
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第一部分 (30分)

1._________ 2._________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5.___________
( )6. A.ary B. His nae’s Eric. C. I’ Gina.
( )7. A.Yes, I have one. B.Yes, I do. C. Yes, I a.
( )8. A.It’s black. B. Yes, it is. C. It’s in the backpack.
( )9. A.Yes, I do. B.Yes, thank you. C.No, I don’t.
( )10.A.That’s a baseball. B. No, it isn’t. C. That sounds good.
( )11. What color is the chair?
A.Red B. Blue C.yellow
( )12. The boy has a _________.
A.tennis ball B. volleyball C. ping-pong ball
( )13. The girl likes _________.
A.pears B.strawberries C. oranges
( )14. Where is the ruler?
A.In the backpack. B. On the desk. C. Under the backpack.
( )15. The girl likes fruit for_____.
A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner
NaeLikes playingWhere the sports things areLikes eating
Toy(16)________The balls are under his bed.toatoes
PaultennisThe racket is on the (17)_______(18)________

第二部分 筆試(120分)
( )21. ---Is this key? ---No, that one is key.
A. y , her B. your ,y C. her, his D. your ,his
( )22. -- is y notebook?--It’s 12 yuan.
A. WhereB. What C. What color D. How uch
( )23. I don’t like this hat . It’s too ____ . I need a big one .
A. sall B. long C. short D. big
( )24. Anna a red skirt, but she doesn't a black one.
A. have; have B. has; have C. have; has D. has; has
( )25.--What's your favorite --Pears.
A. color B. fruit C. day D. vegetable
( )26. iss Li is English teacher.
A. To and Tina B. To and Tina’s
C. To’s and Tina’s D. To’s and Tina
( )27.---Can you help e y ath hoework, iss Zhang?
---OK. Coe to y house Sunday orning.
A. with; in B. do; at C. to do; on D. to do; in
( )28. Our English teacher is Jenny Jones. We all call her
A. r. Jones B. iss JonesC. rs. Jenny D. r. Jenny
( )29.y father doesn't play sports. He only ________ on TV.
A. watches it B. watch the C. watch it D. watches the
( )30. I a years old today. And y parents have a party for y birthday .
A. twelfth; twelveB. twelfth; twelve
C. twelve; twelfth D. twelve; twelve
( )31.— ,is Ji Aerican ?— , I don’t kno
A. Excuse e ,Excuse e B. Excuse e ,Sorry
C. Sorry ,Sorry D. Sorry, Excuse e
( )32. ---Do they have lots of ?---Yes, they do.
A. banana B. haburger C. chicken D. pear
( )33. Thanks the photo your faily.
A. of; about B. for; about C. of; for D. for; of
( )34.We can eet on .
A. January 13th,2012B.2012 January 13th C.13th January 2012D.2012 13th January
( )35.I want a pen $4.
A.buy;for B.to buy;for C.buy ;in D.to buy;in
( )36.They have T-shirts green and black.
A.in   B.for C.at D.of
( )37.—Where your pants. — on the bed.
A.is;It’s B.are;They are C.is;They are D.are;It’s
( )38.Can I ________ your new shirt, please?
A.lookB.have a bookC.have a look at
( )39.—Can I see your photo? —Yes.__________.
A.Thank you B.Give you C.Here you are D.You are here
( )40. —What do they do? —They are ________________.
A. an doctorsB. woen doctors
C. woan doctorsD. en doctor
41.Tony’a brother is ears old.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
is Tony’s brother?
42.Robert wants to go to a ovie.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)
Robert to go to a ovie?
43.She has an Art Festival each year.(改為否定句)
She an Art Festival each year.
44.That bag is black.(同義句)
That a bag.
45.Your baseball is under the chair. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
Your baseball?

