
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

( ) 1. Whose bag is blue ?
A. Lucy’s B. Mary’s C. Lily’s
( )2.Where does the boy want to go ?
A. the bookshop B. the library C. the playground
( )3. What color is th e woman’s car ?
A. Red B. Black C. White
( )4.Where are they talking ?
A. In a shoe shop B.In a clothes shop C.In a flower shop
( )5.Where is Jim’s aunt from ?
A. England B. America C. Japan
聽第一段對話,回答第6--7 兩個小題。
( )6. What does the man like about the US ?
A. buildings B. streets C. people
( ).Why does the woman often go to the UK ?
A. To visit her friends B. To visit her parents
C.To visit her grandparents
( )8.Where is the bank ?
A.Opposite the hospital B.Near the supermarket
C.Next to the park
( )9.How will the man go to the supermarket ?
A.By bike B.On foot C.By bus
( )10.Where are they talking ?
A. In the street. B.At the school gate.
C.In the library.
III. 聽短文,選擇正確的答案。(10分)
( )11.Where does Linda come from ?
A. Tokyo B. Paris C. Moscow
( )12.How long does it take to go to the city from the building by underground ?
A. 10 minutes B. 20 minutes C. 30 minutes
( )13.What’s on the ground floor of the building ?
A. A restaurant B. A shopping mall C. A sports centre
( )14. Which floor id Linda’s flat on ?
A. On the 4th floor B. on t he 5th floor C. on the 6th floor
( )15.Which part of the flat is Linda’s favourite ?
A. The bathroom B. The balcony C. The dining room
I、 詞匯(10分)
1.Jack is a _____ in a restaurant.(服務(wù)員)
2.Lions are ______.(危險的)
3.The books are very h_____and I want to buy them.
4.An old friend of ____ is coming to se e me.(我的)
5.There are some W_____ reataurants here.
6.September is the _____(nine)month of the year.
7.They are _____(friend) to us.
8.We look forward to _____ you again .(see)
9.Tom and I are both ________.(policeman)
10.Many animals like eating _____(leaf) very much .
( )1.There is ____ girl in the room. _____ girl is from Australia.
A. a A B. a The C. the A D. the The
( )2.The party is _____ eight _____ th e afternoon.
A. in in B. at at C. in at D. at in
( )3. I don’t know _____ it today .
A. what to do B. how to do C. which to do D. who to do
( )4.Anna shares a bedroom ____ her sister.
A. to B. and C. with D. for
( )5.The number 110,206 can be read as _____.
A. one hundred and ten thousand ,two hundreds and six
B. one hundred and ten thousands and two hundreds and six
C. one hundred and ten thousand ,two hundred and six
D. one hundred ,ten thousand ,two hundreds and six
( )6.There ____ a meeting tomorrow afternoon.
A. will have B. is going to have
C. is going to be D. are going to be
( )7.---Is there ____ wrong with your bike ?
---No. But there is _____ wrong with my watch.
A.something something B. anything something
C. something anything D. anything anything
( )8.Uncle Jim will arrive on ____ of June.
A. fiveth B. five C. fifth D. the fifth
( )9. This is ____ bedroom .It is clean and bright.
A. Tom and Jack B. Tom’s and Jack’s
C. Tom’s and Jack D. Tom and Jack’s
( )10.Walk ___ this street , turn right ____ the second crossing and you’ll find the hospital.
A. past at B. along at C. cross to D. to at
( )11. It ________ me five minutes to walk to school.
A. spends B. takes C. costs D. has
( )12.I have problems with my homework.I want ____ Lily ___me.
A. to ask; help B. ask; help C. ask; to help D. to ask ; to help
( )13. He loves to _____ the birds on the tree.
A. look out of B. look out at
C. look out from D. look for at
( )14. Mr Li doesn ’t have a good  . He has to do much___     every day.
A. work; job B. job; work C. job; job D. work; work
( )15.---Who’s that speaking ? --- _________.
A. I’m Tom . B.It’s me .C.This is Tom D.That’s Tom speaking .
III .完形 (共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)
My name is Eric. I __1___ in a big city with my parents. My home is on the second __2____ of a tall building. The building is in Garden Street .It’s a __3____ street because there are lots of cars and people on the street every day . ___4___ the street is very clean. I ____5__ living in the city very much .
