七年級(jí)英語下冊(cè)Unit6 Pets 學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit6 Pets
課題: Comic strip & Welcome to the unit ( 第一課時(shí))
pet, rabbit, feed, bring sb around be more polite swim around
on one’s lap hold sth in one’s hand feed sb sth teach sb to do sth
1、照顧,照料 _________________ 2、教鸚鵡說話 ____________________
3、喂兔子胡蘿卜_________________ 4、和狗在公園里玩________________
5、睡在膝蓋上 __________________ 6、watch it swim around _______________
7、feel soft __________________ 8、hold sth. in one’s hand _____________
9、bring me my lunch _____________ 10、應(yīng)該更禮貌_____________________
1.Millie likes her p________ because it can sing .
2.It is dangerous to h_______ a dog in your hands .
3.I like my g__________ in my fish tank(缸).
4.We o___________ to be more polite to the old .
5.I like my r__________ because it has long ears .
6.There are two ___________(mouse) in the box.
7.Look ! A cat is standing on ___________( Peter) lap.
8.I like watch them ____________ ( play) basketball.
9.My brother wants ___________ ( teach ) his parrot __________( speak).
10.You should __________ (feed ) your parrot water every day
1. Our dog always ________(bark)at strangers.
2. __________(feed) the rabbit, please.
3. You should _______(be) happy, now.
4. Yesterday I bought five _________(goldfish) in the pet shop.
5. I want to teach it how __________(speak).
6. I want _________(get) a pet.
一、 單項(xiàng)選擇
( ) 1. Would you please teach me __________ first .
A.dance B. dancing C. dances D. to dance
( ) 2. I’ll ___________ you some seafood .It’s very delicious .
A.take B. bring C. get D. send
( ) 3. It’s ________ to say “May I come in?” before you come in.
A.much polite B. politer C. more polite D. not polite
( ) 4. Kate often sees Jim _____________ football in the football field .
A.plays B. playing C. play D. to play
( ) 5. Watching them ________ basketball is so exciting.
A. play B. playing C. to play D. A and B
1. You should tell him the truth.(改為否定句)
You ________ _________ him the truth.
2. He must do his homework every night. (改為一般疑問句)
________ ________ ________ his homework every night?
3. Mary is feeding her parrot. (改為同義句)
Mary is giving _______ ________ her parrot.
4. You can feed the bird some rice. (改為同義句)
You can feed some rice ________ the bird.
1.Sandy 能教我彈鋼琴 。
Sandy can_________ ____________ _____________ the piano .
I like _________ my goldfish _________ ____________ in the fish tank .
Please _________ _________ __________ my ___________ .
We ____________ ___________ more polite .
I can __________ her cabbages, and I like her __________ ____________ .

