
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網

新人教版七年級英語下冊Unit9 What does he look like? 同步測試
班級:     姓名:      得分:
( )1. The girl thin, so she is not heavy.
    A. is B. has C. are D. Have
( )2. —What does your aunt ?
—She is of medium build with long straight hair.
    A. look like B. looks like C. like D. Likes
( )3. Our math teacher always an old shirt.
    A. wear B. wears C. put on D. puts on
( )4.The young boy likes playing basketball very much, and he can play it very .
    A. the; good B. /; good C. /; well D. the; well
( )5. The students stop and listen to the teacher carefully.
    A. saying B. to say C. to talk D. talking
( )6. The boy is thin but h e is healthy.
    A. little B. bit C. little bit D. a little
( )7. Jack with his father shopping every Sunday.
    A. is B. go C. goes D. are
( )8. Does your father a computer?
    A. has B. have C. is D. does
( )9. I don’t like the shirt. Please give me .
    A. other B. the other C. another D. one
( )10. We all like listening to music and games.
    A. playing B. play C. to play D. Plays
( )11 .-Is he heavy?-No, he’s a little________.
    A .tall B .thin C .short D .quiet
( )12 .Mike is tall and ______short hair.
    A .is B .has C .does D .have
( )13.Paul is ______his mother .He _____reading, too.
   A .likes, likes B .like, like
    C .likes, like D .like, likes
( )14-.Is your friend quiet?-No, he never stops_________.
   A .talk B .talking C. to talk D is talking
( )15.Please remember ________the book.
    A .taking B to take C bringing D to bring
Mr White works in a middle school. He 16 English. He is friendly to his 17 and they also like him. He spends 18 time on his work. He often does some reading and writing. When he’s 19 , he is also very busy. So he can’t help his wife do any 20 .The woman is always angry with him.
It’s Saturday. Their daughter Kate is 21 her homework in her bedroom. Mrs White finds her 22 is out. She hopes her daughter will say she’s 23 than her husband. She gives an apple to Kate and asks,“ 24 is cleverer, your father or I?”
Can you guess what the girl’s 25 is?
“I’m the cleverest in our family!”Kate says without thinking.
( )16. A. studies B. watches C. teaches D. Reads
( )17. A. friends B. students C. workers D. drivers
( )18. A. many B. little C. some D. much
( )19. A. at home B. at work C. in bed
D. in the classroom
( )20. A. washing B. cooking C. cleaning
D. housework
( )21. A. making B. doing C. finding D. looking
( )22. A. mother B. brother C. husband D. teacher
( )23. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse
( )24. A. Who B. Whose C. Why D. What
( )25. A. play B. sing C . answer D. think
There is a student from China i n our class. He is very good at his lessons, but he is also very shy. He doesn’t talk too much with us because he thinks that there are so many differences. When he came into our classroom for the first time, he was so frightened (受驚的) that he cried out.
That’s because of our appearances. For example, his hair is short, black and straight, but ours are all different from his. Jim’s hair is yellow and much longer than his. Dave’s hair is curly and brown. Kitty’s hair is blonde. Our builds and clothes seem to be strange in his eyes, too. Peter is a boy. He is tall and thin, but he wears a colorful T-shirt.
( )26. How many students are described (描述) in the passage?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.D. Six.
( )27. What does the word “diffe rences” mean?
A. 困難 B. 差別 C. 作業(yè) D. 事情
( )28. Whose hair is curly?
A. Jim’s. B. Dave’s.C. Kitty’s. D. Peter’s.
( )29. Why did the student cry out when he came into our classroom for the first time?
A. Because he is Chinese.B. Because he didn’t like to be a student of our class .
C. Because our appearances frightened him too much.D. Because he was ill.
( )30.Which of the following statements (陳述) is NOT true?
A. The student with straight hair is from China.
B. Jim’s hair is shorter than that of the Chinese.
C. Our clothes are also different from that of the Chinese.
D. The color of Kitty’s hair is blonde.
Mrs. Brown is very fat (胖).
“Don’t eat meat or cakes,”her doctor says to her.
“I’m going to stop her eating them, doctor,”her husband (丈夫) says.
The next morning, Mrs. Brown makes a nice cake, and her husband eats half of it. After he goes out, Mrs. Brown cuts ( 切) a very small piece of the cake and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a bigger piece and eats it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake.“My husband is going to be very angry (生氣),”she says.“What am I going  to do?”
She makes another cake very quickly, eats half of that, and leaves half on the table.
Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and he is very happy.
( )31. The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat or cakes because .
A. Mrs. Brown likes them
B. meat and cakes can make her fatter
C. Mr. Brown tells the doctor to say so
D. meat and cakes are not good food
( )32. The next morning Mrs. Brown makes a cake for .
