
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
七年級(jí)下冊Unit 1知識(shí)點(diǎn)精練
6. 彈吉他_______________ 7. 下中國象棋                       
8. 擅長于做某事___________________ 9. 打功夫                   
10.敲鼓_____________________ 11.拉小提琴                     
12.和...相處的好                    13.交朋友                 
               A                            B
(   )16. Can you sing or dance?         A. Yes, I am.
(   )17. Are you playing football?         B. I can dance..
(   )18. What club do you want to join?   C. Yes, I can.
(   )19. Can you draw?                 D. Sounds great.
(   )20. Let’s tell stories.                E. Chess club.
(   )21. Let’s go and play __ping-pong. I don’t want to play __violin.
       A. a, the     B. the, a     C. X, the   D the,the
(   )22. Who wants ______ the singing club?
       A. to joins    B. join      C. to join   D joining
(   )23. I always help my sister_______ her history.
       A. to        B. with     C. for      D of
(   )24. Maybe he can ______ in their basketball team.
       A. is        B. be        C. are    D am
(   )25. I can sing English songs very _____.
       A. well     B. much      C. good    D bad
(   )26. --- Can you play the violin? ---        .But I can sing.
       A. Yes,I do        B. No, I don’t
.      C. Yes,I can        D. No, I can’t
(   )27. Can you help me with    ?
       A. dance    B. to dance   C. dances   D dancing
(   )28. My friend Lisa is good at _____.
       A. sing    B. to sing    C. singing   D sings
(   )29. We want some singers______ our rock band.
       A. for     B. at       C. with      D to
(   )30. He is funny。He likes____ stories.
       A. talking  B. saying    C. telling   D speaking
(   )31. A:Can you swim or play chess?    B:___________.
       A. Yes ,I am        B.Yes,I can
       A. I can swim         B.I don’t know 
(   )32. Are you good ____ kids?
       A. with     B. at     C. for       D. to
(  )33.--- Can I help you? ---      .I can do it myself(我自己).
       A. Yes,please.        B. Sorry.    
       C. Very good.          D. No,thanks.
(   )34. A: __ do you join the club?   B: I like music.
       A. What    B. Where    C. Why    D How
(   )35. Can you ____ Chinese?
       A. say     B. talk       C. speak     D tell
51. I like __________(跳舞) and playing the guitar.
52. She is good at                   (講故事) .
53. She is Chinese, but she __________(說) English very well.
54. The _____________(音樂人) like guitars and violins.
55. He wants to be a _________(歌唱家) in the future(將來).
56. Do you want to________________(交朋友) with the boy?
57. Can you ________(表演) us how to play the guitar?
58. She says she likes ____________(畫畫).
59. He ___________(參加) the art club in the evening.
60. Do you want to go to the ______________(講故事) club.
61. Can he play chess or play the drums?. (選用chess進(jìn)行回答)
   ______  _____  _______          .
62. She can sing and dance. (否定句)
   She ______  _______  ________ dance.
63. Li Lei can play the violin. (一般疑問句)
   ________ Li Lei _______ the violin?
64. She wants to join the music club. (就劃線部分提問)
   ________  _______  _______  she  _____ to join?
65. My sister wants to swim . (一般疑問句)
   _______ ________  sister                swim?
本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/310450.html
