2013年仁愛七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Unit 7 Topic 2測試題(含答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit 7 Topic 2
(考試時(shí)間:90分鐘, 滿分:100分)

第一部分 (20分)
Ⅰ. 聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。(5分)
( )1. A. Yes, he can. B. No, I can’t.C. Yes, it can.
( )2. A. Thank you.B. That’s OK.C. The same to you.
( )3. A. I can draw. B. Yes, she can. C. She can swim.
( )4. A. Where? Where?B. No problem. C. Thanks.
( )5. A. I can play the guitar. B. Yes, I can.
C. They can perform ballet.
Ⅱ. 聽對(duì)話,選擇正確圖片。每段對(duì)話讀一遍。(5分)
( )6.
( )7.
( )8.
( )9.
( )10.

Ⅲ. 聽對(duì)話及問題,選擇正確答案。每段對(duì)話及問題讀兩遍。(5分)
( )11. A. Yes, he can. B. No, he can’t. C. We don’t know.
( )12. A. In the pool. B. He is swimming. C. At the age of six.
( )13. A. Yes, he could. B. No, he couldn’t. C. No, he can’t.
( )14. A. Finish his homework. B. Do sports.
C. Play computer games.
( )15. A. Dance to disco. B. Read English books.
C. Sing an English song.
Ⅳ. 聽短文,選擇正確答案。短文讀兩遍。(5分)
( )16. When is Meimei’s birthday?
A. July 17th. B. July 7th. C. June 7th.
( )17. Meimei can ______ very well.
A. perform ballet B. dance to disco C. play the guitar
( )18. Meimei _______ when she was seven years old.
A. could dance B. can’t dance C. couldn’t dance
( )19. What can Meimei sing?
A. English songs. B. Chinese songs. C. A and B.
( )20. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Meimei lives with her parents now.
B. Meimei is a student of No. 3 High School.
C. Meimei likes doing outdoor activities.
第二部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(55分)
Ⅰ. 單項(xiàng)選擇。(10分)
( )1.?Were you at home _________?
?No, I was at school.
A. two days before B. two days ago
C. before two days D. ago two days
( )2.?Lucy, _______ you draw pictures?
?Yes, I _____.
A. can; could B. could; could C. can; can D. could; can
( )3.?There is an art festival in our school on Saturday.
?Oh, great! We’ll _________ then.
A. have good timeB. play a good time
C. play good timeD. have a good time
( )4.?I’d like _____ these books ______ the classroom.
?Let me help you.
A. to take; to B. take; to C. to take; in D. take; in
( )5.?Is there _____ in the newspaper?
?Sorry, there isn’t.
A. else anythingB. anything new
C. something newD. new something
( )6.?I can play the guitar.
?_____ can you do?
?I can also sing English songs.
A. How elseB. What elseC. Who elseD. Where else
( )7. ________ Miss Gao’s help, Meimei learns English well.
A. WithB. OfC. At D. For
( )8.?Can I eat these apples?
?________ Please help yourself.
A. Yes, you could.B. No, you couldn’t.
C. No way.D. Of course you can.
( )9.?Can you play ping-pong _____ basketball?
?I can play ping-pong.
A. andB. orC. butD. with
( )10. They were good friends before, but they ______ like each other_______.
A. not; any more B. don’t; no moreC. don’t; any moreD. not; no more
Ⅱ. 情景交際。(5分)
A: Hi, Michael! What’s the date today?
B: 11 What’s up?
A: Oh, tomorrow is Lin Tao’s birthday. 12
B: I’d like to sing a Chinese song. How about you, Jane?
A: 13 Can you play it with me?
B: Yes, of course. 14
A: That’s OK. 15
B: Thanks. I think we’ll have a good time then.
A. But I can play the guitar just a little.
B. It’s Sunday today.
C. It’s September 9th.
D. I’m sure you can play it very well.
E. What would you like to do at the party?
F. I want to go home.
G. I want to play the guitar.
11. ________ 12. ________ 13. ________ 14. ________ 15. ________
Ⅲ. 完形。(10分)
Han Meimei is a beautiful Chinese girl. She is 14 years old. She is a 16 . She is 17
Class 4,Grade 7. Music is her favorite 18 at school. In her 19 time, Meimei likes singing and dancing. She 20 sings and dances at home. And she also likes playing 21
piano. She can play it very 22 . She wants 23 a musician(音樂家). Tomorrow she will go to 24 birthday party. She’d like to dance and sing at the 25 . All the classmates are happy to know this.
