juice would you like, sir?
       — I’d like three.
 A. How many glass         B. How much glass
 C. How many glasses        D. How much glasses
(   )15. — We will (將) go boating with my cousin this afternoon.
       — Really?     .
 A. All right      B. Of course      
 C. Have fun     D. Best wishes
二、 完形填空 (10小題,每小題1分,共10分)
    Halloween is an important festival in the USA. It has a(n)    16    of about 2,000 years.
Halloween is on October 31st. It isn’t a    17    in the USA.
Students have lessons as usual (照常).    18    they have parties in the evening. They have many ways to have fun. Most of them like to    19    special clothes for the festival. There are    20    many games on Halloween. Children like to play “trick or treat” best, and then they can get candies    21    their neighbours (鄰居). And another game is bobbing for apples (咬蘋果). Do you know    22    to play it? Children put some apples in a box. One of them tries to get an apple with the    23   , not with a hand. It is a(n)    24    game, but everyone enjoys it.
Of course, there are many jack-o’-lanterns. I am good at    25    one out of a pumpkin. Halloween is always lots of fun.
(   )16. A. lesson   B. story         C. history      D. idea
(   )17. A. holiday   B. festival        C. weekend     D. weekday
(   )18. A. If      B. So         C. But       D. Because
(   )19. A. paint      B. shout        C. wear       D. show
(   )20. A. seldom     B. never        C. always      D. sometimes
(   )21. A. to      B. with        C. for      D. from
(   )22. A. how     B. where       C. what       D. why
(   )23. A. nose    B. mouth       C. head       D. eye
(   )24. A. big      B. interesting    C. easy      D. important
(   )25. A. cooking     B. borrowing      C. putting     D. making   
三. 閱讀理解(每小題2分,共20分)
This questionnaire (問卷) is about your job and hobby. You don’t need to tell us your name. But please answer the questions honestly. Many thanks!
Are you a man or a woman? man    woman
What is your job? teacher      worker      student  
doctor   others
How old are you? under 10    11-20        21-30
31-40         above 40
How much money do you make a month? less than 1,000 yuan        
1,000-3,000 yuan
3,000-5,000 yuan         
more than 5,000 yuan
What do you usually do on holidays? watch TV             go shopping    
go climbing         ride a bike    
play ball games   others
How much do you pay for your hobby every month? no money       under 200
200-500          above 500

(   )26. The questionnaire is about     .
 A. one’s age and name      B. one’s age and hobby   
 C. one’s job and hobby         D. one’s name and hobby
(   )27. Who answers the questionnaire in the box?
 A. A doctor. B. A teacher.   C. A student.  D. A worker. 
(   )28. How much can this respondent (受訪者) make a month?
 A. 800 yuan.  B. 2,900 yuan.   C. 4,800 yuan.  D. 5,500 yuan.
(   )29. What does this respondent like to do if she is free?
 A. Go climbing.  B. Go shopping.       C. Play table tennis. D. Ride a bike.
(   )30. What should you do if you answer this questionnaire? 
 A. Tell your real name.   
 B. Be more than 18 years old.
 C. Give honest answers to the questions. 
 D. Make more than 1,000 yuan a month.
Dear students,                     
We are members of the Cleaner Club. We love to study in our school.
Look around our school. Do you think it beautiful and clean? 
Sometimes the school isn’t beautiful. Some students drop litter (扔垃圾) around the school. The litter makes the school dirty. We can see paper, bags or bottles here and there. Those things should (應(yīng)該) be in dustbins.
Our club doesn’t want to see a dirty school. So every day, ten members of the club pick (撿) litter after school.
The school sports meeting starts next week. It is from Thursday to Friday. Can you not drop litter then? Our club hopes to pick all of the litter. And, can you help us?
We really need your help.
(   )31. The speaker (說(shuō)話的人) is a         .
 A. PE teacher    
 B. kind parent        
 C. volleyball player   
 D. member of the Cleaner Club
(   )32. 加下劃線的單詞dustbins的中文意思是“        ”。
 A. 體育場(chǎng)      B. 圖書館        
 C. 實(shí)驗(yàn)室       D. 垃圾箱
(   )33. Members of the Cleaner Club pick litter         .
 A. every morning   B. between classes    
 C. after school   D. at night
(   )34. How long is the school sports meeting?
 A. For a week.     B. For half a week.   
 C. For one day.    D. For two days.
(   )35. Which of the following is TRUE?
 A. The club doesn’t want new members.    
 B. The club wants other students’ help.
 C. Twenty members of the club pick litter every day.
 D. The school is usually dirty. 
四. 填空 (每小題1分,共15分)
A. 根據(jù)句意及所給的漢語(yǔ)提示完成英語(yǔ)句子。
36. What a hot day! I really want to eat a     (西瓜). 
37. Would you like a     (瓶) of cola?
38. The     (餃子) we eat in this restaurant are very special.
39. The     (整個(gè)的) school looks like a garden with many flowers.
40. My grandparents do exercise every day. They are in good     (健康).
B. 用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
41. My grandpa has two     (radio) in all.
42. Let’s     (celebrate) Thanksgiving Day with our new friends!
43. Too much sugar is not good for our     (tooth).
44. There     (be) always a lot of water on the floor. 
45. A man needs     (drink) 8 glasses of water every day.
C. 閱讀下面的對(duì)話,從方框內(nèi)選擇合適的詞語(yǔ)填空。
is coming, get together, after school, all right, special