Unit6 Pets
課題: Reading Ⅰ( 第二課時(shí)) ______
1 通過學(xué)習(xí)寵物詩,我們能更加了解寵物,也讓我們能夠更好地與人類的朋友---動(dòng)物,友好相處!
2 掌握下列詞、詞組的用法:
Chase wide hunt hide trick build camp stick bite fight trouble end edge anywhere middle empty care catch doorbell fit might drawer
with eyes open wide _________________
do wonderful tricks ______________________
look after ______________________
until the end ___________________________
a rabbit hutch _____________________
a open drawer _____________ open the draw _________________
not just chase and catch the ball _______________
on the edge _______________
My dog A: “ T” or “ F”:
1. The dog is clever and can do many things. ( )
2. The dog doesn’t hunt if his master hides. ( )
3. The dog never does anything for his master. ( )
4. The dog likes barking and biting. ( )
5. The master likes the dog very much. ( )
B: Fill in the blanks :
bite bark wide hide builds catching cleverest look after
My dog is the ________ animal of all. Except chasing and___________ a ball, he can do many other things for me. When I _______, he hunts with eyes open_______. He ________ camps with sticks for me. He’d never _______ or ________ to trouble me. I love him so much and I’ll __________him until the end.
My goldfish 朗讀詩歌判斷正誤
My goldfish is wonderful , why ?
Because it doesn’t need a bed ( ) It only needs a hutch. ( )
It always barks. ( ) It never miaows. ( )
It isn’t any trouble. ( ) It just eats a little. ( )
It just bubbles, bubbles, bubbles. ( )
Cats 聽詩歌Cats的錄音,按照詩歌中的順序給下列地點(diǎn)排序(在括號(hào)內(nèi)寫1-11)
In the cupboard ( ) on the table ( ) on the window edge ( ) 
In a cardboard box ( ) on the chair ( ) on the top of the piano ( )
On somebody’s lap ( ) in the middle ( ) In the empty shoe ( )
On the edge ( ) in the open drawer ( )
1 睜大眼睛 ??????? 2 玩精彩的把戲 ????????
3 照料 ??????? 4 直到最后 ????????
5 一只兔子籠 ?????? 6 打開抽屜 ????????
7 在中間 ??????? 8 在邊上 ????????
二、 請(qǐng)用所給的詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
⒈ My little cat is so ___________(friend), she never miaows at her guests .
2. We’d better keep the door __________(open). It’s very hot.
3. My goldfish is a ____________(wonder) pet.
4. Don’t________(make) any noise .My baby ____________(sleep) on the sofa .
5. I think I ______________(take) care of my lovely cat until the end.
6. Some people ______________(be) afraid of dogs.
7. My dog is friendly to people, but sometimes he can __________(make) much noise.
8.She____________(hide) behind the door, so I couldn’t find her.
__________ eyes __________wide , he ___________ when I hide .
2. 我將照顧他到最后。
I’ll _________ __________him_________ the end.
3. 我們不必喂她許多(食品)。
We _________ _____________ __________feed her __________.
4. 貓?jiān)谌魏蔚胤蕉寄芩?br />Cats __________sleep _______________.
5. 他從不吠,也不咬人,他不喜歡打架。
He _______ bark ________ bite. And he doesn’t like to __________.

Unit6 Pets
課題: Reading Ⅱ ( 第三課時(shí))
1. 正確理解短文
2. 掌握下列單詞以及詞組:
lazy,most of the time,no trouble, ring the doorbell, do wonderful tricks, look around for… , feed … much.
1 坐在沙發(fā)上 ____ 2 十分懶散 ___
3 大部分時(shí)間 ___ 4 不介意______________________
5 沒有任何麻煩 6 發(fā)出許多吵鬧聲
7 照顧她 _____ 8 害怕… _
9 追趕一只球 10.環(huán)顧四周找我
11 打開的抽屜__________________ 12 空的鞋子____________________
1. My cat is so ______________ (友好的), she never miaows at others.
2 .The boy look at me with his eyes open __________( 張大地 ).
3 .When my dog feels _______ (饑餓的), she barks at me.
4 .He is ___________( 追逐 ) a chicken with a ________ (棍子)in his hand.
5. I helped my mum ________( 搜索 ) for her keys when she lost them
6. At the ________(末尾) of this term, we will earn about five hundred new words.
7. When someone rings the _________(門鈴), the dog will ________(叫).
8. My little sister often _________(躲藏) herself behind the door when I go home.
( ) 1. I’m hungry.____________ me my lunch.
A. Take B. Bring C. Show D. Help
( )2. Pets are not easy ____________.
A. look after B. take care C. to look after D. take care of
(  )3. Would you please teach me __________ first?
A. dance B. dancing C. dances D. to dance
( )4. I think dog is _____________ animal in the world.
A. very kind B. very brave C. the kindest D. cleverer
( ) 5. Man can’t live without air______ water.
A. and B. with C. or D. in
一、 用動(dòng)詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。
⒈ Don’t make any noise. My cat __________ (sleep) on the sofa.
⒉ Which animal is the _________(clever) of all?
⒊ My cat is so ___________ (friend), she never miaows at others.
⒋ The worker ________(build) this hospital last year.
⒌ You’d better keep the windows _________(open). It’s hot inside the room.
6. The students will go ________(camp) this Saturday.
7. I like _________(watch) my dog ________(play).
8. My small animals can do __________ (wonder) tricks.
in the cupboard, on top of, have to, be afraid of, most of the time, make a lot of noise, until the end
1. There’s no bread in the fridge. I _________ buy some from the supermarket.
2. ---Where are the plates and dishes?
---Oh, they are ____________.
3. Listen! The old car ______________. I dislike it.
4. Most children _______________ snakes. What about you?
5. __________ the mountain, we can see the beautiful view(風(fēng)景).
6. I will look after my cat _____________.
7. Daniel is crazy about football. _____________, he talks with his friends about it.
⒈ 大部分時(shí)間,我的貓只想睡在我的膝上。
⒉ 當(dāng)有人按門鈴的時(shí)候,Eddie會(huì)叫起來。
When someone ________ ________ ________, Eddie _______ _______.
⒊ Daniel 的狗相當(dāng)懶,甚至不會(huì)耍任何把戲。
⒋ 有些人怕Eddie ,因?yàn)樗麄冋J(rèn)為他或許會(huì)咬他們。
A frog (青蛙 ) is born in a small river. When it is y_________ , the river is its home. It doesn’t know its p_________, but it has hundreds of its brothers and sisters. It swims about and plays all day with them. At that time, it doesn’t look like its parents. It has n_________ legs but it has a long tail. Then its tail gets shorter and shorter. And it has four legs and a very short t________. It looks like its parents now. Then it is going to c_________ a lot of insects (昆蟲).
Unit6 Pets
課題: Vocabulary ( 第四課時(shí))
feather tail wing knock repeat black-and-white herself sun cage
a very special friend in the sun knock on the door

