
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


(考試時(shí)間:120分鐘 滿分:150分)


第I卷 (選擇題 共85分)

B. 聽問題,選擇合適的答句。每段對話聽兩遍。(5分)
( ) 6. What does Jack want to do first ?
A. Play coputer gaes.B. Play football with SusanC. Do his hoework
( ) 7. When do Andy and ike play football ?
A. On onday. B. On weekdays. C. At the weekends.
( ) 8. Where are Kate’s glasses ?
A. On the table. B. Under the chair. C. In the bag
( ) 9. Who is visiting the woan now ?
A. The woan’s friends. B. The woan’s father. C. The woan’s other.
( ) 10. How any hours is the zoo open ?
A.7 hours B. 10 hours C. 5 hours
( ) 11. Where’s Ann going ?
A. The zoo. B. The bank. C. The school.
( ) 12. Who is using the car now ?
A. Ann B. To C. Alan
( ) 13. Where is Ay fro ?
A. China B. England C. Aerica
( ) 14. What isn’t Ay good at ?
A. English B. Chinese C. sports
( ) 15. How does Ay like her life ?
A. She enjoys it. B. She doesn’t like it. C. She has no idea.
( ).16.Sion’s father is _________.
A.Peter B.Helen C.Lake
( ).17.Lucy’s other is ____ years old.
A.forty-one B.forty-four C. twelve
( ).18._______ looks like the father.
A.Helen B.Lucy C.Sion
( ).19.Sion and Lucy are in _______.
A. the sae school B.No. 3 High school C. No. 2 iddle School
( ).20.The father and the other are ____.
A.fro China B.teachers C.students
( )21. iss Fang is ______ English teacher. ________ is a good teacher.
A. our; Her B. y; He C. a; She D. an; She
( )22. ______ onday afternoon, they play basketball after class.
A. In B. On C. For D. At
( )23.They usually have _______at 6:30 a..
A.a breakfast B.breakfasts C.the breakfast D.breakfast
( )24.What’s the date today?
A. onday B.Sunny C.Fine D.Noveber 18th
( )25. Let’s _____ soe duplings for the Spring Festival.
A. aking B. akes C. ake D. to ake
( )26.--- _____ does Uncle Wang go fishig? ---Soeties.
A. How uch B. How long C. How often D. How far
( )27. ---______ he ______ fro Beijing? ---No, he ______.
A. Is, coe, isn’t B. Does, coe, isn’t
C. Is, coe, doesn’t D. Does, coe, doesn’t
( )28. His son often ______with e after school.
A. walks to hoe B. walk hoe
C. walk to hoe D. walks hoe
( )29. We like talking _______ each other _______ interesting things after school.
A. with, about B. with, with
C. about, about D. about, with
( )30.---Happy birthday,Ji! ---_______, Ay.
A. Thank you B. Happy birthday C. That’s all right D. OK
( )31.Can I borrow soe books _______you?
A.to B.fro C. For D.of
( )32.The shop ________fro 9 a.. to 9 p..
A.opens B.open C. is open D. is opened
( )33.---How do you go to school every day?---________.
A.By bikes B.By bike C.On bike D. By a bike
( )34.--Is your brother’s nae To? --- Yes , ____ is.
A. its B. he C. she D. it
( )35.To likes helping others, so he is a ________boy.
A.careful B.clever C.helpful D. cute
r. Bush coes fro 36 . He noorks 37 a iddle school in our city. He has sixty students. He often says his class is too big and it is hard work for hi to ___38_ with every student in English. He enjoys 39 black tea and green tea. He likes Chinese food 40 _, too. He doesn't 41 drinking ilk. He likes playing basketball, but he 42 play well. His son and I 43 in the sae class. 44 __ nae is Jaes. We are 45.  
( ) 36. A. Aerica B. Aerican C. a Aerica D. a Aerican
( ) 37. A. for B. on C. in D. to
( ) 38. A.say B. talk C.tell D.speak
( ) 39. A. to drink B. drinks C. drink D. drinking
( ) 40. A. very uch B. very C. any D. uch
( ) 41. A. like B. likes C. liking D. to like
( ) 42. A. isn't B. aren't C. don't D. doesn't
( ) 43. A. be B. a C. is D. are
( ) 44. A. y B. Your C. His D. Her
( ) 45. A.teachers B.doctors C.workers D. classates

(  )46.The nae of the fil is ______.
A. Red Star B. Harry Potter C. Dongjin D.Saturday
(  )47.You can watch the fil at _______.
A. Guanging Cinea B. Dongjin Cinea
C. Hongxing Cinea D. Dafang Cinea
(  )48.You can see the fil__________
A. at 4:00 p.. On Saturday B. at 6:30 ?8:30 p.. On onday
C. at 6:30 ? 8:30 p.. On Saturday D. at 6:30 ?8:30 a.. On Sunday
(  )49.r and r. Read have two sons. They are both 12 . If they four want to see the fil, how uch should they spend?
A.Thirty-two yuan B. Forty-two yuan
C. Thirty-six yuan D. Forty-six yuan
(  )50.Kate is nine years old, Ji is eleven years old and Sion is twelve years old.Who can’t go to see the fil?
A. Ji B. Kate C. Sion D. All of the

