2013七年級英語下冊Unit 8 Topic 1測試題(仁愛版附答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 8 Topic 1
(考試時間: 90分鐘, 滿分: 100分)

第一部分 (20分)
Ⅰ. 聽句子,選擇正確圖片。每個句子讀一遍。(5分)

1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____
Ⅱ. 聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個句子讀一遍。(5分)
( )6. A. It was cloudy. B. It is fine. C. It was Saturday.
( )7. A. Very well. B. Fine, thanks. C. Goodbye.
( )8. A. I like physics best. B. My favorite season is fall.
C. I don’t like the sun.
( )9. A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Thank you. C. OK, Dad.
( )10. A. It’s between -8℃ and 2℃. B. It’s from 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m.
C. It’s very cool today.
Ⅲ. 聽對話及問題,選擇正確答案。每段對話及問題讀兩遍。(5分)
( )11. A. Because it’s warm.
B. Because she can often fly kites with her friends.
C. It’s hot.
( )12. A. -4℃. B. -5℃. C. -6℃.
( )13. A. It’s sunny. B. It’s foggy. C. It’s windy.
( )14. A. Summer. B. Spring. C. Fall.
( )15. A. Two months. B. Three months. C. One month.
Ⅳ. 聽短文,完成下列表格。短文讀兩遍。(5分)

16. Sunny and warm5℃-7℃
New York18. 19.
Sydney20. 20℃-25℃

第二部分 英語知識運用(55分)
Ⅰ. 單項選擇。(10分)
( )1.—_____ is the weather _____ today?
—It’s cool.
A. What; /B. What; likeC. How; likeD. How; for
( )2.—It’s cold today. Please _____ your coat.
—OK, Mom.
A. wearB. put onC. wear onD. be in
( )3. In Guangzhou, it often rains _____ in July and August.
A. heavyB. heavilyC. bright D. brightly
( )4. It’s 3:30 p. m. Kangkang and his classmates are busy _____ basketball on the playground.
A. playingB. to playC. playD. played
( )5.—Do you like summer or fall?
A. Yes, I do. B. It’s hard to say.C. I like it a little.D. No, I don’t.
( )6. When Mr. Gao calls the girl’s name, her face _____ red at once.
A. turnsB. getsC. turnedD. got
( )7.—I hope all _____ you.
—Thank you.
A. are good forB. is good withC. is well withD. are well for
( )8.—Kangkang, can you see a few people _____ Chinese kung fu over there?
—Oh, yes. They’re cool!
A. are performingB. perform
C. to performD. performing
( )9.—Please remember _____ me the weather report tomorrow, Xiao Ming.
—OK. No problem.
A. tellB. toldC. tellsD. to tell
( )10. In China, spring always _____ from March to May.
A. lastsB. beginsC. lastD. begin
Ⅱ. 情景交際。(5分)
A: Last Sunday I went to the zoo. What about you?
B: 11 What was the weather like last Sunday?
A: 12 Why not play soccer?
B: I had much homework to do.
A: And what are you going to do this afternoon?
B: It depends on (依……而定) the weather. 13
A: It’s sunny and warm. 14
B: The weather is fine. I’m going to fly kites.
A: How interesting it is!
B: Yes. 15
A: Great. I’d like to.
A. Would you like to go with me?
B. How’s the weather today?
C. The temperature is 21℃.
D. I was in hospital.
E. It was warm.
F. What was the weather like today?
G. I was at home all day.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Ⅲ. 完形。(10分)
Dear Kangkang,
How is it going? I have 16 to tell you.
Last Sunday, my family went to Beidaihe 17 car. We got there at about 9:30 a. m. It was fine. There were many people 18 in the water. We changed clothes, 19 to the water and swam in it. After an hour, we had a rest and 20 some water. Then Mom, Kate and I 21 the sand(沙子)to build some beautiful houses. Dad went back to swim again.
At noon, the sun 22 and it was very hot. We ate some food 23 a big umbrella. After lunch, we walked on the sand and 24 some photos. Suddenly (突然), it 25
windy and cloudy. We had to go home at once. But when we got back home, it was sunny in Beijing. I had a wonderful day.
( )16. A. everything interestingB. anything interesting
C. something interestingD. nothing interesting
( )17. A. driveB. byC. inD. on
( )18. A. to swimB. swamC. swimD. swimming
( )19. A. walkB. runC. ranD. walking
( )20. A. drankB. ateC. haveD. drink
( )21. A. useB. usedC. makeD. made
( )22. A. shines brightlyB. shining brightlyC. shone brightlyD. shine brightly
( )23. A. underB. inC. onD. at
( )24. A. hadB. tookC. gotD. brought
( )25. A. changedB. changesC. turnedD. gets
Ⅳ. 理解。(30分)
( )26. On Sunday, April 27th, you’d better _____.
A. take the dog for a walk
B. visit the zoo
C. read books at home
D. go for a picnic
( )27. The sunniest (陽光最充足的) days are _____.
A. Saturday and Tuesday
B. Tuesday and Wednesday
C. Tuesday and Friday
D. Monday and Wednesday
( )28. It is ______ on Friday, May 2nd.
A. sunny all day
B. cold and windy all day
C. sunny in the morning but cloudy in the afternoon
D. rainy in the morning and cold in the afternoon
( )29. Which day has a sunny morning and a cloudy afternoon?
A. Thursday. B. Monday. C. Saturday. D. Friday.
( )30. Wang Jian flew his kite on a day that was windy in the morning but rainy in the afternoon. He may do this on _____.
A. Monday, April 28thB. Saturday, April 26th
C. Thursday, May 1stD. Tuesday, April 29th
In China, the best months of the year are October and November. At this time the sun shines brightly and often wind blows to keep the temperature down. The weather is never too cold or too hot. The temperature is usually between 16℃ and 22℃.
In winter, wind blows strongly and the temperature falls. By January and February the temperature falls to its lowest, sometimes under zero. It seldom rains. In March and April, the temperature goes up, and there is often fog and light rain. It gets warm in May and June, but it’s not too hot. There is often heavy rain in June and sometimes it rains for three or four days.
July and August are the hottest(最熱的)months. It often rains hard until late August. The average(平均的)temperature is 33℃. In September the temperature begins to fall. The highest temperature is near 29℃.
( )31. Which is the writer’s favorite month?
A. September. B. October.
C. November. D. B and C.
( )32. The temperature sometimes ______ in January and February.
A. falls under zero B. goes up to 33℃
C. comes to 36℃ D. is between 29℃ and 33℃
( )33. The weather gets _______ in May and June.
A. cold B. cool C. warmD. hot
( )34. How long may the rain sometimes last in June?
A. For one or two hours. B. For three or four days.
C. For three or four weeks. D. We don’t know.
( )35. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The temperature is usually between 16℃ and 22℃ in October and November.
B. There is often fog and light rain in March and April.
C. The average temperature is 33℃ in September.
D. The hottest months are July and August.

