
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1. What is Jim going to buy for Amy?
2. What is Simon's favourite festival? 
3. Which is made of cotton?
4. Where are they now?
5. What's the date today?
  A. December 25.  B. December 24.   C. December 26.
6. What kind of shoes is Sandy wearing today? 
A. Trainers.  B. Boots.     C. Leather shoes.
7. What fruit is in the fridge?    
A. Apples.  B. Pears.      C. Oranges.
8. How many people will come to Lucy's birthday party? 
A. Six.     B.Five.    C.Four.
9. Who bought the watch?   
A. Mike.      B. Lucy's uncle.     C. Lucy.
10. Whose book is it?    
A. Kitty's.     B. Shirley's.      C. Joan's.
11. What does Kate want to be?   
A. A dancer.     B. A teacher.   C. A football player.
12. How long does Kate dance a day?
    A. For three hours.     B. For two hours.  C. For an hour.
13. What does Annie like best?  
 A. Table tennis.     B. Badminton.     C. Swimming.
14. What does David always do in the afternoon?
   A. Play football.     B. Run.      C. Play baseball. 
15. Who loves roller-skating?
    A. Kate.       B. David.      C. Eddie.
16. _______ apple a day keeps_______ doctor away.
    A. An; a      B. An; the     C. The; a      D. A; the
17. Where_______ your gloves? I can' t find_______.
  A. is; it .     B. does; it     C. are; them    D. do; them
18. I always have rice with_______ and an apple_______ lunch.
    A. fish; on     B. tomatos; on    C. fishes; for     D. potatoes; for
19. The silk scarf is not_______. _______ is in_______ desk.
    A. Kitty; Her; hers B. Kitty's; She; her    C. Kitty's; Hers; her D. Kitty; Hers; her
20. The shop near my home_____ at seven in the morning and it______ for twelve hours a day.
    A. is open; opens   B. opens; is open   C. is opening; is open    D. opens; is opening
21. Wendy with her sisters_______ pumpkin lanterns at home now.
   A. are making    B. is making     C. makes      D. make
22. -_______ there_______ interesting news in today's newspaper?    - Yes, there_______.
    A. Is; any; is some   B. Are; any ; are some   C. Is; an; is one  D. Are; some; are some
23. She_______ thirty minutes_______ the piano every day.
    A. spends; to practise playing      B. spends; practising playing
    C. spend; practising to play        D. spend; practise play
24. Every day she has_______ homework to do, so she has no time_______ TV
    A. too many; watch        B. too many; to watch
    C. too much; to watch       D. much too; watch
25. - Is it time_______ supper?    - Yes. It's time for us_______ have supper.
   A. to; to       B. to; for       C. for; for     D. for; to
26. - Our football tea m will play with Class Three.
A. That's great    B. Oh, I see    C. You're welcome   D. Wish you good luck
27. -_______ does she go to fly kites? -_______ a month.
    A. How long; One time       B. How soon; Once
    C. How often; Once time      D. How often; Once
28. Andy is in good_______, because his l ifestyle keeps him_______.
A. health; health   B. healthy; health  C. health; healthy   D. healthy; healthy
29. - When is Thanksgiving Day? Is it____ autumn?   - Yes. It's_____ November 28 this year.
A. in; in      B. on; in       C. in; on     D. on; on
30. The price of the computer is not_______, but cars are very_______.
A. high; expensive  B.  expensive; high    C. high; high   D. expensive; expensive
    Most women like going shopping. But it is not    31  for a woman like me to go shopping. Why do I say so? Firstly, I have three children to look   32   .My husband doesn't even know how to  33    them. I think it's my fault(錯(cuò)誤).I always do all the things myself instead of(而不是)teaching  34  .So I feel very  35   every day as a housewife. Maybe I think I feel even more tired than my husband. 
    How can I find free time to  36  ? If I do, what s hould I do with my three children? The oldest of them is only six years old. Secondly, I am getting much fatter. So it's hard for me to 37   clothes that fit me well. Lastly, and I think it's the most  38  .We don't have enough  39   to buy pretty clothes. We have to raise(養(yǎng)育)so many children with the little money that my husband makes. Oh, how I regret(后悔)that I am living such a  40  life because I have so many children.
31.A. important  B. easy     C. difficult   D. interesting
32. A. at      B. for     C. after     D. out
33.A. dress     B. watch     C. read     D. wear
34. A. him      B. they     C. myself    D. us
35. A. happy     B. unhappy  C. interesting D. tired
36. A. eat      B. rest     C. shop     D. sleep
37.A. see      B. find     C. look     D. watch
38.A. beautiful    B. important  C. interesting  D. hard
39.A. time     B. children   C. shops     D. money
40.A. happy     B. rich     C. poor     D. free



