
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Until the last minute of the match we tried our best.
2 )not…until直到……才……
I didn't go to bed until/till I finished my homework yesterday.
誤:We walked till/until the end of the forest.
正:We walked to the end of the forest.
⑦ We can take you to other shopping malls.(P23)
[辨析] another,the other,others,the others
I don't want this coat. Please show me another.
the other①特指兩個(gè)中的另一個(gè)xkb1.com
He has two sons. One is a worker, the other is a doctor.
Tom likes swimming,and the other boys in his class like swimming,too.
He often helps others.他經(jīng)常幫助他人。
Some are playing basketball, others are playing football.
the others特指確定范圍內(nèi)剩下的全部人或物。
There are fifty students in our class.Twenty of them are girls,the others are boys.
⑧ You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.
Any: 任何 you like修飾前面的food
⑨ If so,you are in the right place.
If so=If you would like to eat Chinese food.
e.g. Tom is a good boy. Do you think so?
⑩ Why don't you visit our local theater with us?
Why don't you do=Why not do
e.g. Why don't you go swimming?
Why not come with me?
become, say thank to, be, have, hold a party, study,show…around, take…to, be close to, take
1. His mother asks him ____________ hard.
2. Why don’t you ___________a break? You look so tired.
3. When he was a child, he __________ ___________ ___________ a doctor.
4. Millie loves shopping. Let’s _____________ her ___________ a shopping mall.
5. My parents will_________________________ for my birthday this year. I will get a lot of presents.
6. There is little cars in the country, so there __________ not much pollution there.
7. She has much housework to do. It _________ her at least two hours to finish it every day.
8. Tommy has many friends at school in China. He _____________________ them. They always help each other.
9. Who _________ you _________ the Science Museum when you visited Beijing?
10. I gave the little girl sweets as a treat and she ___________________________ to me.
( ) 1. We don’t have to go far because the library is ________ our school.
A. close B. close to C. near to D. next
( ) 2. ---How many apples are there in the basket? --________.
A. No B. No one. C. None D. Nothing.
( ) 3. Miss Green teaches ________ English.
A. us B. our C. we D. ourselves
( ) 4. We have a lot of things ________ on Sundays.
A. doing B. do C. to do D. did
( ) 6. ____ girl with ______ orange in her hand is my best friend, Lucy.
A. A, the B. The, a C. A, an D. The, an
( ) 7. Why don’t you ________ outside our school at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow?
A. to meet B. meeting C. meet D. will meet
( ) 8. That boy is Simon. And the girl next to ________ is Amy.
A. he B. his C. him D. she
( ) 9. This is _______ English class. I hope you can enjoy English.
A. the first B. the our first C. a first D. first an
( ) 10. The room isn’t big enough for us ________.
A. to live B. to live in C. live in D. living in
( ) 11. I didn’t go to bed _______ ten o’clock last night.
A. after B. when C. to D. until
( ) 12. ---What can you see on the table? ---We can see four ___ and six ______.
A. bottle of milk, tomato B. bottle of milks, tomatoes
C. bottles of milk, tomatoes D. bottles of milks, tomatoes
( ) 13. English will help us ______ with our work and study.
A. lot B. a lot C. a lot of D. lots of
( ) 14. Last Sunday, Uncle Wang _______ us _______ his home town.
A. show, around B. show, visit
C. showed, to visit D. showed, around
( ) 15. I often go to the centre of the city ______taxi
A. with B. buy C. in D.on
1. The nearest fruit shop is only 5 minutes from my home on foot. (對(duì)畫線部分提問)
_______ ________ is the nearest bookshop from your home on foot.
2. The building has 18 to 35 floors.. (同上)
__________ __________ __________ does the building ___________?
3. There is nothing in the bottle. (同義句)
There __________ __________ __________ in the bottle.
4. It’s only ten minutes from school by bicycle. (近義句)
It ___________ only ten minutes __________ __________ to school.
5. My home is near my school. (同義句)
My home is _________ _________ my home.
6. I’d like to live in a modern town. ( 對(duì)劃線部分提問)
__________ __________ you like to ________?
7. Why not meet him at the stop? (改為同義句)
_________ _________ __________ _________ him at the stop?

Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town

1. 識(shí)別并掌握各種職業(yè)的名稱
2. 了解從事不同職業(yè)的人的工作場所
3. 培養(yǎng)對(duì)詞匯進(jìn)行分類和歸納的好習(xí)慣
1. 醫(yī)生___________ 2. (男)侍者_(dá)_________ 3. 廚師_____________
4. 醫(yī)院___________ 5. 收銀員___________ 6. 護(hù)士_____________
7. 餐館___________ 8. 超市_____________ 9. 教師 ___________
1. She is a good friend of ________________(我的).
2. England is a __________________(西方的)country .
3. On Sundays, there are many ______________(購物者)in the shopping malls.
4. What a ________________(晴朗)day!Let’s go out for a walk.
5. You can go to a ________________(劇院)to enjoy Beijing Opera.
6. My favourite sport is _______________(羽毛球).
7. How much dog food can Eddie buy ________________(用)one yuan?
8. Let’s ______________(點(diǎn)) a pizza, shall we?
9. Jack got up so late that he _______________(錯(cuò)過)the last train.
10. Your hands look so _________________(臟的). Go and wash them.
1. 在電冰箱里  2. 喜歡打羽毛球______________________
3. 去電影院           4. 乘地鐵____________________________
5. 較少的空氣污染        6. 我們中大多數(shù)人____________________
7. 例如             8. 需要幫助做回家作業(yè)________________
9. 選擇你喜歡的任何食物     10. 沒關(guān)系___________________________
11. 為什么不做某事        12. 一個(gè)居住的好地方_________________
13. 交流學(xué)生 14. 屬于_____________________________
15. 帶領(lǐng)某人參觀某地_____________________
( )1. Let us take ______ to the shopping mall
A. them B. themselves C. theirs D. their
( )2. How much ______ is there on the table?
A. meats  B. meat C. eggs D. egg
( )3. _______ of the answers is right.
A. No B. None C. Not D. Every
( )4. The pollution here ______ becoming more and more serious.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
( )5. Thanks for _______ me.I really need your ______.
A. helping;help B. help;help C. helping;help D. helping; helping
( )6. There is a famous park here.______ name is Xuanwu Park.
A. My B. Her C. His D. Its
( )7. There are many ______ in Xi’an.
A. interesting place B. interesting places
C. places of interesting D. place of interest
( )8. _______ in my class is good at writing.
A. No B. Not C. No one D. Some
( )9. There is ______ “u” and _______ “s” in the word “us”.
A. a;a B. an;an C. an;a D. a;an
( )10. _______ cartons of milk do you want?
A. How many B. How much C. What number D. What

