
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?
1 .be from = come from 自于---- 2. live in 居住在---
3. on weekends 在周末
4 .write to sb = write a letter to sb 給某人寫信;寫信給某人
5 .in the world 在世界上 6.in China 在中國(guó)
7.pen pal 筆友8. 14 years old 14歲 
9.favorite subject 最喜歡的科目 10.the United States 美國(guó)   
the United ingdom 英國(guó) New York 紐11.speak English 講英語 like and dislike 愛憎
9.go to the movies 去看電影   play sports 做運(yùn)動(dòng)
1 Where’s your pen pal from? = Where does your pen pal from/
2 Where does he live? 3 What language(s) does he speak? 4 I want a pen pal in China.
5 I can speak English and a little French. 6 Please write and tell me about yourself.
7 Can you write to me soon? 8 I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.
1 Canada---- Canadian---- English / French 2 France------ French------French
3 Japan------Japanese----Japanese 4 Australia----Australian----- English
5 the United States------ American---- English 6 the United ingdom---British----- Enghish

Unit 2 Where’s the post office?
一.Asking ways: (問路)
1.Where is (the nearest) ……? (最近的)……在哪里?
2.Can you tell me the way to ……? 你能告訴我去……的路嗎?
3.How can I get to ……? 我怎樣到達(dá)……呢?
4.Is there …… near here / in the neighborhood? 附近有……嗎?
5.Which is the way to ……? 哪條是去……的路?
二.Showing the ways: (指路)
1. Go straight down / along this street. 沿著這條街一直走。
2. Turn left at the second turning. 在第二個(gè)路口向左轉(zhuǎn)。
3. You will find it on your right. 你會(huì)在你右手邊發(fā)現(xiàn)它。
4. It is about one hundred metres from here.離這里大約一百米遠(yuǎn)。
5. You’d better take a bus. 你最好坐公交車去。(You’d better+動(dòng)詞原形)
1. across from …… 在……的對(duì)面
across from the bank 在銀行的對(duì)面
2. next to…… 緊靠……
3. next to the supermarket 緊靠超市
3. between……and…… 在……和……之間
between the park and the zoo 在公園和動(dòng)物園之間
among 表示位于三者或三者以上之間
4. in front of…… 在……前面
5. There is a tree in front of the classroom. 室前面有棵樹。
in the front of…… 在……(內(nèi))的前部
There is a desk in the front of the classroom.室內(nèi)的前部有張桌子。
5. behind…… 在……后面 behind my house 在我家后面
6. turn left/ right 向左/右拐
on the left/right of……在某物的左/右邊
on the left of our school 在我們學(xué)校的左邊
on one’s left/right 在某人的左/右邊
on my left在我左邊
7. go straight 一直走
8. down /along……沿著……(街道
down/along Center Street 沿著中央街
9. in the neighborhood=near here 在附近
10. 10 welcome to…… 歡迎到……
11. take /have a walk 散步
12. 12. the beginning of…… ……的開始,前端
at the beginning of…… 在……的開始,前端 in the beginning 起初,一開始
13. have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得開心,過得愉快
我昨天玩得很開心。 I had fun yesterday. I had a good time yesterday. I enjoyed myself yesterday.
14. have a good trip 旅途愉快 15. take a taxi 坐出租車
16. 到達(dá):get to +地方 get here/ there/ home 到這/那/家
arrive in +大地方 I arrive in Beijing. arrive at +小地方I arrive at the bank. reach +地方
17.go across 從物體表面橫過 go across the street橫過馬路
go through 從空間穿過 go through the forest穿過樹林
18.on + 街道的名稱。 Eg: on Center Street
at + 具體門牌號(hào)+街道的名稱 Eg: at 6 Center Street
1.enjoy doing sth 享受做某事的樂趣,喜愛做某事 I enjoy reading. 我喜愛讀書。
到目前為止,我們學(xué)了兩個(gè)特殊的動(dòng)詞finish和enjoy,都是要帶 doing.
I finish cleaning the room. 我掃完了這間屋子。
2.hope to do sth 希望做某事 I hope to pass this exam. 我希望通過這次考試。
hope +從句 I hope tomorroill be fine. 我希望明天將會(huì)晴朗。
(從句即是一個(gè)小句子,這個(gè)小句子又放在大句子中,從屬于大句子,所以叫從句。如tomorroill be fine是一個(gè)從句,它又放在I hope 的后面,形成句中有句。)
3. if 引導(dǎo)一個(gè)表示假設(shè)的句子。
If I have much money, I will go to the moon. 如果我有許多錢,我就會(huì)去月球。
If you are hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.
1、new—old 2、 quiet--- busy
3 、dirty--- clean 4 、big---- small

Unit 3 Why do you like koala bears?
eat grass eat leaves be quiet    very shy   very smart   very cute
play with her friends   kind of      South Africa     other animals
at night      in the day     every day      during the day
二. 交際用語
1.Why do you like pandas? Because they’re very clever.
2.Why does he like koalas? Because they’re kind of interesting.
3.Where are lions from? They are from South Africa.
4.What other animals do you like? I like dogs, too. Why? Because they’re friendly and clever.
5.olly likes to play with her friends and eat grass.
6.She’s very shy. 7. He is from Australia.
8.He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.
9.He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.
10.Let’s see the pandas first. 11.They’re kind of interesting.
12.What other animals do you like? 13.Why do you want to see the lions?
