
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
七 年 級(jí) 英 語 試 題
1. 本試題分為第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷兩個(gè)部分。第Ⅰ卷1—4頁共40分;第Ⅱ卷5—7頁共60分。滿分100分?荚嚂r(shí)間90分鐘。
2. 答題前務(wù)必將自己的學(xué)校、姓名、準(zhǔn)考證號(hào)等信息寫在第II卷的指定位置;第Ⅰ卷做出答案后,一律將答案填寫在第II卷上的第Ⅰ卷答題欄內(nèi),交卷時(shí)只交第Ⅱ卷。
第 Ⅰ 卷( 共40分)
一. 單項(xiàng)選擇(15分)
1. I can play guitar, but I can’t play football.
A. the, a B. a, the C. an, the D. the, /
2. I usually go to bed _______ ten o’clock.
A. in B. at C. on D. for
3. I don’t like lions, because they are .
A. cute B. friendly C. scary D. interesting
4. Where _______ lions ______ ?
A. does, from B. do, come from C. is, from D. are, come from
5. —Li Ming, are you listening or writing?
A. Yes, I am B. I’m listening
C. No, I’m not writing D. He is writing.
6. — do you get to school?
—By bike.
A. What B. Which C. How D. Who
7. David is a ________ musician. He can play the piano very ________.
A. good, good B. well, well C. good, well D. well, good
8. It ______ me five hours to draw this picture.
A. makes B. gets C. spends D. takes
9. —How about this sweater?
—It’s _______ long.
A. a kind of B. kind of C. kin ds of D. a kind
10. —Where is Uncle John?
—He _________ computer games in the bedroom.
A. plays B. is playing C. playing D. play
11. —Why do you want to __________ the art club?
—Because I like it and I’m good __________ it.
A. have; withB. join; inC. join; at D. have; for
12. Please ____________ in the classroom.
A. don’t runB. doesn’t runC. not run D. can’t run
13.— Can we eat in the classroom?
A. Yes, you do B. Yes, you areC. No, you can’t D. No, you don’t
14.— Let’s go to the zoo on Sunday morning.
— __________.
A. That sounds good B. Thank you very much
C. Yes, we are D. Not at all
1 5. Which sign means “NO photos”? 16

二. 完形(10分)
Animals are our friends. We can find 16 different kinds of animals. Some animals are living 17 big woods(森林). And some animals are living with 18 . Animals are very 19 to people. People can teach the elephant to do some heavy 20 . An d they can also teach the dog to 21 the house. A watch dog is very 22 . It can help people in danger(危險(xiǎn)). So people 23 dogs very much. Most o f 24 like to go to the zoo. 25 there are many animals in zoos. Zoo is a good place for children to get to know animals.
16. A. a B.any C. much D.many
17. A. at B. on C.in D.with
18. A.books B.people C.trees D.water
19. A.useful B. lazy C.smart D.sad
20. A.study B.work C.homework D. housework
21. A. look at B.look like C.look after D. look for
22. A. smart B.shy C. friendly D.ugly
23. A. need B.dislike C.get D.like
24. A.men B. women C.teachers D. children
25. A.Because B.And C. But D. So
New Library Rules
1. Open time: 8:30am.-4:30pm. From Monday to Friday.6. No taking books out if you don’t ask the people here.
2. No talking.7. Keep the library books for only one week.
3. No eating any food.8. Give the boo ks back on time.
4. No listening to music.9. Renew (續(xù)借)books on time.
5. No taking photos.10. Pay for the lost(丟失) books.
26. How long can we read books on Monday in the library?
A. For four hoursB. For six hoursC. For eight hours.D. For ten hours
27. What can’t we do in the library?
A. Borrow books.B. Renew books.
C. Keep the library book for a week. D. Take books out anytime
28. What do you have to do if we lose the library books?
A. buy them B. pay for them
C. renew them D. ask the people there.
29. When can you go to the library?
A. 8:30am. on Saturday.B. 2:30pm. on Sunday.
C. 10:30pm. on Friday. D. 3:30pm. on Tuesday.
30. What time do we have to leave the library?
A. At 2:00 pm. B. Before 4:30pm
C. After 4:30pm D. In the afternoon
There is a park near my home. People like to go to this park after work. Some of them go to the park ever y d ay. Look! This is Mr. King. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing a game. Some boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a big tree. They are talking about their favorite movies. There is a small river in the park. We can see some boats on the water. Some children are sitting in the boats with their parents. Listen! A girl is singing. It’s really a nice park. I come here every day.

