七年級英語下冊Unit 5 Abilities學(xué)案

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)
Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Comic strip and welcome to the unit(第一課時)
2.談?wù)撛谌粘I钪形覀兡転樗怂龅氖隆?br />3.通過談?wù)撊绾侮P(guān)心和幫助他人進行思想品德教育。
詞匯:ability ; seat ; collect ; elderly
詞組:be careful; plant trees; clean up; give a seat to sb; on the bus;collect things for;project hope; a home for the elderly
1 清潔花園 _____________ 2 為希望工程收集東西 ___________
3 給老年人讓座 ________________ 4 種樹_____________
5 當(dāng)心______________ 6 談?wù)撽P(guān)于_______________
7 ……的成員________________ 8上了年紀(jì)的人_____________
1. My teacher says I have great a in English.
2. My hobby is c old stamps.
3. Eddie wants to be a s when he grows up.
4. We should give our s to the old on the bus.
5. My father always p many plants in the spring.
6. I was reading a book at home. S_________ the telephone rang.
1. How __________ (care) you are! You made so many mistakes in your exam.
2. I’m looking forwards to ___________ (learn) how to drive.
3. It’s very _________ (danger) for children to play with fire.
4. All of us are ___________ (surprise) to hear the bad news.
5. He isn’t my favourite singer , but ________ (Simon) favourite.
6. He is afraid of___________( stay ) at home alone .
7. People have different______________(ability).
8.He likes__________(collect) things for Project Hope.
9.Daniel is a_______(member)of the Health Club.He joined it last year.
三. 單項選擇:
( ) 1. ______________ is Tree planting Day in China.
A. March 1st B. April 12th C.March 12th D. April 1st
( ) 2. Can you give me some paper ________ me ? I want_______write a letter.
A. to ; to B. for; to C. / ; / D. /; to
( ) 3. Mr. White is _____________ man. He lives _______________.
A. a 85-year-old; alone B. an 85-year old; lonely
C. an 80-year old; alone D. a 80 years old; alone
( ) 4. It took them half a day ________ trees _______Tree Planting Day this year.
A. to plant; in B. planting; on C. to plant; on D. planting; in
( ) 5. The children are playing ___________ the playground.
A. over B. in C. up D. to
( ) 6. He’s good at , and .
A running, climbing, playing football
B running, climb, playing football
C run, climb, playing football
D run, climbing, playing football
1.Millie runs very fast.(改為感嘆句)
Millie runs!
2. You mustn’t go across the road when the traffic lights are red. (改為祈使句)
the road when the traffic lights are red.
3. Uncle John often flies to Beijing.(同義句)
Uncle John often to Beijing plane.
4. Jack plays for our school football team. (同義句)
Jack is our football team.
5. I don’t know what I can do now. (同義句)
I don’t know now.

He often __________ __________ _________to the ________on the bus.
Miss Wang _________ __________ the office every day.
We go to ____________ the home ____________ the elderly every year.
The students want to _________ _________ for ________ ___________.
People usually __________ __________ in spring.
Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Reading 1 (第二課時)
掌握下列詞匯:brave , fire, alone , ,smoke , hurt , leg , pour , rush , save , safe , danger , careless , oneself , yourself , call , terrible , visitor , match , host , stove
1 在5月6日 __________________ 2 獨自在家_____________________
3 用水把火澆滅__________________ 3 八個月大的嬰兒______________
5 拜訪王老師_______________ 6 互相幫助_____________________
7幫某人逃出火災(zāi)______________ 8 聽到某人在做事_____________
9 七十九歲的孫太太______________ 10沖進去_______________________
On May 10th, Zhang Hua was at home a_________. Suddenly, he heard someone s__________ “Fire! Fire!” He r________. Outside and saw a lot of s_________ from next door. He went in and found Mrs Sun could not get out because she h__________ her leg. Zhan Hua quickly ran back to his flat and p_______ water over his jacket. He r___________ into Mrs Sun’s kitchen to s_________ her. At last, she put out the fire with a b__________ and helped Mrs Sun to escape. The fire b___________ Zhang Hua’s neck, arms and face. He had to stay in hostipal for two months. He says that fire can be very d_______ and people must be ,very c________ with it.