41. You will pay_______ if you want to stay in the English club for a year.
    A. 2400 yuan     B. 600 yuan     C. 1200 yuan    D. 200 yuan
42. One can get free examinations(檢查)in Health Centre if he is_______.
    A. 16      B. 73      C. 67      D. 53
43. Which of the following is NOT true?
    A. English lovers may enjoy some English films in Sunny English Club.
    B. You can call 3801451 for advice if you want to keep fit.
    C. You can go to any of the three places on Saturday afternoon.
D. If Tom is interested in the life of fish, he should go to Ocean Museum next Monday.
    All students need to have good study habits (習(xí)慣) . When you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly. You also remember (記得) them easily.
    Do you like to study in the living - room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet (安靜) place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.
    Before you begin to study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important, too. You'll feel tired easily if there is not enough light.
44. When you have good study habits, you will_______.
    A. learn things quickly       B. remember things easily
    C. think abo ut one thing       D. both A and B
45. You will feel tired easily if the light is_______.
    A. good      B. bad      C. enough     D. wonderful
46. What is the best title(標(biāo)題)of the text?
    A. Study in the Bedroom      B. How to study
C. Good Study Habits       D. Desk Light is Important
    Everyone needs friends. There is an old saying, "Friends are God's way of taking care of us." But how do you find real friendship(友誼)and keep it.
    The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smar t ways to find friends. Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed(種子)and take care of it to make it grow.
    First you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient(耐心).For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend shoul d listen to your complaints(抱怨)and do his or her best to help. To make a friend, you cannot be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives. 
    But things cannot always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him  or her. When there is no one around, have an honest(誠(chéng)實(shí)的)talk. If he or she doesn't want to talk, you could write a letter.
    There are three steps to be friends again:
    Tell him or her how you are feeling; say what your friend has done wrong, and explain(解釋)why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.
47. Sally wants to tell students the ways to_______.
    A. find friends      B. keep fit     C. get happy     D. plants trees
48. What makes good friends? A good friend should_______.
    A. be lovely and cool        B. have good looks
    C. have lots of money        D. be kind and patient
49. What does the word "fights" mean in Chinese?
   A.打架       B.游戲      C.飛行      D.比賽
50. According to(根據(jù))the text, you can_______ your friend after a fight.
    A. buy a present for         B. never say a word to
C. write a letter to         D. have dinner with
51. Li Hua plays football very well. He's one of my  ▲  (偶像).
52. All the radios are those  ▲  (先生).
53.I want to buy some presents  ▲  (不同的)from Amy's.
54. Jim doesn't like to talk to people, so he has  ▲  (不多的)friends.
55. Where  ▲  (其它的)  do you like to go next Saturday evening?
56. The film star sits  ▲  (在……中)the children in the photo.
57. Look, she is  ▲  (搬)so heavy a bag. Let's go and help her.
58. If you are very tired, you can  ▲  on the bed and have a good rest.
59. - Please  ▲  Mike up, dear. He is going to be late for school.   - But today is Sunday.
60. - What would you like to order, Tommy?
   - Let me take a look at the  ▲  first. How about some dumplings?
61.white  great  her  looks  mum in(.)
62.book  I  colours  a  abo ut am  reading  (.)
63.do  blouse  my  think  what  of you(?)
64.lending  for  gloves  me  thanks  your  (.)
65.other  with  them  it  an  chat  each  takes  hour  to  (.)
6 8.做早操使他覺(jué)得開(kāi)心。

Dear Tom.
Long time no see ! Are you OK? I study in my new school for half a year. Now, I'd like to tell you about my school life.
    Would you like to tell me about your school life?

1-5 CCBCB   6-10 ABABB  11-15  ABACC


41-43 ABD   44-46  DBC  47-50  ADAC








本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/286082.html
