7B Unit 1 Dream homes教學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit 1 Dream homes
(Comic strip and welcome to the unit)
2. 識別不同國家的標(biāo)志性建筑。
3. 認(rèn)識不同國家及其首都的英語表達(dá)方式。
1. The Capital of China is _________.
2. The capital of America is _______.
3. The capital of England is _______.
4. The capital of Thailand is _______.
5. The capital of Russia is ________.
6. The capital of Japan is _______.
夢想家園 在餐館隔壁 最大的國家
……的首都 想要住在宮殿里
1、Would you like…?==Do you want…?你想要什么?
Would you like sth?其回答為 Yes, please. No, tkanks/thank you.
Would you like to do sth?其回答為Yes, I’d like/love to. I’d like to, but…
ΔWould you like to go to the park with me? Yes, I’d like/love to. 否定回答I’d like to, but I have to look after my sister.
2、next to 緊靠著, 緊挨著==beside
Δ Lily sits next to Amy.== Lily sits beside Amy.
3、capital 名詞,意為“首都” the capital of ……的首都
ΔThe capital of Japan is Tokyo.
1、在老師的幫助下,完成書本P7 Part A和B,并在課堂上當(dāng)場檢查和講評。
2、要求學(xué)生結(jié)合Hob and Eddie的對話進(jìn)行操練,來訓(xùn)練學(xué)生的口語。
( ) 1. Tokyo A. France
( ) 2. Paris B. China
( ) 3. Beijing C. Thailand
( ) 4. Moscow D. Russia
( ) 5. London E. The UK
( ) 6. Bangkok F. the USA
( ) 7. Washington DC G. Japan
1. Would you like to live in a palace?(同義句)
______ ______ ______ to live in a palace?
2. I’d like to live next to a restaurant.(劃線部分提問)
______ _____ ____ _____ to live?
3. The biggest one is my favourite.(同上)
_______ ______ is your favourite?
4. The capital of China is Beijing.(同上)
_______ _____ is the capital of China?
5. There are many restaurants in Beijing.(同義句)
Beijing ______ many restaurants.
1.巴黎是法國的首都。 Paris is the ______ of ______.
2.你最喜歡的飲料是什么? ______ is your ______ ______?
3. 他想住在你家隔壁嗎?
_____ _____ _____ to live _____ ____ your house?
4. 最大的那個房間是我的。
_____ ______ room is ______.
5. 哪個是你的自行車?紅色的那輛。
_____ is your bike? The _____ _____.
Ann is ___1___ English girl. She is fourteen. She is a ___2___ student. Her teacher is Miss White. Ann helps her to put ___3___ books and ruler on the desk.
They have a new ___4___. In it you can ___5___ 40 desks and chairs. A blackboard, a clock and a map are ___6___ the wall.
There are some pens on the desks. The red ___7___ is Ann’s, the others are Kate’s. Kate is Ann’s ___8___ friend. She isn’t ___9___ here today. She is ill.
Look at the clock. It’s about four o’clock. It’s time ___10___ and play games.
( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )2. A. middle school B. Middle School
C. middle school’s D. Middle School’s
( )3. A. my B. your C. his D. her
( )4. A. room B. class C. grade D. classroom
( )5. A. look B. look at C. see D. see at
( )6. A. on B. in C. at D. to
( )7. A. pens B. pencil C. one D. ones
( )8. A. fine B. good C. nice D. right
( )9. A. / B. at C. on D. of
( )10. A. comes B. go C. to come D. to

Unit 1 Dream homes
( Reading (Ⅰ))
1.Where does Stephen live?
2.How many rooms are there in Stephen’s house?
3. What place is Stephen’s favourite?
4. Where does Madee live?
5. Who does Madee live with?
6.How many people are there in Madee’s family?
7. Where does Neil live?
8. Which room is Neil’s favourite in the house?
9. Where does Anna live?
10.Is Anna’s flat big?
二、根據(jù)文章判斷下列句子是否正確,正確的寫T, 錯誤的寫F。
( ) 1. Stephen lives in a small house in Long Beach, California.
( ) 2. There are 12 rooms in Stephen’s house.
( ) 3. Stephen can watch TV on the balcony.
( ) 4. Madee lives in a small town in Thailand.
