
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 7 The Birthday Party
Topic One When is your birthday
I. 單詞拼寫:
1. The sall boy can only _____(數(shù))to ten.
2. To y ____(驚訝), y u coes back so early.
3. Wang Ping tries to _____(表演)at y birthday party.
4. They are watching a _____(網(wǎng)球)atch on TV.
5. Do you enjoy _____(劃)a boat?
II. 單項(xiàng)選擇:
1. ___ old an is ____ teacher. He likes playing ____ basketball after supper.
A. An; a; / B. The; a; / C. An; the; the D. The; a; the
2. ?Can I borrow your ruler?
---Sorry, I left ___ at hoe. But you can buy ____ in the shop.
A. it; one B. it; it C, one; it D. one; one
3. There ___ soe fish in the river.
A. is B. are C. have D. has
4. I can ___ English, but not ____.
A. say; uch B. speak; any C. speak; uch D. say; any
5. ___ do you like China?
A. Who B. How C. Who D. Which
6. ---Would you like to coe?
---Thank you. ____, but I’ busy.
A. I like B. I would like C. I want D. I’d love to
7. I’ ___ I can’t go with you.
A. happy B. ready C. afraid D. right
8. Next tie don’t forget ____ your son here.
A. to bring B. bringing C. to take D. taking
9. We ____ to Nanjing next onth.
A. has to fly B. not fly C. are flying D. flew
10. The headaster stopped ____ to e because there was a call for hi.
A. talking B. to talk C. saying D. to say
III. 按要求變化下列各句:
1. He often does his hoework every evening. (一般疑問句)
____ he often ___ his hoework every evening?
2. There are six boats on the river. (對畫線部分提問)
____ ___ boats are there on the river?
3. I want to go shopping this Sunday. (同義句)
I want to ____ _____ ____ this Sunday.
4. To doesn’t know uch Chinese. (同義句)
To knows ____ ____ ____ Chinese.
5. The students are all here. (同義句)
_____ ____ the students are here.
IV. 選出能替代句中畫線部分的答案:
1. She has a lot of books.
A. any B. uch C. soe D. any
2. You can buy things in the shop.
A. sell soething B. want things C. do the shopping D. work
3. I like playing football very uch.[
A. a little B. a lot C. at all D. too
4. ---Thank you. ?You are welcoe.
A. That’s right B. Don’t thank e C. You are right D. Not at all
5. Lily is fro Aerica.
A. coes fro B. coes down C. coes to D. coes at
V. 下列各句都有一處錯(cuò)誤,請改正:
1. There are soe eat on the plate(盤子).
2. y brother watch TV only on Sunday evening.
3. other wants to washes the clothes today.
4. I’ sorry, I can’t fly the kite highly.
5. How any is the eat? About five yuan a kilo.
VI. 根據(jù)漢語提示完成下列各句英譯:
1. 你知道李平上個(gè)禮拜干什么了嗎?
Do you kn ohat Li Ping did _____ _____?
2. 王先生在北京的時(shí)候拍了很多照片。
r. Wang _______ ______ _____ when they were in Beijing.
3. 我算不出這道數(shù)學(xué)題,它對我說太難了。
I can’t _____ _____ this ath proble; it’s too hard for e.
4. 你們同學(xué)都會騎自行車嗎?
Can all of your classates ______ ______ _____?
5. 我爺爺病了。他在住院。
y grandpa is ill. He is _____ _____.
I. 補(bǔ)全對話:
(---eiei B—Bill)
B: Hello, eiei.
: Hello, Bill. Where are you going?
B: __________ (1).
: The cinea? But I’ afraid it’s closed no It’s open only fro 4:00 p. . to 9:00 p. .
B: ___________(2)!
: Is there anything new on show?
B: Yes, Chicken, Run! I have got the VCDs.
B: Have you?
: Yes. y uncle bought e fro New York last week.
B: ___________(3)?
: Sure. I’ free this orning. How about coing to y hoe and watching it right now?
B: ___________(4). Thank you, eiei!
: __________(5).
A. OK. / That’s great.
B. What a pity!
C. I’ going to the cinea.
D. Have you seen it?
E. ay I watch/ see it?
F. It’s y pleasure.
G. Sorry, I don’t.
II. 完形:
leaves, buy, thank, has, late, driver, school, cheap, soething, early, closed, friendly, floor, help, sell, dear, worry, evening
Lin Hong is y new friend. Her father _____ (1) a shop near the factory. The things in his shop are all _____(2). And his faily are ____ (3) to the workers. So they like to buy _____ (4) there.
It’s Saturday today. Lin Hong doesn’t go to _____(5). She knows her father is busy and gets up _____(6). She finishes her hoework and then goes to the shop to _____(7) her father. There’re any people in it and she begins to ____(8) pears, apples, oranges and drinks to the workers.
A car stops near the shop. The _____(9) coes in and buys soe cakes and then ____ (10). Lin Hong finds his bag on the ____ (11). She runs with it, but she can’t see his car.
“Don’t ____ (12),” says r. Lin. “I know r. Yang. We can take it to hi this ____ (13).”
It’s nine and the shop is ____ (14). Lin Hong is tired. Lin Hong and her father go to r. Yang’s. The an and his faily _____ (15) the very uch.
Dick did not live too far away fro school, but he liked to __1__to school every day. On his way to school he always went __2__a playground. When it rained, like any other boys, Dick liked playing in the water. One afternoon when the boy cae __3__, he was all wet. His other becae very __4__and said, “Don’t play in the water after school.” The next day he was very __5__again, and his other becae __6__angrier. “I’ll tell your father __7__you go to play in the water again,” she said. “And then he’ll punish(懲罰)you.” The third day the boy was __8__ when he cae back fro school. “You are a __9__boy today,” his other said. “You didn’t play in the water.”
“No,” he answered. “Because there were __10__older boys in the water, I couldn’t play in it.”
1.A.go B. walk C. fly D. coe
2.A.past B. pass C. cross D. through
3.A.house B. faily C. hoe D. down
4.A.angry B. happy C. worried D. surprised
5.A.dry B. late C. early D. wet
6.A.very B. ore C. uch D. ost
7.A.if B. befor e C. for D. after
8.A.wet B. dry C. late D. early
9.A.good B. better C. bad D. worse
10.A.any too B. so any C. too uch D. uch too
III. 理解:
It’s tie to go hoe no I a on a bus on a rainy day, and a woan with a dog gets on the bus. It is a big dog and its feet are not clean.
I don’t wan t the dog to sit near e. But the woan says to the conductor(售票員). “Oh, I pay for y dog. Can he sit here like the other people?”
The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, ada, but he ust not put his feet on the chair.”
1. I a going hoe ___ no
A. by bike B. by bus C. by car D. by trolley
2. What do I see? ____.
A. A bus B. A girl C. A dog D. A woan with a big dog.
3. I don’t wan t the dog to sit near e because ____.
A. the dog is big B. the dog is not clean C. the dog has no ticket D. the dog isn’t ine
4. Why do the woan and the dog get on the bus?
A. It is a rainy day. B. No one is on the bus.
C. The dog can sit D. The woan is a conductor.
5. The eaning of the conductor’s word is ____.
A. the dog’s feet are like t he other people
B. the dog ust be like a an
C. the dog ust not sit on the chair D. the dog can sit here
I’ a school girl. y brother and I are twins. We are both at school. We like school. y parents are both teachers. They work hard. y brother and I study at No. 1 iddle School. There are twenty-five boys and eighteen girls in our class.
We go to school fro onday to Friday. We have no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. We usually get up at six o’clock, and have breakfast at half past six. We coe to school at seven o’clock. Classes begin at eight. We have four lessons in the orning and two in the afternoon. We have lunch a fifteen past twelve. At th ree fifty we have sports.
We study Chinese, ath, English, geography, physics, history, politics and other lessons. We like Chinese. We like English, too. Soe of us are good at it.
We go hoe at five o’clock. We have supper at six o’clock. We do our hoework at seven every evening and go to bed at half past tie, b ut soeties we go to sleep at about ten.
We work hard, we study for the people.
1. y brother is ___ and I a ____.
A. a worker; a student B. a student; a worker C. a student; a teacher D. a student; a student
2. We have ___ a fifteen past twelve.
A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner
3. We begi n to do our hoework fro ____ to ___ ever evening.
A. onday; Friday B. seven; nine C. schoo l; hoe D. six; eight
4. There are ___ boys and ___ girls in our class.
A. twenty-five; twenty B. soe; any C. twenty-five; eighteen D. any; uch
5. Do they often have sports in the orning or in the afternoon?
A. Yes, they do B. No, we don’t C. In the orning D. In the afternoon
Sandy and Sue are going to school. They are walking along the street. “Look!” Sandy says. “There’s a an near that gate. He’s standing. Who is it?
“It’s r. Jones, the postan,” Sue says, “He’s standing in front of rs. opp’s house.”
“rs. opp’s house!” Sandy says. “Oh, dear!”
rs. opp is not a nice lady. She is very tall and very ugly(丑陋的). And her house is not a nice house. It is very big and very dark. Her gate is closed and r. Jones can’t open it.
“Listen!” Sandy says. “Can you hear rs. opp’s dog?”
“Yes,” Sue answers. “He’s barking(叫).”
rs. opp’s dog is very big. His nae is Boxer. His face is ugly and his teeth are long and sharp(尖). He is a nice dog, but he doesn’t like r. Jones, the postan.
1. Sandy and Sue are s______.
2. On the way to s____ Sandy and Sue see r. Jones, the postan.
3. rs. opp is not at h____ no
4. Boxer is a d____ nae.
5. Boxer d_____ like r. Jones at all.
IV. 書面表達(dá):