1.喙 2. 羽毛 3. 鰭 ______ 4. 爪子
5. 鱗片 6. 尾巴 7. ( 貓鼠的)須 8. 翅膀

1.What colour is the cat’s tail?
2.What does she like to chase?
3.Where does she sleep?
4.What does she do when she is hungry?
5.What colour is the parrot?
6.What does she do when his master comes home?
7.Does he knock on the cage when he is full?
1 看起來如此漂亮 ___ 2 在陽光下 ______
3 敲籠子的門 _____ 4 一個(gè)非常特殊的朋友
5 睡在扶手椅上 _____ 6變累了 ________
7 一條黑白相間的尾巴______________ 8回到家________________________
⒈The parrot is so nice. Its f ______ are colourful .
2. A rabbit has four legs and a short t________.
3. Birds can fly because they have w________.
4. Kitty is 12 years old. She can look after h____________.
5. In the zoo, we can see many animals live in c____________.
6. The t________ and f________ of a goldfish can help it swim.

( )1. There’s something wrong my computer.
A. on B. of C. with D. at
( ) 2. My cat a black and white tail.
A. have B. has C. there is D. there
( ) 3. My father was cooking supper when I .
A. got home B. got to home C. come home D. come to home
( ) 4. My parrot’s feathers look so nice the sun.
A. under B. between C. into D. in
1.We have PE twice a week. (對(duì)劃線部分提問).
____________ ____________ do you have PE a week?
2.Which is your favourite pet? ( 同義句 )
Which pet ________ you _________ _________?
3.Cats are easy to look after. ( 同義句 )
________ __________ __________ look after cats.
4.I don’t know how I can look after a cat. ( 同義句 )
I don’t know how _________ __________ _________ of a cat.
5.I spend a lot of time playing with my cat. (同義句)
It ________ _________ a lot of time _________ _______ with my cat.
paw, swim, eat, want, chase, be tired, knock, look, keep
1. I was reading a book on pets when someone ________ on the door.
2. Dogs often ________ their masters when they see them out.
3. I think you can ________ a cat as a pet. It is no trouble.
4. When I _________, I had a short sleep at the desk.
5. How beautiful the bird’s feathers _________!
6. I _________ to get a parrot in the pet shop tomorrow.
7. His cat has four white ________.
8. The goldfish likes __________ here and there.
9. The rabbit only _________ vegetables.

