
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

七年級 英語
I. 詞匯(每題1分,共25分)
1.have(單三形式)_______ 2.hot(反義詞) _________
3.twenty(序數(shù)詞)________ 4.lie(現(xiàn)在分詞)________
5.good (最高級)_________ 6.sun(形容詞) _________
7.boy (復(fù)數(shù) )_________ 8.hero (復(fù)數(shù) )_________
9.drive(名詞)__________ 10.we(賓格) __________
11.踢足球:____________ 12.the Sith faily__________
13.在……前面:__________ 14.get off__________
15.去滑冰__________ 16.big sales__________
17.在去……的路上:___________ 18.count down__________
19.去野餐____________ 20.No proble__________
(C)根據(jù)句子的意思或所給漢語。 (5分)
21. ________(一月)is the coldest(最冷的) onth in Hebei in a year.
22. Her________(左邊的)knee hurts.
23. The first day of the week is____________. Xkb1.co
24. She gets________(迷路了)! She needs soe help.
25. Deceber is the____________onth of the year.
II. 選擇(每題1分,共25分)
( )1.y nae _______Lily .
A. a B. is C. are D. be
( )2. ----_____desks are there? -----45.
A. How uch B. How old C. How any D. How tall
( )3.---- _______is the library ? ---- Here it is.
A. Where B. what C. How D. When
( )4.----Are your socks new ? ----No.____.
A. They are old B. They are new
C. It’s old D. It’s new
( )5.______y hair! y hair is short and black.
A. Look B. Look at C. look at D. See
( )6. I a ________. I want to drink.
A. hungry B. thirsty C. short D. tall
( )7. What’s your father?
A He’s old. B.He’s Li ing
C. He’s a policean. D. He’s running.
( )8. We have eggs and ilk ______breakfast .
A. in B. to C. for D. of
( )9. I like soe ilk .
Sorry , we don’t have ____. Would you like ____ juice ?
A. soe , soe B.any ,any C. soe, any D.any, soe
( )10.---Do you feel happy ? ---NO, I feel ____.
A. happy B. sad C. war D. cool
( )11.----______are you ? ---I’ 1.7 etres tall.
A. What tall B. How tall C. How old D. How
( )12. 6. ____ is this coat ? $ 40.
A. How uch B.How any C.What D.How
( )13. Which anial lives only in China ?_____.
A.onkey B.Elephant C. Tiger D.Panda
( )14. ----______do you go to work ? ----By bike .
A. How B. What C. When D. Where
( )15.----Is your father a teacher ?
----Yes, he is. He ____in No. 4 iddle School .
A. work B. is work C. works D. working
( )16.---Where _______you ________?
---To the bookstore.
A. does, go B. are, go C. are, going D. do, go
( )17. y bike ________. I need a new chain.
A . broken B. is broken C. is broke D. is break
( )18. I want ______a new dress .
A. to buy B. buy C. buying D. buys
( )19. Let’s _______.
A. going shop B. go shopping
C. go shoping D. go to shop
( ) 20. I’ hungry. I would like ________ a bowl of duplings.
A. to eat B. eat C. eatingD.eats
( )21. A horse ________in the river .
A. doesn’t live B. doesn’t lives C. lives D. is living
( )22.----Today is y birthday . -----_________.
A. Thank you B. Happy C.Happy birthday D. Bye.
( )23.----What is the girl doing ? ----She _____.
A. is cry B. is crying C. is cries D. cries
( )24. Could I have two________ ,please?
A. bottles of ilk B. bottles of ilks
C. bottles ilk D. bottle of ilk
( )25. ------_____________? -----It’s 7:00.
A. What tie is it B. How uch is it
C. What’s the date D. What day is it
III. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換(15分)
1.He likes apples .(改為否定句)
He ________ ________ apples .
2. He is 16 years old. (劃線部分提問)
________ ________ is he?
3. The weather is cold and snowy.(劃線部分提問)
________is the weather________?
4. It is a sheep. (改為復(fù)數(shù)形式)
They _______ ________.
5.She likes going swiing on Saturdays.( 改為選擇疑問句) ________she ______going swiing on Saturdays________ Thursdays?
6.y father is a teacher.(對劃線部分提問)
________ does your father ________?
7.He has a good tie in P.E class.(改為同義句)
He ________ ________in P.E class.
IV. 動詞考查(10分)
hurts eat know speak help
1. He is hungry. He wants to _______.
2. I can _______English.
3. Can you ________e?
4. His knee _______.
5. I don’t _______ about Canada.
( )6. Listen , he _______ books .
A . is read B. reading C is reading D. reads
( )7. He ________ to go hoe .
A . wants B. want C. to want D. wanting
( )8. Will you ________to y party toorrow ?
A .coes B. coing C. coe D. to coe
( )9. Does she like to ______to the park ?
A . go B. goes C . going D. gos
( )10. He can ________English .
