
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

1. 本卷滿分為100分,考試時間90分鐘。
2. 請將本卷所有題目的答案做在答題卷相應的答題區(qū)內(nèi),做在試卷上無效。
(本題有15小題,第一節(jié)每小題1分,第二.三節(jié)每小題2分, 共25分)

( )4. What is Steve’s favorite animal?
A. B. C.
( )5. What is Tina doing?
A. B. C.
( )6. Where is Lily from?
A. Japan. B. Canada. C. China.
( )7. What language can Lily speak well?
A. French. B. English. C. Chinese.
( )8. What is Julia doing now?
A. She is shopping. B. She is watching TV.
C. She is writing for a magazine.
( )9. When do they want to go to the zoo ?
A. Next Friday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday.
( )10. What are Henry’s favorite animals?
A. Dogs. B. Pandas. C. Elephants.
A day in the zoo
The giraffeIt is ___11_____. It is from Africa.
The lionIt is __12____ and it is relaxed.
MollyMolly is a __13___ tiger. She is eating meat.
The __14____They are swimming in the pool.
Pan PanIt is a three-year-old panda. It is very __15___.
( )11. A. walking on the grass B. watching people C. eating leaves.
( )12. A. sleeping B. running C. swimming
( )13. A. three-year-old B. four-year-old C. five-year-old
( )14. A. koalas B. dolphins C. penguins
( )15. A. funny and relaxed B. small and shy C. shy and quiet

第二部分: 筆試部分
( )16. ---Frank has _______interesting job.
A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )17.-----Can he play______ basketball?
-----No, he can't. But he can play______violin.
A. the ;the B. /; the C. a ; the D. /, /
( )18. ---Can you draw?
---__________. But I can dance.
A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I don't . D. No, I can't
( )19.----When does Bob usually get up?
----He usually gets up _____half past six.
A. in B.at C.on D. for
( )20..---________does your mother go to work?
--- She rides her bike .
A. What B. Where C. How D. When
( )21.---____ is it from your school to the airport?
----Two kilometers.
A.How far B.How old C.How long D.How
( )22.---Jack_____ a bus to school ,but Lucy goes to school ___car.
A. Take;by B.take; take C. by; takes D. takes; by
( )23._______run in the hallways.It's dangerous.
A. No B. Not C. Don't D. Can't
( )24.----There are _________rules at school.
A. too many B. Too much C. much too D. many too
( )25. ______do you like sing? ----Because I like music.
A. What B. Where C. Why D. When
( )26. I like these storybooks because they are very_________.
A. scary B. interesting C. difficult D. quiet
( )27. ---This is Kevin. He ______ Australia.
A .come from B.is from C. comes D. is
( )28.---Look! Some girls _______ photos in the park.
A. is taking B. are taking C. takes D. take
( ) 29. -----___________ ? ----They are playing basketball.
A. What are they doing   B. What do they do  
C. How are they  D. Where are they
( )30.----Would you like to go to the movies?
----_____ . I like watching movies. (請選擇不恰當?shù)囊豁?
A. That sounds good B. Good idea
C. I'd love to D. No, I don't
An old woman has two pots (罐). She carries water(提水)_31_ the two pots every day. One of the pots is cracked (有裂紋的).After a long _32__ the woman can take back only a little water from the __33_ to her house.
The cracked pot says to the woman,"I'm very__34_. Because I have a crack, a lot of water is __35_ on the way."
The old woman says."Do you see that there __36 flowers (花) on the left,but not on the 37 ? I know you are cracked, _ 38__ I plant flowers on the left. They need your water every day. 39__.your crack,I can bring these flowers back to make (使) my house 40 . Your crack makes my house a nice place.
( ) 31. A. with B. of C. for D. on
( ) 32. A. walk B. swim C.sleep D. relax
( ) 33. A. park B. pool C. beach D. mall
( ) 34. A. excited B. surprised C. sorry D. busy
( ) 35. A. lost B. found C. clean D. dirty
( ) 36. A. has B. have C. is D. are
( ) 37. A. front B. back C. left D. right
( ) 38. A. so B. if C. when D. but
( ) 39. A. Thanks B. Thank for
C. Because of D. Because
( ) 40. A. beautiful B. quiet C. warm D. sunny
It's Sunday. Look at what these people are doing.
City Activity

New York Katherine is shopping with her mother .
She wants to buy a skirt for her mother's birthday.