( ) 5. Madee climbs a ladder to get into her house.
( ) 6. Madee has her own room.
( ) 7. Neil lives in a big house in a town near London.
( ) 8. Neil’s favourite room is the kitchen.
( ) 9. Neil often watches TV in the sitting room.
( ) 10. Anna lives in the center of Moscow.
( ) 11. Anna lives in a very large flat.
( ) 12. Anna’s neighbours are friendly.
1、balcony n 陽臺. on the balcony在陽臺上
2、wooden adj 木制的 wood是它的名詞。
a wooden house 一個木制的房屋
3、 the best place to grow flowers種花最好的地方.類似的詞組還有:
a good place to meet friends 一個會見朋友的好地方
the great room to live in 是居住的好房間
1、在老師的幫助下,完成書本P10---11 的練習(xí),并在課堂上當(dāng)場檢查和講評。
1.Tom likes chatting ______ friends ______ the balcony.
2. They often sit ______ the floor cushions and look out ______ the beach.
3. Madee lives ______ a small town _____ Thailand.
4. Her house is _____ a river.
5. She often climbs a ladder to get _____ her house.
6. _____ the evenings, Neil watches TV ____ the sitting room.
7. Amy lives _____the center ______ Moscow ______ her family _____ a flat _____ a busy street.
1. sit, cushions, we, on, and, out, look, beach, the, at, the
2. dog, I, sleeps, and, have, the, in, a, garden, he
3. my, with, I, live, family, house, a, in, wooden
4. think, friends, it, beautiful, my, is quiet, very, here, and
5. a, with, I, my, bedroom, share, sister
1. I like watching the _______(海灘) in Hawaii.
2. The boy lives with his family in a _______(木制的)house.
3. His house is ______(在…上面) a river.
4. They often use those ______ (梯子)to get into their houses.
5. He lives in the ______(中心)of Nanjing.
6. He often _____(分享)an apple with his sister.
7. My ______(鄰居)are friendly.
1. Thank you for ______(give) me the presents.
2. Can he ______(chat) with his friends in the sitting room?
3. He would like ______(share) the room with his brother.
4. He spends two hours every day _______(practise) _____(speak) English.
5. I have lots of things ______(buy).
6. I’m sorry he has no time _____(talk) to you now.
7. Do you like _____(read) story books?
8. Look! The boys ____(play) basketball on the playground.
9. Are you good at ______(sing)?
10. Let him _____(go) to the zoo alone.
Unit 1 Dream homes
(Reading Ⅱ)
1. 住在一間大房子里 _____________ 2. 朝外看著海灘和大海___________
3.住在一個木屋里 ______________ 4. 一個小鎮(zhèn) ____________
5.在河上 _____ _________ 6. 爬樓梯進(jìn)入房子 ____________
7.做飯 ______________ 8. 在客廳里 ____________
9.在花園里睡覺 ______________ 10 .莫斯科市中心 ____________
11.在一個繁忙的街道______________ 12. 跟我的姐姐分享一個臥室_____
1、look out at 向外看,眺望 look out of 朝……外面看 look out 還有“小心”的意思
2、over 在……的上方;以上;多于。be over 結(jié)束
There is a bridge over the river. 河的上方有座橋。
A plane is over my head. 一架飛機(jī)在我頭頂?shù)纳戏健?br /> My school is over at 8:15p.m. 我的學(xué)校八點一刻結(jié)束。
3、rain a lot 雨下的多==rain heavily==There is much rain
It will rain a lot tomorrow. 明天將會下大雨。
==There will be much/a lot of/ lots of rain. tomorrow.
==It will rain heavily tomorrow.
4、in the centre of 在……的中心 in the middle of 在……的中間
5、share sth with sb 與某人分享什么
ΔShe shares a bedroom with her sister.她與妹妹同住一間臥室。
1. He lives in Long B_______, California.
2. I like the b_______ because I can play games there.
3. They are chatting with each other in the s room.
4. She is listening to music in her b .
5. I live in a small t_____ in Thailand.
6. The old man lives in a w______ house.
7. He often climbs a l_______ to get into my house.
8. The house is very beautiful and q_______.
9. My parents live in the c______ of Beijing.
10. Lily s______ a bedroom with Lucy.
My ______ _____ is the _______.
