Unit 6 Do you like bananas?陳述句和疑問句練習(xí)(有解析人教新

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?陳述句和疑問句練習(xí)(有解析人教新目標(biāo))
【2013江蘇淮安】11. —________ do you usually go to school, Simon?
—By bike.
A. When   B. How   C. What    D. Where
【解析】考查疑問詞的用法。when什么時候, how怎樣, what什么, where在哪里。答句中的by bike是一種方式, 因此問句意為“你通常怎樣上學(xué), 西蒙”, 所以選擇B。
【2013湖南益陽】34.—Jim had nothing for breakfast this morning, _______?
—______. He got  up too late.
A. had she; Yes B. hadn’t he; Yes C. did he; No
【2013湖南益陽】25.—_____does your father go to see your grandmother?
—Once a month.
A. How long B. How soon   C. How often
【解析】考查特殊疑問詞的用法。how long 多久;how soon 多舊;how often多久一次;根據(jù)句意 “你的父親多久去看一次你的奶奶?”“一個月一次。根據(jù)答語Once a month詢問的是頻率,故選C。
【2013湖北宜昌】26. —______ is the street crowded with so many people?
—Because they are waiting to watch the boat races.
   A. Why       B. Where      C. How      D. Who 
【2013湖北十堰】38. There’s little important news in the newspaper today, ___________?
 A. isn’t there  B. is there  C. is it  D. are there
【解析】考查反義疑問句的用法。反義疑問句的規(guī)則是 “前肯后否”或者是“前否后肯”
題干中的little具有否定意義,所以選“前否后肯”,答案 B。
【2013江蘇南京】2. —            film do  you prefer, Lost in Thailand or  Life o Pi, made?
—Lost in Thailand. I  like comedies because they often make me, laugh.
A. What  B. Whatever  C. Whose  D. Which
【2013江蘇徐州】6. —________ model plane is this?
—I think it's Jim's. Look,his name is on it.
A. Who    B. What   C. Whose   D. Where
【解析】考查疑問詞的用法。Who意為“誰”;What意為“什么”;Whose意為“誰的”;Where意為“在哪里”。由答句“it's Jim's”知,問句意為“這是誰的飛機模型”。所以選擇C。
【2013江蘇淮安】15.—Wha t brought joy to Linda just now?
—________. ?
A. Received a gift    B. She received a gift
C. Receiving a gift    D. Because she received a gift
【解析】考查特殊疑問句的答語。問句中的疑問詞是what, 因此用名詞或動名詞作答語, 選項中只有C是動名詞, 所以選擇C。
【2013安徽】34. —____________ can you finish this English exam?
—In about one and a half hours.
A. How far B. How often  C. How soon  D.  How long
 A. where   B. how   C. when           D. why
【2013福建福州】38. — _________ does your cousin go to the gym?
— Twice a week.
A. How long              B. How often          C. How soon
【解析】選B?疾樘厥庖蓡栐~的用法。How long對時間段進行提問,意為“多久”;how often對頻率進行提問,意為“多久一次”;how soon對將來的時間點進行提問,意為“多久后”。又根據(jù)該句的句意為“你的表姐多久去一次健身房?每周兩次”。故B項正確。
【2013廣東湛江】26. —       do you go to the library?
—Once a week.
A. How often   B. How long    C. How far    D. How soon
【2013山東濱州】26. —         do you know so much about the UFO?
—I usually get the information by surfing the Internet.
A. How    B. What    C. Which    D. Where
【解析】考查特殊疑問詞的辨析。由答語“我通 過通過上網(wǎng)獲取信息!翱芍儐柕氖欠绞,所以選擇答案A。
【2013山東棗莊】24.—_______apples do we need to make fruit salad?
   —Let me think …We need three apples.