牛津英語7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town
Comic strip and welcome to the unit
Teaching aims and demands:
1.To master the new words and phrases :
none , order , badminton ,tin , pizza , maybe , sports centre .
2.Understand the following sentences:
There’s no dog food
How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?
Maybe we can order a pizza.
Let’s take them to the sports centre.
3.Use the words and phrases correctly.
Teaching importances and difficulties:
1.Read the dialoge fluently and rightly
2.The names of different ocassions
Teaching steps:
Step One .Warming up
1.Would you like to go to the supermarket?
2.Do you have any money with you?
3.How much money do you have?
4.How much does the book cost?
Step Two. Entering
1.Eddie often goes to the restaurant with Hobo.He often orders a tin of dog food. Sometimes he orders a pizza if he has enough money.
2.---Do you have any money?
---None. I haven’t any money with me. Maybe Millie has some, but she is in sports centre now.
Read these new words and phrases.
Step Three Sum up some phrases.
some dog food, go to the supermarket, how much money,
how many tins, buy something with some money, order a pizza,
enjoy Chinese food, take them to the sports centre.
Step Four Explain some points .
1.There’s no dog food. = There isn’t any dog food.
no= not any / a
eg: I have no money.=______________________
There is no student in the room. =__________________
“food” is an uncountable noun, we may say,
some food, much food, a lot of food
eg: There’s a lot of food in the fridge.
2.How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?
with 意為“憑借”,“使用某種工具”。
eg: We write with our hands.
He bought a kite with his pocket money.
3.Let’s take them to the sports centre.
take sb / sth to some place 帶某人/某物去某地
eg: My parents took me to the hospital when I was ill last week.
Our Chinese teacher will take us to the museum next week.
Don’t take the dog to the cinema.
Step Five. Activity
Use Eddie and Hobo’s conversation as a model. Talk about something about you and you partner.
Step Six. Welcome to the unit:
1.Give a picture and ask “What can we do here?”
2.Guide students to say others in this way
Step Seven Consolidation
I. 翻譯下列詞組
1.去超市 2。 看電影
3.打羽毛球 4。 點(diǎn)一些食品
5. 中國式飯店
1.My cousin like playing _______(羽毛球)。
2.I don’t know where Miss Zhang is.______(也許)she is in her office.
3.Let’s_____(帶)them to the classroom.
4.A:How many students can you see in the playground?
1.She like playing the basketball.
2.We can take him to there.
3.Sorry. Are you Miss Wang?
4.May be we can order a pizza.
Step Eight homework:
Reading I
Teaching aims and demands:
To master some words and phrases.
underground, air pollution, area, country, lake, building, such, place, like, close, Western, local, theatre, teach
To master some sentences.
1)There’s less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.
2)You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.
3)Why don’t you visit our local theatre with us?
Listen, read and repeat the Reading Part.
Teaching importances and difficulties:
1.How to improve studengts’ reading abilities
2.New words and phrases
Teaching steps:
Step One. Warming up
1)Would you like to live in a modern town?
2)Would you like to live in a flat?
3)Would you like to eat Chinese food or fast food?
4)Would you like to enjoy Beijing Opera?
5)Would you like to go shopping in Sunshine Town?
Step Two. Entering
OK .Today I’ll take you to Sunshine Town for a trip. Sunshine Town is a great new Town. There are lots of things to do there. There’s less air pollution than in other areas of Beijing. There are many tall buildings and you can go any by underground. There are lots of lakes and trees in the country park. There are lots of lakes and trees in the country park. There are lots of lakes and trees in the country park. There ate also many theatres here. You can enjoy Beijing Opera.
Read and spell the new words and phrases.
Step Three
Ask the students to read the passages quickly and then say “T” or “F”.
1.Sunshine Town is an old Town in Beijing.
2.There isn’t any parks in Sunshine Town.
3.Many students live in tall buildings.
4.We can shop in Shopping Mall until eleven o’clock at night.
5.There’s only Chinese food in Sunshine Town.
6.Everybody can enjoy Beijing Opera at the theatre.
Step Four
Ask the students to read after the tape and sum up some phrases.
tell sb about sth , such a tall building .
go walking , most of us .
by underground , be close to.
have to do sth , buy lots of things there
choose any food you like, Beijing Opera
Step Five
Ask the students to read it carefully then answer some detail questions
1.How far is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing By underground?
2.Is there less air pollution in Sunshine Town?
3.How many floors do the tall buildings have?
4.Can we buy things in the shopping malls at weekends?
5.Where can we eat Beijing Duck?
6.Are there any Western restaurants in Sunshine Town?
7.Where can we enjoy Beijing Opera?
Step Six
Ask the students to repeat the passages with their own words.
1. 乘坐地鐵 2。離`````近
3.我們中的大多數(shù) 4。 去散步
5. 空氣污染 6。這樣的一幢高樓
7.北京市中心 8。 直到晚上十點(diǎn)
1.People in Shanghai can go shopping by ______(地鐵)
2.There’s less air ______(污染)in the country than in the city.
3.I can’t believe_____(如此)a young girl can sing so well.
4.Most of us live in tall______(樓房)today.
5.Who _____(教)you English this year?