Unit6 Pets
課題: Grammar I (第五課時(shí))
2.掌握下列詞匯:pull brush tank fur necessary clean
take … for a walk keep … warm three times a week once a day
want someone to be healthy all over bark a lot make too much noise
⒈Walk the dog. 2. Don’t frighten the cat.
3. Be quiet! 4. Don’t chase the cat.
5. Please look after my goldfish.
6. Brush the dog’s fur. 7.Don’t pull the rabbit’s ear.
8..Please clean the fish tank today.
⒈ 照料我的金魚 ⒉ 保持安靜
⒊ 洗魚缸 ⒋ 追趕貓
⒌ 帶某人散步 ⒍ 給她喂一些水
⒎ 梳理狗的毛發(fā) ⒏ 拉某人的耳朵
⒐ 使她暖和 ⒑ 在餐桌旁
1. I usually take a ________(淋。 after work every day.
2. What colour is your dog’s ________(毛)?
3. Don’t f________ the little girl. She will be afraid and cry.
4. Please b________ your teeth every day.
5. I have three goldfish in my fish t_______.
6. Shall I push the door open or p________ it open?
pull, make, play, slow, look, give, brush, be, bite
1. quiet! Don’t bark!
2. When I the cat’s tail, It me.
3. He ought to often the dog’s fur.
4. Don’t any noise. The baby is sleeping.
5. Please the cat some clean water. He’s thirty.
6. Simon,you shouldn’t spend too much time __________ with your pet.
7. The tortoise moved very ___________,but it won the game at last.
8. My favorite pet is the cat because it is easy __________ after.
1 .Put some stones at the bottom of the tank.(改寫為否定句)
_____ ______ ______ stones at the ______ of the tank.
2. The goldfish looks a little different.(改為一般疑問句)
______ the goldfish _______ a little different?
3. Millie has to give them water on weekends.(對(duì)劃線部分提問)
_____ ______ Millie _____ _____ _____ them water?
4. Millie often walks her dog.(同義句)
Millie often _______ her dog ______ _______ _______.
1.( ) ----- Help! There is a big snake here.
----- ____________ afraid . It will go away later.
A. Don’t B. Not C. Don’t be D. Be
2.( )----Don’t make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping.
A. Sorry, I won’t B. It doesn’t matter
C. Excuse me, I’m wrong D. Certainly, I won’t
3. ( ) The two dogs are fighting ________ the bone. Each of them ________ the only bone.
A. with, wants B. for, wants C. with, want D. for, want
4.( ) When I have __________ ,I often __________ my dog out for a walk.
A. free time, take B. a time, take
C. free time, bring D. a time, bring
5.( ) I bought a cat yesterday, but I don’t know how ____________.
A. to look after B. to look after it
C. to look for it D. to look it for
1. 請(qǐng)每天和你的寵物一起玩一個(gè)小時(shí)。
Please ________ ________ your pet _______ _______ _______.
2. 請(qǐng)安靜,不要吵鬧。
_______ _______, please! Do not ______ _______ _______.
3. 你的狗把那個(gè)女孩嚇壞了。把你的狗帶回家去。
Your dog ________ that girl. Please _______ your dog ________.
4. 杰克,請(qǐng)你更加細(xì)心一點(diǎn)。不要再這么粗心了。
Jack, _______ _______ ________, please. Don’t ______ _________.