A. How long        B. How often         C. How much        D. How many
【解析】 考查四個特殊疑問詞組的區(qū)別。How long :“多長”(對時間、長度等提問)How often:對頻率提問“多久一次”  .How much :“多少”(對錢數(shù)、不可數(shù)名詞提問).How many:其后跟可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)“多少”。 所以應(yīng)選D。
【2013湖北孝感】26. —______ have you been married?
  —For twenty years
           A. How far   B. how often      C. how long    D. how soon
【解析】考查疑問副詞的用法辨析。How far對距離多遠提問;How often對頻率提問;How long提問可對時間,空間和物體長度的提問;How soon多久,用來提問將來的時間,答語常為in +段時間。故答案選C。
【2013湖北荊州】21. —              will Mrs. Lin go to Germany?
    — To see her daughter there.
A. How           B. When          C. Why           D. What
【解析】考查疑問詞的用法。答句意思是“去那兒看望她的女兒”,表示“去德國”的原因,因此用疑問詞why,因此選 擇C答案。
【2013黑龍江綏化】24. You’d better________ here ________ the heavy rain.
         A. not to leave; because   B. not leave; because         C. not leave; because of
【解析】考查固定短語用法辨析。句意:因為大雨,你最好不要離開。had better do sth(最好做某事)的否定結(jié)構(gòu)是had better not do sth;because是連詞,其后接原因狀語從句或回答以why開頭的問句;而because of是復(fù)合介詞,其后接名詞、代詞或動名詞,或者what引導(dǎo)的名詞性從句。所以選擇答案C。
【2013浙江溫州】9. —It’s Father’s Day,          ?
—Yes. Let’s buy a gift for Dad.
A. isn’t it     B. doesn’t it    C. isn’t he    D. doesn’t he
【2013四川遂寧】26. She has never been to the city,      she?
A. doesn’t                  B. hasn’t                  C. has
【解析】考查反意疑問句。 句意為:她從來都沒有去過這個城市,是的嗎?由句中的never可知,前面的句子為否定含義,所以后面的附加疑問部分就要用肯定形式,故選C。
【2013四川南充】23. — ________ is that man over there?
   — He’s my uncle.
A. What  B. Who  C. Whose
【2013甘肅蘭州】25. — ________ bowl of mutton soup would you like? 
— A big bowl, please.
 A. What size   B. What big   C. How much  D. How size
【解析】考查疑問詞辨析。答語意思:請來一大碗。由此 知是對碗的型號進行提問的。在英語中What size是針對型號進行提問的。故選A。上句句意:你想要多大碗的羊肉湯?
【2013甘肅蘭州】40.  — He hasn’t watched the movie “ So Young”, has he?
 — ________. He told me it’s very moving and interesting, he’d like to watch it again.
 A. Yes, he has   B. Yes, he hasn’t  C. No, he hasn’t D. No, he has
【2013廣東】40. — ________ is it from the village to your farm?
—About 10 minutes’ walk.
A. How often     B. How soon     C How long D. How far
40.【答案】 D
【解析】考查特殊疑問詞組的用法。how often多久一次,how soon 多久 ,how long多長,how far多遠,根據(jù)句意是詢問路程多遠。所以選擇答案D 。
【2013四川宜賓】28.—Sam didn’t go to school yesterday, did he?
 —______. He was ill yesterday.
   A. Yes, he did   B. No, he did   C. No, he didn’t  D. Yes, he didn’t
【2013重慶】32.—_____ does your father play tennis after work?
—Every Tuesday and Thursday.
A.How often     B.How soon      C.Where     D.Why
【解析】本題考查疑問副詞(詞組)。how often“多久一次”,提問頻率;how soon“多久以后”,提問“in+一段時間”;where“在哪里”,提問地點;why”為什么”,詢問原因。由答語Every Tuesday and Thursday.可知詢問頻率。故選A。
【2013湖南邵陽】24.There is little milk in the fridge,           ?
A. is  there              B. isn’t there           C. isn’t it
【解析】考查反義疑問句的用法。little 幾乎沒有,是否定詞,反意疑問句遵循前否后肯的原則,所以疑問部分用 is there。選A。
【2013 浙江衢州】24. —        can you tell whether a foreigner is English or American?
