When is your birthday教案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
j.Co M
Unit 8 When is your birthday?復(fù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué)案
主備人:劉文光 備課時(shí)間:第17周 擬使用時(shí)間:第18周
1. 掌握十二個(gè)月和有關(guān)事件;
2. 掌握第一到第一百序數(shù)詞;
3. 掌握詢(xún)問(wèn)日期及其回答的句型;
1 how old 幾歲
2 school trip 郊游
3 basketball/ volleyball game 籃球賽/排球賽
4 help sb with sth 幫助某人某事
5 school day 學(xué)校上課日
6 be born in/on 出生于
7 date of birth=birthday 出生日期
8 Art Festival 藝術(shù)節(jié)
9 Music Festival 音樂(lè)節(jié)
10 pop contest 流行音樂(lè)會(huì)
11 (English) speech contest (英語(yǔ))演講比賽
12 soccer ball game 足球賽
13 birthday party 生日會(huì)
14 school day 學(xué)校慶祝日
15 English party 英語(yǔ)聚會(huì)
16 each year =every year 每年
1.When is your birthday?
It’s October 25th. My birthday is October tenth.
2.When is your mother’s birthday? Her birthday is June 8th.
3.How old are you? What’s your age? I’m thirteen.
4. Happy birthday! Thank you!
第一部分 聽(tīng)力理解(共計(jì)25分)
第一節(jié)、 聽(tīng)句子,選出你所聽(tīng)到的單詞。讀一遍。(5分)
( ) 1. A. ninth B. nine C. ninety
( ) 2. A. parent B. party C. pen
( ) 3. A. basketball B. baseball C. volleyball
( ) 4. A. trip B. event C. contest
( ) 5. A. September B. October C. November
( ) 6. A. I’m thirteen. B. He’s thirteen. C. She’s thirteen.
( ) 7. A. It’s June. B. It’s July. C. It’s May 8th.
( ) 8. A. I’m thirteen. B. He’s fifty. C. She’s fifteen.
( ) 9. A. I’m fine. B. I’m five. C. I’m fifteen.
( ) 10. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, he is.
11. Jane A. November a. 14th
12. Helen B. October b. 1st
13. Nick C. August c. 8th
14 Kitty D. May d. 13th
15. Robert E. April e. 5th
Name: 16.________ Age: 17.__________
Date of Birth: 18.________ 19.________
Date of School Trip: 20._________ 18th

第二部分 語(yǔ)言知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共計(jì)25分)
( ) 21. This is our ______ test this term.
A . one B. first C. the first D. No. 1
( ) 22. My uncle was born ______ June, 1960.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
( ) 23. ---__________today?
---It’s Monday.
A. What day is B. What’s the date C. When is D. How is
( ) 24. Let’s _______TV together.
A. watching B. to watch C. watches D. watch
( ) 25. August is the _______ month in a year.
A. seventh B. eighth C. ninth D. eighteenth
( ) 26.My date ______ birth is June 3rd.
A. for B. of C. about D. at
( ) 27. March is ________ month of the year.
A. three B. the threeC. third D. the third
( ) 28. They have ____ art festival ____ each year.
A. an; in B. a; / C. an; / D. a; in
( ) 29. Do you have a School Day____ your school?
A. at B. on C. about D. of
( ) 30. --- When is _____ birthday party?
---Her birthday is October fifth.
A. your brother’s B. Jack sisterC. his sister’s D. Lucy’s brother’s

Joe: Sally. 31
Sally: Sure, Joe
Joe: 32
Sally: My birthday party is October 5th.
Joe: OK. 33
Sally: The basketball game? Oh, it’s October 2nd.
Joe: Good. And, um. 34
Sally: The school trip is September 26th and 27th .
Joe: 35
Sally: Oh, that’s Friday, September 29th.
Joe: Great.
A. How about the school trip?
B. How about his birthday?
C. When is the basketball game?
D. When do you have the speech contest?
E. When is your birthday party?
F. When is his birthday party?
G. Can you help me fill in my calendar(日歷)?