Unit6 Pets
課題: GrammarⅡ(第六課時(shí))
1、重點(diǎn)詞組:too much food, want them to be healthy, at least, once a day,
all over our flat, the right way to look after birds.
2、重點(diǎn)句型: You should/should not/ought to/ought not to + v.
3、語法:用情態(tài)動(dòng)詞must, ought to 和 should來表示職責(zé)和責(zé)任。
1.給它們干凈的水________ 2.太多的食物 ________
3.至少一天一次________ 4.大量的鍛煉 ________
5.把他獨(dú)自留在家里________ 6. 遍及我們的公寓________
7.想要他們健康 ___________________ 8.發(fā)出太多的吵鬧聲 ______________
9. 一個(gè)好主意_____________________ 10.整天忙于工作__________________
11.有足夠東西吃___________________ 12.帶他外出去公園________________
一、用情態(tài)動(dòng)詞(must, should)改寫句子。
1. It is very important to finish your homework。
You ___________ finish your homework.
2. Don’t play at the Internet café.
You _________ play at the Internet café.
3. It is a good idea to clean your parrot’s cage twice a week.
You ___________ clean your parrot’s cage twice a week.
4. It is not right to pull the cat’s tail.
You __________ pull the cat’s tail.
do, don’t, must, should, mustn’t, shouldn’t
1. __________ your eye exercises carefully. It’s good for your eyes.
2. Cars, buses and bikes _________ stop when the traffic lights are red.
3. ________ speak loudly. Your mother is sleeping now.
4. Bob, if you feel lonely, you ________ keep a pet.
5. Look at the sign. You ________ take your dog into the park.
6. Daniel is busy all day. He ________ get a pet.
7. You ________ be polite to the old.
8. You ________ play on the street. It’s dangerous.
9. ---________ I return these books before next Monday?
---No, you don’t have to.
10. You __________ make so much noise in the hospital.
1.It is ____________(必要的) to walk them in the park.
2.You should feed your pet _________ (一次)a day.
3.You ought to give them _________(干凈的)water.
4.We can find its fur all _________ (整個(gè)) our flat.
5.You ________ (應(yīng)當(dāng))to play with your friends.
( )1.--- How did she learn to swim ?
---- By _____________.
A. hers B. she C. herself D. she’s
( ) 2. -----Would you like some more bread? ----- No, thanks. I’m _______.
A. hungry B. tired C. excited D. full
( ) 3. My parrot is very clever. It can _________ “Hello, Welcome to my home!” when my friends come.
A. tell B. speak C. talk D. say
( ) 4. To make our home town more beautiful, you __ throw rubbish into the river.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. must D. may
( ) 5.It’s necessary _________ the dog once a day.
A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walked
二、 翻譯句子
You ______ take her _____ _____ the park _____ ______ ______ ______ _____.
You _________ __________ __________ __________ time ___________ TV.
It’s _________ _________ _______ give them _______ _______ food.
You should buy a book _______ ________ _______ _____ to look after birds.
It _____ _______ _________ ________ ______ your dog for a while every day.
三、 Millie有一個(gè)寵物狗Spotty,可她不知道怎樣照顧它,你能幫幫她,給她一些建議嗎?
Unit6 Pets
課題: Integrated skills &Pronunciation (第七課時(shí))
3. 認(rèn)識(shí)句子中的常見重音模。
重點(diǎn)詞組:in the sun, take it out of, a talk on… , look like, look the same
be interested in, a dog called Eddie, all kinds of,
one more fish food keep the fish tank clean。
be different from, take …for a walk
1.容易照料 _________ 2.重約4千克 _____
3.把它從水中拿出來 _______ 4.聽有關(guān)…的報(bào)告
5.和……不同 _______ 6.看起來像 ____
7.各種各樣的蔬菜 ___ 8.確保 _________
9.在魚缸底部 ________ 10.看起來一樣 ______
11.不太冷也不太熱 ___ 12.看上去有一點(diǎn)不同 _
1. This bike is too e_________. Do you have a cheaper one?
2. Make s_______ the water is not too cold or too hot.
3. The weight of Li Lei is 50 k_________.
4. There is too much mud(泥漿)at the b________ of the river.
5. ---Who’s that man? ---Which one? You mean the _________(說話者)?
6. They eat _________(特殊的)food.
1.You should _________(put) it there.
2.The cats are easy _________(look) after.
3.We don’t know how_________(take) care of them.
4.Why not __________(like) the dogs?
5.Lily, ___________(not take) it out of the water.
6.She ________(have) a dog _________(call) Eddie.
7.There _________(be) some fish food.
8._________(not give) any money to her.
1.Give the goldfish some fish food.(否定句)
______ give the goldfish _______ fish food.
2. Peter likes goldfish very much.(同義句)
Peter _______ _______ ________ goldfish.
3. She has a dog, its name is Eddie.(同義句)
She has a dog_______ Eddie.
4. My dog is cleverer than the other animals.(同義句)
My dog is________ ________ of all the animals.
5. I have lots of bread.(同義句)
I eat ________ ________ __________ / __________ bread.
( )1.You’d better keep your mouth ______and your eyes _____.
A. close; open B. closed; open C. closed; opened D. close; opened
( )2.That mountain looks ______ an elephant’s trunk..
A. like B. as C. for D. at
( )3.He is interested _____dancing and singing.
A .to B. in C. for D. behind
( )4.My cat often plays ______ my dog.
A. with B. to C. at D. and
( )5.English is difficult ________.
A. to learn B to learn it C for me learning D. for him to speak it
( )6.You should keep the ___________.
A. fish tank clean B. fish’s tank clean C. fish tank’s clean D. fish tank cleaned
1. What did you do _______ the Young Pet Owners Club?
2. He had a talk _______ the fantail goldfish yesterday afternoon.
3. I know how to look ________ cats well.
4. The water ______ the tank must be clean, you know.
5. The fantail goldfish looks a little different ________ the others.
6. You should not put your fantail goldfish _______ the sun.
7. I never think he looks ________ his father. He is _______ his mother.
8. You can’t take goldfish ______ ______ the water. They can’t live ______ water.
1. We should not let the elderly lives alone. ____________
2. Don’t read books for a long time under the sun. ____________
3. I can’t study well because my dog makes too many noise. ____________
4. We listened to a talk about how looking after pets. ____________
5. Make sure his food is not too much and too little. ____________
Unit6 Pets
課題: Main task & Checkout (第八課時(shí))
重點(diǎn)詞組:live in a tank, move very slowly, play with balls and sticks,
bark at people, eat lots of vegetables, my favourite food , belong to, weigh about 2 kilograms, take good care of.

