
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

(   )6. A. She is Candy.       B. She is twenty years old. C. She is from Japan.
(   )7. A. She likes a car.  B. She is fine.       C. She has a round face.
(   )8. A. No, he isn’t short.  B. He is tall.  C. Yes, he is.
(   )9. A. They’r e white.   B. They’re mine.   C. I like white.
(   )10. A. You’re right.    B. That’s right.   C. OK.
(   )11. A. Lily’s.      B. Bill’s.     C. Bill’s sister’s.
(   )12. A. America.       B. Canada.       C. England
(   )13. A. Green.     B. Red.     C. White.
(   )14. A. Tall.        B. Big.           C. Small.
(   )15. A. 8875-1687.    B. 8857-1867.    C. 8857-1687.
(   )16. Jack is eleven years old.
(   )17. Jack and I are in Class Two.
(   )18. Jack’s mom is an English teacher.
(   )19. Jack and his mom are my friends.
(   )20. Jack’s mom has big black eyes.
(   )21. Ann is ____.
A. 12      B. 13     C. 10
(   )22. Ann is from ____.
A. the USA    B. Japan     C. t he UK
(   )23. Ann is ____.
A. tall     B. short     C. not tall and not short
(   )24. Her face is ____.
A. round     B. long     C. small
(   )25. The color of her eyes is ____.
A. black     B. blue     C. red
第一部分 語言知識應(yīng)用(35分)
I、選擇填空 (15分)
(   )26. 下列各組字母中全部是元音字母的是 ____。
A. a, e, o, r    B. a, i, u, e   
C. o, u, e, n    D. b, e, c, t
(   )27. —____, are you Mr. Wang?
—Yes, I am.
A. Fine  B. Please  C. Excuse me   D. OK
(   )28. —What color is the T-shirt?
—It’s ____.
A. an orange  B. orange  C. the orange  D. new
(   )29. —Is this ____ car?        
—Yes, it’s ____ English car.
A. a; an  B. a; a  C. an; an    D. an; a
(   )30.—What’s ____ over there(在那邊)?
—It’s a bus.
A. these   B. those   C. this  D. that
(   )31. —Can you give this book ____ Jack?
      —Yes, I can.
A. at   B. to   C. in      D. from
(   )32. Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different ____.
A. classes  B. school  C. grade   D. age
(   )33. These are my pants. His ____ yellow.
A. is B. am C. are D. /
(   )34. I ____ a big nose, but he ____ a small one.
A. have; have B. have; has C. has; has  D. has; have
(   )35. This is my teacher, Miss Chen. ____ is from Hebei.
A. She  B. He   C. Her     D. His
(   )36. Linda is fifteen ____ old.
A. a  year B. the year C. years    D. year
(   )37. I’m in Class 4. Are you in Class 4, ____?
A. please B. too   C. and     D. excuse
(   )38. I like the red coat ,I don’t like the blue       .
A. ones      B. one    C. color     D. clothes
(   )39. —____ Wang Fang have two small eyes?
—No, she doesn’t.
A. Does B. Do       C. Is          D. Are
(   )40. “One one zero” 表示 ____。
A. 火警    B. 匪警    C. 急救中心     D. 電話號碼查詢臺
II、補全對話  從方框中所給的選項中選擇正確的句子補全以下對話。(10分)
A: Excuse me, are you Amy?
B: Yes, I am.   41 
A: My name is Tom. Nice to meet you.
B:   42   Where are you from?
A: I’m from England.   43 
B: No. I’m from the U.S.A.
A: How old are you?
B: I’m twelve.   44 
A: I’m eleven. What class are you in?
B:   45 
A: Oh. We are in the same class. Goodbye!
B: Bye!
A. How old are you?     
B. What’s you r name?
C. Nice to meet you, too. 
D. I’m in Class Two, Grade One.
E. Are you from Engla nd, too?
41. _________  42. _________  43. _________  44. _________  45. _________
Ⅲ、完形填空  (10分)
 Lisa is a n English girl. She is   46  . She is twenty-two years old now. She is   47  actor. She is very nice.   48   hair is long and blond. She   49   blue and big eyes. Her  50   like her very much.
Lisa looks   51   Huang Yongmei, a good actor. The actor   52   Hong Kong. Lisa’s favorite   53   is red. She is often(經(jīng)常)   54  . Lisa likes apples, oranges and bananas.  55   is her good friend? Oh, she is Sally.
(   )46. A. old   B. young  C. long         D. different
(   )47. A. a   B. /      C. the   D. an
(   )48. A. Hers  B. She      C. Her   D. His
(   )49. A. has   B. is   C. have      D. are
(   )50. A. mom   B. friends  C. dad   D. students
(   )51. A. at   B. /      C. like   D. the same
(   )52. A. come from B. from          C. is from  D. in
(   )53.  A. clothes  B.  teacher  C. girl      D. color
(   )54. A. in a red B. in red     C. at a red   D. at red
(   )55. A. Who   B. Whose  C. Where     D. How
 Li Hong is from China. She is thirteen years old. My name is Rose. I’m from England. I’m thirteen, too. We are in the same grade, but we are not in the same class. Li Hong is in Class 3, Grade 1. I’m in Class 5. She and I are good friends.
(   )56. Li Hong is from China.
(   )57. Rose is in Grade 1.
(   )58. They’re in the same class.
(   )59. They’re of the same age(同樣年齡).
(   )60. They’re not friends.
Name Age From Tel.
Zhong Nan 40 Beijing 8876-5342
Gao Ming 13 Shanghai 5673-6981
Martin 28 England 7342-6979
(   )61. Gao Ming is from ____.
A. the U.S.A.  B. Japan  C. China  D. Canada
(   )62. Martin is ____.
A. Chinese(中國人) B. Japanese(日本人) 
C. American(美國人)  D. English
(   )63. Is Zhong Nan from China?
A. No, he is. B. No, he isn’t.  C. Yes, he is. D. Yes, it is.
(   )64. How old is Zhong Nan?
A. 8876-5342  B. 13    C. 28   D. 40
(   )65. His telephone number is 5673-6981. Who is he?
A. He is Martin.   B. He is Zhong Nan. 
C. He is Gao Ming.  D. He is 40.
Mrs. White comes from America. She is an English teacher in No. 12 High School of Guangzhou. She speaks Chinese a little and often has Chinese classes . She likes here very much. She often says the Chinese people are very nice. She is Lucy and Lily’s mom. Lucy and Lily live in America with their dad, Mr. White. They are students. They have some Chinese pen pals.
(   )66. Where is Mrs. White from?
A. China.   B. Canada.  C. America.  D. Shenzhen.
(   )67. Does Mrs. White speak Chinese?
A. Yes, but a little.     B. No, she doesn’t. 
C. She speaks Chinese well.   D. Seldom(很少, 幾乎沒有).
(   )68. Where does Mr. White live?
A. In Shenzhen. B. In China.  C. In Canada.  D. In America.
(   )69. Who do Lily and Lucy live with?
A. Their dad.      B. Their mom. 
C. Their teacher.     D. Their Chinese friends.
(   )70. Do Lucy and Lily have Chinese pen pals?
A. Yes, they do.     B. No, they don’t. 
C. Yes, they have. D. No, they don’t have.
My name is Tommy. I come from Canada.   71   I have big blue eyes and blond hair. I’m tall.   72   Now I’m in Class Seven, Grade Eight. Look! That boy in a green coat is my friend, Paul.   73   He’s twelve. He is strong. We are in the same school, but we are in different classes.   74   I give my photo to him, too.   75 
A. He’s from the USA.
B. We are good friends.
C. He gives his photo to me.
D. I’m thirteen years old.
E. My shirt is red and my pants are white.
F. I’m not short.