Reading II
Teaching aims and demands:
To master the following sentences.
1)There’s less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.
2)Most of us live in places like this.
3)You can shop until 10 o’clock at night.
4)If so, you are in the right place.
5)You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.
6)Why don’t you visit our local theatre with us?
Write sth. about the students’ home town life with these words and phrases.
Teaching importances and difficulties:
1.How to improve studengts’ reading abilities
2.New words and phrases
Teaching steps:
Step One Warming up
1.How far is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing?
2.What can you see and do in Sunshine Park?
3.Why do most of the students like living in tall buildings?
4.When does the Star Shopping Mall close everyday?
5.Are there any Western restaurants in Sunshine Town?
Step Two Entering
1.Ask one or two students to say sth about Sunshine Town.
2.Rwad the passages together.
3.Translate the passages.
Step Three Language points.
1.There’s less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.
less是little的比較級(jí),more是much many 的比較級(jí) than是比較級(jí)的標(biāo)志
eg: I know more English than you, but I know less maths than you.
Millie is taller than Lily.
2.Most of us live in tall buildings.
most of us 我們中的大多數(shù)
擴(kuò)展:some of ``````,one of``````````
eg: Most of the students like playing computer games.
Some of them like playing football.
One of you is a monitor.
3.Here is such a tall building.
Such + a /an +形容詞+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù) 一個(gè)如此`````的
eg: He is such a smart boy.
It’s such a beautiful flower.
He is so smart a boy. So many flower.
4.We like it because we are close to out friends.
be close to 與``````關(guān)系好,離``````近,區(qū)別close /kl
eg: The shop closes at ten every evening.
On Sunday, the shop is closed.
We are close friends.
She studies in this school because she is close to it.
5.We don’t have to go far if we want help with our homework.
have to 不得不 強(qiáng)調(diào)因客觀條件的制約而不得不去做某事。
否定形式為:don’t have to = needn’t “不必,沒有必要“
擴(kuò)展:must 必需,應(yīng)該 通常是指主觀認(rèn)識(shí)到應(yīng)該去做某事
否定形式:mustn’t 不應(yīng)該,不能,相當(dāng)于can’t, shouldn’t
needn’t 相當(dāng)于 don’t have to
eg: _____I finish my homework now? No, you ______.
Today I don’t ______do my homework because Tomorrow is Saturday.
You ______ cross the road when the light is red .
6.You can shop until ten o’clock at night in Star Shopping Mall.
until “直到``````”,常用于固定搭配 not```until “直到```才```”,“不到````不```”
eg: I didn’t go to bed until eleven o’clock last night.
You can’t go home until your teacher comes.
7.Why don’t you visit our local theatre with us?
Why don’t you`````?并不是真正的疑問句,提出建議的一種表示方式,也可用why not`````?
eg: Why don’t you go to the cinema?
==Why not go to the cinema?
==Let’s go to the cinema ,shall we?
Step Four
Ask the student to go around Huilong Town and then say something about it. Write an article, use the Rwading as a model.
Step F ive Consolidation
I Finish the exercises on Page28---29.
II Fill in the blanks
1)Fill in the blanks ______(地區(qū))need help.
2)People in ____(地方的)countries celebrate Christmas every year.
3)_____(當(dāng)?shù)?people usually know much about the traditions there.
4)My school is about three miles_____(遠(yuǎn))from my home.
1.There is little water in this cup than in that one.
2.we have to wearing school uniforms at the assembly.
3.Simon often goes walk in the park.
4.Everyone in Sunshine Town speak Chinese.
5.Such big an egg surprised all of us.
Teaching aims and demands:
1.To master the words and phrases.
waiter, shopper, doctor, cook, cashier, supermarket, hospital, restaurant, etc.
2. Ask some students to read and spell the names of the plays.
Teaching importances and difficulties:
1.Use these words about jobs and places smoothly.
2.New words and phrases
Teaching steps:
Step One Warming up
1.Daily report
2.Revision Reading Part
Step Two Entering
Would you like t be a teacher?
A teacher works in a school?
Would you like to be a doctor?
A doctor works in a hospital? `````xkb1.com
Presentation some new words and then read and spell them.
Step Three Sum up some phrases
a woman shopper , men doctors
an English teacher , a top student
a good cook , want to be a cashier
be in hospital , at school
Step Four Language points
1.waiter: a person who serves others, usually a man or a boy
擴(kuò)展:actor 男演員, actress 女服務(wù)員
eg: His sister is a waitress of Beijing Restaurant.
Amy wants to be an actress when she grows up.
Andy is going to work in a restaurant as a waiter.
2.shopper: a person who shops
擴(kuò)展: go shopping, do some shopping, shop assistant, ahopkeeper
eg: Star shopping mall is a good place to go shopping.
The shop assistants there are helpful, The shopkeeper is very pleased with them.
3.cook: a person who cooks very well or makes dishes for customers in a restaurant or a hotel
擴(kuò)展: cook V. 燒,煮 cooks n. 炊具
eg: His father is a good cook. He cooks very well.
These cookers aren’t made of iron.
4.hospital: a place to go if someone is sick.
相關(guān)詞匯:doctor, nurse, patient
擴(kuò)展:be in hospital 住院
be in a hospital 在一家醫(yī)院里
eg: My father is a doctor. My mother is a nurse.
They work in the same hospital.
The old man is a patient. He is in hospital.
Step Five Activity
Divide the class into pairs. Get students to take turns to ask questions about jobs and people at certain places, using the table they have completed earlier.
eg: S1: Who works at a restaurant?
S2: A cook/ waiter/ waitress/ manager.
S1: Who goes there?
S2: A diner.

