
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

時間:100分鐘  總分:100分
本試卷分第I卷 (選擇題) 和第II卷 (非選擇題) 兩部分。第I卷1至6頁;第II卷7至10頁。共120分,考試時間100分鐘。請考生們掌握好時間,答題時要做到自信、沉著、認真思考。        
第 I 卷 (選擇題  共60分)
(一) 聽句子,選擇與句子內容相對應的圖片。每個句子讀兩遍。
      A                 B                C              D
1.       2.       3.       
請看第二組的四幅圖片,聽三個句子,完成第4至第6 小題。
        A                B               C              D
4.       5.       6.      
 (二) 聽對話和問題,根據(jù)所聽內容,選擇最佳答案。對話和問題都讀兩遍。
7. A. Chinese.             B. Math.                 C. English.
8. A. To watch TV.      B. To go to a movie.      C. To play ping-pong.
9. A. They are boring.       B. They are difficult.       C. They are scary.
10. A. On the dresser.       B. On the table.           C. In the drawer.
11. A. January fifth.      B. January fifteenth.       C. January fourteenth.
12. A. action movies        B. thrillers                C. comedies
13.A. seven dollars    B. ten dollars     C. nine dollars
14. A. 8796335       B. 8697335      C. 8796553
15. A. Yes, he like     B. No, he doesn’t     C. Yes, he doesn’t.
(三) 聽短文,根據(jù)短文內容,判斷下列句子正誤,正確的用“A”表示,不正確的用“B”表示。短文讀兩遍。聽短文前,你們有20秒鐘的時間閱讀下列句子。
16. Peter is 11 years old.
17. Peter’s birthday is January 12.
18. Peter have eggs and milk for his lunch.
19. Peter likes going to movies and he likes biology.
20. Petter goes to school at about 8:00 every morning.
請考生們翻到第II卷,先找到第五大題的A) 部分。你們將有 5秒鐘的準備時間。

What day is it today? 61.____________
What’s Alice’s favorite subject? 62.____________
What’s Jim’s favorite subject? 63.____________
How many math classes does Alice
have on Monday? 64._____________
What can Jim do? 65.____________
答案:66. _______    67._______    68. _______    69. _______   70. _______