71.        72.        73.        74.        75.       

第三部分:  寫(45分)
I 、詞匯應(yīng)用  根據(jù)中文提示,完成下列句子。(10分)
76. ________ ________ (幾歲) is Kangkang?
77. ________ ________ (看著) this photo.
78. ________ ________ (什么顏色) is that T-shirt?
79. what’s this________ ________ (用英語)?
80. I like it   ________ ________ (一點兒) .
Hello, boys and girls! My name is Dick. I’m a boy. I’m a robot (機器人). Please look here. These are my hands. My arms are long. I have no hair. This is my face. I have two big eyes , a long nose and a wide mouth. Here are my big ears. I have short legs and two big      (foot). I can walk(步行). I can speak Chinese, but I can’t speak English. I’m your good friend.
81. Dick doesn’t have ____.
82. Dick can speak ____.
任務(wù)二:用括號內(nèi) 所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
83. ____.
85. Does Dick have a nose?
III、短文填詞  根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)漢語提示補全短文中所缺單詞。每空一詞(10分)
   Jan e is f___86___ Canada. She is t___87___ years old. Now she is i___88___ Beijing International School. She is in Class F___89___, Grade Seven. H___90___ telephone number is (010)9267-6929.
   Huang Hua is from___91___(中國).His E___92___ name is Tom. He is twelve ,too. He is in Class Three, Grade Seven. His telephone number is (010)9252-5233. Huang Hua and Jane are not in the ___93___ class, ___94___(但是)they are g___95___ friends.
86._________ 87. _________ 88. _________ 89. _________ 90. _________
91._________ 92. _________ 93. _________  94. _________  95. _________
根據(jù)卡片內(nèi)容, 寫一篇短文(首句已給出)。60詞左右。
Name: Zhang Jun
Age: 13
From: Shanghai, China
Looks: round face, short black hair, big eyes, tall and strong, yellow skin(皮膚)
Favorite clothes(衣服): white shirts, black pants
Favorite color: white

I have a good friend.                                         
第一部分  聽力(30分)
Ⅰ.(7.5分) 1       2       3       4       5      
Ⅱ.(7.5分) 6       7       8       9       10      
Ⅲ.(5分)   11      12      13      14      15      
Ⅳ.(5分)   16      17      18      19      20      
Ⅴ.(5分)   21      22      23      24      25      

第一部分 語言知識應(yīng)用(35分)
I、選擇填空 (15分)
26      27      28      29      30      
31      32      33      34      35      
36      37      38      39      40      
II、補全對話 (10分)
41      42      43      44      45      
Ⅲ、完形填空  (10分)
46      47      48      49      50      
51      52      53      54      55      
56      57      58      59      60      
61      62      63      64      65      
66      67      68      69      70      
71      72      73      74      75      
第三部分:  寫(45分)
76              77               78             
79              80           
81              82              83          
84                      .   85                       .
III、短文填詞 (10分)
86        87        88        89        90      
91        92        93        94        95      

I have a good friend.                                         

 七 年級英語參考答案
1. C 2. C   3. C  4. A  5. B
6. A   7. C   8. C  9. A  10. C
11. A   12. B   13. A   14. B   15. C
16. T   17. F   18. T 19. T 20. F
21. A   22. A   23. C   24. A 25. B
26.B   27.C.   28.B   29.A   30.D
31.B   32.A   33.C   34.B   35.A
36.C   37.B   38.B   39.A   40.B
41.B   42.C   43.E   44.A   45.D
46.B   47.D   48.C   49.A   50.B


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/297599.html