( )16. A. girlB. studentC. nurseD. teacher
( )17. A. atB. onC. inD. out
( )18. A. subjectB. classC. starD. lesson
( )19. A. workB. studyC. restD. free
( )20. A. neverB. seldomC. oftenD. too
( )21. A. / B. theC. aD. an
( )22. A. wellB. goodC. muchD. little
( )23. A. toB. beC. to beD. being
( )24. A. Kang kangs’B. KangkangsC. KangkangD. Kangkang’s
( )25. A. houseB. partyC. hallD. yard
Ⅳ. 理解。(30分)
Piano Player Wanted
Boys and girls, are you music fans? Can you sing or dance? Can you play the piano?
Welcome to our Sky Rock Band.
Please call Victor at 6891-3453 or give an email to . com.
Let’s Learn Japanese
Can you speak Japanese? Do you want to learn Japanese? Come to the Japanese club(俱樂部)now.
Time: 9:00 a. m. -11:30 a. m. (from Monday to Friday)
Call Henry at 6543-1248.
Ping-pong Club
Do you like to play ping-pong? Do you want to play ping-pong well? Mr. Chen can teach you. You can come here every Friday afternoon.
Tel: 8623-1940
Add: Room 102 in School’s P. E. Building.
Can you swim? Do you like children? Can you help them with swimming on weekends? Come here!
Call Jane at 8330-9785 for more information (信息).
( )26. Maria should call_____ to join (加入) the Sky Rock Band.
A. 65431248B. 86231940C. 68913453D. 83309785
( )27. Kangkang wants to learn Japanese. He can do it ________.
A. on FridayB. on SaturdayC. on SundayD. on weekends
( )28. “Add”is short for“address”. What does it mean in Chinese?
A. 時(shí)間.B. 地址.C. 人物.D. 事件.
( )29. Lin Tao can swim very well. When can he help children with swimming?
A. Every Friday afternoon. B. From Monday to Friday.
C. From 9:00 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. D. On weekends.
( )30. Which of the following is Not true?
A. If you can play the piano, you can call Victor.
B. You can learn Japanese in the Japanese club on weekdays.
C. Mr. Chen can teach you to play ping-pong on Thursday.
D. You can help children with swimming on Saturdays and Sundays.
Wang Wei
I can’t sing or dance. I can play the guitar. But I couldn’t play it three years ago. Alice
I can sing and dance. I can also play the piano. When I was six, I couldn’t play the piano at all.
I can swim and cook. I can’t draw pictures. I could swim when I was five years old. Liu Fang
I can perform ballet and dance to disco. I can also sing English songs. But I couldn’t sing English songs two years ago.
( )31. What can Wang Wei do?
A. Singing. B. Playing the guaitar .C. Dancing. D. Drawing.
( )32. How many things can Alice do?
A. Two. B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.
( )33. What could James do when he was five?
A. Cooking.B. Drawing.C. Swimming. D. Singing.
( )34. Who can both sing and dance?
A. Wang Wei. B. Alice. C. Liu Fang. D. B and C.
( )35. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Wang Wei can play the guitar.
B. Alice couldn’t play the piano at the age of six.
C. James can draw pictures.
D. Liu Fang couldn't sing English songs two years ago.
Dear Kangkang,
Can you help me? I have too many rules! I have to get up at five thirty every morning. My mom goes to work at 6:30 a. m. , so I have to cook breakfast! After breakfast, I run to school because I can’t be late. At school I have more rules. Don’t be noisy and don’t talk in class, and so on.
After school, Dad says I can’t go out with my friends. I can only go out with them on weekends. I can’t have a rest after school. Why? Because it’s a rule again?do my homework after dinner. I also have rules for sleeping! I have to go to bed before half past nine. Rules, rules, rules!
I can’t stand(忍受)them any more. What can I do?
Write to me soon!
Li Lei
( )36. The letter is from Li lei to Kangkang.
( )37. Li Lei doesn’t have rules for sleeping.
38. ___________________________________.
39. When can Li Lei go out with his friends?
( )40. How do you like Li Lei’s life? It’s __________.
A. happy B. nice C. interesting D. boring

