
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

一、 單項(xiàng)選擇。(20分)
1. My last name is Wood, and my first name is Paul. So my full name is ____.
A Wood   B Paul Wood   C Paul    D Wood Paul
2. I have a good friend. ___ name is Jack.
A He    B His   C She    D Her
3. I have ___ aunt and ___ uncle.  
A a,a   B an,a    C an,an   D an,a
4. ----_____?   ----They’re fine, thank you.
A how are you     B What are you  
C How are your parents?     D What’s it
5. ----Where ___ his hats?  ---____on the bed.
A is, It’s   B is, They’re   C are, It’s   D are, They’re
6. I’m tidy, ____ my brother ___.
A but, is    B but, is not   C and, is not  D and, are not
7. ---Is this tennis racket ____?  ---Yes, it’s ___.
A hers,  her  B his, her  C his, his   D your, hers
8. He often ___ sports ___ TV.
A watche s, on    B watch, in    C watch es, in    D watch, on
9.---Let’s play computer games.   ----____. Let’s watch TV.
A Yes,let’s go      B You’re right.
C That sounds interesting        D No, it’s boring.
10. The game is ___. I like it.
A relaxing   B well   C boring   D difficult.
11. ----Where’s our basketball, Bob?  ---- Eric ___ it.
A have   B get    C play   D has
12. We can’t find ___ schoolbags. Can you help ___?
A us, us   B we, us  C our, we   D our, us
13. ---Do you play volleyball every day?
 --- ___. I think it’s boring.
A Yes, I do.  B No, I don’t  C Yes, she does.  D No, she doesn’t.
14. ____ my CDs. ___ in my schoolbag.
A Those are, They are      B That is, It’s 
C Those are, It’s    D That is, They are
15. ---Is the baseball in the bookcase?  ----___.
A Yes, they are  B Yes, it isn’t   C Yes, it’s    D Yes, it is.
16. Please ____ me ___ 33238795.
A call, at   B call, for   C e-mail, at  D e-mail, for
17. Excuse me. What’s this ___ English?  
A at   B in   C for   D of
18. A set of keys ___ on the desk. Some boxes ____ on the desk, too.
A are, are   B is, is  C is, are   D is, am
19. How do you spell ___ baseball?  
A an   B the   C a   D /
20. ---___ she?     ---She’s my sister, Tina.
A Whose   B Who   C what’s   D Who’s
Hello, boys and girls! Nice to _21_  you !My name _22_ Alice Smith . I am a _23_. I am 13. Look, _24_ this? It’s a photo _25_ my family .These are my parents and this is my _26_, Linda .She is 9 . My mother is a teacher in a __27_. My father is a teacher, too. My pen is red. And Linda’s ruler is _28_, too. Our _29_ number is 8269167. You can _30_ us at it. I love my family.
21. A. thank      B. meet        C. excuse      D. look
22. A. am          B .is             C. are         D. /
23. A. father    B. brother      C. girl           D. boy
24. A. What     B. What’s      C. How         D. How’s
25. A. in           B. at             C. to             D. of
26. A .sister     B. mother      C. friend       D. aunt
27. A. picture    B. photo       C. school       D. family
28. A. red       B. green        C. black        D. white
29. A. call       B. ID             C. QQ           D. telephone
30. A. call        B. found       C. spell         D. lost
 31. Where is the writer’s sister? 
A At home    B At work    C At school
32. Mom doesn’t need to bring ___to school.
A the dictionary   B the tape    C the clock
33. Where is the notebook?
A Under the chair   B Under the model plane   C On the desk
34. Where is Eric’s tape?
A On the sofa    B In the tape player    C I don’t know.
35. How many things does Mom need to bring to school?
A Four    B Five   C Six
THE BOY                            Name : Peter Brown
Age : 12
School :No. 3 Middle School
Tel : 0311-5658226
QQ: 735466497632
E-mail: Perterbrown@hotmail.com THE
GIRL First name : Jane
Last name : Smith
Age : 13
Tel : 0314-5656822
E-mail:  Janesmith@hotmail.com
36. The boy’s family name is ____ 
A. Brown    B. Peter   C. Jane  D. Smith
37.The girl’s full name(全名) is _____
A. Jane Smith       B. Smith Jane    C.Jane      D. Smith
38. Wh at’s Peter Brown ‘s telephone number ?
A.0314-5658226  B.0311-5658226   C.0314-5658262 D. 0311-5656822
39. How old is Peter ?   
A.11     B.12       C.13     D. 14
40. Jane’s QQ number is _______
A.658226743572                   B. 735466497632   
C. 332264753427              D. 354697454372
Jenny is an English girl. She is a nice girl, and she is my good friend. My name’s Amy. My father is John. My mother is Helen. Jack is my brother. I like them. I like singing. Jack likes reading. My favorite(最喜歡的)color is blue.
41. Jenny is____.
A. an English boy     B. a English girl 
C. an English boy      D. an English girl
42. Amy’s mother is____.   A. Jack   B. Jenny  C. Amy   D. Helen
43. Amy likes____.   
A. singing   B. reading   C. writing   D. drawing
44. What is Amy’s favorite color?  
A. Red.  B. Blue.   C. Orange.   D. Green.
45. Jenny is my____.  A. mother   B. sister  C. friend  D. teacher
Is that your blue pencil?
Call Mary at 638-4802 Found:
A red pencil box.
Call Jenny at 309-4632 Lost:
A yellow notebook.
Call Alan at 402-8654
A set of keys.
Call Gina at 269-7832 Lost:
My blue ruler.
Call Dale at 364-5876 Lost:
My school ID card.
My name is Tom.
Please call Tom at 503-4378
46.If(如果) you lost a pencil box, you may call___.
A 638-4802    B 402-8654     C 309-4632
47. If you lost a set of keys, you may call___. 
A Gina   B Alan   C Jenny
48. ____ lost a notebook.    A Mary    B Alan    C Jenny
49. ___ lost a blue ruler.   A Dale    B Jenny    C Mary
50. Tom ____.  
A lost a notebook   B lost a school ID card    C found a blue pencil  

