2014-2015學(xué)年牛津初一英語上冊Unit8 Fashion單元檢測題(附答案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Class:        Name:        Marks:       (滿分100分)

一. 單項(xiàng)選擇 (每小題1分,共15分)
(   )1. 下列單詞中哪一個(gè)是單音節(jié)詞?
 A. window     B. white       C. orange      D. yellow
(   )2. — What’s the      of the coat?
      — The best wool.
 A. style      B. material       C. price       D. colour
(   )3. — Do you like the blue blouse      flowers?
— Yes. I think it will look nice      me.                         
 A. with; in     B. on; on      C. with; on      D. on; in
(   )4. — What present do you want to buy for your father?
 —     . They can keep his hands warm in winter.
 A. Shoes     B. Jeans        C. Gloves        D. Sweaters
(   )5. Many students are very      at home. They seldom do housework.
 A. lovely    B. smart      C. popular      D. lazy
(   )6. — Which of the two shirts would you like?
      — Well, I have no idea.      of them look nice.
 A. All      B. Every       C. Each      D. Both
(   )7. — Look, the man looks so short      all the girls. 
      — Yeah. I think he is a designer.
 A. of       B. among       C. between     D. in
(   )8. — I have no money on me. How can I get home?
      — Don’t worry. I can      some      you.
 A. lend; to     B. lend; from      C. borrow; to     D. borrow; from
(   )9. — Where is dad now, Mum?
 — He is      his report in the room. He needs it for a meeting.
 A. looking like    B. looking at      C. looking for     D. looking after
(   )10. My mother      dinner for us every day. She      vegetables now.
 A. cooks; is washing        B. is cooking; is washing 
 C. cooks; washes         D. is cooking; washes
(   )11. — How do you like the jeans?
       — They are too small. May I try on     ?
 A. another one  B. another ones      C. other pair      D. another pair
(   )12. —      do you usually spend your weekend?
 — By (通過) doing some reading and going shopping.
 A. Where      B. When       C. Why       D. How
(   )13. Dad usually      some reading after supper. Look, he      a newspaper now.
 A. does; is reading B. is doing; is reading
 C. is doing; reads D. does; reads
(   )14. —     ?
 — It is beautiful. I like it.
 A. What colour is the coat        B. What do you think of the coat
 C. Is it a beautiful coat         D. Is the coat Millie’s
(   )15. — I am going for a party this evening.
       — Are you?     .
 A. Have a good time          B. You’re welcome
 C. That’s all right          D. Nice to meet you
二. 完形填空 (每小題1分,共10分)
It’s December 28th. New Year’s Day is    16   . Ma Li is in a    17    shop. She wants to buy a blouse    18    her mother. She is happy because she    19    a blue blouse. It looks pretty. She thinks it    20    her mother’s trousers well, so she asks the shopkeeper what the    21    is. “198 yuan,” says the shopkeeper. Ma Li is surprised (吃驚的), “Too    22   ! What’s it made of?” The shopkeeper tells her the blouse is made of silk. “Good things always    23    much,” he says.
“But I have only 190 yuan. Can it be cheaper (更便宜)? I buy it for my mother. ”
“   24   . 198 yuan is the last price. But I will lend you 8 yuan.”
“   25   ? We don’t know each other.”
“Because I love my mother, too,” says the shopkeeper with a smile (微笑).
(   )16. A. going       B. coming      C. here       D. there
(   )17. A. toy         B. clothes       C. gift       D. sports
(   )18. A. with       B. in        C. about      D. for
(   )19. A. wants      B. gets       C. finds      D. makes
(   )20. A. fits       B. goes       C. matches     D. meets
(   )21. A. size      B. colour       C. material     D. price
(   )22. A. expensive    B. cheap      C. nice      D. hard
(   )23. A. cost      B. need        C. have      D. spend
(   )24. A. Thanks      B. OK       C. Fine      D. Sorry
(   )25. A. What       B. Why       C. How     D. Where
三. 閱讀理解 (每小題2分,共20分)
FILA Men’s T-shirts
Made in: China
Colour: white
Size: M
Material: cotton
Wash them with warm water in machines (洗衣機(jī)). 
Price: ¥320

FIRS Men’s Coats
Made in: China
Colour: grey
Size: L
Material: 98% wool, 2% cotton
Dry cleaning (干洗) only.
Keep them in dry and cool places.
Price: ¥1320

Senda Women’s Shoes
Made in: China
Colour: pink
Size: M (235 mm)
Material: leather
Keep away from water.
Price: ¥820