We love to sit ______ ______ and the beach
and the sea.
I can see the______ ______ .
My friends think this is ______.
They often ______ the ______ to _____ _____ the house.
He lives _____ _____ _____ and his parents live ____ ____ ____ ____.
He ______ a bedroom _____ his brother.
It is _______ but it ______ _____ _____ there.
My family and I often sit _____ _____ ____ _____ my mother ____ ______.
The boy lives with his parents _____ _____ _____ on a _____ _____.
1. He lives in a large house in London.
______ ______ he ______ in London?
2. His favourite place is the balcony.
______ ______ is his favourite?
3. I would like to live in a small town.
_____ _____ _____ ____ to live?
4. I climb a ladder to get into the house.
_____ _____ _____ climb to get into the house?
5. He lives with his family in a wooden house.
_____ _____ ______ live with in a wooden house?
6. My favourite room is the sitting room.
______ favourite room is the sitting room?
7. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.
______ ______ your family and you often _____ while your mother makes dinner.?
8. I share a bedroom with my sister.
____________ do you share a bedroom ?

Unit 1 Dream homes
床頭柜 扶手椅 碗櫥 淋浴器
書架 茶幾 臺燈 洗滌槽
1.The bookshelf is in the kitchen. ( )
2. The sink is in the bedroom. ( )
3. The fridge is in the kitchen. ( )
4. The bed is in the bedroom. ( )
5. The bath is in the bathroom. ( )
6. The computer is in the bathroom. ( )
7. The toilet is in the sitting room. ( )
8. The lamp is in the bedroom. ( )
9. The basin is in the bedroom. ( )
10. The sofa is in the bathroom. ( )
1、in the armchair 在扶手椅上 on the chair 在椅子上
2、furniture家具的總稱,做不可數(shù)名詞。apiece of furniture一件家具 some pieces of furniture 數(shù)件家具.
在老師的幫助下,完成書本P12 Part A和B,并在課堂上當(dāng)場檢查和講評。
1. 兩個碗櫥 ______________ 2 .許多書架______________
3. 在衣櫥里 _______________ 4. 我的那些臺燈__________
4. 在淋浴間________________ 6 .在冰箱里________________
7. 在浴缸里 ________________ 8 .在沙發(fā)上_______________
1. The ______(碗櫥) is in the kitchen.
2. Those ______ (書架)are very beautiful.
3. My father is in the ______ (淋浴間)now.
4. The _______(臺燈) on the desk are all mine.
5. Put your clothes in the ______(衣櫥), please.
6. Can you see the bowls in the ______(洗碗池)? Wash them now.
7. He like taking a ______(沐。.
8. The football shoes are in the _____(臥室).
1.Do you like _____(have) a bath in the bathroom?
2. Thank you for _____(bring) me the book.
3. Can you _____(wash) the dishes?
4. He enjoys ______(chat) with his friends on the balcony.
5. Would he like ______(exercise) in the garden?
6. Do you often spend an hour ______(read) books every day?
7. My mother has no time _____(cook) for us.
8. He has many books _____(read).
Jack and Sally are brother and sister. They are twins. They like to swim and ride a bike. They look very happy. But not all of their favourite games are the same. Jack likes to play football and Sally likes to make something, but Jack can’t. Sally can sing very well and Jack can throw the yo-yo very well. Sally wants a go. Both of them like flying kites, too. They often fly kites near their houses.
( ) 1. They both like _______.
A. swimming B. riding a bike C. flying kites D. all of them
( )2. Where do they fly kites?
A. Near the river B. On a hill C. Near their houses D. At school
( )3. What does Sally like?
A. Football B. Basketball C. Volleyball D. singing
( )4. What does Jack like doing?
A. Playing football B. Making things. C. Swimming. D. Both A and C.

Unit 1 Dream homes
(Integrated skills and Study skills)
1.______ the room for sleeping in
2.______ the room we have our meals in
3.______ the room we cook our meals in
4.______ the room we have a bath in
5.______the place for growing flowers
6.______ the room we meet our friends in
1.May I s_____ to Mr. Green, please.
2. Who’s that c_____, please?
3. I’m a_____ he’s not at home.
4. Can I take a m_____?
5. My t_____ number is 85462117.
6. I’ll a_____ him to c_____ you back.。
1.It’s really different from the flats in Beijing.
be different from
e.g. Your pen is different from mine.