31. ________ like to go to the park.
A. Children B. Parents C. Lucy and Lily D. People
32. There are some________ in the park.
A. birds and cats B. chairs and boats C. balls and kites D. houses and buses
33. Lucy is talking with________.
A. Mr. King B. the boys C. Lily D. her parents
34. We can’t see ________ in the park.
A. children B. men C. women D. dogs
35. What is the writer doing?
A. He’s watching the people in the park. B. He’s playing a game
C. He’s sitting in a boat D. He’s singing under the tree
Jim is an American. He is now living(居住) in China.He gets up at about half past six and has breakfast at seven o’clock.After breakfast, he says goodbye to his parents and leaves home at half past seven.He usually walks to school. He gets there at five minutes to eight.He has his first class at eight.
Morning classes are ove r at ten past twelve and he has lunch five minutes later,at about a quarter past twelve.After lunch he plays with his frien ds.
Afternoon classes begin at half past one.Usually there are two lessons in the afternoon.They finish at half past three.Usually he plays games or other things at school,and he gets home at about a quarter past five.He has supper at six and then does his homework and then watches TV. He goes to bed at about half past ten.
36. Where was Jim born(出生)?
A. In America. B. In England. C. In China. D.In Beijing.
37. It takes Jim ________ to get to school.
A.half an hourB.twenty minutes
C.twenty-five minutesD.thirty-five minutes
38. Jim is ________.
A.an English teacherB.a doctor
C.a cleanerD.a student
39. How does he go to school?
A. By bus B.By bike. C. On foot. D. By train.
40. He goes to bed at ________ in the evening.
A.9:00B.10:00 C.10:30D.11:30



第Ⅱ卷(非 共60分)
41. My sister can _______________ (跳舞) well, she joins the music club.
42. My father is washing the ________________ (餐具) in the kitchen. .
43. Be quiet. My little sister is _________________ (睡覺) in the next room.
44. (大象) _________________ is the biggest animal in the world.
45. Koalas are from _________________(澳大利亞).
46. His father is a teacher. He ___________________ (教)math in our school.
47. There are some ________________(孩子們) in the zoo to see animals. .
48. My English teacher is _______________ (友好的) to us, so we like her very much.
49. It’s about 20 __________________(公里) from my home to shool.
50. It is ___________________ (重要的) for us to do more exercise every day.
五、 根據(jù)句意,用括號(hào)內(nèi)所給動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式。(必要時(shí)加助動(dòng)詞或情態(tài)動(dòng)詞)(10分)
51. Peter, don’t ________________ (fight) with your classmates.
52. He ________________ (have) to wear school uniform at school.
53. The little girl often _______________(help) his mother __________________(make) breakfast.
54. Tommy often_____________ (study) English every morning.
55. —________________ Rick usually _______________(watch ) TV on weekends?
—No, he doesn’t.
56. —Do you want ________________(join) us to play basketball?
—Yeah, I’d love t o.
57. My father can _____________(play) the piano.
58. Mary likes ___________________(swim) in the river.
59. Look! The men ________________(run) out of the house.
60. —Where is Jenny?
—She ____________________(use) the computer to play computer games.
A: 61
B: Yes, please. Could you tell me where the First People’s Hospital is?
A: Let me see. Oh, it's far from here.
B: 62
A: About five miles. 63
B: Which bus should I take?
A: The No.1 bus will take you there.
B: 64
A: It's about 30 minutes.
B: Thanks for your help.
A: 65
A. That's OK.
B. You can take a bus to go there.
C. You can go there by bike.
D. How long does it ta ke to get there?
E. How far is it
F. How do you get to the First People's Hospital?
G. Can I help you?
七. 根據(jù)所給漢語意思完成句子,每空一詞。(10分)
66. 很多動(dòng)物都處于極大的危險(xiǎn)中。
Many animals _______________ ________________ ___________________ ______________. .
67. 瑪麗正在電話里跟吉姆交談。
Mary is ______________ _________________ the phone to Jim.
68. 我的妹妹每天早上八點(diǎn)穿衣打扮。
My sister _______ ________ ________________ at eight every morning.
69. 不要在網(wǎng)上交朋友,可能很危險(xiǎn)。
________________ ______________ _______________ on the Internet. It may be dangerous.
70. 我每天要花半個(gè)小時(shí)的時(shí)間騎自行車去上學(xué)。
It __________________ me half an hour ______________ _______________ to school by bike.

71. We need you to help with sports for English-speaking students. (英譯漢)

72. These students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. (英譯漢)

73. Bring your music player to school. (變?yōu)榉穸ň?
_____________ ______________ your music player to school.
74. I want to join the swimming club.
_______________ ________________ do you want to join?
75. He does his homework at eight o’clock.
_____________ _____________does he _______________ his homework every evening?
Ⅷ. 書面表達(dá)(15分)
Dear Ken,
I’m very glad to introduce myself to you. I’m in Grade Seven in a middle school this year. This is my school day. ___________

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/69134.html