1. One day Sia Guang was ____________ with soe children near a big vessel(缸)outside the house.
2. One of the boys wanted to hide _____ in the vessel.
3. He thought that nobody could _____ hi if he hid in it.
4. But he didn’t know that the vessel was ____ of water.
5. When he clibed to the top, he fell into the _____.
6. The _____ ran away as fast as they could.
7. Sia Guang didn’t ____ at once.
8. He ____ there to think hard for a oent.
9. Quickly he picked up a big stone and broke the _____.
10. Sia Guang saved the _____.

I. 1. count 2. surprise 3. perfor 4. tennis 5. rowing
III. 1. Does; do 2. How any 3. do soe shopping 4. only a little 5. All of
V. 1. are ---is 2. watch—watches 3. to wash 4. highly—high 5. any---uch
VI. 1. last week 2. took any photos 3. work out 4. ride a bike 5. in hospital
II. A) 1. has 2. cheap 3. friendly 4. soething 5. school 6. early 7. help 8. sell 9. driver 10. leaves 11. floor 12. worry 13. evening 14. closed 15. thank
III. A) 1-5BDBAC B) 1-5DBBCD C) 1. students 2. school 3. hoe 4. dog’s 5. doesn’t
IV. 1. playing gaes 2. hiself 3. find 4. full 5. water 6. children 7. run 8. stood 9. vessel 10. boy

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/51099.html