(  )21.My brother plays ______ basketball well but he doesn’t play _______ piano well.
  A. the, the       B. /, the     C. the, /        D. /, /
(  )22. I don’t like fruits. Please take the _______ away.
  A. broccoli        B. bag          C. ice cream         D. strawberries
(  )23. I want to know your age. ___________
  A. How old are you?  B. How are you?  C. What’s your name?   D. When is your birthday?
(  )24.—__________ are the pants? —Oh, the black pants? They are only ten dollars.
  A. What color       B. How many      C. How much       D. Where
(  )25. ________ do you like music?
  A. What       B. Why       C. How many     D. Who
(  )26. Ken is Aunt Lucy’s son. _______ birthday is October 3rd.
   A. He             B. She         C. His         D. Her
(  )27.-What are they talking ________?
   -I am not sure. Because they are talking ______English, I don't know English . 
A. to; with         B. to;  in       C. with; about       D .about; in
(  )28. We usually have our school trip _______ a morning of April.
   A. on         B. at             C. to             D. in
(  )29. —Let’s ________ this play.   —Sorry, I like to ________ this book.
A. look; see      B. look at ; read     C. watch; read     D. to see ; look
(  )30. I ________ math but my brother ________.
A. don’t like; does  B. don’t like; doesn’t   C. doesn’t like; do   D. like; don’t 
(  )31. The new TV play Yimeng is a _______ movie. Lots of people like to see it.
   A. bad          B. boring         C. successful         D. scary
(  )32. —______ you speak Chinese?  —No, I can’t.
A. Do           B. Are         C. Does          D. Can
(  )33. You _______ so well. I think you can join the music club.
A. swim           B. play basketball     C. sing           D. speak English
(  )34.—What’s your phone number?   —Sorry, I don’t have a _______.
  A. pen            B. telephone         C. pencil case      D. ID card
(  )35. _________is the seventh month of the year.
  A. January        B. June             C. July          D. September
(  )36.—I like sports very much and I don’t want to stay at home and do nothing.—OK! Let’s __.
  A. go to school.    B. go to a movie.     C. play the violin     D. play tennis
(  )37. My father likes comedies _______ he doesn’t like Mr Bean.
  A. and           B. or             C. but             D. so
(  )38. The price of the pants ______  ninety yuan.
  A. is            B. am             C. are             D. be
(  )39. —What’s your favorite __________?   —Math, I think.
  A. food          B. sport          C. movie         D. subject
(  )40. —It’s my birthday today!     —____________
A. Thank you very much!  B. You’re welcome!  C. Happy birthday to you!  D. I’m sorry!
My name is Ann.   41   favorite day of the week is Sunday.   42  Sundays I usually get up late, at about 9 o’clock in the  43 . I have breakfast from 9:10 to 9:40. Then  44  breakfast, I often  45  TV. My parents and I usually go out for a big meal at noon. In the afternoon, I often go to the park(公園)  46  my friends. We play  47  basketball and soccer in the park. After dinner I play computer games at  48 . Sometimes I go to a movie with my famil y. We all like 49 .
We think they’re very exciting. I like Sunday so much because on that day I  50  do things I like to do.
(  )41. A. My        B. Your         C. His        D. Her
(  )42. A. In         B. On           C. At            D. From
(  )43. A. morning    B. afternoon      C. evening        D. night
(  )44. A. at          B. in            C. before        D. after
(  )45. A. look        B. see           C. watch         D. read
(  )46. A. for         B. with          C. and           D. to
(  )47. A. a          B. an            C. the            D. /
(  )48. A. school      B. home         C. hotel          D. park
(  )49. A. books      B. salad          C. reading       D. action movies
(  )50. A. can        B. can’t          C. don’t          D. must
(一) 閱讀短文,完成51—60小題。(共10小題,計20 分)
June is from England. Her family are in Beijing, China now. She is fourteen years old. The date of her birth is September seventh. Her father, Mr Smith is an English teacher. And her mother, Mrs Smith is an English teacher, too. They all like Chinese movies. Mr Smith likes action movies. He thinks the y are really exciting. His favorite actor is Jet Li. Mrs Smith likes Beijing Opera. She thinks she can learn much about Chine se history by seeing them. And June herself likes comedies. Her favorite actor is Zhao Benshan. She thinks he is very funny. She also thinks Zhao Benshan’s movies are better(更好) than Rowan Atkinson’s. Mr Smith and Mrs Smith like Beijing Roast Duck(北京烤鴨). They often go to Quanjude to have it.
(  )51. June is __________.
  A. a Chinese boy     B. a Chinese girl     C. an American girl     D. an English girl
(  )52. June is ___________.
  A. twelve          B. thirteen          C. fourteen           D. fifteen
(  )53. June’ s birthday is ________.
  A. December seventh    B. September seventh 
C. December eleventh   D. September eleventh
(  )54. ________ likes action movies.
  A. June      B. Mr Smith        C. Mrs Smith       D. Nobody
(  )55. ________ like(s) Beijing Roast Duck.
  A. June      B. Mr Smith        C. Mrs Smith       D. Mr Smith and Mrs Smith
Mr Green works in an office(辦公室). Every morning he has breakfast with his wife at 7:30, watches TV, drinks tea(喝茶) and then leaves his home at 8:00 to take a bus to his office.
Now he still sits comfortably at the breakfast table and watches his news on TV at 8:05. He doesn’t hurry and asks his wife for another cup of tea.
“Another cup?”she says in surprise(吃驚的).“Don’t you need to go to the office today?”“The office?” he says. “I think I’m at the office!”
(  )56. Mr Green works in a(an) ______.
   A. school           B. hotel            C. office           D. hospital
(  )57. Mr Green usually goes to work by _______.
   A. car             B. bus              C. bike            D. train
(  )58. Mr Green likes ________ every day.
   A. running         B. playing basketball   C. watching TV     D. drinking coffee
(  )59. Mrs Green is surprised because Mr Green_________.
   A. doesn’t drink tea         B. doesn’t watch TV news  
C. doesn’t go to work       D. doesn’t have breakfast
(  )60. Mr Green forgets(忘記) that he is _________.
   A. at home         B. at his office        C. on the bus       D. in his car
(二) 閱讀對話,完成第II卷第五大題的66—70小題。(共5小題,計10分)
Bob: Hey, Joe!     66  
Joe: I’m OK, thanks. And you?
Bob: I’m fine, too.     67    
Joe: Sure. You can ask anything you like.   
Bob:     68     
Joe: My favorite subject is math.
Bob:     69     
Joe: Because it’s very interesting.
Bob:     70     
Joe: My math teacher is Mr Martin.
Bob: Wow! He is a very great teacher!

第Ⅱ卷(非選擇題  共60分)
71. I like f_____________, such as(象) bananas, apples and strawberries.
72. This is an i______________ computer game. Many boys like to play it.
73. N____________ is the eleventh month of the year.
74. B ___________is the date of one’s birth. Most people like to have a party on this day.
75. Sunday is the f____________ day of the week.
76. Some students don’t like math, because it’s _______________(困難的).
77. Our class teacher is very ___________________ (嚴格的) with us.
78. My _____________ (業(yè)余愛好) is playing tennis.
79. President Hu Jintao is very _______ _______ (繁忙的) every day.
80. You should make a shopping ______________ (清單) before you buy things.
81. —Do you brush your ______ ( tooth) every morning? —Yes, I do. Look, how white they are!
82. Liu Xiang is a good ______________ (run) .
83. Fruits and vegetables are ______________ (health) food. You can have more of them.
84. December is the _______________ (twelve) month of the year.
85. We have many new clothes at a good price. Come and see for _____________ (you).
86. I can play the guitar but I can’t play it very _______________ (good).
87. Listen to ____________ (I)! I’ll tell you all about it.
88. My little brother ____________ (not do) his homework carefully. He isn’t good at his lessons.
89. Lisa ____________ (have) a great sports collection. She likes sports.
90. Can you help me with _____________ (swim)?
91. The T-shirt is 15 dollars. (對劃線部分提問)  _________ _________ is the T-shirt?
92. Tony goes to bed at nine-thirty every night. (對劃線部分提問)
   _________ __________ does Tony go to bed every night?
93. I can  dance and sing. (改為否定句)   I _________ dance _________ sing.
94. Jim has some interesting books. (改為一般疑問句)  _____Jim have ____ interesting books?
95. What time is it? (改為同義句)   ___________ the _____________?
96. 那些紅色的毛衣只賣15元。  The sweaters _________ _________ are only for¥15.
97. 我會說一點英語。           I can speak _________ __________ English.
98. 我們每天六點鐘到校。       We ________ ________ school at six every day.
99. 你能幫我學歷史嗎?         Can you ___________ me ___________ my history?
100. 不要在課堂上聽音樂。      Don’t __________ ___________ the music in class!
Name Jenny Black
Age 13
School Tengfei Middle School
E-mail Address(電子郵箱) Jenny Am. @163.com
Favorite Food Hamburgers and Apples
Favorite Sport Tennis
Favorite Subject Chinese