iss Liu is an English teacher. She is very young. She works very well and the students all like her. There are twenty-six boys and twenty-four girls in her class. Now soe of the are playing on the playground. Ji and Bill are juping. Sa and ike are running. Lucy and Sion are singing. The other girls are playing gaes with their teacher. They’re happy.
( )51. iss Liu is______.
A. a Chinese teacher B. very old
C. an English teacher D. not good
( )52 There are _____ students in iss Liu’s class.
A. 26 B.40 C.24 D.50
( )53. The students are ______.
A. at work B. at hoe C. all happy D. in the classroo
( )54. Who is singing?
A. iss Liu B. Lucy and Sion C. Sa and ike D. Ji and Bill
( )55. All the students _________.
A. like iss Liu B. are running
C.are playing gaes D. are juping

Joan is an Aerican girl. She lives in China no She is in y class. Her parents work in China, too, but her brother works in the U.S.A. He often writes letters to the. Joan likes Chinese class very uch, and likes speaking Chinese with us after class. Her father teaches us English well. We all like his class. Her other is a nurse. On Sundays, Joan goes to the People's Park with her father and other. Soeties she goes shopping with her other. They like the Chinese food very uch. It's a happy faily.
( )56. Joan is fro ______.
A. China B. Japan C. the U.S.A. D. Canada
( )57. Joan likes speaking ________with us after class.
A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese
( )58. Joan's ________ is an English teacher.
A. father B. other C. brother D. father and other
( )59. How often does Joan go to the shop?
A. Often. B. Never. C. Every Sunday. D. Soeties.
( )60. Which is RIGHT?
A. Joan's other is a good teacher. B. There are three people in her faily.
C. They like to eat the Chinese food a lot. D. The faily are all in China.

This is y school. There are any trees and flowers. The teaching building is big and tall. There is a big playground in our school. It’s very nice to have it. After 4:30 in the afternoon, any students coe to the playground to play football and soe students play table tennis in the table tennis roo.
There are 1,200 students in 30 classes in our school. The students all like to study. The teachers in our school are very good. They help the students to study and soeties play with the. All the students like the.
( )61. The teaching building is _____.
A. sall B. old C. big and tall D. big
( )62. It’s very nice for this school to have ____.
A. trees and flowers B. a playground C. students D. teachers
( )63. There are at least (至少) _____ students in one class.
A. 45 B. 40 C. 75 D. 60
( )64. After class the students often go to _____.
A. their classroo B. their hoes
C. the playground D. their hoes
( )65.What ay(可能) teachers NOT DO?
A. Give the students lessons. B. Play football and table tennis with the students.
C. Don’t like soe students. D. Help students study

第II部分 非選擇題(共65分)
1. /baik/________- 2./spɔ:ts/___________ 3./greit/_________
4. /ebə/_________ 5. /'ju:zik/___________
B. 寫出下列單詞劃線部分的音標(biāo)。(5分)
1. hero / / 2.bird / / 3.nae / /
4.coputer / / 5.stop / /
1.We should learn fro the two___________(hero).
2.______________(teacher) Day is on Septeber 10.
3. I want __________ (buy) her a new book.
4.Yao ing is a wonderful basketball player.He plays basketball very _______(good)..
5.It’s tie for hi ______________(play) tennis no
6.He looks strong and he is very good at___________(run).
7. How any ____________ (library) are there in your school?
8. It takes e 2 hours ______________(do) y hoework every day.
9.He enjoys_____________(go ) fishing with his friends.
10. r Wang teaches _____________(we) English.
11.After school, they often practice ___________(swi) in the club.
12.We always have a good tie ______________( chat ) with others.
13.Would you like____________ (grow) flowers and vegetables in the garden?
14.y sister soeties ____________(fly) a kite with e on the ground in our school.
15.She is our new English teacher. Let’s say hello to__________(she).
Here is soething about Peter’s faily. There are five people in his faily. They are his father, his other, his grandfather, his sister Kate and hi. His father, r Brown, is a doctor.(1) _____ is thirty. Peter’s (2)_____, rs Brown, is a teacher. She is thirty too. Peter and his sister study in their other’s school. Peter is in Class Two, Grade Eight. Kate is in Class Two, Grade Seven. (3)They go to school at 6:30 in the orning. Look! That old an is Peter’s grandfather. He is very old. He walks his dog every orning. Where is Kate? Look! She is under that big tree.
1.在(1)(2)處填入合適的詞或短語使句子完整。_________, ________
2.回答問題: Where do Kate and Peter study?
4.在中找出He takes his dog for a walk every orning.的同義句。
y nae is Sion. I study at No.1 iddle School. It’s a beautiful s___1____.There are30 classroos at our shool. We h___2___ a big hall. We can have eetings there. We don’t have a l___3___, but we have a big and bright reading roo. Students and t____4__can read a lot of books there. We have two p___5___ too. They are in f___6__of the hall. We often p___7___basketball and football there. We are happy at school. I g___8__ to school at 7 a.. every day. I take a b___9__ to go to school.It’s not very far and it t___10__ e about ten inutes.
家庭一兒一女,在陽光中學(xué)(Sunshine Secondary school)讀書
Bruce is our new Ehglish teacher.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/48416.html
