
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

a接在I之后,is放在單數(shù)的名詞或代詞之后,are放在復(fù)數(shù)的名詞或代詞之后,否定句在be后加not,一般疑問句將be提前。回答:Yes,人稱代詞+ be./ No, 人稱代詞+be + not. 如:
1) He is r. Chen. He is not r. Chen.
-- Is he r. Chen? -- Yes, he is. / No, he isn’tt.
2) I a a student. I a not a student.
-- Are you a student? -- Yes, I a. / No, I a not.
3) They are teachers. They are not teachers.
-- Are they teachers? -- Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

練習(xí):(一)用連系動(dòng)詞be( a, is, are)的正確形式。
1. ______ you fine? 
2. I _________ r. Chen.
3. _____ he your other?
4. -- ______ they fro Japan? -- Yes, they _______.
5. You ________ a teacher and she _____ a doctor.
6. Where _______ Jack fro?
7. I _______ fine, too. Thanks
8. -- Who _______ this? -- This ________ Wang Kang.
9. -- ____ you a student? -- Yes, I _____.
10. -- Where _______ Beijing? -- It_______ in China.
11. -- ________ Ronaldo a Brazilian? -- Yes, he ___ .
12. “I” ______ also a letter.
13. You and I _________ students.
14. He and she________ friends.
15. He and I________ teachers.
1. That is y football.
2. Those are his books.
3. Ji and To are good friends.
4. y birthday is on Noveber 1st.
5. His son is twelve years old.
1. His card is on the table.
2. These are y parents.
3. Bob and Tony are our friends.
4. These things are five dollars.
5. The girl is his sister.
1. Our teachers are in the classroo.
2. The girl’s telephone nuber is 032-55746.
3. Her pen is black.
4. These socks are five yuan.
5. They are thirteen years old.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/49488.html
