Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?課時訓(xùn)練題(人教新目標附答

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習網(wǎng)

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?課時訓(xùn)練題(人教新目標附答案)
1. Do you have......?         Yes, I do.          No, I don’t..
Do they have......?         Yes, they do.          No, they don’t..
Does he have......?         Yes, he does.          No, he doesn’t.
Does she have......?         Yes, she does.          No, she doesn’t.
2. do/does
     Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球嗎?             I don’t know. 我不知道。
     Does Jim have a sister? 吉姆有妹妹嗎?             What does he like? 他喜歡什么?
     He doesn’t like English. 他不喜歡英語。
  2) 作實義動詞,“做,干”。
     I do my homework every day. 我每天都做家庭作業(yè)。
     Bob does his homework every day. 鮑勃每天都做家庭作業(yè)。
  3) 在一般現(xiàn)在時中,do/does 可用來替代上文出現(xiàn)過的動詞,以避免重復(fù)。
     —Do you have a soccer ball? 你有足球嗎?    —Yes, I do. 是的,我有。(do 代have)
—Does she have an eraser?         —Yes, she does.
I don’t have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. 我沒有足球,但我的哥哥艾倫有。
3. Let’s do sth. “(讓)我們做某事吧。”表示建議。(let’s = let us)
  肯定回答一般用That sounds good.(那聽起來很好)/OK.好的 / All right.好的 / Great.好極了/ Good idea. 好主意
  否定回答一般用sorry, I...
  1) —讓我們上學(xué)去吧。—好的。 ______________________________________________
   2) —我們打乒乓球吧!獙Σ黄穑矣性S多家庭作業(yè)要做。
4. let sb. do sth. 讓某人作某事
  1) 讓他踢足球。___________________________2) 讓海倫回家吧。__________________________________
5. We’re late! 我們遲到了!  be late for…. ……遲到    Don’t be late for school.不要上學(xué)遲到。
6. play + 球類名詞:打/踢……球(注意:球類運動不用冠詞)
  play ping-pong/basketball/volleyball/tennis/soccer
7. sound
    That story sounds very interesting.那故事聽起來很有趣。
    The sound is too loud.聲音太大了。
8. We play it at school with our friends.我們和我們的朋友在學(xué)校踢。
   1)at school 在學(xué)校
   2)with “和;與;跟……在一起”
9. It’s easy for me.這對我來說挺容易的。








10. sports club 體育俱樂部
   Sport“運動”,修飾名詞時,總是用復(fù)數(shù)形式。sports meeting運動會sports shoes運動鞋
11. play/do sports做運動
12. watch TV看電視
13. on TV/on the radio/on the computer/on the phone 在電視上/在收音機上/在電腦上/在電上                     
14. every day 每天        She plays sports every day. 她每天都做運動。
  (everyday日常的       everyday English 日常英語)
15. after class 下課后   after school 放學(xué)后
16. 辨析interesting與interested
   1) interesting可作表語,指某人/事/物本身有趣;也可作定語修飾人或物。
①The book is interesting. 這書很有趣。 (作表語)
     ②I have an interesting book.我有本有趣的書。(作定語)
   2) interested用于be/get/become interested in…(對……感興趣)這一結(jié)構(gòu)中,修飾人。
     He is interested in playing football.他對踢足球感興趣。
17.一般現(xiàn)在時:(A:動詞be      B:動詞do)
  1)表示現(xiàn)在的狀態(tài),如:He is 12. She is at home.
  2)表示經(jīng)常的或習慣性的動作,如:I go to school at 7:30 every day.
  3)表示主語具備的性格和能力等,如:She likes apples.  They know English.


