
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)
初一 年段 英語科 期中考試卷
出卷人: 樂安中學 陳少華 試卷滿分: 120 分 考試時間: 120 分鐘
第一部分 20%
I.Listen and choose the right pictures.(聽音,選擇符合內(nèi)容情景的圖片。聽兩遍)
( )1.

( )2.

( )3.

( )4.

Ⅱ.Listen to some short dialogues and choose the right answers to the questions you hear.
(聽簡短對話 ,然后選擇最佳答案回答所聽到的問題。聽兩遍。)
( )5. A. The Ping-pong club B. The volleyball club C. The basketball club
( )6. A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By bike
( )7. A. Ten minutes. B. Thirty minutes C. Forty minutes
( )8. A. Listen to the teacher B. Finish homework C. Be on time
( )9.A. China B. Africa C. America
( )10.A.Ride a bike B. Take the bus C. Take the subway.
Ⅲ. Listen to a long dialogues and a passage ,then choose the right answers to the questions .
(聽一篇較長對話和一篇短文 ,然后選擇正確答案11-16題。聽兩遍。)
Text A
( )11.John’s classes finish at ______.
A.four thirty B. five thirty C. six thirty
( )12.John usually goes to ______ after school.
A . the library B. the science club C. the sports club
( )13. ______ is Jenny’s favorite subject.
A. Science B. Chinese C. English
Text B
( )14.The lion is _____ years old.
A. three B. four C. five
( )15.The lion is ______.
A. white B. brown C. black
( )16.Other animals think the lion is _______.
A. cute B. nice C. scary
Ⅳ. Listen to a passage ,then fill in the blanks with the right words .
(聽一篇短文 ,用恰當?shù)膯卧~完成17-20小題。每空一詞。聽三遍。)
Two 17. ______ in My Family
Age18. ____ years oldTwo years old
ColorBlack and white19 . _______
From20. _______ An animal store
LikePlaying in the parkWatching TV in the living room

第二部分 基礎知識與應用 (每小題1分,共20分)
V. 單項 12分
( )21. Larry is very ________. He usually sleeps and relaxes 20hours every day..
A. quiet B. clever C. lazy
( )22. _________ pandas from China?
A. Are B. Is C. Do
( ) 23. I always ______ for an hour in the morning because it can make me healthy.
A. exercise B. follow C. remember
( )24. --- After finishing this work, you can _____ for five days.
--- Great ! I want to go to the village.
A. fight B. relax C. miss
( )25. Victor doesn’t like ______ school uniform to school.
A. learning B. wearing C. tasting
( )26. ---I forget to bring my dictionary to school , Can I ______ yours ?
--- OK, Here you are !
A. study B. shop C. use
( ) 27._ Mr. White is _______ his children, so they all like him.
A. strict with B. good with C. afraid of
( ) 28. In China, some of the students ______ the river to school by ropeway..
A. liveB. drive C. cross
( ) 29. I really _______ my math teacher. He _________ a father to me.
A. is like; like B. like; likes C. like; is like
( ) 30. What time ____ the child ______ his homework?
A. does; does B. does; do C. do; does
( )31.--- I don’t know where my books are.
--- __________ i n the bookcase ?
A. Are they B. They are C. Is it
( ) 32. Little Tony is a dirty(臟的) boy, and he ____ takes a shower.
A. sometimes B. never C. usually
VI.完形 8分
Mike doesn’t live too 33. _____ away from school. He likes to 34. _____ to school every day. Mike likes playing in the water. One afternoon, when the boy comes 35. _______ after school, he is all wet (濕的) . His mother is very 36. _____ and says, “ Don’t play in the water after school.” But he’s very 37. ____ ____ again the next day , and his mother becomes very angry. The third day the boy is dry (干的 ) when he comes back 38..______ school. “You are a good boy today , “ says his mother. “ You didn’t play in the water .”
“No, I didn’t,” Mike 39. _______ . “Because there were 40. _______ older boys in the water, I couldn’t pl ay in it. “
( )33. A. far B. new C. near
( )34. A. takes a b us B. walk C. on foot
( )35. A. home B. house C. family
( )36. A. happy B. unhappy C. tired
( )37. A. dry B. wet C. early
( )38. A. to B. from C. down
( )39. A. tells B. says C. speaks
( )40. A. lots B. much C. many
第三部分 理解(每小題2分,共30分)

Amber Jacobsa is a six-year-old girl. She becomes the youngest DJ around the world.
One day, she hosts an Internet show (一次網(wǎng)絡直播節(jié)目)with her Dad. From then on, she loves the work as a DJ. She can host music show by herself. She often talks about her favorite bands and her friends in the show.
Her Dad says, “ When she is not live on air, she’s just a regular girl. She also likes watching cartoons !”
( )41 .--- How old is Amber Jacobsa ? --- She is _______ years old.
   A.6 B.7 C.8
( )42.Amber Jacobsa likes ________.
   A.playing computer B.watching cartoon C. listening to music
( )43.She often talks _______ in the show.
   A.how she feel
B.her activities
C. her favorite bands and her friends
( )44. The underline word “l(fā)ive on air” means “ ______ ” in Chinese.
   A. 宣傳 B.直播 C.表演
( )45. We can learn _______ from the passage.
A. Amber Jacobsa is the youngest DJ in the world.
B. Amber Jacobsa hosts a movie show with her Dad.
C. Amber Jacobsa likes reading books.