A .speak B. to speak C . speaking D. is speaking
Ⅴ. 從(II)欄中選出適當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z填入(I)欄。(10分)
(I) (II)
( )1. Whose picture is this? A. They live in the forest.
( )2. How old are you? B. It's Bob's.
( )3. Happy New Year! C. They are working.
( )4. What are they doing? D. I' thirteen years old.
( )5. Is it an orange or a banana? E. The sae to you.
( )6. What’s youe favourite food? F. It is a banana.
( )7. What day is it today? G. Yes, please.
( )8. Would you like soe cakes? H. onday.
( )9. Does she like apples? I. Yes, she does.
( )10. Where do the tigers live? J. Rice.
Ⅵ. 完型填空(每題1分,共10分)
This is a picture 1 a classroo. Look 2 the picture. A ap of China is 3 the blackboard. Soe books are on the
4 desk. Today is 5 . iss Zhang is teaching 6 . The students 7 . What is Li ing doing? He 8 9 his notebook(筆記本).There __10___ two pens and a basketball under the desk.
( )1. A. for B. of C. and D. but
( )2. A. at B. for C. of D. in
( )3. A. in B. on C. up D. above
( )4. A. teacher B. teacher's C. teachers D. teachers's
( )5. A. teacher's day B. Teachers Day
C. Teacher's Day D. Teachers' Day
( )6. A. English B. the U.K. C. U.K. D. the English
( )7. A. listening to she B. are listening to her
C. listening to her D. are listening her
( )8. A. writing B. is writeing
C. is writing D. writeing
( )9. A. with B. on C. in D. to
( )10.A.be B.is C.are D.a
Ⅶ. 理解(每題2分,共20分)
I a ay. Today is Sunday. It’s y birthday. There is a birthday party in y hoe. There are soe drinks, food, fruit and flowers on the table. There is a big birthday cake, too. y friends coe to y party. They have a lot of presents for e .y uncle coes to y party, too. He buys e soe chocolates. They are y favourite. y father and other buy e a new caera. We take soe beautiful photos. We sit on the sofa, listen to usic and talk with each other.At last, all of the walk to e and sing ‘Happy birthday’ to e. Then they eat the big cake with e. I have a happy birthday. y faily and y friends have a good tie.
( )1. ary’s birthday is on Saturday.
( )2 . ary’s uncle has a caera for her.
( )3. ary likes chocolates very uch.
( )4 . Only(僅僅) ary’s friends coe to the birthday party.
( )5.. ary has any birthday presents.
In suer, children like to go to zoo to watch the anials. There are any anials .They are onkeys, tigers, birds, snakes, lions, bears, etc (等等). But there isn’t a rabbit or a sheep. onkeys like to eat bananas. Look, they are eating bananas. Tigers like to eat eat. Look, they are eating eat. They can eat uch eat every tie. The lion looks very lazy (懶的). Look, they are sleeping. Children are very happy to watch the. Look, they are laughing and laughing. But, I think anials are our friends. They should (應(yīng)該)live in the forest.
( )6. What do children like to do in suer?
A. To go to the zoo B. To go shopping
C. To fly kites D. To play catch
( )7. What are the onkeys doing?
A. They’re eating bananas. B. They’re eating eat.
C. They’re eating duplings.
( )8. Does a tiger eat uch eat every tie?
A .Yes, it does. B. No, it doesn’t. C .Yes, it doesn’t.
( )9. What are the lions doing?
A. They’re sleeping B. They’re eating
C. They’re crying D. They’re playing
( )10. The anials should be in the_________.
A. zoo B. forest C . shop D. hoe
: What’s the____1____? W: It’s Jan. 1st.
:____2____ New Year! W: Happy New Year!
:_____3____is the weather today? W: I don’t kno
:____4_____it windy? W: No, it’s not windy.
: Is it 5 ? W: Yes, it’s cloudy.
: Do you knohen the Spring Festival is? W: It’s on January 29th.
: Oh, really? Let e see….
1________ 2________ 3________ 4________ 5________
1.Chineses speak Chinese. ________________
2.I don’t like soup and duplings.________________
3.I know two faily in Canada. _________________
4.Where is your shoes? _________________
5.She live in China . _________________
(B)用給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空( 10 分 )
1. It’s late. You’d better ( go ) hoe .
2. We have two (foot).
3. y friends ______ (like) birthdays.
4. She often (watch) TV at weekends.
5. I usually (not do) hoework on Sundays.
6.I have any (strawberry).
7.She (play) no
8.She wants the ________ (nine) apple.
9.I (go) to Shanghai toorro
10. (she)friend is Jenny.
Ⅺ.基礎(chǔ)寫作(15分)(A) 連詞成句(10)
1. live China in I
2. feel you or war cool do
__________________________________________ ?
3. is her English other teacher an
__________________________________________. 4. 1.6 a tall I eters
________________________________________. 5. draw to school likes she after
(B)請你以 “y favourite season”為題目寫出一篇語法正確意思連貫且不少于十句話的英語小短.(5分)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/36027.html
