
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網

英 語
1. Can you tell __________(we)the nae of the biology teacher?
2. Can he __________(swi)?
3. This is y __________(parent)roo.They like it very uch.
4. y brother __________(not have)dessert.
5. I want __________(buy)a dictionary for y sister.
6. How any (child ) has r Wang got?
7. There (be) a dictionary and soe books in y schoolbag.
8. The three (faily) are all Chinese.
9. I like drinking (China) tea.
10. Coke is (health) drink.
11. They are good teachers.I love _________(they)very uch.
12. --What are those?--They are _________(photo).
13. To and Ji only ________(watch)TV on Saturday evening.
14. y sister often _________ (sing)English songs.
15. I ________ (not like )red, but y parents _________ (like).
16. He only _________(watch)gaes on TV.
17. I have a big faily.There aye eight _________(people)in it.
18. We want _________(help)her with her English.
19. y friend _________(not do)his hoework every day.
20. Li ing ________(play)sports every orning.
21. There are two football _________(atch)this week.
22. y other _________(have)lunch at school.
23. He _________(not like)English.
24. Can she _________(play)football?
25. Let's _________(go)to school now.
26. This is _________(ike)plan.
27. They live in England._________(they)house is very big.
28. Daring does _________(he)hoework.
29. I love__________(toato)very uch.They are y favorite.
1. 放學后我踢足球吧!
___________ _____________ football after school.
2. 英語中的人名,名在前,姓在后。
In English, the given nae is ___________ and _____________ nae is last.
3. 五班與六班相鄰。
Class Five is __________ __________ Class Six.
4. 我晚餐喜歡吃米飯,菜和雞肉。
I like to have rice, vegetables and chicken ___________ ___________.
5. 愿意跟我一起去看電影嗎?
___________ you ____________ to go to the cinea with e?
6. 這是我的家庭照片。
This is y _________ _________.
7. 你打排球嗎?_________ you _________ volleyball?
8. 他早餐不喜歡吃漢堡包。He doesn't like haburgers _________ _________.
9. 你通常幾點回家? _________ do you usually _________?
10. 你爸爸最喜歡什么顏色?藍色。__________ is your father’s favorite __________? Blue.
11. 你周末看電視嗎? _________ you _________ TV ________ weekends?
12. 你可以與他一塊去那里。You can go there__________ ___________.
13. 你的鞋在哪兒?在床底下。Where __________ your __________? __________ __________ the bed.
14. 午飯我喜歡吃雞和魚,但是他不喜歡。
I like chicken and fish _________ lunch,but he _________ _________ _________.
15. 你能給我們帶些健康食品嗎?好的。Can you _________ _________ soe _________ _________? OK,I'll do that.
16. 我通常下午五點到家。I usually ________ ________ at 5:00 p.
17. 那個男孩不喜歡洗澡。 That boy ________ ________ taking a shower.
18. 足球賽在下午四點鐘開始。The football atch ________ ________4:00 ______ ________ ________.
19. 你愿意和我們一起去游泳嗎?_________ _________ _________ __________ go swiing with us?
20. 你有一個大家庭還是一個小家庭?_________ you ________ a big faily _________ a sall faily?
21. 歡迎大家我們的電腦室 ____________ _________ our coputer roo.
1. David eats lunch at twelve o'clock.(改為一般疑問句)
__________ David __________ lunch at twelve o'clock?
2. They are our friends.(改為單數形式) __________ __________ y __________.
3. Can Rick work all night? (做出肯定回答) Yes,__________ __________.
4. y art teacher is r. Jackson.(對劃線部分提問) __________ __________ art teacher?
5. He eats lunch at half past twelve. (改為一般疑問句)
__________ he ___________ lunch at half past twelve?
6. His father is a factory anager. (對劃線部分提問) _________ does his father __________?
7. Roy coes fro Aerica. (完成同義句) Roy __________ ___________ Aerica.
8. y brother usually wears jeans to school. (改為否定句)
y brother __________ usually __________ jeans to school.
9. He has got a sall orange. (用 a big one改為選擇疑問句)
__________ he got a sall orange __________ a big one?
10. That hat is very nice.(改為復數句)_________ hats _________ very nice.
11. Jack eats haburgers for dinner.(改為否定句)Jack _________ _________ haburgers for dinner.
12. y dictionaries are under the desk.(改為一般疑問句)
_________ _________ dictionaries under the desk?
13. --Is this Ji's father? (作肯定回答)--Yes,_________ _________.
14. He has P.E. on onday afternoon. (改為否定句)He ________ ________ P.E. on onday afternoon.
15. They often have dinner in the restaurant. (就劃線部分提問)
________ ________ they often have dinner?
16. Peter's sister likes thrillers.(一般疑問句)_________ Peter’s sister _________ thrillers?
17. We have an Art Festival each year.(否定句)We _________ _________ an Art Festival each gear.
18. That is y new English dictionary.(變?yōu)閺蛿稻洌________ are y new English _________.
1. I like _________(西紅柿),but To doesn't like the.
2. The little girl ________(說)English very well.
3. This is y u_________.He is y other's brother.
4. We don’t have science lesson on __________(周四)
5. Karl _______(總是)gets to school late in the orning.
6. Dandan’s father is a worker, he works in a _______(工廠).
7. Her other is ____________(四十)years old.
8. --What c_________ is your sweater? --It's blue.
9. ________ (蔬菜)are good for our health.
10. Kale likes sports, so she is very h_________.
11. --Thank you very uch!--You're _________(不必客氣的)
12. The store sells any English-Chinese___________(字典)
13. __________(謝謝)for your help.
14. I can see soe__________(手表)in the bag.
15. What t_________ do you go to the park on Sunday?
16. y favorite s_________ is ath.
17. Carrots are v_________.I like to eat the.
18. This is a photo of y____________(家庭).
19. Today is y b_________.y father buys a lot of presents for e.
( ) 1.What's your ID Card nuber? A.No,thank you.I can do it yself.
( ) 2.Is your brother a worker? B.Tony is.
( ) 3.Can I help you,Grandfather? C.It's 7932650140.
( ) 4.What tie do you go to school in the orning?D.Yes,I do.
( ) 5.Who is your best friend? E.At about 8:40.
( ) 6.When is your grandother’s birthday? F.Because it isn’t interesting.
( ) 7.What's this in English? G.It's a picture.
( ) 8.Do you want to have a pear?H.Yellow.
( ) 9.Why don't you like art? I.Yes,he is.
( ) 10.What color do you like best? J.It's June 6th.

( ) 1.Where is your sister? A.In a forest.
( ) 2.Here you are. B.I a sorry you can’t.
( ) 3.What can you see in the picture? C.She is at hoe.
( ) 4.Does he like English? D.It doesn’t atter.
( ) 5.ay I borrow your book? E.Thank you very uch.
( ) 6.Can we put our bikes here? F.I can see a baseball.
( ) 7.Where does a panda live? G.No,he doesn’t.
( ) 8.What fruit do you like? H.I like pears,apples,and bananas.
( ) 9.I' sorry I' late. I.Sure,here you are.
( ) 10.Do they have a coputer? J.Yes,they do.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/49761.html