1.How ___________ (勇敢) the girl is! She helped an old man in a traffic accident.
2.The doctor tried to _____________(挽救) the baby’s life.
3.The ___________ (毯子) is made of wool. It feels comfortable.
4.Don’t play with the ___________ (火)! It’s too dangerous!
5.How many _____________ (腿) does a chair have?
1.Be _________. You should do everything ______________(careful).
2.I heard someone __________ (sing) over there.
3.It’s ____________(danger) for the children to play with fire.
4.That boy is helping the old woman _____________ (cross) the road.
5.___________ (not leave) the stove on when you are not at home.
6.Jack fell off the ladder and __________(hurt) himself.
7.Mum, thank you for ___________ (buy) me such a nice present.
8.Your idea _________ (sound) very great.
9.Three firemen ________ (rush) into the kitchen ___________ (save) a little boy.
( ) 1. It’s ________ if you put something hot into the rubbish bin.
A. safe B. interesting C. dangerous D. amazing
( ) 2. Li Lei _______ his leg, didn’t he?
A. hurted B. hurts C. was hurt D. hurt
( ) 3. There’s ________ boy in the garden.
A. a eleven years old B. a eleven year old
C. an eleven years old D. an eleven-year-old
( ) 4. You shouldn’t leave the door ________ when you go out..
A. close B. closing
C. open D. opening
( ) 5. I saw him _______ football on my way home.
A. plays B. playing
C. played D. to play
( ) 6. ?What do you __________ this in English? ? A lamp.
A. call B. tell C. speak D. talk
( ) 7. ____________ can burn almost everything.
A. Water B. Rubbish C. Trees D. Fire
( ) 8. “ _____________!” the girl called when she fell into the river.
A. Come on B. Help C.SOS D. Save
( ) 9.Listen! I heard Tom________ in the next room.
A. sing B. sings C. sang D. singing
( ) 10.--Can you post these postcards for us on your way home? --________.
A. Fine B. No problem C. It’s all right D.I hope
( ) 11.A car hit her yesterday and she is now_____.Let’s ______her this afternoon.
A. in the hospital, go and to see B. in hospital, go and see
C. in hospital, go and see D. in the hospital, to go and to see
( ) 12.--_______ did he catch a fish? - -Within five minutes.
A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How often
Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Reading2 (第三課時)
1 根據(jù)圖片、關(guān)鍵詞和語境猜測文章大意。
2 了解用火安全以及發(fā)生危險時的自救及求救方法。
1帶來花和禮物________________ 2 植樹_________________________
3當(dāng)心火_______________________ 4 清掃公園____________________
5參觀敬老院____________________ 6 幫助鄰居逃出火災(zāi)______________
7沖進廚房______________________ 8 把水倒在夾克衫_______________

1.Yesterday I was at home a ____________.
2.Mrs Lin is very s___________ because her dog died.
3.The old Lady is in d_________. The doctors are trying to save her.
4.Tom is a c___________ boy, but he is doing his homework carefully now.
5.It’s dangerous to play with m__________ because they can catch fire easily.
6.A lot of v_________ go to that famous place every year.
7.Spring is the best season to p__________ trees.
8.I was a m __________ of the Reading club last year.
9.It s__________ heavily last night. And the ground is all white now.
( ) 1. She the fire and helped the child out.
A. put on B.put down C. put out D. put up
( ) 2. Be careful the stove. Do not leave it .
A. with; in B. on; on C. with; with D. with; on
( ) 3. The policeman heard a girl _____ for help and went to save her.
A. cry B. cried C. cries D. crying
( ) 4. That _____ very terrible.
A. hears B. listens C. listens to D. sounds
( ) 5. She is a _____ girl. It means she is______ .
A. 16 years old; 16-year-old B. 16-year-old; 16 years old
C. 16 years old; 16 years old D. 16-year-old; 16-year-old
( ) 6. He speaks _____ English and write _____ his hand.
A. with; with B. in; in C. in; with D. with; in
( ) 7. _____ is important _____ careful with fire.
A. That; be B. It; be C. It; to be D. That; being
( ) 8. Thank you for _____ this evening.