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
46 47 48 49 50          

四、詞匯。(根據(jù)所給漢語寫出單詞) (15分)
1. My brother is in the ______ (第一) photo.
2. These two __ _____ (女孩) are Cindy and Gina.
3. Are those your _______ (字典)?
4. I think the map is in my _________ (祖父母的) room.
5. I have a ______ (時鐘). It’s on the desk.
6. The white ______ (模型) plane is Kate’s.
7. We play soccer at school with our ______ (朋友).
9. Whos e _______ (收音機(jī)) are these?
10. Harry Potter is an _______ (有趣的) book.
11. Is this _______ (戒指) your mother’s?
12. ______ (帶) the boy to school.
13. I have many ______ (手表).
14. How do you ______ (拼寫) it?
15. He and his cousin are _______ (同班同學(xué)).
1. They don’t like vegetables. (用she改寫)
She _____ _____ vegetables.
2. Tony and Linda watch TV every day. (一般疑問句,并作出肯定回答)
______ Tony and Linda ______ TV every day?  ______, ______ ______.
3. This is a photo of my family.(復(fù)數(shù)形式)
______ ______ ______ of my family.
4. His phone number is 555-8039. (對劃線部分提問)
______ his ______ _______ ?
5. He plays basketball after school. (一般疑問句)
______ he ______ basketball after school?
6. My computer game is in the school library. (對劃線部分提問)
______ ______ ______  computer game?
7. He’s Allan. (同義句)  _______ ______ is Allan.
 8.This is his English book.. (復(fù)數(shù)句)
_______ _______ his English ________.
 9.This is my pencil. (同義句)
   ______ pencil _______ _______.
10.It is a fine card. (對劃線部分提問)
 ______ is _______?
 11.have, she, does, a ,ball, tennis (連詞組句)
   _______ she ______ _ _____ tennis _____?
12.The pencil boxes are in the bag. (一般疑問句,并否定回答)
 _______ the pencil boxes in the bag? _______, _______ _______.
13.Alice is fine. (對劃線部分提問)
   _______ ______ Alice?
14.They are my brothers. (對劃線部分提問)
 _______ _______ they?
He ______ _______ a ping-pong bat.
They ______ ______ ______ ______ school.
Jim’s _______ are _______.
_______ your keys _______ the desk?
5.-----它是什么顏色的?  -----紅黃相間。
-----______ _______ is it?
----- It’s ______ ______ _______.
6.晚上好,老師!  ________ _______, teacher!
----Let’s ______ the teacher.     -----That ______ ______.
8.謝謝你的幫助。 ______ you _______ your _______.
9.----這些是你的橡皮嗎? ----不, 是他的。
Are these your _______? ---No, they’re _____.
Soccer ______ ______ ______ me.
He loves computer ______. They are ______.
I l love _______, _______ I don’t play them ---I _____ watch ______ on TV.


本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/309875.html
