仁愛(ài)版Unit 1 What class are you in Section 學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
仁愛(ài)版Unit 1 What class are you in? Section 學(xué)案

1、熟悉掌握詞匯:eraser, pencil, desk, pen, ruler, book, blackboard,English, in English, an, a, map, spell, can, please, apple, double, toy, car, orange, egg
(1) —What’s this/that in English?
—It’s an eraser./It’s a map./It’s a toy.
(2) —How do you spell it?
—E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.
(3) —Can you spell it, please?
—Yes. M-A-P, map.
(4) —Thank you./Thanks.
—That’s OK./You’re welcome.
(5) —Is this/that a ruler?
—Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
1.我100%會(huì)讀上一節(jié)課Section A的單詞和課文,并能100%的記住黑體部分單詞。
2.我可以流利的背誦Section A的課文對(duì)話(huà)。
1. 課前我會(huì)自己拼讀以下單詞:eraser, pencil, desk, pen, ruler, book, blackboard,English, in English, an, a, map, spell, can, please, apple, double, toy, car, orange, egg.
學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)一: 朗讀并背誦本課單詞
1.個(gè)人自讀,記憶單詞. 2.小組互相檢查讀、寫(xiě)情況.

1._____ 2.______ 3._____ 4._____ 5.________ 6.__________ 7.___________

8.________ 9.________ 10.________ 11._______ 12._____ 13.________ 14._____

學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)二: 練習(xí)掌握下面句型.
—What’s this/that in English?
—It’s an eraser./It’s a map./It’s a toy.
—How do you spell it?
—E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.
—Can you spell it, please?
—Yes. M-A-P, map.
—Thank you./Thanks.
—That’s OK./You’re welcome.
—Is this/that a ruler?
—Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
4. 我會(huì)查閱資料,找到不定冠詞a/an的用法差異。
a用在___________因素前面,如:a pen, a “u”;
an用_________因素前面,如:an apple, an “s”.
學(xué)習(xí)任務(wù)三: 合作交流,學(xué)習(xí)2b部分
S: Come here, please. (手里拿的東西不能更換,直到猜對(duì)。)
S: Is this a ruler?(走近時(shí)用this。)
S1: Yes, it is.(展示給學(xué)生們看。)
S: Is that an eraser?(走遠(yuǎn)時(shí)用that。)
S1: No, it isn’t.
S: Is this a book?
S1: No, it isn’t.
S: Is this a pen?
S1: Yes, it is.
★this是指示代詞,用來(lái)指代較近的人或物,意為“這,這個(gè)”,其對(duì)應(yīng)詞是that,用于指代較遠(yuǎn)的人或物,意為“那,那個(gè)”。如:This is a pen.這是一只鋼筆。Is that your teacher?那是你的老師嗎?
★an, a是冠詞。a用于以輔音音素開(kāi)頭的名詞前,如:a banana。而an用于以元音音素開(kāi)頭的詞前,如:an apple, an old man。注意:an并不是放在元音字母前,而是放在元音因素前。如:This is a teacher. He is an old teacher.
★That’s OK.在課文中是“不用謝”之意。與之同義的表達(dá)還有You are welcome/My pleasure/It’s a pleasure/Not at all/That’s all right等。
拓展:the apple of one’s eye掌上明珠。
1. 一支鋼筆_______________________ 2. 一輛汽車(chē)_______________________
3. 一個(gè)橘子_______________________ 4. 一張桌子_______________________
5. 一本書(shū) _______________________ 6. 一塊黑板_______________________
7. 一個(gè)雞蛋_______________________ 8. 一個(gè)蘋(píng)果_______________________
9. 一塊橡皮_______________________ 10. 一張地圖_______________________
A. B.
( )1. How old are you? A. It’s an eraser.
( )2. What’s this in English? B. M-A-P, map.
( )3. How do you spell it? C. You are welcome!
( )4. Thank you! D. No, it isn’t.
( )5. Is that an apple? E. I’m eleven.
1. A: Excuse me, what’s ________ in English?
B: ________ ________a desk.
A: How do you spell it?
B: _______________, _______.
A: Thank you.
B: _______ ______ ______.

2. A: _________ __________, what’s _______ in English?
B: _________ __________ eraser.
A: _________ _________ ___________ __________ , __________?
B: Yes. E-R-A-S-E-R.
A: _________.
B: That’s OK.
㈣. 單項(xiàng)選擇。
( ) 1. —What’s that in English?
—It’s __________car. It’s ____________ orange car.
A. a; an B. a; a C .an; an
( ) 2. This is ___________ English book.
A. a B. an C. /
( ) 3. Is that your______________?
A. a bike B. bike C. an bike
( ) 4. —____________ do you spell orange?
—O-R-A-N-G-E, orange.
A. What B. How C. What’s
( ) 5. —What’s this?
A. Yes, it’s an egg B. It’s an orange C. It’s English car
( ) 6. —Is this your book?
A. Yes, this is B. Yes, it is C. Yes, she is
( ) 7. —What’s this __________English?
—It’s a pen.
A. from B. to C. in
( ) 8. .Jane is the apple of her Mum’s eye.
A. 她媽媽的掌上明珠 B. 她媽媽眼中的蘋(píng)果 C. 媽媽的眼睛
【2011?四川南充】1. My uncle is ________ engineer. He works very hard.
A. the B. a C. an
【2011?廣西柳州】2. Mrs Smith has _____ son and a daughter.
A. a B. an C. the
【2011?重慶江津】3. Meimei’s father is teacher in a school.
A. /B. anC. aD. the
【2011?浙江溫州】4. Lucy is _____ good girl. She often helps others.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
【2011?浙江麗水】5. My mother is English teacher in No. 2 Middle School.
A. a B. the C. an D. /
【2011?廣西來(lái)賓】6. — What can you see on the desk?
— I can see _______ pen.
A. theB. a C.不填 D. an
【2011?浙江金華】7 — Thank you for your help. ------- _____________
A. That's all right B. No, thanks
C. That's right D. Of course
【2011?四川宜賓】8. —Nice to meet you.
A. Fine,thank you. B. How do you do?
C. Nice to meet you, too. D. The same to you.
—I’m fine. Think you.
A. How are you? B. How old are you?
C. How do you do? D. What’s your name?
【2011?廣西崇左】10.—What’s your name?
--- ____________
A. I’m Li Ming. B. I’m fine, C. Today is sunny. D. I like milk.
【我的不足—我改正】我有難記的詞和句子嗎?我有不會(huì)的試題嗎?我相信你不會(huì)知難而退的,下次我一定不會(huì)再次犯錯(cuò)! 相信我!

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/59748.html

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