There are a lot of __6____ to have fun on the street . We can ___7___ games in the park and take a __8____ in the garden . Sometimes I can read books in the ___9___. It’s very quiet in the library , and I enjoy reading there . Do you like our __10____? Welcome to my home .
( )1.A. take B. live C.have D. put
( )2. A.street B. park C. floor D. house
( )3. A. busy B. new C. wrong D. short
( )4.A. So B. Because C. But D. And
( )5.A. like B. watch C. play D. visit
( )6. A.gardens B. supermarkets C. places D. rooms
( )7. A.playing B. to play C. plays D. play
( )8.A.walk B. bus C. train D. way
( )9.A. bank B. restaurant C. library D. hospital
( )10. A.food B. study C. neighbourhood D. st reet
IV、理解 (滿分30分)
Bob lives with his grandparents in a farmhouse. He studies in a small school. It is not far from his home . So he wal ks to school every day. There is a small river in front of the school. There is a small bridge over the river . There is only one store near his school. There is a big playground behind the teaching building . There are some tall trees near the classroom building and the stu dents often read and play under the tree after school. People there are all very friendly.
( )1.Bob lives in _____
A.a townhouse B. an apartment C. a farmhouse D. a building
( )2.Bob goes to s chool _____ every day .
A.on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by car
( )3.The small river is _____ the school.
A.on the left of B. on the right of c. in front of D. at the back of
( )4.How many stores are there near Bob’s school ?
A. One B. Two C. Three D . Four
( )5. Students in Bob’s school ____ read and play after school .
A. often B. don’t like to C. sometimes D.seldom
Tom is seven years old .He doesn’t like school. He talks a lot in class,and the teacher is angry(生氣) with him. He is often kept (留下) in after school.
He dosen’t like to do homework,but he likes sports. He swims very well. He is the best swimmer in his class.He likes swimming so much that sometimes he forgets(忘記) to go to school.
Tom’s father has an alarm clock . It’s a nice clock. It sings in the morning to wake up Tom. ‘What sings in the clock ?’Tom wonders(疑惑). So Tom opens the clock and takes it to parts. But he can’t put the parts back.
( )6.The teacher is angry with Tom because _______
A. he is seven years old B. he likes school
C. he talks too much in class D. he swims well
( )7.Tom is good at ______
A. his homework B. his school work C. swimming D. waking up
( )8.What does Tom do with (處理)the clock ?
A. He wakes it up. B. He sings well.
C. He forgets it. D. he takes it to parts.
( )9.Who has the clock ?
A.Tom B. Tom’s father C. Tom’s mother D. The story doesn’t tell
( )10.What’s the beat titl e(題目) of this story ?
A. A Naughty(調(diào)皮的) boy B. An alarm clock
C. Tom and his school D. Tom’s day
Nancy and Sheila are in the same class . They are friends . Nancy wants to invite Sheila to dinner on Sunday . But Sheila doesn’t know the way . Now Nancy is telling her .
‘It’s easy . You can take No.4 bus . After you get off at Red Road, Cross it and take the first turning on the left. Walk along the road for about five minutes, and then you will see a big tree. Go straight on and walk about 100 metres , you’ll see a big red house . This is not my home. Go past the big house about four hundred metres , and you will see a small yellow house beside a small tree. Then you can open the door with your foot.’
‘With my foot ?’asks Sheila. ‘Why ?’
‘Well , you won’t come to my house empty—handed (空手地), will you ?’ answers Nancy .
( )11. Nancy asks Sheila to ______.
A. have di nner with her B. go to a big red house
C. go to the cinema together D. go shopping together
( )12.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?
A. Nancy and Sheila are classmates.
B. Sheila should take NO.5 bus first .
C.Nancy asks Sheila to come to her home on Saturday .
D. Sheila knows Nancy’s home very well.
( )13. How far is it from the big tree to the small yellow house ?
A. It’s five minutes walk. B. It’s a hundred minutes’ ride .
C. It’s about two hundred metres . D. It’s about five hundred metres
( )14. Where is Nancy’s house ?