Grammar I
Teaching aims and demands:
1.how much how many
2.The use of no and none
Teaching importances and difficulties:
1.how much how many
2.The use of no and none
Teaching steps:
Step one Warming up
1.Can you count your finger?
2.Can you count rice?
3.How much money do you have?
4.How many students are there in your class?
Step Two Entering
1.We have learned about countable and uncountable nouns in Book TA, Unit4
And we also know we can ask questions about quantities with “how much” and “how many”. Today well discuss it again.
1)much 和many 都可以表示數(shù)量上的多,much修飾不可數(shù)名詞,many修飾可數(shù)名詞。
eg: Everyday I have _______housework to do at home.
There are ______ green trees and hills in Sunshine Park.
2)how much 和 how many 都可以對(duì)物體的數(shù)量進(jìn)行提問,其區(qū)別和much和many 的 區(qū)別一樣。
eg: How much water is there in the bottle?
How many people are there in your family?
擴(kuò)展:how much 還可以對(duì)重量及價(jià)格提問。
eg: How much beef do you need? Half a kilo.
How much is the beef? Six yuan a kilo.
相關(guān)詞組:two many , too much 太多
so many ,so much如此多
2.Finish the exercises on Page 27.28
3. NO與None 用表示數(shù)量為零的情況,即“沒有”
1.“no” is an adjective and must be followed by a noun, it is equal to “not any”.
“none” is a pronoun and must not be followed by noun ,.
eg: Are there any apples on table? No, there’re none.
Is there any water in the bottle? No, there’s no water in it.
2.We use “there is none /no +noun” for uncountable nouns .
We use “there are none/ no +noun(s)” for countable nouns
4. Finish the exercises on Page29
Step Three Play a game
Bring in some items which are countable or uncountable. Students have to remember the items and the quantities and write them down. Then play the game in groups. The students ask questions using “How much” or “How many”.
eg: S1: How many oranges were there on the desk?
S2: There were four . How much water was there in the bottle?
S3: There’s only a little.
Step F ive Consolidation
I.用how much 或how many 填空。
1._____students are there in your school?
2.______bread do you need? A little.
3._______chips are there in that box?
4._______does the coat cost?
5._______times do you walk your dog every week?
1.There’s _____dog food in the fridge.
2.How much milk would you like?_______.
3.There’re _____ tomatoes in my basket.
4.Are there any candies in the box? _______, there’re _______.
1.There is a bottle of milk on the desk?
2.I have two pencil---boxes.
3.I want three pieces of beef.
4.Li Ming has two yuan in his pocket?

Grammar II
Teaching aims and demands:
1.Posseeeive adjectives and pronouns
2.The definite article”the”
Teaching importances and difficulties:
1.Posseeeive adjectives and pronouns
2.The definite article”the”

Teaching steps:
Step One
Revise the key vocabulary about food items
Ask Ss to identify countable and uncountable nouns of food.
Step Two
Complete the sentences
How many +countable nouns(pl.)
How much + uncountable nouns
e.g. How many apples do you need?
How many eggs do you have?
How much Coke do you need?
Step Three
Complete the conversation with “no” or “none”
(1) no =not any no +noun.
e.g. She has no friends.
No ones knows.
There is no water in the glass at all.
(2) none prep. 沒有人或沒有東西
e.g. None of them are listening to you.
Is there any time left? No, none at all.
Step Four
The article “a”, “an”, “the”
(1)表示某人(事物)某一種類 My father is a driver.
Do you like an apple or a pear?
(2)表示某一事物中的任何一個(gè) An elephant is bigger than a horse
A monkey can climb trees.
(3)表示某人某物,但不具體說明何人何物 A student from Class Two runs fastest.
A man is calling now.
(4)表示數(shù)量有”一”的含義 There is a book on the desk.
A panda has a mouth, a nose and two eggs.
(5)用于固定詞組 half an hour, a lot of, have a rest, a moment ago
(6)上文提過,下文重復(fù) I have a new pen. The pen is a present from my dad.
(7)世界上獨(dú)一無二的事物 the sun, the moon
(8)序數(shù)詞前,表示方位的名詞前,形容詞最高級(jí)前 the first, in the south, the best
(9)樂器名詞前 play the piano
(10)在復(fù)數(shù)姓氏前 the Browns(=the Brown family) are going to Shanghai for a holiday.
(11)一些形容詞前表示一類人 the rich, the old
(12)專有名詞和習(xí)慣用語中the Great Wall, by the way, in the morning
① 節(jié)目,星期.月份,季節(jié),年,學(xué)科前 in summer, in August, on Sunday
② 一些專有名詞,不可名詞,稱呼和頭銜前 China, Grade Two, Mr. Li, Dr. Liu
③ 表示顏色,語種和國家前 in purple, Japanese, England
④ 一些短語中 have breakfast, play football
Step Five
Discussion (task)
Have a discussion and find out the use of the article.
1. Review the contents of this lesson.
2. Do the Ex of the workbook.