Eric: Dad, is it Wednesday today?
Dad: Yes. And what’s the date, do you know?
Eric: December 17. Christmas (46)     soon. Is it next Thursday?
Dad: Yes. And it is a great day today. It is grandpa’s birthday.
Eric: Oh, it is a very (47)     day in our family. We can (48)     with my uncle, aunt, and Johnny!
Dad: Yes. We are going to grandpa’s home (49)    .
Eric: Can you pick me up (接我) at the school gate?
Dad: (50)    . And then we’ll go to grandpa’s house together.
Eric: I can’t wait for it!
五. 請(qǐng)閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空,完成后面的問題。 (每小題2分,共10分)
Do you know about Brazil Carnival (巴西狂歡節(jié))? The festival comes from a story in the Bible (《圣經(jīng)》). And the history of Brazil Carnival goes back to 1840.
Brazil Carnival is usually in February. It is summer in Brazil. It is a hot festival. Many places in Brazil celebrate it. But the biggest celebration is in Rio de Janeiro. The celebration there goes on for 4 days and nights. People wear colourful clothes. They sing and dance on the streets to celebrate it. And there is a big parade (游行). Millions of people go to watch it every year!
Dancing is the best activity of all. People dance Samba to music. They hope to dance to keep away from sad things and worries. They have a good time together. That is what Carnival is for—getting together and having fun!
51. How long is the history of Brazil Carnival?
52. What season does Brazil Carnival come in?
53. How do people celebrate the festival?
54. What is the best activity of Brazil Carnival?
55. What is the meaning (意義) of Brazil Carnival?
六. 根據(jù)要求完成下列句子。每空一詞。 (每小題3分,共15分)
56. The child feels very happy. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)
                the child     ?
57. I think you can have a good time at my party. (改為同義句)
      I think you                at my party.
58. 吃一點(diǎn)巧克力有時(shí)候能幫助你保持健康。(完成句子)
      Sometimes, eating some chocolate can      you          .
59. 我爸爸每天睡覺不足6個(gè)小時(shí)。(完成句子)
      My father sleeps for           six      every day. 
60. 我覺得裝扮成蜘蛛俠一定很酷。(完成句子)
      I think it must be cool to                Spiderman.
七. 書面表達(dá) (15分)
My dear friends, I am a little sad these days. My best friend says I am too fat (胖的). He says I look like a duck when I run. I am 1.55 metres tall. And my weight (體重) is 58 kg. Am I really too fat? How can I look better?
Can you help me, my dear friends?


1-5 ABBCC  6-10 DCCDA  11-15 BAACC
16-20 CACCC  21-25 DABCD 26-30 CACDC
31-35 DDCDB
36. watermelon  37. bottle   38. dumplings  39. whole  40. health  
41. radios   42. celebrate   43. teeth    44. is   45. to drink   
46. is coming   47. special   48. get together   
49. after school  50. All right 
51. More than 170 years.   
52. In summer.
53. They sing, dance and have a big parade.  
54. Dancing.
55. Its meaning is getting together and having fun.
56. How does; feel   
57. can have fun   
58. help; keep fit/healthy  
59. less than; hours  
60. dress up as 
One possible version:
Don’t worry, Doraemon. I think you are a little fat, too. But you can do something to make you look better. First, you should do some exercise every day. Why not go running in the morning? And do you often eat food with too much sugar or fat? If you do, you should change your lifestyle. And fast food is also not good for you. In a word, eat less and exercise more. I think you will keep fit if you do so.



本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/258888.html