三. 重點(diǎn)難點(diǎn)釋義
1、kind of 有點(diǎn),稍微 oala bears are kind of shy. 考拉有點(diǎn)害羞。
kind 還有“種類”的意思
如:各種各樣的 all kinds of We have all kinds of beautiful flowers in our school.
2、China n. 中國(guó) Africa n. 非洲
China 和Africa都是專有名詞,首字母都應(yīng)該大寫,而且和介詞in連用。
There are many kinds of tigers in China. There are many kinds of scary animals in Africa.
3、friendly adj. 友好的,和藹可親的
它是名詞friend的形容詞形式,常常和be動(dòng)詞連用, be friendly。
The people in Chengdu are very friendly.
4、with prep. 跟,同,和…在一起
I usually play chess with my father.
如果有I, I通常放在 and 之后,如:
y father and I usually play chess together.
Play with “和…一起玩!薄巴妗
I often play with my pet dog. Don’t play with water!
5、day和night 是一對(duì)反義詞,day 表示白天或一天,night表示夜或夜晚。
通常說in the day, during the day, at night。
oala bears often sleep during the day and eat leaves at night.
6、leaf n. 葉子
復(fù)數(shù)形式為:leaves, 類似的變化還有:wife—wives, wolf—wolves,
7、hour n. 小時(shí);點(diǎn)鐘 hour前邊通常加上冠詞an 表示“一個(gè)小時(shí)”, 即:an hour。
There are 24 hours in a day and 60minutes in an hour.
8、be from 自… be from = come from
Pandas are from China. = Pandas come form China.
9、meat n. (食用的)肉,為不可數(shù)名詞,表示“許多”時(shí),使用much修飾,即:much meat He eats much meat every day.
10、grass n. 草, 為不可數(shù)名詞,表示“許多”時(shí),使用much修飾,即:much grass。
There is much grass on the playground.
四. 語法知識(shí)
特殊疑問句通常以“what”、“who”、“which”、“when”、“where”、“how”、“how old”、“how many”等開頭,對(duì)某一具體問題進(jìn)行提問。
 1. 疑問句+一般疑問句結(jié)構(gòu)。這是最常見的情況。例如:
 What’s your grandfather’s telephone number?你爺爺?shù)碾娫捥?hào)碼是多少?
 Who is that boy with big eyes?那個(gè)大眼睛的男孩是誰?
 Which season do you like best? 你最喜歡哪個(gè)季節(jié)?
 When is he going to play the piano?他什么時(shí)候彈鋼琴?
 Where does he live?他住在哪兒?
How are you? 你好嗎? How old are you?你多大了?
 How many brothers and sisters do you have?   你有幾個(gè)兄弟姐妹?
2. 疑問句+陳述句結(jié)構(gòu)。這時(shí)疑問詞作主語或修飾主語。例如:
 Who is on duty today? 今天誰值日?
 Which man is your teacher? 哪位男士是你的老師?
 我們學(xué)過的What/How about+名詞/代詞+其他?也是特殊疑問句,它是一種省略結(jié)構(gòu)。
I like English. What/How about you?   我喜歡英語。你呢?
What about playing basketball?     打籃球怎么樣?

Unit 4 I want to be an actor.
1 want to do sth 想要作某事
2 give sb sth = give sth to sb 給某人某物 / 把某物給某人
3 help sb do sth 幫助某人作某事 Eg: I want to help my mother do some housework at home.
4 help sb with sth 幫助某人謀事 Eg: I want to help my mother with some housework at home
5 in the day 在白天 6 at night 在晚上 7 talk with/ to sb 和----談話
8 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 Eg: He is busy listening to the teacher.
9 in a hospital 在醫(yī)院 10 work/ study hard 努力工 11 Evening Newspaper 晚報(bào)
1 詢問職業(yè)的特殊疑問詞是what; 有三種主要句式
① What + is / are + sb? Eg. What is your mother?
② What + does/ do + sb + do? Eg. What does his brother do?
③ What + is/ are + 名詞所有格/ 形容詞性物主代詞 + job? Eg . what is your job?
2 People give me their money or get their money from me.
3 Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.
4 I like talking to people.
5 I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.
6 Where does your sister work?
7 then we have a job for you as a waiter.
8 Do you want to work for a magazine? Then come and work for us as a reporter.
9 Do you like to work evenings and weekends?
10 We are an international school for children of 5-12.
三. 本單元中的名詞復(fù)數(shù)。
1 policeman--policemen 2 woman doctor--women doctors 3 thief--thieves 4.apple tree--apple trees

Unit 5 I’m watching TV
Ⅰ現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)的用法 表示現(xiàn)在(說話瞬間)正在進(jìn)行或發(fā)生的動(dòng)作
○1now 現(xiàn)在 ○2 at the moment 現(xiàn)在
○3look 看(后面有明顯的“!”) ○4 listen 聽(后面有明顯的“!”)
Ⅲ 現(xiàn)在分詞的構(gòu)成
①一般在動(dòng)詞結(jié)尾處加ing Eg: go—going look--looking
② 以不發(fā)音字母e結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,去e加ing。Eg: write—writing close--closing
③ 以重讀閉音節(jié)結(jié)尾的動(dòng)詞,如果末尾只有一個(gè)輔音字母,應(yīng)先雙寫這個(gè)字母,再加ing.
Eg: get—getting run—running ( swim, run, put,get,sit,begin)
Ⅳ 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時(shí)的構(gòu)成
肯定句: 主語+ am/is/are+ doing +其他+時(shí)狀. Eg: He is doing his homework no
否定句:主語+am/is/are +not+ doing+其他+時(shí)狀. Eg: He is not doing his homework no
一般疑問句: Am/Is/Are +主語+ doing+其他+時(shí)狀?Eg: Is he doing his homework now?