A. join us B. join in us C. joining us D. joining in us
( ) 9. I was not feeling _____ this morning and I had to see the doctor.
A. badly B. bad C. good D. well
( ) 10. ----- Would you like some tea? ------ ______.
A. No, I don’t have any B. Yes, I have C. Here it is D. No, thank you

1.He used sand to put out the fire.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
He ____ _____ the fire ____ ______.
2.She was in hospital for 2 weeks.(對劃線部分提問)
____ ____ _____ she in hospital?
3.She bought many beautiful hair clips.(對劃線部分提問)
_____ ______ she ______ Mary?
4.How interesting the story is! (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
_______ _______ ________ ________ it is!
5.My grandmother often gives me some money. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
My grandmother often ________ ______ ________ _______ _______.
6.To be careful with fire is important. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
_______ _______ important ________ _________ careful with fire.
7.Neil lives in London alone.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)Neil lives in London ______ _______
8.Zhang Hua is a young man of 25 years old. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)
Zhang Hua is ________ ________ young man.
9.They helped the police stop a fire last night.
They helped the police ________ _________ a fire last night..
My friends _______ me ________ ________ _________ ________ all the time.
2. 我不知道馬麗昨天怎么了。
I don’t know ______ _____ ______ Mary yesterday.
3. 約翰叔叔生病住院了兩個月。
Uncle John was ill ______ ______ ______ two months.
4. 你應(yīng)該讓你的長發(fā)遠離轉(zhuǎn)動的機器。
You should ______ your long hair _____ _____ the running machine.
He _____ the TV ______ and went to sleep.
Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Vocabulary(第四課時)
詞匯:kind, quick, slow , rude, unhappy, award, fall
詞組:would like to do, think of, be good at, play water sports, fall down, have the awards
1. fast _______________ 2. careful ______________ 3. strong ______________
4. with _____________ 5. sad ________________ 6. usual ______________
7. close ___________ 8. noisy _______________ 9. easy _______________
10. rude ___________ 11. take _______________ 12. hot _______________

一. 選用方框中所給的單詞或詞組,并用其適當(dāng)形式填空
put out , play badminton , danger , rude , recommend , happy,
bring, think of , safe , award , by oneself ,grateful,
1.I would like ________ my best friend for our monitor.
2.She took the old man to _________.
3.Sandy got the Grade 7 Best Sportswoman _______________.
4.He always ______________ others first.
5.Daniel _____________ the fire with his jacket yesterday.
6.Millie is good at ______________.
7.Mrs Lu was very _________________ for Zhao Aijia’s help.
8.Many people came and ______________ the girl flowers and presents.
9.When I lose my money. I am _____________.
10.It’s _____________ for children to play with fire.
11.We shouldn’t leave the little girl ____________.
12.It’s _________________ to laugh at others.
( ) 1. The traffic accident happened near the school ____________ a rainy night.
A. at B. in C. on D. from
( ) 2. ______________ good news our principal has told us!
A. What B. How C. How a D. What a
( ) 3. I’m sorry I can’t let you know who __________ me that.
A. said B. told C. spoke D. talked
( ) 4. He’ll go to work in Nanjing when he __________ school next summer.
A. leaves B. is leaving C. will leave D. has left
( ) 5. -Can you finish doing your homework in two hours?
-No ___________.
A. question B. matter C. trouble D. problem
( ) 6. ?Will you please pass me the sugar? --_____________.
A. Yes, please B. Here you are
C. Not at all D. You are welcome
( ) 7. Jim never tells lies. He is ____________ boy.
A. a brave B. a polite C. a kind D. an honest
( ) 8. Lei Feng always ________________ others first.
A.thought of B thought about C. thought over D. thought up
( ) 9. Who would you like ________________ for club?
A. recommending B. to recommend
C. to recommending D. recommend
( ) 10. Do you know what happened ___________ him?
A. at B. to C. for D. with

1. 孫先生他不能出門,因為他腿受傷了。
Mr Sun couldn’t go out he his leg .
I always _________ ___________ my foreign teacher when I see this book.
Suddenly,the frog __________ __________ the well and could not climb up.