drink ________ go _______ stay ________ make ________
look _________ have_______ pass_______  carry _______
come________ watch______  plant_______ fly ________
study_______ brush________ do_________  teach_______
  1. ——_______ ________ have a banana?    ——Yes , I do .
  2. ——Do you have a basketball?     ——No , _______ ______ .
  3. ——_______ Mary have a sister?  ——Yes , she ________ .
  4. ——_______ go to play football.  ——That sounds interesting .
  5. ——_________ _______ have a computer?  ——Yes , they do .
  1. I have five 籃球           .                      2. Let's_________(play) ping-pong.
  3. Does your sister have a c          (電腦) game?     4. Do you have a tennis r          (球拍)?
  5. He plays s        (運動)every morning.          6. That _______ (sound ) good.
  7. ______ you _____ (have) a tennis racket?              8. We have many sports _________(club).
  9. I _________(not have) a soccer ball.                  10. He ____________ (have) a book.
  11.The book is very            (interest),I like it very much.
  12.He           (watch) TV at home every day.
  13. I like playing ping pong,but I           (not have) a ping pong ball now.
  14. My brother __________ ( have ) a baseball bat .
  15.—Let 's watch TV.   —That ___________( sound) interesting .
  16. She ______________ ___ a great collection . ( not have )
  17. Does Jim ___________ a ping-pong ball ? (have )
(   )1.      you have an eraser?    A. Does   B. does   C. Do   
(   )2.    your mother have a ping-pang bat?    A. Does   B. does   C. Do  
(   )3. Let’s      TV.   A. watch     B. see    C. watches   
(   )4.—Do you have a ping-pang bat?    — _       
     A. Yes, I don’t.   B. No, I doesn’t.   C. Yes, I do      
(   )5.—Does she have a baseball bat?   — _       
  A. Yes, she has.     B. No, she does.   C. Yes, she does   
(   )6. An eraser and a book        on the tabl e.  A. am      B. is      C. are
(   )7. She      computer games very well.   A. playes     B. play  C. plays 
(   )8. I      playing ping pong.     A. likes  B. doesn’t like   C. don’t like
(   )9.—Let's play ping-pong.    —_____
A. No    B.That interesting    C.That sounds good   
(   )10. Do you play ________ volleyball?     A .a    B. the    C./ 
(   )11. _____ Tom ________ a computer?    A. Does,has   B. Does, have   C. Do have  
(   )12.My brothe r_______ __ have a hat.    A. is not     B. don’t     C. doesn't
(   )13.—Do Lucy and Lily have a baseball?  —Yes,____________.
 A. she does     B. they have     C. they do   
(   )14.—Let's play basketball.   —No,_____________.
 A. it's boring    B. it's interesting     C. it's fun
(   )15. I _________ have a watch.   A. am not      B. doesn't       C.don't        
(   )16. That soun ds ___________.  A. well      B. badly     C. good    
(   )17. That's an ___________ question.   A. interesting    B. boring       C. relaxing
(   )18. Let         play sports.   A. we   B. us    C. is    
(   )19. _________ your brother have any apples?   A. Do            B. Does         C. Is
(   )20. We have eight ________. A. watch           B. watchs             C. watches
(   )21. How many tomatoes _______ you have?   A. are             B. do             C. does
(   )22. Let’s ______ to play basketball.    A. go          B. going             C. is going
(   )23.—Is everyone here today?    —Sorry, I _________ know .
           A. am not                B. can not             C. don’t
(   )24. Where ________ their books?   A. is            B. am                C. are
(   )25. Jim ________ a good friend at school.  A. have          B. has              C. is
(   )26. Tony watches sports _________TV.    A. on         B. in         C. at       
(   )27. ________they ________a volleyball ?
 A. Does, has    B. Does, have    C. Do, have 
(   )28. She _________TV at night.   A. watches       B. sees         C.  watch  
   Look at the boy .He is __1__ good friend.He is __2__ American boy .__3__ name is Tom . __4____ 12. My __5____is Wang Lei . ___6___ a Chinese boy . I'm 13.
    Tom __7____a small sports collection . He has ____8____baseball bat , three basketballs and four soccer balls , But I only have ___9____ baseball . Tom and I _10____sports every Sunday .
(    ) 1. A. I   B. your    C. my                    (    ) 2. A. a    B. an    C. the   