肯定回答:Yes,主語 +am/is/are Eg Yes, he is.
否定回答:No, 主語+am not/isn’t/aren’t Eg: No, he isn’t.
1.do one’s homework 做某人的作業(yè) do housework 做家務(wù)
2.talk on the phone 在電話里交談, talk about……談?wù)摗?talk to(with)sb 和某人交談
3.write a letter 寫信 write a letter to sb 給某人寫信
4.play with…… 和……一起玩 5.watch TV 看電視 TV show 電視節(jié)目
6.wait for sb/sth 等待某人/某物 7.some of…… ……中的一些
8.in the first photo 在第一張照片里(介詞用in,序數(shù)詞前面有the)
in the last photo 在最后一張照片里 a photo of one’s family  某人的家庭照片
9.a(chǎn)t the mall 在購物街 at/in the library 在圖書室 at/in the pool 在游泳池
10.read a book = read books = do some reading看書\閱讀
11.thanks for = thank you for   為某事而感謝(后接動(dòng)詞要用v-ing)
三. 重點(diǎn)句式及注意事項(xiàng):
1.他正在干什么? What is he doing? 他正在吃飯。He is eating dinner.
他正在哪里吃飯?Where is he eating dinner他正在家里吃飯。He is eating dinner at home.
2.你想什么時(shí)候去?When do you want to go? 讓我們六點(diǎn)鐘去吧。Let’s go at six o’clock.
3.他正在等什么? What is he waiting for? 他正在等公交車。 He is waiting for a bus.
4.他們正在和誰說話? Who are they talking with?
他們正在和iss Wu說話。They are talking with iss Wu.
5.你們正在談?wù)撌裁矗?What are you talking about?
我們正在談?wù)撎鞖。We are talking about the weather.
6.他們都正在去上學(xué)。They are all going to school.
7.  這兒是一些我的照片。Here are some of my photos.
這兒是一些肉。 Here is some of meat. (some of meat不可數(shù),故用is)
8.  謝謝你幫我買這本書。 Thank you for helping me buy this book.
9.  family 家;家庭。強(qiáng)調(diào)“整體”,是單數(shù);強(qiáng)調(diào)“成員”時(shí),是復(fù)數(shù)。
His family has a shower. 他們家有一個(gè)淋浴。
His family are watching TV. 他全家在看電視。
Unit 7
1. look like = be like 看起像… 2. the captain of …的隊(duì)長(zhǎng)
3. beautiful long curly blonde hair 美麗金色的卷曲長(zhǎng)發(fā)
short straight black hair黑色的直短發(fā)
4. be popular (with sb) 受到(某人的)歡迎
例如:Yao ming is popular with young people.
5. a ( little ) bit = a little = kind of +adj 有點(diǎn)兒…
6. a little = a bit of +n 少許… 有一些…
7. tell a joke / jokes (on sb) 開(某人的)玩笑
8. stop to do sth 停下去干… 9. stop doing sth 停止干…
10. go shopping 去購物 11. a pair of glasses 一副眼鏡
12. remember to do sth 記得要干…remember doing sth 記得干過…
14. be of medium height 中等個(gè)子 be of medium build 中等身材
15. have a new look有一個(gè)新形象
16. tell us a joke/jokes 給我們講笑話
tell sb sth==tell sth to sb 告訴某人某事
1.?-What do you look like? 你長(zhǎng)什么樣子?
---I’m tall / medium height with short hair.
2.---What is he like?他是什么性格?
---He is a little quiet/lazy.
3.be tall/short/thin slim/heavy個(gè)子高/矮/瘦/苗條/胖
4.have long blonde hair/have a beard有金黃發(fā)/留胡須
5.not …any more/not …any longer/ no longer不再
6.Do you remember Johnny Dean, the pop singer with funny glasses?
你認(rèn)識(shí)Johnny Dean,戴滑稽眼鏡的流行歌歌手嗎?
Do you remember Johnny Dean? He wears funny glasses.
你認(rèn)識(shí)Johnny Dean嗎? 他戴著滑稽眼鏡。
7.Nobody knows me.
8.I don’t think he is so great. 我認(rèn)為他不那么棒!
Unit 8
1. would like sth / to do sth = want sth / to do sth 想要…/ 干…
2. a ( large / medium / small ) bowl of… 一(大 / 中 / 。┩搿
3. take an order for sth 點(diǎn)…(飯菜,飲品等)
4. noodle / dumpling house
= house of noodles / dumplings 面館/餃子館
5. RB 10 for 15dumplings 15個(gè)餃子10元錢
6. eat/have/drink soup 喝湯
7. drink apple juice喝蘋果汁(drink v. 喝 n. 飲料)
apple juice drinks 蘋果汁
8. 可數(shù)名詞:noodle potato dumpling oniontomato hamburger strawberry drink
不可數(shù)名詞: beef chickenjuicetea ricesoup porridge broccoli salad fish(魚肉)
9. a bowl of noodles / dumplings/ soup
two bowls of noodles / dumplings/ soup
a cup of coffeetwo cups of coffee
a bottle of green teatwo bottles of green tea
a bag of milktwo bags of milk
1. ?What kind of noodles would you like? --I’d like tomato noodles
2. ?What size bowl of noodles would he / she like?
--He / She would like a large / medium / small bowl of noodles
3. ?Would you like a bowl of beef noodles?