ShanghaiLu Lu is talking with her friend on
QQ. They want to go to the movies this afternoon.

Jackie is visiting the zoo with his sister. He
likes animals very much.Look, he is feeding
the giraffes.

Hawaii Tom is lying on the beach
and relaxing. He works in New York
and he is usually very busy. Now he
just wants to have a good rest(休息).

( ) 41. Who is Kathrine shopping with?
A. Her father B. Her mother C. Her friends D. Her sister
( ) 42. Which animal is Jackie feeding?
A. Giraffes B. Pandas C. Tigers D. Lions
( ) 43. What's Jackie doing?
A. He is shopping.
B. He is looking for giraffes.
C. He is talking with his friends.
D. He is visiting the zoo in Moscow.
( ) 44、Where does Tom work?
A. In Shanghai B. In Moscow C. In New York D. In Hawaii
( ) 45、Which of the following is true?
A、Kathrine is a girl from China.
B、Tom is very busy in Hawaii now.
C、Lu Lu wants to go to the movies this afternoon.
D、Katherine wants to buy a T-shirt for her father's birthday.

It is sunny and warm today. A dog is sleeping.A panda comes to the dog and says,"You are a lazy dog. You don't do anything every day."
"What do I need to do?" asks the dog. My owner gives me food to eat.My owner takes me out for a walk.My owner loves me.Ha! I eat, I go out for a walk and I sleep. I don't have any other things to do."
But don't you have any ambitions(抱負)?"asks the panda.
" Ambitions? What do I need ambitions to do? I'm just a dog," says the dog. "What ambitions do you have?"
"I often go to other countries and make friends with people there.So I can show the world that Chinese are friendly," answers the panda.
"Oh," says the dog,"maybe I should(應該)do something for others."
( ) 46. What is the dog doing in the sunny day?
A. Walking B. Playing games
C. Eating D. Sleeping
( ) 47.文中劃線單詞owner 的中文意思是“ "
A. 主人 B. 老板 C.長輩 D. 失主
( ) 48. The dog has only thing(s) to do every day.
A. one B. two C. three D.four
( )49. The panda goes to other countries to show .
A. China has a long history B. China has all kinds of animals
C. China people love animals D. China people are friendly
( ) 50. The story tells us .
A. We should relax a lot on sunny days
B. Everyone should have ambitions
C. Pandas are clever animals
D. Animals are our friends
cross flag forget quick get
51.The river runs too for boats.
52.Don't to take your schoolbags home.
53.It is easy for them to school .
54.His brother the river on a ropeway every day.
55.There are many colorful in the park.

Mrs. Smith works in New York. She buys a 56 (美麗的) house there and 57 (居住) with her family. In front of her 58 (房子) , there is a _59___ (公園) . It's very big and __60___ (干凈的) . Some kids play soccer there every__61___( 周末) . One Sunday morning , Mrs.Smith doesn't go to work.She ___62___ (放松) at home and watches TV about the history word. It's 63 (有趣的) and she likes it very much. At that time, two little 64 (孩子) come to her house, "our 65 (寵物) goes into your room. Can I get it back (),please?"

Jim: Alan,can you help me,please?I'm doing my homework.
Alan: I'm sorry,Jim. I can't help you now. I 'm reading a book.
Jim: Oh, what are you reading now?
Alan: Some very interesting stories.
Jim: Can Jack help me?
Alan:Oh,no.He is watching TV.
Jim: What about Mark?
Alan: He can't help you.He is talking on the phone.

Jim (66) Alan(67) Jack(68) Mark(69)
70、Alan can't help Jim now because .
七. 書面表達(10分)


聽力部分 (25分)



三. 完型填空 (10分)

四. 閱讀理解 (每小題2分,共20分)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/67093.html