A. her husband B. her children
C. her sister D. the doctor
( )33. Mr. Brown eats hat morning.
A. one cake B. half cakes
C. half a cake D. many cakes
( )34. Mrs. Brown makes another cake because .
A. she is good at making cakes
B. her husband likes cakes
C. she wants to  eat more cakes
D. if her husband knows she eats the half of the cake, he will be angry
( )35. Why is Mr. Brown very happy when he sees the half of  the cake on the table?
Because .
A. he is angry
B. Mrs. Brown likes cakes very much
C. the cake is nice and delicious
D. he thinks Mrs. Brown begins to stop eating cakes
My father is tall and has short, gray(灰白的) hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames(框架). But I just see a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he’s 15 years old. He’s short and he has glasses with small, round frames. He has long, yellow hair and it’s really straight. He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love”. I’m 15 years old now. I’m medium height and I have short hair. My hair isn’t yellow, it’s blue. My dad thinks it’s strange(奇怪的), but my friends think it’s great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. They’re so cool! I have an earring(耳環(huán)) in one ear, too. Dad really can’t understand(明白) that, I never wear blue jeans. I like big, baggy(松的) pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands(搖滾樂隊) on them.
( )36. What kind of glasses does Father wear when he is fifteen years old? He wears ______ .
A. glasses with heavy, black frames
B. glasses with bright red frames
C. long and yellow glasses
D. glasses with small, round frames
( )37. What color is my hair? It’s _______.
A. yellow B. blue
C. gray D. red
( )38. What do I like to wear? I like to wear ______.
A. blue jeans and a T-shirt
B. yellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word “l(fā)ove”
C. big and baggy pants and long T-shirts
D. blue jeans and an earring
( )39. What’s on my father’s T-shirt?
A. The word “l(fā)ove”.
B. Heavy and black frames.
C. Pictures of rock bands.
D. An earring.
( )40. Who has an earring in one ear?
A. My dad does. B. I do.
C. My father does. D. My Friends do.
41. Mary has a new look. Her hair is long and s ______.
42. The actor is very h__________ .
43. Her hair is not black. It’s b ______like gold.
44. She a_________ wears a red skirt and white shoes.
45. The a____________ is very popular. Everyone likes her.
V.用括號里所給單詞的適當形式填空(每 小題1分,滿分10分)
46.My pen pal_______ (have)long curly hair.
47.Why does he wear_________ (glass)?Is he short-sighted (近視的)?
48.He is of medium__________ (high).
49.Li Lianjie is my favorite__________ (act).
50.The girl is good at drawing. She want to be an_________ (art).
51.I want to go __________(shop) with my mother because I need a T-shirt.
52.I think she is a good_________ (sing).
53.What_________ (do)your pen pal look like?
54. ____________(one) of all, you have to remember these words.
55.—Can you draw________ (fun)pictures?
—Yes,I can.
56. She wears glasses every day.(改為否定句)
She ________ ________glasses every day.
57. Tom’s sister has long straight yellow hair.(改為一般疑問句)
_______Tom’s sister_______ long straight yellow hair?
58. Wang Hai isn’t too tall or too short.(改為同義句)
Wang Hai has_______ _______ .
59. George is tall and thin.(就畫線部分提問)
What does George s_______ _______ ?
60. Maybe the woman with long black hair is her mother.(改為同義句)
The woman with long black hair her mother.
根據(jù)提供的信息寫一篇30~50詞的短文。湯姆高高的個子,中等身材,金色的直發(fā),會講英語和一點兒漢語,喜歡打籃球,最喜歡的動物是熊貓 和海豚。他認為熊貓很可愛,海豚很聰明。
1. Medium build
2. Straight blonde hair
3. Speak English and a little Chinese
4. pandas, cute
5. dolphins, clever
One possible version:
Tom is tall and has a medium build. He has straight blonde hair. He can speak English and a little Chinese. He likes reading books and playing basketball. His favorite animals are pandas and dolphins. He thinks pandas are cute, and dolphins are very clever.