   —Maybe by the way he speaks.
   A. Why         B. When            C. Where         D. How
【解析】本題考查特殊疑問詞的辨析,A“為什么”B“何時”C“何處”D“如何”根據(jù)句義“你能告訴我如何能知道一個外國人是英國人還是美國人?通過Maybe by the way he speak.可知對方式提 問。故選。
【2013四川內(nèi)江】35. —_____would you like to choose to live in, Chengdu, Beijing or Shanghai?
—Chengdu, I think.
    A. How   B. What   C. When   D. Which
【2013山東威!30. —       are you leaving for Beijing?
—In a couple of days.                      
A. How far       B. How often     C. How soon     D. How long
【解析】考查疑問詞組的辨析。how far表示多遠,用來提問距離;how often多久一次,用來提問頻率副詞;how soon多久以后,用來提問in+一段時間;how long多久,用來提問for+一段時間。根據(jù)答語in a couple of days,故選C。
【2013哈爾濱】29. —How wonderfully you are playing the piano! ______ do you practice it a week?
           —twice. Practice  makes perfect.
A. How often        B. How many times             C. How soon
【解析】本題考查疑問詞組。How often “多久一次”,詢問頻率; How many times“多少次”,詢問次數(shù);How soon“多久以后”,常用于一般將來時。由 答語中的Twice.可知B項符合題意
【2013四川南充】26. — ________ do you shop?
   — I shop once a month.
A. How long B. How often  C. How far
【解析】考查疑問副詞用法。how long “多久”,表示時間;how often “每隔多久一次”,表示頻率;how far “多遠”,表示距離。根據(jù)答語“我一個購物一次”,可知答案應(yīng)選B。
【2013四川瀘州】4. Tell me the way to the cinema, _______ you?
A. will           B. need         C. shall         D. may
【解析】考查祈使句的反義疑問句用法。祈使句的反義疑問句除了let’s開頭的,都可運用will you?所以選擇答案A。
【2013湖北黃石】32. I don’t think the newly-directed film by Zhaowei is as interesting as people say, _______?
A. do you          B. isn’t it         C. is it           D. don’t you
【解析】考查反意疑問句的用法。當(dāng)句子當(dāng)中含有think,believe, suppose時,后面的疑問部分要根據(jù)從句來確定。根據(jù)句意:“我認(rèn)為由趙薇執(zhí)導(dǎo)的新電影不像人們說的那樣有趣。故選C。
【2013上海】38. —_______ have you been in the sports club?
—Since the first month I came to the school.
A. How old         B. How long          C. How much    D. How soon
【答案】 B
【解析】考查疑問副詞的用法。how old, 用來提問年齡。how long 表示“(延續(xù))多長時間,回答用for…或since…引導(dǎo)的時間狀語;how often 表示多久一次,指動作的頻率,多長時間;how soon 表示還要多久才…一般用于將來時,回答用“in…”引導(dǎo)的時間狀語。
【2013山東濟南】44. —Do you like summer or winter?       
—__________. I really like the snow.
A. Yes, I do       B. No, I don’t         C. Summer              D. Winter
【2013山東濟南】31. —__________ does your new friend look l ike?
—He is tall with short blonde hair and big blue eyes.
A. How      B. Who        C. What       D. Where
【解析】考查特殊疑問詞辨析。由答語“He is ta ll with short blonde hair and big blue eyes”判斷問句是在提問長相,需要用What does sb. look like?所以答案選C。
【2013山東濟南】38. —Jenny, I need some milk.        
—OK, Mum. ___________ do you need?
A. How much       B. How many         C. How often         D. How long
【解析】考查特殊疑問詞辨析。根據(jù)對話中前一句中的milk判斷后一句問對方需要多少牛奶,而提問不可數(shù)名詞的數(shù)量要用how much。所以答案選A。



本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/300321.html