City life is very different from Country life.
different(adj.) → difference(n.)
the difference between…and…
e.g. There are many differences between English and Chinese Names.
2. Who’s calling/speaking/that? (打電話用語)請問你是誰?
我是用This is… e.g. This is Jack speaking.
3.Can I take a message? take a message (for /to sb)
4. I’ll ask him to call you back.
5.own, 形容詞,自己的 owner,名詞 主人
one’s own+n 某人自己的東西
ΔWe have our own books.
1.與……不同 2.給……捎個信
3.從北京打電話給我 4.打電話給在美國的Neil
5.叫我們聽他講 6.叫他在沙發(fā)上
7.恐怕,害怕 8.給他們回電話
二. 翻譯句子
We _____ _____ _____ dogs.
He’s _____ _____ see the teacher.
He’s _____ _____ seeing the teacher.
Can you finish it today?
I’m _____ _____.
I’m _____ I _____ finish it today.
Will you be busy tomorrow?
I’m _____ _____.
I’m _____ I _____ _____busy tomorrow.
5. .你的家和我的(家)不同
Your home is _____ _____ mine.
6. You can tell me and then I will tell him.
=I will _____ a _____ for you.
1. There is a TV in the _____ (sit) room.
2. Simon is _____ (lie) in bed in his bedroom.
3. Your aunt is _____ (call) you from Jinan.
4. This is a room _____ (call) bathroom.
5. There is a beautiful garden with many
6. Our classroom is different from _____ (they).
7. I’ll ask her _____ (clean) the classroom after school.
8. The old man _____ (want) _____ (have) a house like that.
1. My mother is busy cooking in the k_____.
2. I’ll c_____ back later.
3. We keep our plates and glasses in the c_____.
4. My sister chose the m_____ in our bathroom. Because she likes looking at herself in it.
5. Let me take a m_____ for you.
6. ---- Can I borrow your rubber?
---- I’m a_____ not. I’m using it now.) 5. Tom will come back home at five o’clock.
Unit 1 Dream homes
( Main task)
1. 學(xué)會在寫作中理清思路。運用調(diào)查問卷的形式獲取信息。
1.電話號碼 2.姓氏
3.我自己的臥室 4.客廳
5.同時 6.至少
7.理想的家 8.足球場
9.50米長 10.一個有4個浴缸的浴室
1.surname=family name 姓氏
2. at least 至少
3. 表示某人、某物有多長/ 高/ 寬.
20米長 twenty metres long
30米高 thirty metres tall
10米寬 ten metres wide
4. There are no other rooms on the second floor.二樓沒有別的房間。
=There are not any other rooms on the second floor.
1)no= not a/an/ any
2)other+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù), 指別的或其它的……
the other常指兩個中的一個……,另一個……
others= other+可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)
another 再、又一,在一般情況下+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),指三個或三個以上中的另一個。
1) Do you know Mr. Scott’s ____________ (姓).
2) I sleep on the top of the bunk __________ (bed).
3) There is a f________ p________ (足球場) in our school.
4) I want to ______________. (洗個淋。.
5) The swimming pool is ___________ (至少)50 metres long.
6) My ____________ (夢想家園)is very large and beautiful.
7) The music ___________ (聽起來) nice.
8) The c_______ (首都)of Russia is Moscow.
9) My parents live in a __________ (木制的).
10) Aunt Lucy _________ (種) all kinds of flowers in the garden.
( ) 1. She is my teacher. Her name is Allan Brown. You can call her _____.
A. Miss Allan B. Mr. Allan C. Miss Brown
( ) 2. My telephone number ______ 3001278.
A. is B. am C. are
( ) 3. How many floors _____ your building _____?
A. do; have B. do; has C. does have
( ) 4. There’re twelve floors ____ my building and I live ____ the tenth floor.
A. in; in B. on; on C. in; on
( ) 5.The bed is 2 _____.
A. metre long B. metres long C. metres longswww.xkb1.com
( ) 6.Four students in the team are here. Where are ______ students?
A. the other B. other C. the others
( ) 7. Miss Li likes _____ students in her class.