Jim is a basketball fan (迷). He 36 good at playing basketball. And he 37 a great 38 collection. Jack is 39 best (最好的) 40 and a basketball player too.
He plays basketball 41 , 42 he 43 any sports collection. They are 44 the school basketball team (隊(duì)). They 45 basketball every day.
( ) 36. A. are B. am C. sounds D. is
( ) 37. A. do B. has C. does D. have
( ) 38. A. basketball B. basketballs C. sport D. baseball
( ) 39. A. her B. his C. their(他們的) D. he
( ) 40. A. cousin B. father C. friends D. friend
( ) 41. A. well B. good C. fun D. interesting
( ) 42. A. so B. but C. or D. and
( ) 43. A. haven’t B. don’t have C. doesn’t have D. doesn’t has
( ) 44. A. between B. of C. at D. on
( ) 45. A. play B. plays C. are playing D. playing

第三部分 綜合閱讀(共計(jì)30分)

46. How many days are there in this month?
47. The second day of this month is on ______.
48. How many Mondays are there in this month?
49. What day is the first day of the next month?
50. What date is the last (最后的)Saturday in a month?
OPEN DAY(開(kāi)放日):AUGUST 16th, 2006 9:00---12:00am
All parents can come to our school, have a cup of coffee, and meet our teachers and other parents.
Parents can go to the classrooms of 12-15 years old, have a talk with the principal (校長(zhǎng)),have a look at the clubs and ask any questions.
All requirements(要求)for a happy school are welcome.
Lunchtime:11:30-12:00 am
Please go to Room 305 for lunch.
All parents are welcome. Please contact(聯(lián)系) us.
Contact: Melodie Lezar, the principal
TEL: 021-4617431
School: Goodwin Middle School
( )51.When is the school’s Open Day?
A. July16th B. August 16th C. In August D.11:30-12:00 am
( )52. The parents can in the school for _______ hours.
A. one B. two C. three D. four
( )53. The parents can have a look at _______ on the Open Day.
A. other parents B. the teachers’ classroom
C. Room305 D. classrooms and clubs
( )54. Where do parents have lunch on the Open Day?
A. In a park. B. Room 305. C. At home. D. In the classroom.
( )55. What’s the name of the school?
A. Goodwin Middle School B. Melodie Lezar
C. D. 021-4617431

I have three good friends?Jim, Tom and Mike. They are from (來(lái)自) countries. We are in the same school, but in different classes. Jim was born on May 11, 1996, Canada (加拿大). Tom is from England, he was born on February 18, 1995. Mike was born in the U.S. and on October 26, 1996. We all like sports and we have a sports collection each. Jim has 3 soccer balls. Tom likes baseball, and he has 8 balls and 2 baseball bats. Mike has 4 tennis rackets. He likes playing tennis very much. We often play sports after school.
NamesDate of birthCollection
JimMay 11, 199658. __________________
Tom56.__________________59. __________________
Mike57.__________________60. __________________

第四部分 語(yǔ)言綜合運(yùn)用(共計(jì)40分)
61. _______is the last month of the year.
62. _______usually has only twenty-eight days.
63. September 10th is ________Day.
64. You sing so well. Welcome to join our music________.
65. There is a basketball ________between Class One and Class Two.
66. We have an Art ________in our school every year.
67. My brother is nine years old. Today is his _________birthday.
68. ________is the English speech contest? It’s May 5th.
69. I am not my father’s son. I am his _________.
70. There are twelve floors in this building. He lives on the _________floor.
71. 今天晚上有一場(chǎng)排球比賽。
There is a _________ _________ this evening.
72. 你們學(xué)校舉行校慶嗎?
Do you have a ________ ________ at your school?
73. 英語(yǔ)演講比賽在什么時(shí)候?
When is the _________ ________ _________?
74. 音樂(lè)節(jié)在十月份舉行。
The _________ _________ is _________ October.
75. 他的生日晚會(huì)在12月30日。
His ________ ________ is ________ December 30.
76. My birthday is October 11th. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
_______ _______ your birthday?
77. Peter is 18 this year. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
______ ______ is Peter this year?
78. Tom likes baseball. (否定句)
Tom _______ _______ baseball?
79. Jack’s birthday is April 6th. (一般疑問(wèn)句)
_______ Jack’s birthday April 6th?
80. The store sells many nice clothes. (對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))
________ _______ the store ________?

A: Hi. Good morning.
B: Good morning. Can I ask you some questions?
A: Sure.
B: 81.____________________________________________
A: I’m 12 years old.
B: 82.____________________________________________
A: My birthday is April 12.
B: 83.____________________________________________
A: Yes, I have a birthday party on that day.
B: 84.____________________________________________
A: We have an Art Festival, an English speech contest and a school trip at our school.
B: 85.___________________________________________
A: Yes, I like the school trip very much.

要求:1. 提供的詞語(yǔ)都必須用上,可以適當(dāng)?shù)匕l(fā)揮;
2. 短文的開(kāi)頭已經(jīng)給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù);
3. 詞數(shù):60左右。
提示詞:1.school trip;2.computer games contest;3.English party;4.sports games;
5.music 6. festival 7.basketball game;8.I like…
There are many events in our school.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/73802.html

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