1. belong to__________ ______ 2.take good care of___________ __
3. short, black fur_____________ 4.my favourite food ______
5. bark at people ____ 6.play with balls and sticks ___ _
7. 玩球 ___________________ 8.大約重兩公斤___________ _
9. 住在魚缸里__________ _ 10移動(dòng)得非常慢 ____
11吃許多蔬菜 12 一根根的細(xì)繩__________ _

( ) 1.That grey cat is usually very _____and _____.
A friendly; quietly B friend; quiet
C friendly; quiet D friend; quietly
( ) 2.We all take _____care of our pets.
A well B better C best D good
( ) 3.You _____put your fantail goldfish in the hot summer sun.
A should B can C needn’t D ought not to
( ) 4. We want to know ________ she looks like.
A. why B. what C. how D. that
( ) 5. We never ______ our pet ______ pull her tail.
A. afraid; and B. afraid; or
C. frighten; or D. frighten; and
( ) 6. We know it ______. It enjoys the music _______.
A. very well; very well B. very much; very much
C. very well; very much D. very much; very well
( ) 7. Don’t ______ her tail. She’ll be very ______.
A. push; quiet B. pull, friendly C. pull, shy D. pull, angry
( ) 8. ________ your pet weight?
A. How many is B. How much is
C. How many does D. How much does
( ) 9. The card _______ “Happy birthday”.
A. writes B. tells C. says D. speaks
( ) 10. Please _______ your dog ______ a lead.
A. keep; on B. keep; in C. put; on D. put; in
( ) 11. The sign in the park says “All dogs _______.”
A. must on lead B. must on leads
C. should be on lead D. should be on leads
( ) 12. Tortoises have four legs and a shell. They move very _______.
A. slower B. more slowly C. slowest D. slowly

1. My pet is very easy________(look) after.
2. He mustn’t_________(sleep) a lot every day.
3. What about __________(eat) mooncakes?
4. Lucy, _________(not play) with balls and sticks.
5. She _________(not like) being on a lead.
6. It’s too ________(noise) outside. I can’t study.
7. Cats are usually _________(friend) to people.
8. How many ________(piece) of ________(bread) are there on the table?
9. Li Lei never ________(worry) because her parents take good care of her.
10. How ________(happy) all the children are playing in the park!
1 The fish lives in a tank.(否定句)
The fish______ _______in a tank.
2. I eat many vegetables.(同義句)
I eat _______ _______ ________ / ________ ________ vegetables.
3. I like fish best.(同義句)
_______ _______food is fish.
4.You mustn’t play with balls.(同義句)
________ ________ with balls .
5. My pet is a cat. It’s three years old. (同義句)
My pet is a __________ cat.
6. This is my grandmother’s cat. (同義句)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/74016.html

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