A. all B. the all C. all the
( ) 8. This is a new pencil-box ____ two pens in it.
A. have B. has C. with
( ) 9.-Where’s the TV? -______.
A. Here it is. B. Here is it. C. Here the TV is.
( ) 10.There is ____ a bathroom in Andy’s home. He can _____ have a bath every day.
A. too; have B. also; have C. too; has
1. How many floors does your house have?(同義句)
How many floors _____ ______ ______ your house?
2. My telephone number is 8954621.(對畫線部分提問)
______ _____ your telephone number?
3.Our school is very large. It has many basketball courts in it. (同義句)
Our school is very large _____ many basketball courts in it.
4. My bedroom is on the second floor. (對畫線部分提問)
______ ______ is your bedroom on?
5. The classroom is 12 metres long. (對畫線部分提問)
_____ _____ is the classroom?
6. There are no other rooms on this floor. (同義句)
There are _____ rooms on this floor.
7. I go to school at 6:30. My sister goes to school at 6:30,too. (同義句)
My sister and I go to school ____ _____ ____
Unit 1 Dream homes
( Checkout)
本單元我們學(xué)習(xí)了in/on/at/in front of/behind/next to/opposite等方位介詞,顧名思義,方位介詞是用來描述事物所處的位置的。通過這節(jié)課的學(xué)習(xí)我們可以大致了解這些詞的用法。
1.Are there any flowers___the teacher’s desk? Yes,there are.
2.Their shoes are___the bed.
3.Millie is____ ___ ____ the gate.
4.Lily is _____the tree.
5.Andy is_____Peter and Nick.
6.There is a big tree ___the café.
7.Is there a picture_____the wall?
8.There are some boats_____the lake.
9.The dog is___ ____ ___ ___the river.
10.What’s ____ ____ ____ ____the park? There are some boats.
1.above 表示在某一物體的上方,一般不與參照物相接觸,也可表示在某一刻度的上方。Below 表示在某一物體的下方,一般不與參照物相接觸,也可表示在某一刻度的下方。
Δ Amy lives two floors above Mary.
Δ Mike lives three floors below Amy.
2.Tomorrow is her birthday.
A.twentieth B. the twentieth C. twenty D.the twenty
選A。點評:表示幾歲生日用于序數(shù)詞,當(dāng)序數(shù)詞前有物主代詞或名詞所有格修飾時,定冠詞 the省略。
(1).He lives on the twelveth floor.
(2).The teacher puts his book on the desk yesterday.
(3).We will have a party in the afternoon of December 9th.
(4).The teacher is in the front of the class.
(5).He came nineth in the Maths exam.
“____you have your______room?”
“No,I_____a room____my twin sister.”
There are____ ____rooms____the____in Andy’s_____home.
Please______the book_____the______.
He_____ _____the_____floor.
This is Lily’s bedroom. It is not very big, but the window is very, and the bedroom is bright. We can see some pictures and a nice clock on the walls. lily’s bed is small. A lamp is on the table, and some boxes of milk are under it. A beautiful desk is near the window .The desk is small. lily puts all her books in the desk, and some clothes in it, too There are some flowers on Lily’s desk. Some are red, some are yellow, some are pink and the others are white. They are very nice. Lily is a Chinese girl. She is polite and helpful.
1.Lily’s books are in her desk. We c__ __see them.
2.The flowers are in four c_ ___.
3.Lily’s bedroom is not e_____ . There are many things in it.
4.A clock and some nice pictures a__ _on the walls.
5.There is a d_ __beside her bed.
( )6.Lily does her homework at her desk.
( )7.The colours of the flowers are nice.
( )8.The desk is big.lily puts all her sweater on it.
( )9.Lily’s bedroom is very small.
( )10.There are three windows in the walls.
Unit 1 Dream homes
( Grammar)
Hi, I am Daniel .This is my classroom.. I sit ___1____ Millie and ____2____ the second row . I sit _3____ ____ Sandy and she sits __4____ Kitty and me . Amy sits ___5____ _______ _____ Sandy and __6__ Millie and Simon .There is a big desk ___7__ the front ___8___ our classroom .It is __9_ our teachers .You can see some chalk ____10____ the desk .The door is _11____the windows .
