I want to be an actor教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
I want to be an actor教案
1. Analysis of Unit 4 (單元要點分析)
(1) What does he/she do?What do you do?
(2) What does he /she want to be?What so you want to be?
2. 難點
(1) What does he/she do?= What is he /she = What does he /she work?
(2) What does he/she want to be? be 這里是指職業(yè),不能用do.
(3) like talking to people, like to do 和like doing的區(qū)別:前者強調(diào)動作,后者強調(diào)狀態(tài)。
Like to swim 喜歡去游泳,like swimming喜歡游泳。
(4) We run an international school…我們管理一所國際學(xué)校.......
(5) We have a job for you as a reporter.我們?yōu)槟闾峁┮环萦浾叩穆殬I(yè)
What does he do?What do you do?What do you want to be?
1. A. What does he do?B. He's a student.
A. What does he want to be?B. He want to be a doctor.
A. Why does he want to be a doctor?
B. Because he can help patients and some people call us "angels in white".
2. A. What do you do?B. I am a reporter.
A. Do you like to be a reporter?
B. Yes, I like talking to people and writing stories.
Describe people's experience
II. Useful expressions(重點詞匯)
(職業(yè))assistantsales assistantreporterpoliceofficerpolice officer waiterbank clerknursedoctorstudent coatcookpop star
(形容詞)excitingdangerous busyfun difficult boring afraid bright latehard
(短語)a lot of be afraid of school playas soon as possibleTV stationangels in white go out talk to
III. Teaching design(教學(xué)設(shè)計)
第一課時The First Period
Teaching of new lesson(新課教學(xué))
教師自我介紹,然后介紹學(xué)生:I am a teacher. You are a student.從而引出What do you do? I am a student. What does he do? He is a student.
Step 1 Assign the task
Assign the task,
Say: OK, class, we all know that everybody in the society has his or her own position or post, they do what they should do. The book for today's lesson is 1 Ask about one's job and 2 if he or she doesn't have a job now, ask what he or she wants to be.1. Listen to the teacher.
2. Make clear what the task is.
3. Get ready for the task.Words
Step 2. Warm-up - 1a & 1b
Say: Before we set to the task, we should have a preview on the words that describe the job.
Q: How many jobs do you know? Ask some of the students to answer it.
Then open the book, have a look at the picture. Try to match the words with the man in the picture. Then, listen to the tape and finish the exercise 1b.
Write: sales assistant, doctor, actor, reporter, police officer, waiter, bank clerk.
Ask: What do you want to be? Then ask the students ask and answer each other.1. listen to the question.
2. Think of the question then answer them.
3. Finish exercises 1a & 1b.

Ask and answer.Textbook

preview(預(yù)習(xí)) the words/ describe the job
Exercises for Period 1
A. 寫出答句
1. What does your father do?(doctor)
2. What are you going to be?(teacher)
3. What can you play?(guitar)
4. Where do you live?(Green Street)
第二課時The Second Period
Teaching for new lesson (新課教學(xué))
根據(jù)上節(jié)課所學(xué)的內(nèi)容What do you do? What do you want to be? 引導(dǎo)學(xué)生討論幾種職業(yè)以及職業(yè)的特點。
Step 1. Pre-task-2a & 2b
OK,let's listen to the dialogue for the second time, you should try to grasp the sentence structure to ask about one's job. OK, now, look at the text 1c, try to be familiar with the new sentence structure.1. Listen to the tape and try to find one sentence in asking about one's job.
2. finish and check the answers for exercise 1b, 2a, 2b.Tape & tape recorder.
ask about one's job/ familiar with
sentence structure which could be used
What do you do?
What do they do?
What does he /she do?
What does Tom/ Mary/your mother do?
Step 2. on-task
Now, let's come to our task: Ask about one's job and ask about what he or she wants to do in he future.
Divide the students into pairs.
One asks questions and one answers them.
Show students the reference material in section B.
Let the students practice freely for 2 minutes.
Say: OK, time is up. Let's invite some of the groups to do their dialogue.1. Follow the teacher's instructions and form the pairs.
2. Choose the words to describe the job they want to be.Textbook
Exercises for Period 2
A. 根據(jù)要求寫出正確形式
1. act (指人)________ 2. begin(動名詞)_________ 3. office(指人)_____
4. easy(反義)_____5. free(反義)6. work(同義) _____ 7. story(復(fù)數(shù))________8. tomato(復(fù)數(shù))_____________ 9. photo(復(fù)數(shù))_____
B. 翻譯下列詞組
1. 喜歡努力工作_______________ 2. 喜歡和人交談________________
3. 給一家雜志工作_____________4. 盡可能快____________________
5. 從事記者的工作_____________6. 害怕警察_____________________
7. 在一家醫(yī)院工作_____________ 8. 擅長于籃球___________________
C. 翻譯成英語
我的姐姐在一家銀行工作. ____________________________________
她很忙經(jīng)常工作很遲. ____________________________________
她很喜歡她的工作并且很擅長于她的工作. _____________________
她說她的工作很有趣. ____________________________________
第三課時The Third Period
Teaching of new lesson
通過課文中的幾種職業(yè)的介紹。引導(dǎo)學(xué)生談?wù)撍麄兘窈笙胍獜氖碌穆殬I(yè)What do you want to be? 以及Why do you want to…..
Step 1. Assign the task
The teacher says that someone will do a cook job. Then asks the students how they feel happy or unhappy if they do.Write down these activities.
Draw happy faces or unhappy faces.Pictures

cook runassistant
Step 2. Warm-up 3a & 3b
The teacher turns on the tape recorder and asks how the students feel if they work late or hard.1.The students listen to the tape.
2. Fill in the blanks with the words as the teacher said.Tape Recorder
over the weekenda mixture of fun and workwent shopping visited relativesspend the weekend
Step 3
Say: We know a lot of experiences of many kinds of jobs. let's talk about something about doctor, nurse, actor reporter, etc. then ask the students to match the jobs with the people on the blackboard.1 Talk about the experiences of jobs.
2. Then write down in the note book.Textbook
Exercises for Period 3
A. 用適當?shù)脑~填空
1. A. What _________ your father do?
B. My father _________ in a hospital.
A. ______ he very busy?
B. Yes. He often _______ late.
A. Does he like _________ patients?
B. Yes. He says some people call us "angels _________."
第四課時The Fourth Period
Teaching of new lesson
Step 1
Ask the students to talk about what they like to do. Ask the students what they like to do best. Why?Talk about what they can do in the future and according the things. On the blackboard they talk about what they like to do best.Text book
Step 2
Say: divide the students into 10 groups and ask them to talk about what they want to be.
Ask the students to finish Self-check 3. 4.The students talk about their imaginative jobs, then write down why they like the jobs.
Finish Self-check 3. 4.textbook
Exercises for Period 4
A. 用所給的詞的正確形式填空
1. What do these ________ want to be? (child)
2. They want to be an ________ . ( act)
3. Do you know why ___ are afraid of me? ( thief)
4. I count money every day. But it's not _________. (me)
5. I like ______ to people and _________ stories. (talk write)
B. 將下列單詞分組歸類
Nurse drum swimming clerk volleyball reporter history biology waiter trumpet violin cook baseball math basketball doctor Japanese ping pong soccer piano art painting

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/54242.html

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