--Yes, please / --No, thanks
4. ?Would you like to go with me?
--Yes, I’d like / love to --Sorry, I’m busy
5. ---Can I help you/What can I help you?--- Yes, please.
6. Would you like something to eat/drink?
Unit 9
1. go to the beach / mountains 去海邊/ 區(qū)
2. on Saturday morning 在周六的早上
last Saturday morning 上周六的早上
in the morning 在早上
on +某日+morning/afternoon/evening (或具體的某一天)
in the morning/afternoon/evening  
at +時(shí)刻 
last month/year/week/weekend
3. last Sunday morning / year / month / week / night
4. study for the test/exam 為考試作準(zhǔn)備(學(xué)習(xí))
5. do some reading / shopping / washing 讀書 / 購物 / 洗 (衣服等)
6. go (out) for a walk == take a walk 出去散步
7. practice doing sth 訓(xùn)練做…
8. visit sb / a place 拜訪某人 / 參觀某地
9. spend the weekend / vacation 度周末 / 假
10. spend (money / time) on sth
(in) doing sth 花(錢 / 時(shí)間)干…
11. a book on / about history 一本歷史書.
12. . play +運(yùn)動(dòng) play soccer play tennis play sports
play the + 樂器  play the guitar
play with…和某人/物玩耍
13. It’s time to do sth=it’s time for sth 該做么的時(shí)候了。
14. look for 尋找.....(強(qiáng)調(diào)動(dòng)作) find 找到(強(qiáng)調(diào)結(jié)果)
15. what about sb/sth/ doing sth
=how about sb/sth/ doing sth
某人/某物/做某事怎么樣 呢? (用于提供建議)
1. ?What did you / he do last weekend?
--I / He played soccer
2. ?Hoas your weekend / vacation?
--It was great / terrible/pretty good/fantastic/terrible.
3. He watched Wang Wang play with a friendly black cat.
I saw some boys playing soccer when I looked out of the windo
look at/see/watch sb doing sth 看見某人正在做某事
(to) do sth 看見某人做過某事
4. Do you think everyone enjoys their weekend ?
5. It is time to have lunch = It’s time for lunch
注:It’s time to do sth== It’s time for sth
6. He has no dog and no family = He has no dog or family
= He doesn’t have a dog or a family
注:not… a/any= no
7. He doesn’t want to do anything
= He wants to do nothing
注: not anything== nothing
Unit 10
1. go on vacation / a picnic / a field trip 度假/ 去野餐 / 去郊游
2. go to summer camp 去(參加)夏令營(yíng) go camping 去露營(yíng)
3. be crowded 擁擠
4. all day / morning 整天 / 整個(gè)早上
5. in the corner of the classroom 在教室的角落
6. at the corner of the street 在街角
7. be lost 丟失,迷路
8. decide to do sth 決定干…
9. the best place for a vacation
= the best place to spend / have a vacation度假的(最)好地方
9.a report on students’ vacations 有關(guān)學(xué)生假期的
10.have Si chuan food for dinner 晚餐吃川菜
11.walk back to the hotel 走回旅館
12.walk back home 走回家
13.feel + adj. (tired/relaxed /relaxed/interested)感到疲倦/放松。。。
14.the Great Wall 長(zhǎng)城 the Palace useum故宮
the Tian-an en Square 天安門廣場(chǎng)
1. --Hoas your vacation ? = What did you think of your vacation ?
-- (It was) great / terrible / pretty good /not bad.
2. We had great fun playing in the water
注:have fun / a good time doing sth 做…玩得很開心
3. I found a small boy crying in the corner
注:find sb doing sth 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正在做某事
4. That made me feel very happy.
注:make/let sb (to) do sth 讓某人做某事
5. I didn’t have any money for a taxi == I had no money for a taxi
6. ?Did you go to summer camp?
--Yes, I did. I went there on foot / I walked there. 我步行去那兒。
Unit 11
1. talk / game / sports show 談話/ 游戲/ 體育節(jié)目
2. think of 想到,想出
3. can’t stand 不能忍受
4. in fact 事實(shí)上
5. mind doing sth 介意,反對(duì)干…
6. a thirteen-year-old boy = a boy of thirteen years old
7. ask sb about sth 問某人關(guān)于某事的情況
8. show sb sth = show sth to sb 把某物給某人看
9. enjoy doing sth 很喜歡干…
注: like to do sth like doing sth 喜歡干…
10. put sth in sth 把某物放進(jìn)…
11. agree with sb 同意某人
1. ?What do you think of game shows? = How do you like game shows?
--They are great. I love them
2. How about Healthy Living ? = What do you think of Healthy Living ?
= How do you like Healthy Living ?
3. Cooking is for moms
4. Thanks for joining us
5. I’d like to tell you what I think
6. Can / Could you please …?
7. I can’t stand the idea that old people can’t be beautiful.
8. I want to be young and beautiful.
9. I enjoy nice words about my looks.
10. I don’t mind what young people think of me.
*11. ?Do you mind my opening the door ?
= Do you mind if I open the door ?
--No, not at all / Of course not
--Sorry, I do. Please don’t do it
Unit 12
1. break the rules 違反紀(jì)律
2. talk loudly 大聲
3. be / arrive late for… 干…遲到
4. fight with / against sb 和…打架
5. in class 堂上 after class 后
6. listen to music 聽音樂
7. too many +[C](p.l) 太多的…too many people/books
Too much +[U] 太多的… too much homework
8. wear sports shoes for gym class 穿運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋上體育
9. go out 出去 eat outside 在外面吃
10. have/has/had to do sth 不得不干…
11. on school nights 在上期間的夜晚
12. No smoking / parking / talking 禁止吸煙/ 停車/
== Don’t smoke/park/talk
No photos 禁止拍照
==Don’t take photos.
