
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
題 號一二三四五六七總 分
得 分
1、起床 __________ 2、thanks for ___________
3、彈鋼琴 __________ 4、待在家里__________
5、去學(xué)校___________ 6、bus station_________
7、how far__________ 8、healthy habits___________
9、take a walk ________ 10、在七點差一刻___________
1、My mother_________(步行) to work every day.
2、W______ is the post office?I can’t find it.
3、This hat is big. I want a s_______ one.
4、We can buy food in a s_________ .
5、This hotel is very d_______ .I want to change(換)to a clean hotel.
6、Go down and turn r______. You can find the hospital.
7、I can’t _______ (放松) before I finish my homework.
8、I can ______ (聽) to music when I work.
9、My aunt works in the police station. She is a p ______.
10、His little brother likes that s______ book.
( ) 1. The people there are very____ to us.
A. friend B. friendly C. friends
( )2. ?What____ she ____ ? --She is a teacher.
A. is…do B. is…doing C. does…do
( )3. Do you like ____ in China?
A. working B. work C. works
( )4. The students ____ their classroom every afternoon.
A. are cleaning B. clean C. cleans
( )5. The child____ his homework in the evening.
A. does B. do C. makes
( )6. ____right at First Street, the bank is_____ the left.
A. Go, on B. Turn, in C. Turn, on
( ) 7._______ wishes for the New Year .
A.Tell B. Best C. Last
( )8. _____ a good girl. All______ friends like her.
A. She, her B. She’s, she’s C. She’s, her
( ) 9. Peter and I_____ chess.
A. am playing B. are playing C. are play
( ) 10. ?Does Linda ______ to go to school on weekends?-----No, she______.
A. have,don’t B.has, doesn’t C. have, doesn’t
( ) 11. Mary ________her grandparents sometimes.
A. goes to see B. go to see C. want to see
( ) 12. She likes exciting jobs, so she wants to find a job_____ a reporter.
A. like B. as C. be
( ) 13. I want ___ a policeman because it is an exciting ____.
A to be, job B doing, work C to do, job
( ) 14. It’s an international school ___ children ___ 5-12.
A. for, of B. of , for C. of, of
( ) 15 Are you doing your homework? _______.
A. Yes, I’m not. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I like it.
_______ for _______ me with my English.
I ______ _______ my homework _______ five o’clock this afternoon.
We can ________ _______ _______ in school.

It isn’t _______ ______ the school to the bus stop.
I have a pen pal. His name is Jack Wilson. He 1 from Toronto, Canada. He is thirteen 2 old. He is a school-boy. He knows China is a great 3. He wants 4 friends in China and he wants to learn Chinese. There 5 nineteen students in his class. His classmates are from six countries. They are learning English. His parents are from France. They 6 French. But Jack speaks English and French. There are 7 Chinese here in Toronto. Jack wants to learn Chinese, but he doesn’t have 8 Chinese Textbooks. Could you help 9 ? Please write 10 him soon.
( ) 1、A. come B. is comes C. comes D. be
( ) 2、A. year’s B. years C. years’ D year
( ) 3、A. village B. town C. city D. country
( ) 4、A. make B. makes C. making D. to make
( ) 5、A. is B. has C. are D. have
( ) 6、A. speak B. say C. tell D. talk
( ) 7、A. much B. many C. a little D. a lot
( ) 8、A. an B. a C. some D. any
( ) 9、A. he B. him C. his D. me
( )1 0、A. from B. for C. to D. with
Jane lives in New York. It’s Sunday morning.There are many people in the park,some boys are playing basketball.There are some girls under a big tree.They’re singing and dancing.What are those women doing? They are drinking tea.Look at the woman in a blue coat.Who's she? She’s my mother.She is talking to Lin Feng.Lin Feng is her student.He is a good student.He studies hard.He’s good at all the subjects. And he's friendly to all his teachers and his friends.
( )1.The boys are _________.
A.singing B.playing basketball C.dancing D.drinking
( )2.Who’s under a big tree? __________
A.Some people. B.Some women. C.Some girls. D.Some boys.
( )3.what color is my mother's coat? It’s _________.
A.blue B.white C.red D.yellow
( )4.My mother is _______.
A.a(chǎn) teacher B.a(chǎn)n officer C.a(chǎn) doctor D.a(chǎn) woman
( )5.Lin Feng is in__________.
A.my home B.the classroom C.the zoo D.the park

Our school is on Guang Ming Street. It’s next to the People’s Library. There is a big garden across from our school. The pay phone is between our school and the post office. There are three buildings in our school. The students’ building, the teachers’ building and the library building. The teachers in our school are very good.
Our school yard is very beautiful. If you come to our school from the airport, take a taxi and go along the highway until you see a bridge. Go across the bridge and turn left. Then go straight along Bridge Street. Our school is on the right.
( ) 1、The market is across from our school.
( )2、Our school is between the post office and the People’s Library.
( ) 3、The big garden is on GuangMing Street.
( ) 4、The pay phone is next to the post office.
( ) 5、If you go straight along the highway, you can get to our school.
假如你叫 Mary, 你想征詢一位筆友,要求寫一則啟示。啟示中應(yīng)作適當(dāng)?shù)淖晕医榻B,例如姓名, 年齡,來自哪里,居住地,愛好,最喜歡的科目,想找什么樣的筆友等。
要求:1. 格式正確。
2. 語句流暢。
3. 詞數(shù) 60左右。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/67200.html