(    ) 3. A. His  B. She   C. Her                    (    ) 4. A. His   B. She's  C. He's   
(    ) 5. A. name   B. book  C. friend                (    ) 6. A. I     B. I'm   C. She's
(    ) 7. A. have  B. has    C. doesn't have            (    ) 8. A. one   B. two    C. three   
(    ) 9. A. a     B. two    C. three                 (    ) 10. A. plays  B. play   C. playing  
    Jerry is a lovely boy. He likes sports very much. He likes football, ping-pong, and baseball. But he doesn’t like volleyball. He thinks it is boring. He has a little sister. Her name is Lily. He likes her very much. On
his desk there is a green clock, one interesting book and a pen. Every evening he reads the book there.
(    )1. Jerry likes football and volleyball.         (    )2. Jerry has a sister.
(    )3. Jerry’s sister’s name is Lucy.             (    )4. Jerry has a red clock.
(    )5. Jerry likes reading.
     The children often play football in the garden and sometimes break(打破) Mr. Black’s windows. One
afternoon Mr. Black is at home and reads a book. In a minute he closes his eyes and goes to sleep. At that
time a little boy knocks at the door. Mr. Black  opens the door and asks, “Do you break my window again(再一次)?”
     “Oh, no” says the boy, “Your window is open this time and our football is in your room. May I get it
(    )1. The children often play football _________.
       A. in the street(街道)                     B. in the garden          C. in the zoo(動物園)                    
(    )2. Sometimes the children break _______ windows.
       A. Mrs White     B. Mrs Black’s     C. Mr Black’s
(    )3. Who knocks at Mr Black’s door?     A. A girl     B. A boy     C. A man   
(    )4. The children’s football is _______ Mr Black’s room.
            A. in           B. on          C. behind       
(    )5.  ——Do the children break Mr Black’s window again?    ——_____________ .
       A. Yes, they do.      B. No, they don’t.      C. Yes, we do.
1.她有一本英語書嗎?                           an English book?
2.我們玩電腦游戲吧!         play computer games!
3.Tom 有兩個籃球。  Tom         two              .
4.你有一副棒球拍嗎?  Do you have                             ?
5.讓我們?nèi)ヌ?足球吧.     ______ _______ ___________.
6.那聽起來很好.   That _________ good.
7.我們有很多運動俱樂部.   We _______ many _______ clubs.
1. Do you have a ping-pang ball?(改為肯定句)                                               
2. He likes watching TV.(就劃線部分提問)                                               
3. His baseball is under the table. (就劃線部分提問)                                             
4. She has a TV(改為否定句)                                              
5. I have a volleyball. (改為否定句)                                              
6. I have an English book.(變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧洌?nbsp;                                          
7. Do you have a ping?pong ball?(作肯定回答)                                            
8. He has a volleyball.(改為否定句)_____________________________________________
9. She plays ping pong with her sister. (改為否定句)__________________________________                                                  
10. Can you play tennis?(作肯定回答) ___________________________
六、翻譯句子. (10分)
1.—咱們?nèi)ゴ蚧@球吧.  —那聽起來很好。
  —________________________________________.     —________________________________.
2.—你爸爸有電腦嗎?  —不,沒有.
  —________________________________?           —______, _________。
3.—你有乒乓球嗎?   —不,我沒有. 
  —________________________________?           —______, _________。
4.—他有一個足球嗎?  —是的,他有.
  —________________________________?           —______, _________。
5.—他們有一臺電腦嗎?   —是的,他們有
  —____ ____________________________?           —______, _________。
1. A: Let’s       computer games.
  B: That        interesting ,       I don’t have a computer.
  A: Let’s         TV.
  B: That sounds         . Let’s play soccer.        you        a soccer ball?
  A: Yes, I        .
2. 選擇合適的句子填人對話中。
  A: Do you have an English book?
  B: 1                             
  A: Let’s read it.
  B: 2                            
  A: Well, let’s play computer games.
  B: That sounds great.But 3                
  A: It’s in my room.
  A: Yes,I do.
  B: Where are they?
  A: 5                                   

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/300939.html