參 考 答 案
1—5. CABDA     6—10. BCBCA      11—15. BCAAB       16—20. ABBBA 
21-25 BDACB    26—30. CDACA     31—35. ADCBC       36—40. DCADC     
41—45. ABADC   46—50. BDBDA  
51—55. DCBBD     56—60. CBCCA
    61.Wednesday  62. math   63.music  64. two/2  65.play the piano
    B) 66-70 BEGCA
六、71.fruits  72. interesting 73. November  74.Birthday 75. first 76. difficult/hard 77. strict 78.hobby 79. busy  80. list  81. teeth 82.runner 83.healthy  84. twelfth  85. yourself 
86. well  87. me  88. doesn’t do  89. has  90. swimming
七、91. How much  92.What time  93. can’t, or  94. Does, any  95. What’s, time
八、96. in red  97. a little  98. get to  99. help, with  100. listen to

(一) 聽句子,選擇與句子內容相對應的圖片。每個句子讀兩遍。
1. The chair is twenty-five dollars.
2. They want to read the book because it is very interesting.
3. Lucy has a lot of sweaters, but I only have one.
4. I can play the guitar.
5. Look! The apple is so big.
6.I usually get up at seven o’clock.
(二) 聽對話和問題,根據(jù)所聽內容,選擇最佳答案。對話和問題都讀兩遍。
7. W: Do you have a favorite subject?
   M: Yes, it’s English.
   Question: What’s his favorite subject?
8. W: Let’s go to a movie this Sunday.
   M: That sounds interesting!
   Question: What do they want to do this Sunday?
9. W: Do you like thrillers, Jack?
   M: No, I don’t. Because they are too scary.
   Question: Why doesn’t Jack like thrillers?
10 M: Where are my pants, Mum?
   W: Oh, they are on the dresser, Mike.
   Question: Where are Mike’s pants?
11. M. When is your birthday, Mary?
   W: My birthday is January fifteenth.
Q:When is Mary’s birthday?
 12.M:  What kind of movies do you like, Alice?
   W: I like comedies.
   Q: what kind of movies does Alice like?
 13. W: How much is this blue skirt?
M: It’s seven dollars.
Q: How much is the skirt?
 14.W: What is your phone number?
M: It’s 8796335
Q: What’s the boy’s phone number.
 15. W: Let’s have ice cream.
M: Oh, no.
W: No?
M: I don’t like ice cream.
Q: Does the boy like ice cream?
(三) 聽短文,根據(jù)短文內容,判斷下列句子正誤,正確的用“A”表示,不正確的用“B”表示。短文讀兩遍。聽短文前,你們有20秒鐘的時間閱讀下列句子。
Hi, I’m Peter. Here I want to tell you something about myself. I’m eleven years old. My birthday is February twelfth. I eat lots of healthy food every day. For breakfast, I have eggs and milk. For lunch, I eat rice and vegetables. For dinner, I eat noodles. I can play the piano. I also like going to movies. My favorite movie star is Jackie Chan. A great Chinese actor. I go to school at around 8:00 every morning. I like P.E. and math, but I do n’t like biology, because it’s too boring.
請考生們翻到第II卷,先找到第五大題的A) 部分。你們將有 5秒鐘的準備時間。
    錄音中有一篇對話,對話讀三遍,根據(jù)你們聽到的短文內容, 完成下面表格,每空詞數(shù)不限。你們將有15秒鐘的時間閱讀表格內容。
M: Hi, Alice! Is it Tuesday today?
W: No, it’s Wednesday.
M: Oh, thanks. Are you OK today?
W: No, I’m not. I have history today.
M: Don’t you like history?
W: No. I think it’s so boring.
M: Then what’s your favorite subject?
W: Math. It’s difficult but interesting. I love Monday because I have two math classes on that day. What about you, Jim?
W: Music, I think. I like playing the piano. I can play it well.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/308741.html