Dictionaries is very important to people. People can get much knowledge from them. There are many kinds of dictionaries in the world, like English—English dictionaries, Chinese—English dictionaries , and so on . Today’s report is about a special (特別的) dictionary.
This is a very small dictionary of Graham from Britain. If you want to read it, you have to use a magnifying glass. The dictionary was published in 1890. It has 384 pages. There are 13,000 words in it. Graham says, “ I bought it in the shop. And I want to keep it all the time.”
( )46. The best title is ________ .
A. Dictionary is important B. The Finger Dictionary
C. I love dictionaries
( )47. The very small dictionary belongs to(屬于) ________.
A. Britain B. Gramham C. I don’t know
( )48. If you want to read the very small dictionary , you have to use a _________.
A. magnifying glass. B. music player C. CD
( )49. Tom lost his ___________.
A. computer B. yellow computer game C. yellow compute r
( )50.Which one is true ?
A. The small dictionary is from Canada.
B. The dictionary was published in 1892.
C. There are 13,000 words in the dictionary.

Superman, Spiderman , Batman… Taiwan pop star Jay Chou has two new superheroes.(超級英雄) in new TV play . They’re the Pandamen. They wear the black coats. They wear red scarfs.
Come and Know your superheroes !
Names Jobs Sign (標記)Powers (能量)


Flying (飛)

Rich man



Wall (墻)walking

Piano teacher and zoo cleaner

( )51. What’s the Superman’s job ?
A. a teacher B. a reporter C. a student
( )52. Who can do Kungfu ?
A. The Pandamen B. The Batman C. The Spiderman
( )53. What can the Spiderman do ?
A. Walk on the wall B. Fly here and there. C. Cook some food
( )54. What are the Pandamen wearing ?
A. Red coats and scarfs. B. Black coats and red scarfs.
C. Green coats and brown scarfs
( )55. Where can you find the chart above (上面的圖表) ?.
A. In a math book. B. In a map C. In a newspaper
第四部分 根據(jù)要求完成任務(共20分)
VIII. 選擇合適的單詞并用其正確的形式填空,每詞限用一次,有兩個詞是多余的:5%
strict, join, read, early, play ,happy, rule
Emily has to follow so many 56. ________. She has to do her homework after school. She can’t go out on school nights. She has to wash the dishes after dinner. And then she can wath TV for half an hour. She likes 57. ______ . She usual ly reads at night. She has to be bed before ten o’clock because she has to get up 58. ________ the next morning. She 59._______ a music club, she has to play her guitar every day. She doesn’t think she’s 60. _________
* 他們的夢想會實現(xiàn)嗎? Can their dream come 61. _________?
* 我們必須拯救樹木,拒買象牙制品。
We must 62. ________ the trees and not buy things 63. _______ of ivory.
I don’t think we can 64. ________ 65. ________ for class.
* 我仍然希望我能吃到那美味的三明治。
I still 66. _______ I can eat the 67. _________ sandwiches.
68. why, like, not, he, does, giraffes ?. _________________________________?
69. a, he, wear, does, to, have, uniform , school, at _____________________________ ?
70. no, is , bridge, and , there, river, runs , too, boats, quickly, for, the .
71. watch , play , TV, either, I , in , or, the , basketball, evening
第五部分 情景對話(共15分)
A: Hello, Hellen, this is Kate . What are you doing now ?
B: 72. _______ much ! But I have to 73. ________ stories to the old people at 2:15 pm.
A: I see. I am alone (單獨一人) because my parents go to Beijing for work this morning . Do you want to 74. ________ out with me ?
B: I’d 75. _______ to. Come to my home first !
A: 76. __________ !
77. 李老師想告訴你不要在走廊奔跑時,她可以說:
78. Tom想表達他的弟弟現(xiàn)在正在復習迎考,他可以說:
My brother _________________________________________________________.
79. 媽媽問你你的好朋友每天是怎樣到達學校的,你應該回答:
__________________________________________________ every day .
____________________________________________________ when I get home.
81. 同學問你想?yún)⒓邮裁淳銟凡,他會?
___________________________________________________________________ ?
第六部分 寫作(共15分)
IXX.段落編寫 6 %
提示詞:brush , zoo, ride , photos, really
2. 字數(shù)50--80個詞。
________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
XX.短文寫作. 9 %
你叫Bob, 參加英語俱樂部,今天的話題是“My Good Friend ”. 請你寫一份演講稿參與發(fā)言。內(nèi)容包括:姓名、來自何處、能力、喜歡的動物、描述照片上她家人正在做的事情。字數(shù)80-100個詞左右。開頭和結(jié)尾已給,不計入總數(shù)。
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I am happy to be here and share something with you ! Today’s topic is “My good friend”.
_________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/54487.html