4589 24752 4.723
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1.above, over, on
above →(反) below表示位置高于某物在其上方,并不表示正上方。over
e.g. There’s a bridge over the river. The plane flew above us.
There’s a book on the teacher’s desk.
⑵between, among
e.g. I am sitting between my parents. I saw him among the students.
⑶in front of , in the front of
in front of →(反)behind 表示“在……前面”in the front of →(反) at the back
e.g. There is a garden in front of the house.
The desk for the teacher is in the front of the classroom.
⑷beside = next to e.g. David sits next to/beside me.
2. 基數(shù)詞的讀法:
⑴“幾十幾”十位和個位之間用“?”。e.g. 32 thirty-two
⑵101?999 百位和十位間加“and”.e.g. 928 nine hundred and twenty-eight
⑶1000以上的數(shù),從后往前每三位一段,倒數(shù)第一個數(shù)讀thousand,倒數(shù)第二個數(shù)讀million,依次類推。e.g. 8,542,601
eight million, five hundred and forty-three thousand, six hundred and one
hundred, thousand, million, billion等一般用單數(shù),但以下情況用復(fù)數(shù):
⑴表示不定數(shù)目:e.g. hundreds of millions of
e.g. in his twenties in the thirties
3. 序數(shù)詞的運用:
⑴表示日期:e.g. 6月1日 on the first of June/ on June (the) first
⑵表示編號:e.g. lesson 5 the fifth lesson
⑶起副詞作用,前無“the” e.g. Simon came first in the English exam.
⑷序數(shù)詞前有限定詞修飾時,不加“the”. e.g. This is my first lesson.
4.I’ll arrive in Beijing on Sunday.
arrive (vi.) arrive in(大地點)/at (小地點)= get to = reach
e.g. The train arrived an hour ago.
He arrives at school on time every day.=He gets to school on time every day.
= He reaches school on time every day.
arrive there/ here/home =get there/ here/ home= reach there/ here/ home
5.I can’t wait to see you. can’t wait to do sth
e.g. The boy can’t wait to turn on T V when he gets home..
6.Where else are we going?=What other places are we going?
where/what/who…+else something/anything/nothing/someone…+else
e.g. Do you want anything else?
1.My father lives ________ Room 88, the third floor ________ that building .
2. The broom is _______ the door, so I can not see it .
3.Andy sits ________Tom and her .
4.The park is next_______ the shop.
5.Would you like to come to my house ________ Mid-autumn Day .
在教室的后面 在公園和餐館之間
地上的籃球 在醫(yī)院對面
在李梅的后面 在講臺上
湖上的一座橋 在花園的左邊
1.There is a window on the wall . __________
2.My favourite friend sits in my right . __________
3.Eight thousands people will come to the party . __________
4.We are learning seventh lesson ._________.
5.They will go to Huanghai Park in Wednesday . __________
6.Children can’t wait open the presents at Christmas ._________
7.Is there a light on the teacher’s head ? __________.
8.---Do you busy next week?
----Yes, I am . __________.
1.I will arrive in Beijing on Sunday .(同義句)
I will ______ ______ Beijing on Sunday .
I will _______ Beijing on Sunday .
2. 那聽起來棒極了!
That _______ __________.
3. 他們都迫不及待想看到那個失蹤的孩子。
They can’t _______ _______ see the lost child .
4. 在長途的火車旅行后,你一定很累了。
 You must be very _________ after the long ________ trip .
5. 他們在五月三號,星期四參觀長城。
 They will ________ the ______ ________on _______, May the ________.
6. Kitty 得了五十分獲第九名。
Kitty got ______ _______. She came ________.
Please _______ him _______ ________me .
8. 我將帶你去頤和園。
I will _______ you to the _______ ________ .
20__________ 11__________ 8____________ 2_________
35_____________ 9____________ 15________ 43__________
24____________ 12____________ 19__________ 50___________
1. November is the _______ month of the year .
2. Thursday is the ________day of the week .
3. There are twenty-eight days in _________.
4. Mother’s Day is the ________ Sunday in May .
5. Meimei gets up early .She is always the _______ one to get to school.
6. He’ll arrive _______ Yancheng Middle School _______ July ,the seventh .
7. Women’s Day is on the ________ of March .
8.People in the west always celebrate Christmas on December the________.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/65760.html

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