新人教版七年級英語下冊Unit9 What does he look like? 同步測試答案解析
1.答案:A解析: thin是形容詞,可判斷此句為主系表結構,可排除B、D項;主語the girl是第三人稱單數(shù),故選A項。
2.答案:A解析:由答語“她中等身材,留著長長的直發(fā)”可知,問句是詢問他人的外貌,like作動詞時意為“喜歡”,與句意不符,故首先排除C、D兩項;look like意為“看起來像”,常用在詢問外貌的句型中,且句中已有助動詞does,所以應用動詞原形,故選A項。
3.答案:B解析: wear意為“穿著;戴著”,表狀態(tài);put on意為“穿上;戴上”,強調穿、戴的動作。句意為“我們數(shù)學老師總是穿一件舊襯衫”。由句意知表示穿的狀態(tài),排除C、D兩項;主語our math teacher為第三人稱單數(shù),謂語動詞應用第三人稱單數(shù)形式,故選B項。
4.答案:C解析: play basketball是固定短語,意為“打籃球”,故排除A、D兩項。play為動詞,修飾動詞要用副詞,good為形容詞,well為副詞,故選C項。
5.答案:D解析: 句意為“同學們停止談話,認真聽老師講”。表示“停止做某事”要用stop doing sth.,可排除B、C兩項。say強調說話的內容;talk強調互相交談。同學們之間應為“交談”,故選D項。
6.答案:D解析: a bit和a little可以修飾形容詞、副詞,表示“有點”;little后只能加不可數(shù)名詞,表示否定之意;little bit修飾形容詞、副詞時,須在little前加a;只有D項a little后可加形容詞thin。故選D項。
7.答案:C解析: 本句主語為Jack, with短語不影響主語,故謂語動詞應用第三人稱單數(shù)形式,可排除B、D兩項!叭ベ徫铩庇霉潭ǘ陶Zgo shopping。由句末的every Sunday可判斷此句為一般現(xiàn)在時,故選C項。
8.答案:B解析:B 一般疑問句助動詞用does,則謂語動詞用原形,故選B項。
9.答案:C解析: another“另一個”,泛指三者或三者以上中的另一個。
10.答案:A解析: 用and連接起來的句子成分一致,此處and連接的是并列的動詞賓語,前一個為動詞?-ing形式listening,所以此處應用playing。
13.答案:D解析:be like 意思是“像”:like 做實意動詞時是“喜歡”的意思,并且主語是第三人稱單數(shù)的he,動詞要改為相應的第三人稱單數(shù)形式。
14.答案:B解析:固定搭配,stop doing表示停下正在做的事;stop to do表示停下正在做的事情,做另一件事。所以選B
15.答案:B解析:remember to do 記得做某事;remember doing 指已經做了某事。故選B
解析:題干意為 “文中共描述了幾個學生?”。通讀全文可知描述了a student from China, Jim, Dave, Kitty與Peter,共五個人,故選C項。
解析: differences是difference的復數(shù)形式,通讀全文可知,文中描述了那個中國學生和其他學生的許多不同之處,difference表示“不同點,差別”,故選B項。
解析:由句子Dave’s hair is curly and brown.可知“Dave的頭發(fā)是卷的,棕色的”,故選B項。
解析:由第一段最后一句...he was so frightened that he cried out.和第二段第一句That’s because of our appearances.可知選C項。
解析:A項意為“長著直頭發(fā)的學生來自中國”,與文意相符,正確;B項意為“Jim的頭發(fā)比中國學生的頭發(fā)短”,與原文句子Jim’s hair is yellow and much longer than his.不符,故錯誤;C項意為“我們的衣服也與中國學生的不相同”,與原文句子Our builds and clothes seem to be strange in his eyes, too.意思相同,故C項也正確;D項意為“Kitty頭發(fā)的顏色是金色的”,與原文句子Kitty’s hair is blonde.意思相同,故D項正確。題干意為“下面哪個陳述是錯誤的”,故選B項。
解析:由her husband eats half of it推知,是給她丈夫做的。
解析:由her husband eats half of it可知,布朗先生吃了半個蛋糕。
解析:由My husband is going to be very angry...可推知答案。
42.答案:handsome 意為“英俊的”。
44.答案:always “總是”,強調頻率。
45.答案:actress 意為“女演員”。
V.用括號里所給單詞的適當形式填空(每 小題1分,滿分10分)
46.答案:has 主語是第三人稱單數(shù),謂語動詞需用第三人稱單數(shù)形式。have的第三人稱單數(shù)是has。
47.答案:glasses 由句意知,此處指“眼鏡”,故填glasses。
48.答案:height of medium height意為“中等個”。
49.答案:actor 意為“男演員”。
51.答案:shopping go shopping意為“去購物”,是固定詞組。
53.答案:does 主語是第三人稱單數(shù),需借助助動詞does來構成疑問句。
54.答案:First first of all意為“首先”。
55.答案:funny 意為“滑稽的”,修飾其后的名詞pictures,作定語。
56.答案:doesn’t wear 主語she是第三人稱單數(shù),需借助doesn’t幫助構成否定句,后跟動詞原形。
57.答案:Does; have Tom’s sister作主語,變一般疑問句需借助助動詞does,謂語動詞用原形。
58.答案:medium height 由原句句意“王海既不高也不矮”知是中等個。
答案:look like 提問長相常用句式:What does/do+主語+look like?
60.答案:may be 情態(tài)動詞may表示推測,后接動詞原形be。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/317061.html