第三部分 寫作(25分)
Ⅰ. 詞匯部分。(10分)
41. There are some new ______(單詞)in this lesson. Let’s study them first.
42.?Can you _____ (數(shù)數(shù)) these books for me, Kangkang?
?Of course, Miss Gao.
43. Mr. Wang goes to _______(倫敦)by plane once a month.
44.?Where _______(其他的)do we want to go?
?The Great Wall.
45. Polly can speak English a little. It’s so _______ (聰明的).
take photos, last year, dance to disco, just a little, be sure
46. Many people lost their lives in traffic accidents _______.
47. I _______ my friends will come to the party tomorrow.
48.?Can you play basketball?
?Yes, but _______.
49. Kangkang often goes to Beihai Park and _______ there. They are very beautiful.
50. Maria _______ in the gym every Friday afternoon. She works hard at it.
Ⅱ. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(每空一詞)(5分)
51. With the help of John, the kitchen fan works again. (改為同義句)
_____ _____ _____ , the kitchen fan works again.
52. He can draw pictures. (對(duì)畫線部分提問)
_____ can he ____?
53. Li Fang could swim when she was six years old. (改為同義句)
Li Fang could swim _____ _____ _____ _____ six.
54. Could you cook when you were five? (作否定回答)
_______ , ________ _________.
55. Something is wrong with his bike. (改為同義句)
There is _______ ________ _________ his bike.
Ⅲ. 書面表達(dá)。(10分)
提示:Lucy和Lily是雙胞胎(twins), 她們現(xiàn)在11歲了。5歲時(shí),Lucy會(huì)騎自行車、打網(wǎng)球(play tennis)、寫字,但Lily不會(huì)。Lily會(huì)游泳、唱歌、讀故事書(story books),F(xiàn)在她們都學(xué)會(huì)了跳迪斯科、芭蕾。她們是一對(duì)好姐妹。

聽 力 材 料

Unit 7 Topic 2
Ⅰ. 聽句子,選擇正確答語。每個(gè)句子讀一遍。
1. Can you sing an English song?
2. Happy birthday to you!
3. Can Ann draw or swim?
4. You are so smart!
5. What else can you do?
Ⅱ. 聽對(duì)話,選擇正確圖片。每段對(duì)話讀一遍。
6.M: What is Joy doing?
W: She is performing ballet now.
7.M: Can Mr. Lee drive a car?
W: Yes. He could do it ten years ago.
8.M: Could you ride a bike last year?
W: Yes, I could.
9.M: What else can Mike do?
W: He can play soccer.
10.M: Hi, Jane. Can you sing or dance?
W: I can sing.
Ⅲ. 聽對(duì)話及問題,選擇正確答案。每段對(duì)話及問題讀兩遍。
11.W: Can you play the guitar?
M: No, I can’t. But I can play the piano.
Q: Can the man play the piano?
12.M: Look! Peter is swimming in the pool.
W: Oh, he could do it at the age of six.
Q: When could Peter swim?
13.W: Can you cook?
M: Yes, I can. But I couldn’t cook one year ago.
Q: Could the boy cook one year ago?
14.M: Mom, can I play computer games now?
W: I’m afraid not. But you can do sports.
Q: What can the boy do now?
15.M: What would you like to do at the party, Jane?
W: I’d like to sing an English song.
Q: What does Jane want to do?
Ⅳ. 聽短文,選擇正確答案。短文讀兩遍。
Meimei was born on July 7th, 2000. Now she lives in Beijing with her parents. She is a student of No. 2 High School. She likes dancing and singing very much. She can perform ballet very well. But she couldn’t dance at the age of seven. Meimei can sing both English and Chinese songs. She also likes doing outdoor activities, such as playing ping-pong, running, going shopping and so on. She is nice and smart.