A. It’s beside a big red house .
B. It’s beside a small tree .
C.It’s on the right side of Red Road.
D. It’s behind a small yellow house.
( )15. Why does Nancy asks Sheila to open the door with her foot ?
A. Because she thinks Sheila should carry a lot of presents in both hands.
B.Because she thinks Sheila should bring her family members to her home.
C.Because she thinks Sheila should bring other classmates to her home.
D.Because she thinks Sheila will be afraid to open the door with her hands.
V、詞語運用 。(10分)
從方框中選擇適當?shù)脑~并用其正確形式填空,使短文通順、 意思完整。

shop one by have good
opera take minute they exchange
Dear Mr Wu
Next week , a group of 1 students from the USA will come to visit Taizhou. Here is a trip plan for them . We will eat breakfast at our school 2 . Then we can take them to Mei Lanfang’s Former House 3 bus. It takes only 25 4 . They can learn to sing Beijing 5 there.
In the afternoon , we will go to Tiandehu Park and 6 some photos there. In the park we can 7 a picnic as our lunch . Then we will go to Hengdian Cinema to watch a new film . After that the girls can go to the 8 malls to buy things and we will take the boys to our school playground to play football for one and an half hours .
In the evening we shall invite 9 for dinner in a restaurant . They can try Chinese food . I’m sure they will have a 10 time in our city.
Yours love,
VI. 補全對話(10分)
A.Thank you .
B.I’m sorry I don’t know .
C.How can I get there ?
D.Is there a hotel near here ?
E.Yes . Go along this road and turn left . It across from the bank .
A:Excuse me ,sir . Where is the nearest hotel ?
B:______1______ You may ask the policeman over there .
A:Thank you all the same .[
(The man goes to the policeman .)
A:Excuse me ._____2______
C:No. there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one across from the bank.
A:Is it easy to go there ?
A:_________4___ _______
C:You’d better take a taxi, because it is so late. There are not an buses now .
C:You are welcome.
VII. 書面表達(滿分15分)
1.only live in China. 2. black and white
3.like eating bamboos 4.can climb trees
5.fat and lovely 6.be sent to some countries as presents
7.the baby panda weighs only 100 grams at birth
Dear Jerry,
Today I want to tell you something about a special animal ------ pandas._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ _______________
I hope you can visit China to see pandas as soon as possible .
Yours ,
1. M:Whose bags are those ?
W:The blue one is Lucy’s ,and the green one ie Lily’s.
2.M:I’d like to read some books, but I can’t find the library. Can you help me ?
W:Certainly . I’ll drive you there.
3.M:Is this red car yours ?
W: No, it isn’t. My car is white.
4.M: May I have a look at the green jacket ?
W: Sure. What size do you wear ?
5.M:Hello, Jim ! Is your aunt an Englishwoman?
W:No, she isn’t.She lives in England, but she is Japanese.
聽第一段對話,回答第6--7 兩個小題。
W:Which country do you like best ?
M:I like the UK best,because the people there are very nice. How about you ?
W:I like the UK and I often go there .
M:Do you have friends there ?
W:No. My grandparents are living there .I often visit them.
M:Excuse me . Is there a bank near here ?
W: Yes, there is one near the Sunshine Supermarket.
M:Where is the Sunshine Supermarket ?
W:Go along this street, and take the first turning on the right,then the second turning on the left……
M:I’m sorry. I can’t follow you.
W:Well. You can take No.3 bus.It will take you there. The bus stop is over there.
M:Thank you.
III. 聽短文,選擇正確的答案。(10分)
Hello , my name is Linda. I’m from Tokyo. I’m going to show you around my place. I’m living with my family in a tall building. It only takes us 20 minutes to go to the city centre by underground. Around our building there are busy streets. On the ground floor of the building is a ver y large shopping mall. We live in a flat with three bedrooms on the fifth floor. In our flat my favourite room is the dining room. Every night I can have dinner with my parents there .
1---5.BDBCC 6----10CBDDB 11---15.BDBBC
III .完形填空 (共10小題,每小題1分,滿分10分)
1----5.BCBBA 6----10.CDACC
IV、理解 (滿分30分)
1-----5. CACAA
6-----10. CCDBA

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/58118.html