With the change of different seasons, people will need different kinds of clothes.
When school begins in autumn, it is cool. So at this time of year, people often wear something such as shirts, coats and pants. Winter usually comes in December. It is very cold in the last two months. And people should wear warm and heavy clothes. Jackets, sweaters, hats, and gloves can also keep people away from the cold weather. Spring is usually from March to May. In spring, the weather changes again and gets nice and warm. People begin to wear cool clothes. With the summer months coming, people often wear shorts, T-shirts or something else to keep cool. It gets very hot in July and August. Don’t forget sunglasses and sunshades(遮陽傘), for they are both what you need in the hot sunny season.
MayCool clothes
SummerHot38. _____39. _____
Autumn36. _____September
November40. _____
Winter37. _____December
第三部分 寫作(25分)
Ⅰ. 詞匯部分。(10分)
41.—It’s cool today. What about c______ hills?
—Good idea!
42. When s______ comes, everything comes back to life.
43. Look! It is s______ outside. Let’s make snowmen.
44. The summer h______ are coming. Where do you plan to go? xK b1 .Com
45. It’s too hot at n______ in summer. We’d better have a good rest at home.
46. When summer comes, we need to buy some cool clothes, such as ______(short), T-shirts and so on.
47. In autumn, there are many yellow _____ (leaf) in the yard.
48. It’s _____ (wind) today. You should not go out for a walk.
49. Last Sunday, we went swimming in the pool. We enjoyed _____ (we).
50. Yesterday she _____ (wear) sunglasses to go to school.
Ⅱ. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(每空一詞)(5分)
51. Please close the windows at once. (改為同義句)
Please close the windows ______ ______.
52. Things are going very well.(對畫線部分提問)
______ ______ things going?
53. It’s a good time for going for a picnic.(改為同義句)
It’s a good time ______ ______ for a picnic.
54. We’d better go to bed early.(改為否定句)
We’d ______ ______ go to bed early.
55. Which is your favorite season?(改為同義句)
Which season do you ______ ______?
Ⅲ. 書面表達。(10分)

Today: cloudy, heavy rain 22℃-30℃ Tomorrow: rainy, sunny 24℃-32℃

Here’s the weather report from CCTV.