Unit 7 Topic 2
Ⅰ. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A
Ⅱ. 6. A 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. B
Ⅲ. 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. C
Ⅳ. 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. B
第二部分 英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用
Ⅰ. 1. B考查ago, 其結(jié)構(gòu)通常為“一段時(shí)間 + ago”,如two years/weeks/days ago;而before
2. C考查can/could及其答語。can表示現(xiàn)在的能力,could表示過去的能力。由句意可知本題是表示現(xiàn)在的能力,故B項(xiàng)錯(cuò);A、D前后時(shí)態(tài)不一致,故選C。
3. D考查短語have a good time, good 也可用nice/wonderful/great替換。故選D。
4. A 考查take…to…和would like to do sth.故選A。
5. B 考查不定代詞的用法。形容詞修飾不定代詞時(shí),應(yīng)放其后,故A、D錯(cuò),又因本
題是疑問句,應(yīng)使用anything, 故選B。
6. Belse可用于疑問詞和某些代名詞之后,“另外的, 別的”。what else“別的什么”。此問句意為“別的你還會(huì)些什么呢?” 故選B。
7. A考查介詞短語with one’s help或with the help of sb.“在某人的幫助下。”故選A。
8. D can在此表示請(qǐng)求,根據(jù)上下文可知此處習(xí)慣上用肯定回答。故選D。
9. B 考查選擇疑問句,表示兩者選其一應(yīng)用or,故選B。
10. Cnot…any more=no more, not與助動(dòng)詞連用,故選C。
Ⅱ. 11. C 12. E 13. G 14. A 15. D
Ⅲ.16. B根據(jù)后一句She is in Class 4, Grade 7.可知Meimei是一位學(xué)生。故選B。
17. C“在七年級(jí)四班”用介詞in,故選C。
18. Asubject“學(xué)科”。
19. Din one’s free time“在某人的業(yè)余時(shí)間”。
20. Cseldom和never與前文不符。
21. B樂器前需加定冠詞the。
22. Awell用于修飾動(dòng)詞,good修飾名詞。
23. Cwant to do sth.“想做某事”。
24. D名詞所有格在人名后加’s。
25. B根據(jù)前文提到的Meimei會(huì)去參加Kangkang的生日聚會(huì)可知當(dāng)然是在聚會(huì)上唱歌,故選B。
Ⅳ. (A)
26. C根據(jù)第一則廣告最后一行Please call Victor 可知Sky Rock Band的電話為68913453。故選C。
27. A根據(jù)第二則廣告第二行可知Time: 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (from Monday to Friday)周一到周五是可以學(xué)習(xí)日語的。故選A。
28. B根據(jù)第三則廣告最后一行表示地點(diǎn)Add: Room 102 in School’s P.E. Building.可知此處為俱樂部的地址。故選B。
29. D根據(jù)第四則廣告第三句Can you help them with swimming on weekends?可知幫助孩子游泳的時(shí)間為周末。故選D。
30. C根據(jù)第三則廣告第四句You can come here every Friday afternoon.可知C項(xiàng)錯(cuò)誤。故
31. B根據(jù)Wang Wei自述的第二句I can play the guitar.“我會(huì)彈吉他。”可知他會(huì)彈吉他。故選B。
32. B根據(jù)Alice自述,可知她會(huì)sing, dance, play the piano共三件,故選B。
33. C根據(jù)James自述的最后一句I could swim when I was five years old.可知他五歲時(shí)就會(huì)游泳了。故選C。
34. D根據(jù)Liu Fang和Alice的自述,可知她倆都會(huì)唱,都會(huì)跳舞,故選D。
35. C根據(jù)James的自述I can’t draw pictures.可知C 選項(xiàng)不對(duì),故選C。
36. T
37. F
38. Keep/Be quiet
39. On weekends. /He can go out with his friends on weekends.
40. D
第三部分 寫作
Ⅰ.(A)41. words 42. count 43. London44. else 45. smart/clever
(B)46. last year 47. am sure 48. just a little49. takes photos50. dances to disco
Ⅱ. 51. With John’s help 52. What; do 53. at the age of 54. No;I couldn’t
55. something wrong with
Ⅲ. 參考范文:

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/63720.html