y nae is Grace. Look ! This is a 46 of y faily. A boy is in it. 47 is y brother, Toy. Toy is 48 the sofa. A woan is in the picture, too. She is y 49 .She is at the table. y father 50 in the picture. He is at 51 with his students. A plant and a backpack 52 on the table. The backpack is y brother's. Two 53 are under the chair. They are also y 54 .You can see soe 55 . They are on the bookcase.
( )46.A. chair B. telephone C. plant D. picture
( )47.A. She B. He C. It D. They
( )48.A. on B. at C. under D. about
( )49.A. sister B. cousin C. other D. friend
( )50.A. isn't B. are C. is D. doesn’t
( )51.A. hotel B. table C. school D. dresser
( )52.A. is B. are C. be D. /
( )53.A. roos B. dictionarys C. brushs D. baseballs
( )54.A. brother B. brother's C. sister D. sister's
( )55.A. furniture B. CDs C. beds D. people
It’s 56 onday. Scott coes to school at 8: 15 in the orning. He has science 57 eight thirty. He likes 58 because it’s interesting. 59 Scott doesn’t like ath. At eleven he has ath. The ath teacher speaks very well, but Scott doesn’t like hi. 60 favorite teacher is the P.E. teacher, r. Stone. He is fun. His class sounds funny. He 61
P.E on onday afternoon. So Scott 62 onday. Fro onday to 63 , Scott has 64 at school at 11: 45. After school, Scott plays 65 on the school playground, then he goes hoe. On Saturday and Sunday Scott doesn’t go to school.
( ) 56. A. on B. at C. \ D. the
( ) 57. A. at B. in C. on D. \
( ) 58. A. science B. English C. Chinese D. ath
( ) 59. A. And B. But C. So D. Then
( ) 60. A. Scott B. he’s C. Scott’s D. hi
( ) 61. A. have B. has C. have not D. having
( ) 62. A. like B. want C. wants D. likes
( ) 63. A. Wednesday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. Friday
( ) 64. A. lunch B. breakfast C. supper D. dinner
( ) 65. A. the football B. football C. a football D. footballs
第三部分 理解(40分)
Hello! y nae is ike. I a fro the USA. Now I an in China with y parents. I like China. I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at hoe. I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast. I do not like ilk. I have no tie to go hoe for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, eat and vegetables. Soeties I have noodles(面條) and duplings(餃子). I have dinner at hoe with y parents. Soeties we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit.
( )66.ike is .
A. Aerican B. English C. Chinese D. Japanese
( )67.For breakfast, ike has
A. an egg, an apple and porridge B. an egg, bread and porridge
C. an apple, bread and ilk D. an egg, an apple and bread
( )68. He has lunch .
A. at school B. at hoe
C. in a restaurant D. with his parents\
( )69. He has for lunch.
A. rice, eat and vegetables B. duplings and noodles
C. chicken, eat and fruit D.A and B are both right.
( )70.Soeties they have dinner .
A. at school B. in a restaurant with soe friends \
C. at his friend’s hoe D. in the open air.(在戶外)
ike and Jane are brother and sister. They are Aericans. They are in the sae school. Their school is not far(遠(yuǎn)) fro their hoe.
ike is in r Black's class. He is thirteen. He is one of the best(最好的) students in his class. r Black likes hi. He is good at(在……學(xué)得好) Chinese.
Jane is eleven. She is in r Black's wife's class. rs Black is an English teacher. Jane is good at English, but she isn't good at Chinese.
( )71.Are ike and Jane twins?
A.Yes, they are. B.No, they aren't.
C.Yes, they are in the sae class.
( )72.How old is Jane?She is ________.
A.eleven B.twelve C.thirteen
( )73.Who is good at Chinese?
A.r Black. B.rs Black. C.ike.
( )74.Where is ike and Jane's school?
A.It's far fro their hoe. B.The school is not big.
C.It's near their hoe.
( )75.Which of these is wrong?
A.ike and Jane are fro England.
B.ike and Jane are in the sae school.
C.rs Black is Jane's English teacher.

rs Sith is Ji’s other.She loves her faily very uch.She ofthn buys food,fruit and clothes for Ji and his father.Now any clothes are on sale at a good price.
rs Sith coes to the store and she wants to buy soe clothes.They have sweaters inall colors for¥15 each and sports shores for only ¥28.rs Sith likes the red sweaterand she buys one for herself(她自己).She buys a pair of sports shores for her son.The T-shirts in the store are just ¥18!She buys a white one for r Sith.And that’s not all.The sochs,in all colors,are ¥2 each.She buys five pairs.
( )76.rs Sith often buys for her faily.
A. books and food B.fruit,coffee and shoes
C.food,fruit and clothes D.tea,vegetables and school things
( )77.The clothes in Spring Clothes Store are
A. expensive B.cheap C.not good D.very sall
( )78.rs Sith likes .
A. the red sweater B.the blue T-shirt
C. the green T-shirt D.the white sweater
( )79.rs Sith buys for r Sith.
A.a T-shirt B.a pair of shores
C.a white sweater D.a pair of sports shoes
( )80.rs Sith spends(花費(fèi)) on the socks.
A.¥2 B.¥4 C.¥10 D.¥20
y uncle is fro Shanghai.Now he is in Aerica.He studies coputers there.
The students in y uncle’s class are very interesting.Henry is English.He’s fro London.George is Australian(澳大利亞人).He’s fro Sydney.ary is Aerican(美國(guó)人).She’s fro New York.r. and rs. Sith are Canadian(加拿大人).They’re fro Ottawa.r. and rs. Sato are Japanese.They’re fro Tokyo.y uncle’s friend Zhang Li and Wu Jun are Chinese,too.They’re fro Taiwan.
Yes,the students in y uncle’s class are very interesting.They’re fro any different countries and they’re friends.
( )81.Uncle is in Aerica because .
A.he likes AericaB.Aerican food is good
C.Aerican ovies are excitingD.he wants to study coputers
( )82. is fro the UK.
A.HenryB.GeorgeC.aryD.r. Sith
( )83. coe fro Canada.
A.George and aryB.ary and Henry
C.Henry and GeorgeD.r. and rs. Sith
( )84.Sato is fro .
( )85.Wu Jun can speak .
A.SpanishB.ChineseC.French D.Japanese
Date of birthSepteber 8th
Phone nuber59596811
Colors he likesBlue and white
Food he likesHaburber,egg and chicken

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/45715.html