13. lie / stay / be in bed 躺 / 呆在 / 在床上
1. Don’t eat in class = No eating in class = Stop eating in class
2. Can we eat in school?
3. ?Do you have to wear a uniform at school ?
--Yes, we do.
--No, we don’t. We don’t have to wear a uniform at school.
4. What are the rules ?
5. What else do you have to do ? = What other things do you have to do ?
6. I have to be in bed by ten o’clock
7. I never have any fun = I have no fun

1.be from = come from 自于…
2. speak Chinese 說中
3. write to sb 給某人寫信
4. want to do sth = would like to do sth 想做什么
5. on Centre street 在中央大道 6. next to the bank 銀行隔壁
7. across from the park 在公園的對(duì)面
8. go straight 直走
9. turn left 向左轉(zhuǎn)
10. in front of the library 在圖書館前面
11. be busy 忙的
12. be quiet 安靜
13. take a bus 乘坐公交車
14. take a walk = have a walk 散步 15. between … and … 在兩者之間
16. have fun = have a good time
= enjoy oneself 玩得高興
17. next Sunday 下個(gè)星期天
18. kind of = a little 有點(diǎn)兒
19. at night 在晚上 20.What other animals 其它什么動(dòng)物
21. be friendly to sb 對(duì)某人友好 22. during the day 在白天期間
23. eat leaves 吃樹葉
24. live in swh 居住在某地 25. 14 years old 14歲
26. a very interesting country 一個(gè)非常有趣的國(guó)家
27. be hungry 饑餓
28. You`re welcome 不用謝
29. Thank you all the same 仍然感謝你
30. walk through the park 步行穿過公園
31. work late 工作得晚
32. a good place to have fun 一個(gè)好玩的地方
33. play with …與…一起玩
34. Where is your pen pal from? = Where does your
pen pal come from 你的筆友自于哪兒?
35. What language do they speak? 他們說哪一種語言?
They speaapanese . 他們說日語.
36. Where does she live? 她住在哪兒?
She lives in paris. 她住在巴黎.
37. where's the park? 公園在哪兒?
38. talk to sb. 與某人交談
39. Is there a bank near here?
Yes, there is./No, there isn`t.
40. This is the beginning of the garden tour.
41. Why do you like pandas? 你為什么喜歡熊貓?
Because they`re very cute.因?yàn)樗鼈兒芸蓯?
42. want to be an actor 想成為一名演員
43. in the day 在白天
44. help sb do sth 幫助某人做某事
45. an interesting job 一項(xiàng)有趣的工作
46. in a hospital 在一所醫(yī)院
47. go out to dinners 外出吃飯
48. work hard 努力工作(學(xué)習(xí))
49. as a teacher 作為一名教師
50. sing and dance 唱歌、跳舞
51. watch TV 看電視
52. do homework 做家庭作業(yè)
53. go to the movies 去看電影
54. read a book 看書
55. be at school 在校
56. be at home 在家
57. Thank sb. for doing sth. 感謝某人做某事.
58. take a photo 照像
59. some of my photos 我的一些照片
60. at the pool 在游泳池
61. on the beach 在沙灘上
62. on vacation 度假
63. wait for sb 等待某人
64. in this heat 在這樣熱(的氣候中)
65. a boy of 10. 一個(gè)10歲的男孩
66. How is the weather?
= What`s the weather like? 天氣怎樣?
67. look like 看起像 68. How is it going? 一切都好嗎?
69. medium height 中等身高
70. medium build 中等身材
71. short hair 短發(fā)
72. straight hair 直發(fā)
73. a little bit quiet 有點(diǎn)兒靜 74. stop talking 停止講話
75. a new look 新形象
76. some water 一些水
77. What does he look like 他長(zhǎng)得什么樣
78. like doing sth. 喜歡做某事
79. would like to do sth = want to do sth. 想做某事
80. What size 多大號(hào)(尺寸)
81. What kind of noodles? 哪一種面?
82. tomato noodles 西紅柿面
83. a small/medium/large bowl of … 一小(中、大)碗
84. green tea 綠茶
85. two glasses of juice 兩杯果汁
86. How many +可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)… 多少?
87. How much +不可數(shù)名詞… 多少?
88. last weekend 上個(gè)周末
89. How about = What about
= Let's … , … 怎樣? (詢問、征求)
90. on Saturday morning 在周六上午
91. practice doing 練習(xí)做某事
92. spend … (in) doing sth. 做某事花(時(shí)間, 錢)
93. Hoas your weekend? 你的周末過得如何?
94. the students at NO.3 iddle School. 三中的學(xué)生
95. have fun doing sth. 做某事愉快
96. go shopping 去購物
97. be kind to sb. 對(duì)某人和善
98. find sb. doing sth. 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正在做某事
99. make sb do sth 使某人做某事
100. decide to do sth. 決定做某事
101. enjoy doing sth = like doing sth. 喜歡做某事
102. be friendly 友好
103. be lost 丟失, 迷路
104. show sb. sth.
= show sth. to sb. 將某物給某人看
105. feel happy 感到高興
106. I can't stand it 我無法忍受
107. How do you like … ?
= What do you think of … ? 你認(rèn)為如何?