(   )26. All the items (物品) are         .
 A. very cheap    B. made in China   
 C. too small      D. for men
(   )27. The FILA men’s T-shirts need         .
 A. dry cleaning      B. washing in cold water
 C. washing in warm water    D. washing by hand
(   )28. The FIRS men’s coats         .
 A. are white       B. are pink   
 C. are made of wool only    D. cost over 1000 yuan
(   )29. The Senda shoes         .
 A. are made of leather      B. are large in size   
 C. cost only 320 yuan    D. need dry cleaning
(   )30. We can’t find any information (信息) about          in the boxes.
    A. the prices       B. the materials     
 C. the colours       D. the shops
“Mirror (鏡子) mirror on the wall, what film is on in the cinema?”
Now with this new mirror, you can brush your teeth and read news at the same time in your bathroom. Now not many people have this kind of mirror, but it will be popular very soon.
The mirror works with new software (軟件). You can use it to get news. You can also make your calendar (日程表) on it. It can also tell you what to wear because it knows the weather (天氣). The mirror is very clever. You can write notes on it for family members.
There’s another kind of new mirror, too. It can get much information from the user’s clothes. It tells the user what clothes make him or her look good. Going shopping or eating out? Wait a minute! The mirror can give you coupons (優(yōu)惠券), too.
(   )31. 文中加下劃線的單詞bathroom的中文意思是“    ”。
 A. 書房      B. 起居室        C. 衛(wèi)生間     D. 餐廳
(   )32. The mirror in the reading is very     .
 A. expensive     B. popular        C. clever      D. bright
(   )33. The mirror can NOT     .
 A. tell you what to wear        B. brush teeth for you
 C. let you read news           D. let you make a calendar
(   )34. The reading tells us      kind(s) of mirrors.
 A. one       B. two         C. three       D. four
(   )35. A mirror can tell you what to wear because it     .
 A. knows the weather         B. studies fashion well  
 C. studies people well       D. can give coupons
四. 填空 (每小題1分,共15分)
A. 根據(jù)句意及所給的首字母或漢語提示完成英語句子。
36. Clothes made of wool feel warm and s    .
37. Pigs are l    . They sleep and eat a lot every day.
38. My design i     a jacket and a pair of trousers.
39. Most     (模特) look tall and slim.
40. When you’re at a dinner, please try to be a     (紳士).
B. 用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
41. The     (scarf) in the boxes are made of wool.
42. My dog is     (lie) on the grass.
43. How     (love) the little girl looks in the hat!
44. It is a good idea     (wear) trainers when you go on a trip.
45. The coat     (match) your jeans so well.
C. 閱讀下面的對話,選用合適的詞語,并用其正確形式填空。
dark blue, think about, look smart, be fit for, jacket

Mum: Andy, are you going to Jane’s birthday party this afternoon?
Andy: Yes. And I am (46)            what to wear now.
Mum: I think maybe you can wear your new coat.
Andy: Do you think that coat (47)                  a birthday party?
Mum: Of course.
Andy: But the colour is not good for a party. It is (48)           . 
Mum: That’s true. So how about your orange (49)           ? Orange is a warm colour and it brings a happy feeling.
Andy: Do you think I (50)            in it?
Mum: Yes, you do.
五. 請閱讀短文,并根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成后面的問題或任務(wù)。 (每小題2分,共10分)
Dear James,
I love History very much and I love studying old things. I don’t like to go to shops, but I like to go to museums. I like the old things there. But my classmates like fashion. They think I’m out of style and give me some bad nicknames (綽號(hào)) like “Little Old Man”. I feel bad and angry with them. What should I do? Please help me!
------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
Dear Kristian,
You have a very special and good hobby. Studying old things is important. It helps us learn more about history and the world. Please be proud of (為……而自豪) your hobby. Remember that some fashions go out of style every few months. But many old things are always there. Don’t need to worry about what other people are wearing. Of course, if you are not comfortable with too many nicknames, tell a teacher.
51. What place does Kristian like to visit?
52. How does Kristian feel about his nicknames?
53. What does James think of Kristian’s hobby?
54. What does James think Kristian should do if he is not comfortable with the nicknames?
55. 請把劃線句子翻譯成中文:
六. 根據(jù)要求完成下列句子。每空一詞。 (每小題3分,共15分)
56. I am writing to my cousin now. (對劃線部分提問)
                you      to now?
57. The music makes me feel comfortable. (對劃線部分提問)
                the music      you feel?
58. 看,誰在車站等你!(完成句子)
      Look!                you at the bus stop?
59. 這兩件衣服在一起搭配得很好。 (完成句子)
      The two pieces of clothes                each other.
60. 我可以再睡二十分鐘嗎?(完成句子)
      Can I sleep for               ?
七. 書面表達(dá) (15分)
Activity:    (climb a hill)




1-5 BBCCD  6-10 DBACA  11-15 DDABA
16-20 BBDCC  21-25 DAADB 26-30 BCDAD
31-35 CCBBA 
36. smooth   37. lazy    38. includes  39. models
40. gentleman  41. scarves/scarfs 42. lying  
43. lovely   44. to wear   45. matches 
46. thinking about  47. is fit for   48. dark blue  
49. jacket   50. look smart
51. He likes to visit museums.    
52. He feels bad and angry about them.
53. He thinks it is a good and special hobby.  
54. He thinks he should tell a teacher.
55. 請記住,有些時(shí)尚幾個(gè)月就會(huì)過時(shí)了。
56. Who are; writing  
57. How does; make  
58. Who’s waiting for  
59. go well with
60. twenty more minutes
One possible version:
This Saturday I am going to climb a hill with my classmates. What should I wear? I am thinking about it.
I can wear my jeans and trainers because they are fit for climbing a hill. It is hot in the afternoon that day, so I want to wear a silk shirt. And it is cool in the morning, so I am going to take my jacket with me. It can make me warm.


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/265976.html