聽 力 材 料

Unit 8 Topic 1
Ⅰ. 聽句子,選擇正確圖片。每個句子讀一遍。
1. People often go swimming in summer.
2. The sun is shining brightly.
3. Michael plans to go to Australia for his holidays.
4. The highest temperature is 32℃ today.
5. Look! The farmers are busy harvesting.
Ⅱ. 聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個句子讀一遍。
6. What was the weather like yesterday?
7. How are things going?
8. Which season do you like best?
9. (M:) Remember to wear warm clothes in winter, Tom.
10. What’s the temperature today?
Ⅲ. 聽對話及問題,選擇正確答案。每段對話及問題讀兩遍。
11.M: Why do you like spring?
W: Because I can often fly kites with my friends.
Q: Why does the girl like spring?
12.W: What’s the temperature today?
M: It’s -6℃. Yesterday it was -4℃.
Q: What was the temperature yesterday?
13.M: Let’s go out for a walk.
W: We’d better not. The wind is blowing strongly outside.
Q: How is the weather?
14.W: I like summer best. What about you?
M: I like spring best.
Q: Which is the boy’s favorite season?
15.M: In our country, summer usually lasts from June to August.
W: But in our country, it lasts from July to August.
Q: How long does summer last in the woman’s country?
Ⅳ. 聽短文,完成下列表格。短文讀兩遍。
Welcome to CCTV Weather Report. Tomorrow Beijing will be sunny and warm. The temperature is 5℃ to 7℃. Tokyo is rainy. The temperature is 0℃ to 3℃. New York is cold. The temperature is 8℃ to 10℃. Sydney is hot and sunny. The temperature is 20℃ to 25℃.


Unit 8 Topic 1
Ⅰ. 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B
Ⅱ. 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A
Ⅲ. 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. A
Ⅳ. 16. Beijing 17. 0℃-3℃ 18. Cold 19. 8℃-10℃ 20. Hot and sunny
第二部分 英語知識運用
Ⅰ.1. B考查詢問天氣的固定句型What’s the weather like? 或How is the weather? 故選B。
2. Bput on“穿上”,指穿的動作;wear指穿著的狀態(tài),故選B。
3. B修飾實義動詞常用副詞,brightly“明亮地”與題意不符,故選B。
4. Abe busy doing sth.“忙于做某事”,故選A。
5. B 考查交際用語,It’s hard to say“很難說”,故選B。
6. A 考查turn+顏色,“變成……”,故選A。
7. C 考查I hope all is well with you.“祝您一切順利”,故選C。
8. D 考查see sb. doing sth.“看見某人在做某事”,故選D。
9. D 考查 remember to do sth.“記著(要去做)某事”,而remember doing sth. “記著做過的事”,故選D。
10. A考查last, 在此作動詞,“持續(xù)”,故選A。
Ⅱ.11. G12. E 13. B 14. C 15. A
Ⅲ.16. C形容詞修飾不定代詞應(yīng)置于其后,且本句為肯定句,用something,故選C。
17. Bby car“乘坐小汽車”,故選B。
18. Dthere be+ V-ing句型,故選D。
19. C短文敘述的是上星期天的事情,應(yīng)使用一般過去時,故選C。
20. Adrink water“喝水”,故選A。
21. Buse sth. to/for doing…,故選B。
22. Cshine過去式為shone,brightly為副詞,修飾動詞,故選C。
23. A在傘下面用under, 故選A。
24. Btake photos“照相”。
25. C天氣變化用turn或get,不能用change, 而選項D時態(tài)不對,故選C。
26. C 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. C
31. D根據(jù)第一段第一句In China, the best months of the year are October and November.可知,作者最喜歡十月和十一月,故選D。
32. A根據(jù)第二段第二句By January and February…under zero.可知,一月和二月的氣溫有時會降到零度以下,故選A。
33. C根據(jù)第二段倒數(shù)第二句It gets warm in May and June…可知,五月和六月的天氣開始變暖,故選C。
34. B根據(jù)第二段最后一句… it rains for three or four days.可知,在六月有時雨天能持續(xù)三、四天,故選B。
35. C根據(jù)第三段July and August are the hottest months. The average temperature is 33℃.可知七月和八月的平均氣溫最高,能達到33℃,故選C。
36. Cool
37. Cold
38. June, July, August
39. Shorts, T-shirts
40. Shirts, coats, pants
第三部分 寫作
Ⅰ.(A)41. climbing 42. spring43. snowing44. holidays 45. noon
(B)46. shorts 47. leaves48. windy49. ourselves 50. wore
Ⅱ. 51. right away
52. How are
53. to go
54. better not
55. like best
Ⅲ. 參考范文:
Here’s the weather report from CCTV. Beijing is cloudy today. There will be heavy rain in the evening. The temperature is between 22℃ and 30℃. Tomorrow it will rain a little in the morning. It’ll turn sunny in the afternoon. The lowest temperature is 24℃ and the highest temperature is 32℃. Thank you for watching.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/55446.html