108. mind doing sth 介意做某事
109. nothing = not … anything 沒什么
110. something interesting 一些有趣的東西
111. welcome to swh. 歡迎到某地
112. a thirteen-year-old boy
= a boy of thirteen 一個(gè)13歲的男孩
113. the coolest thing 最酷的東西
114. in the school magazine 在學(xué)校雜志上
115. Don't eat in class 別在堂上吃東西
116. have to = must 必須
117. arrive late for … = be late for … 遲到于…
118. an interesting talk sho一個(gè)有趣的談話節(jié)目
119. What are the rules at your school?
120. too many +可數(shù)名詞 太多
121. too much +不可數(shù)名詞 太多
122. on school nights 在有的晚上
123. in bed 在床上
124. arrive in/at swh 到達(dá)某地
125. in the hallway 在走廊里
126. What position do you play? 你打什么位置?
127. pick up 撿起
128. He plays for … 他效力于…
129. hundreds of years ago 幾百年前
130. be good at = do well in 善于…
131. leave for swh. 動(dòng)身去某地
132. something nice to eat 一些好吃的東西
133. have a party 開一次晚會(huì)

新目標(biāo)英語七年級(jí)(下)Units 1—12詞組

1.郵局 post office
2.公共電話 pay phone
3.在中心街 on Center Street
4.在..對(duì)面 across from
5.在..之間 between …and
6.在..前面 in front of
7.在附近 in the neighborhood 
8.直走 go straight
9.左轉(zhuǎn) turn left
10.右轉(zhuǎn) turn right
11.在新公園右拐 turn right at New Park
12.散步 take a walk
13.…的開頭 the beginning of
14.游園 garden tour
15.參觀大橋街visit Bridge Street
16.歡迎 welcome to
17.玩高興 have fun
18.下周日 next Sunday
19.到..去的路 the way to
20.乘出租車take a taxi
21.經(jīng)過一個(gè)銀行pass a bank
22.穿過 go through
23.沿著go down
24.旅途愉快have a good trip
25.到達(dá) arrive at/in… get to
26.先做某事do sth. first
27.有點(diǎn) kind of +形容詞
28.自be from/come from
29.什么動(dòng)物what animals
30.別的什么動(dòng)物what other animals
31.吃草 eat grass
32.吃樹葉 eat leaves
33.白天睡覺 sleep during the day
34.在晚上 at night
35.和...玩耍 play with
36.外出 go out
37.外出吃飯 go out to dinner
38.想成為 want to be
39.和…工作 work with
40.為…工作 work for
41.作為…的工作 work as…
42.警察局 police station
43.銀行職員 bank clerk
44.給某人東西 give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.
45.從某人得到什么 get sth.from sb.
46.和..說話 talk to / with
47.談?wù)摗?talk about
48.校園劇school play
49.寫故事 write stories
50.給誰打電話 call sb. at…
51.店員 shop assistant
52.筆友 pen pal
53.說英語 speak English
54.想做… want to …
55.一點(diǎn)a little+不可數(shù)名詞
56.有there be
57.安靜be quiet
58.等待wait for
59.相當(dāng)不錯(cuò)pretty good
60.還行 not bad
61.照相 take photos
62.玩高興 have a good time
63.為了 in order to
64.沙灘排球 beach volleyball
65.在度假on vacation
66.直/卷發(fā) straight/curly hair
67.長(zhǎng)/短發(fā) long/short hair
68.中等個(gè) medium height
69.中等身材 medium build
70.看起像look like
71.籃球隊(duì)隊(duì)長(zhǎng)the captain of the basketball team
72.講笑話 tell jokes
73.有點(diǎn) a little bit
74.停止做… stop doing sth.
75.停下做… stop to do sth.
76.金頭發(fā)的男孩 a boy with blonde hair
77.一位戴滑稽眼鏡的搖滾歌手a rock singer with funny glasses
78.一副新形象a new look
79.戴眼鏡/圍巾wear glasses/scarf
80.自倫敦的安Ann from London
81.有胡子have/has a beard
82.購物go shopping/do some shopping
83.想要某物would like sth.
84.想做某事would like to do sth .
85.想要某人做某事 would like sb to do sth.
86.什么種類what kind of
87.多大碗的… what size bowl of…
88.一大/中/小碗面a big/medium/small bowl of noodles
89.橙汁orange juice
90.綠茶green tea
91.餃子店 house of dumplings
92.15個(gè)商品賣10元錢 RB10 for 15
93.甜食店dessert house
94.做作業(yè)do homework
95.踢足球play soccer
96.打網(wǎng)球play tennis
97.清掃房間clean the room
98.去海灘go to the beach
99.去看電影go to the movies/watch a movie
100.去圖書館go to the library
101.上周末last weekend
102.在早上/中午/傍晚in the morning/afternoon/evening
103.在晚上 at night
104.在周六的早上on Saturday morning
105.拜訪我的叔叔visit my uncle
106.去上海go to Shanghai
107.呆在家stay at home
108.舉行晚會(huì)have a party
109.讀點(diǎn)書do some reading
110.讀書 read books
111.練習(xí)英語practice English
112.為數(shù)學(xué)考試學(xué)習(xí)study for the math test
113.怎么樣… what/how about…?