Intergrated skills
Teaching aims and demands:
3.To listen for detail and abstract information about making arrangements.
4.To order information from a tour guide’s introduction.
5.To exchange information about times, places and activities.
Teaching importances and difficulties:
To order information from a tour guide’s introduction.
To exchange information about times, places and activities.
Teaching steps:
Step 1 Create an interest in local attractions.
Bring some pictures about famous local places to class. Ask a few very general questions about whether they like the places or have visited them. Ask students to bring in some pictures of places they have already visited or wish to visit. Students prepare four statements about their choice of attraction, eg, where it is, when it is open, what you can do there and what they like most about it.
Step 2 Go through some key vocabulary items in Parts A1 and A2.
Step 3 Listen to the tape then do Part A3.
Step 4 Ask students to read Simon’s notes in Part A4. Try to play the recording.
Step 5 Read and try to act out Part B
Step 6 Consolidation
There are ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ in the musuem.
2. 不要錯(cuò)過早班車
______ _______ the early bus.
3. 聽起來好極了。我們什么時(shí)候離開?
That______great. When shall we ______?
How _____ ______are there on the table ?
二. 根據(jù)句義,用括號(hào)中所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空
1. We enjoy ______(eat) Chinese food.
2. There are lots of _______(interest) things__________to see.
3. There are ten ______(fish) in the bowl.
4. I like Chinese ________(paint) very much.
5. The plate isn’t a _______(gold) one.

Main task & Check out
Teaching aims and demands:
1.To write descriptions for a specific purpose and audience
2.To become familiar with a new text-type: a video script
3.To organize language and descriptions to achieve interest
4.To read a video script to the class
Teaching importances and difficulties:
1.Words and phrases:
nearby, wonderful, sunny, type. youth centre, ride a bicycle, play ball games
I’m going to show you around my hometown.
It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.
I’m going into town on my bicycle.
I think it is a wonderful place to live (in)
Teaching steps:
Step1: Daily report.
Ask a student to make some dialogues between the students about daily report.
Eg: How are you? Would you like to read? What do you think of our school?
Step2: Entering
1.Talk to students about the purpose of writing a video script. Elicit ideas about a possible audience and what aspects they would like to focus on.
2.See a video then let them say something about John’s hometown
Step3: Listen, read and say
Step4 Points
1、I’m going to show you around my hometown.
show sb around: 帶某人四處看看
Please come to my house and I’ll show you around.
2、Here is my house.
Where is my bag?―Here it is! Under the desk.
Can I borrow your pen?―Sure. Here you are.
Here comes the bus.
3、It takes twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.
It takes +一段時(shí)間+to do. 做某事要花費(fèi)…時(shí)間
take 表示“花費(fèi)” 講時(shí)只能用于時(shí)間,因此要注意與spend 的區(qū)別。
此句的同義句為:I spend twenty minutes getting to the nearest town.
另外:get to 是“到達(dá)”的意思,有同樣意思的詞還有reach 和 arrive.
用arrive get reach 填空:
Simon _________ in Beijing two years ago.
When I _____________ home, I couldn’t find my father.
Hurry up, so you can ______ to the airport on time.
When I _______ at the bus stop, my friend was waiting for me there.
4、There are lots of things to do there and I am always busy.
things to do: 要做的事。to do 在這里理解為不定式作定語。類似的短語有:
homework to do work to finish
something to eat something to drink
a good place to go a wonderful place to live
5、I like going into town on my bicycle. 我喜歡騎車進(jìn)城。
on one’s bicycle == on one’s bike==by bike
6、I think it is a wonderful place to live. 我認(rèn)為這是個(gè)居住的好地方。
居住在某個(gè)地方通常說成to live in a place, 因此上面這個(gè)句子也可以說成;
I think it is a wonderful place to live in.
7、I hope you can come and visit soon. 我希望你很快就能過來參觀。
注意hope的用法: hope to do 希望做某事
hope (that)+從句 希望…….
不能說: hope sb to do sth.
I hope _______ with his wife tonight.
Step5: Activity
1. The completed scripts can be presented as video presentations. If a video recorder is available, ask students to shoot the different places mentioned in their scripts.
2 . Or you could get your students to act out a series of video clips in front of the class

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/67914.html

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