114.做運(yùn)動(dòng) play sports
115.脫口秀talk show
116.練習(xí)吉他practice the guitar
117.寫首新歌write a new song
118.下棋play chess
119.煮晚飯cook dinner
120.坐下sit down
121.是該…的時(shí)候了It’s time to do sth./for sth
122.尋找look for
123.去紐約市 go to New York City
124.去夏令營(yíng)go to the summer camp
125.去區(qū)go to the mountains
126.參觀博物館visit museums
127.去中央公園 go to Central Park
128.為考試學(xué)習(xí)study for exams
129.整天/夜/年all day/night/year
130.好天氣 great weather
131.做某事很高興have fun doing sth.
132.很高興have great fun
133.發(fā)現(xiàn)某人正做某事find sb.doing sth.
134.迷路be lost
135.在角落in the corner
136.幫某人做某事help sb.(to) do sth.
137.幫某人某事 help sb with sth.
138.讓某人做… make sb. do sth.
139.走回walk back to
140.決定做… decide to do sth.
141.川菜Sichuan food
142.疲倦be tired
143.長(zhǎng)城The Great Wall
144.故宮The Palace useum
145.天安門廣場(chǎng)Tian’an en Square
146.一條北京胡同A Beijing Hutong
147.你認(rèn)為…怎么樣What do you think of…?
148.肥皂劇soap opera
149.運(yùn)動(dòng)節(jié)目sports show
151.游戲節(jié)目game show
152.實(shí)際上in fact
153.餃子王 Dumpling ing
154.今日英語English Today
155.運(yùn)動(dòng)新聞Sports News
156.健康生活Healthy Living
157.中國(guó)化Culture China
158.中國(guó)烹飪Chinese Cooking
159.動(dòng)物世界Animal World
160.一個(gè)13歲男孩a thirteen-year-old boy
161.感謝做某事thanks for doing sth.
162.實(shí)話實(shí)說Tell it like it is
163.不能忍受can’t stand
164.不介意don’t/doesn’t mind
165.喜歡做某事enjoy doing sth.
166.我的想法what I think
167.同意某人意見agree with sb.
168.鑰匙扣key ring
169.詢問某人關(guān)于 ask sb. about…
170.最酷的東西the coolest thing
171.向某人展示/給某人看show sb. sth=show sth. to sb.
172.在學(xué)校雜志上in the school magazine
173.穿鮮艷的服裝wear colorful clothes
174.喜歡聽贊美自己的話enjoy nice words about my looks
175.在下期雜志上in next month’s magazine
176.校規(guī)school rules
177.上學(xué)遲到arrive late for school=be late for school
178.在走廊里奔跑run in the hallways
179.聽音樂listen to music
180.在飯廳吃飯eat in the dining hall
181.在外吃飯eat outside
182.穿制服wear a uniform
183.體育gym class
184.運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋sports shoes
185.放學(xué)后after school
186.練習(xí)做…practice doing sth.
187.太多的… too many+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)
188.too much+不可數(shù)名詞
189.拜訪朋友meet friends
190.洗衣服wash the clothes
191.睡覺 go to bed /be in bed
192.在學(xué)校的晚上on school nights
193.做飯make dinner
194.少年宮Children’s Palace
195.學(xué)習(xí)鋼琴 learn the piano
196.其他的什么…what else…

Unit 7-12 復(fù)習(xí)(詞匯)
1. 描述人的外貌。
2. 描述想要點(diǎn)的飯菜。
3. 描述過去所做的事情和感受(過去時(shí))。
4. 描述對(duì)一些事物的觀點(diǎn)。
5. 描述家里和學(xué)校以及其他公共場(chǎng)所的規(guī)定。

short/curly/straight hair, medium build/height, thin, fat, heavy, tall, short,
brown / black/red/ blonde hair, glasses, beard, bold
Food and drinks:
noodles, beef, chicken, mutton, dumplings, porridge, soup,
green tea, iced tea, orange juice
Past Forms of verbs:
played, cleaned, watched, visited, stayed, visited, practiced, studied, went, did, was, were, felt
geography, library, test, mountain, wallet, scarf, belt, key ring, museum, hallway ,
fight, uniform, gym
talk show, summer camp, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show,
dining hall, sports shoes
Adjectives: expensive, awful, crowded, delicious, fantastic, pretty good, hot, great, boring, unfriendly, interesting

1. such 的用法
such a clever boy 這樣一個(gè)聰明的男孩
such an interesting story 這樣一個(gè)有趣的故事 (such后跟可數(shù)名詞單數(shù))
such beautiful flowers 這樣漂亮的花 (such后跟可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù))
such hot water 如此熱的水 (such后跟不可數(shù)名詞)
2. fish的用法
fish 既可以做可數(shù)名詞,意思是“魚肉”,也可以做不可數(shù)名詞,意思是“魚”。如:
當(dāng)fish /chicken意為“魚肉/雞肉”時(shí)是不可數(shù)名詞。
We had fish and chicken for dinner.
當(dāng)fish意為“魚,魚類”時(shí)是可數(shù)名詞,其復(fù)數(shù)形式有兩種:fish和fishes, (但fishes多指不同的魚類)。
I caught three fish in the river.我在河里逮了三條魚。
3. nothing的用法
nothing 是一個(gè)代詞,意思是“沒什么;沒什么東西”
(nothing ,something ,anything… 是不定代詞, 用形容詞修飾此類詞時(shí),要放在它們的后面) 如:
There’s nothing in the room.
It’s nothing serious.
Is there anything new in today’s newspaper?
4. by 的用法
I have to return the book by Friday.
Come over here and stand by me.
I came by bus/car/bike/….
5. how about 的用法
how about=what about,意思是“……怎么樣?” (用以詢問消息,提供建議或征詢意見)
How(What) about going to a movie tonight?
I don’t like sports. How about you?
6. stop to do sth. 停下做某事 (準(zhǔn)備去做)
stop doing sth. 停止做某事 (準(zhǔn)備不做)
I’m too tired. Let’s stop to have a rest. 我太累了,我們停下歇會(huì)兒吧。
The students stop talking when the teacher comes into the classroom.
7. remember to do sth. 記得去做某事 (還沒有做)
remember doing sth. 記得做過某事 (以前做過)
Please remember to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom.
I remember meeting him before.
8. with, wear, put on, in 都可以表示穿,但是它們的用法不同。
wear, put on 是動(dòng)詞,可以做謂語。而with, in 是介詞,不能做謂語。
wear強(qiáng)調(diào)穿衣的狀態(tài),而 put on強(qiáng)調(diào)穿衣的動(dòng)作。
Put on your coat! It’s too cold outside.
Students have to wear their uniforms on weekdays.
She wore a pretty dress.
Do you know that girl in red?
The boy with glasses is my younger brother。
9. thank sb. for doing sth.(感謝某人做某事)
Thank you for coming to my birthday party.
10. find sb. + doing sth. / 形容詞 發(fā)現(xiàn)某人的情形或狀態(tài)
They found a man sleeping in an empty room.
I found him very lazy.
11. help sb. (to) do sth./ help sb. with sth.幫助某人(做)某事
I often help my mother (to) clean the dishes.
ary always helps me with math.
12. decide to do sth. 決定做某事
She decided to leave Beijing next onday.
13. show sb. sth. /show sth. to sb. 給某人看……
如:Can you show me your recent paintings?
Please show the map to our guests.
14. enjoy v. 享受……的樂趣,喜愛
如:Everyone has right to enjoy health. 每個(gè)人都有權(quán)利享有健康。
enjoy oneself 過得快樂 = have a good time
如:Did you enjoy yourselves in Shanghai? 你們?cè)谏虾M娴瞄_心嗎?
enjoy doing sth. 喜歡做某事
如:ary enjoys listening to music. 瑪麗喜歡聽音樂。
1. tell, speak, say, talk的用法
tell (過去式told) 除了“告訴,講述”,與from連用時(shí)還有“區(qū)分,分辨”的意思(即tell…from…)
I can't tell Lily from Lucy. They’re twins.
與say, speak, talk比較
say (過去式said) 強(qiáng)調(diào)說話內(nèi)容例如:say sth/ say that…
I say hello to you. He says (that) he is on his way home.
布告報(bào)紙等上“說”:The radio says (there’s) no rain today.
speak (過去式spoke) 說話,,說某種語言
例如:Please speak in English. (speak為不及物動(dòng)詞)
Can you speaapanese?(speak為及物動(dòng)詞)
Who is speaking?
talk (過去式talked) 談?wù)摚勗。例如:talk to sb. , talk with sb.,
talk about sth./sb. The teacher is talking with him.
talk也可做名詞 例如:I had a talk with your mother yesterday.
2. a little, little, a few, few 用法
a little有點(diǎn),有一些(修飾不可數(shù)名詞)表肯定
Don’t worry, there is still a little time left.
We have little milk, so you have to go and buy some.
a few有點(diǎn),有一些(修飾可數(shù)名詞)表肯定
I spent quite a few days doing my homework.
I think the book is easy to understand because there are few neords in it.
1. Describe people’s looks:
——What does he/she look like?
——He/She is tall.
——He/She has short curly black hair.
——He/She wears glasses.
2. Order food:
——What kind of noodles would you like?
——I’d like beef and tomato noodles, please.
——What size bowl of noodles would you like?
——I’d like a large/medium/small bowl of noodles.
——What’s your address?
——y address is…
3. Talk about past events:
——What did you do last weekend? ——I watched TV on Saturday evening.
——Where did you go on vacation? ——I went to New York City.
——Hoas the weather? ——It was great.
——Hoas your weekend? ——It was humid.
4. Give opinions. Talk about likes and dislikes:
——What do you think of soap operas?
——I can’t stand them./I don’t mind them./I like them very much.
5. Talk about rules:
Don’t eat in class!
——Can we wear hats?
——Yes, we can. /No, we can’t.
1. 考察過去時(shí)的用法。
2. 一些詞組和固定搭配的用法。
3. 情態(tài)動(dòng)詞的用法。
4. 近義詞的區(qū)別。
We have worked for three hours. Now let’s stop ______ a rest.
A. had B. have C. to have D. having
stop 后可接v-ing形式, 也可接不定式作賓語, 但兩者意思有區(qū)別,前者stop doing sth意思是“停止做某事”, 后者stop to do sth意思是“停下手頭上的事去做另外一事”。 而本句表達(dá)的意思是“我們已經(jīng)工作了三個(gè)小時(shí),現(xiàn)在我們停下休息一下吧。”所以選C。
要點(diǎn):She never stops talking.(Unit 7)
Let’s go to the English Corner, shall we?
_______ _______ going to the English Corner?
我今天沒有時(shí)間去看望他們。 明天怎么樣?
I have no time to see them today.
_______ ______ ______ ?
答案:2. What about3. What about tomorrow
思路點(diǎn)撥Let’s do …和What/How about…? 這兩個(gè)句型都可以用詢問消息或者征求意見。What/How about…?意為“……怎么樣?”其中的about后面可接名詞、代詞,其中接動(dòng)詞時(shí),要用v-ing形式。 所以這兩道題用What about …。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/40989.html

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