I_______ ________that you’ll________ ________stay at home_________
I am very___________that I was not late______________school today.
6. 不要把熱的東西放進垃圾箱。
Do not put _____ _____ ______ the rubbish bin.
7. 他常常想起中國貧困地區(qū)的孩子們。
He often ______ _____ the children from poor areas in China.
8. 馬麗為俱樂部做了許多電腦方面的工作。
Mary ____a lot of ________ ________ _________ the club.
9. 當(dāng)他過馬路時摔倒了。
He ______ ______when he crossed the road.
10. 布什知道更多關(guān)于中國的歷史。
Bush knows ______ _______ about Chinese history.
Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Grammar1 (第五課時)
1.Now I ________ ( can, could) swim, but last year I _________ ( can’t, couldn’t).
2.?Could I have a glass of water? -Of course you _________ ( can, could).
3. - _________ (can, could) you speak English? -Yes, I __________ ( can, could).
4. - _________(can, could) you ride a bike when you were six?
-No, I__________(can’t. couldn’t).
5. It’s raining hard. We ____________ (can’t, couldn’t) go out now.
1.It’s important ___________ (be) careful with your homework.
2.Let’s help him at once. He is in ____________ (dangerous).
3.We’ll go _____________ (walk) instead of ___________ (ride).
4.I wash my face after _______________ (get) up every day.
5.-___________ (can) Daniel swim when he was 5 year old?
-No, he ____________. But now he ____________.
6.He spends half an hour __________ (read) English in the morning.
7.Don’t forget _________ (turn) off the lights before you leave.
8.You should keep _________ in the dining room and talk __________. (quiet)
( ) 1. We ______play football last Friday because Tom forgot to bring a football.
A. can’t B. could C. couldn’t D. can
( ) 2. __________ I will have a chance to swim in the sea this summer.
A. May B. Maybe C. May be D. Can
( ) 3. He __________ be out because I saw him go into the house.
A. may not B. must C. can’t D. mustn’t
( ) 4. It will be sunny tomorrow, so we __________ go and climb the mountain.
A. should B. must C. can D. can’t
( ) 5. They __________ go swimming yesterday, because it rained heavily.
A. couldn’t B. can’t C. may not D. don’t
( ) 6. Can you teach me how __________ ?
A. dance B. to dance C. dancing D. dances
( ) 7. Please do not put __________ into the rubbish bin.
A. something hotB. hot something C. anything hot D. hot anything
( ) 8. I am not feeling __________ now and my mum will take me to hospital.
A. well B. good C. nice D. ill
( ) 9.---Mum, may I go to the cinema?
---No, you __________. You __________ finish your homework first.
A. can’t; can B. may not; may C. can’t; must D. mustn’t; might
( ) 10. My bike is broken. So I __________ walk to school.
A. must B. can C. may D. have to
( ) 11. Andy can dance, but he _______dance last year. He learned it by __________.
A. can’t; herself B. mustn’t; himself C. couldn’t; himself D. may not; him
( ) 12. Mrs Li is 80 years old, so she __________ walk fast.
A. could B. couldn’t C. can’t D. can
1.I can sing the song now. (用two year ago 改寫)
I _______________________ two years ago.
2.Amy could row a boat last year. (改為一般疑問句并做肯定回答)
______________ last year? Yes, ______________________________
3.We can sees animals in the zoo. (對畫線部分提問)
___________________________________________ animals?
4.We talked under a big tree yesterday. (對畫線部分提問)
____________________________________ under a big tree?
5.We couldn’t fly kites yesterday because it rained hard. (對畫線部分提問)
________________________________ yesterday?
1 去年他會騎車嗎? 不會,但他現(xiàn)在會了。
he ride a bicycle last year?No, he .But now he _____.
2. 我推薦我們班長得“最助人為樂獎”。
I ________our monitor _________the Most Helpful Student Award.
3 小王如果能獲獎,我們將都很高興。
We shall all if Xiao Wang can ______ _____ _____.
4 去年你有助學(xué)金嗎?
Did you the Most last year ?
5 布萊克每天花許多時間在那家書店。
Every day Black on that bookshop .
6. 去年他不會劃船,但是現(xiàn)在他能劃得很好。
He _______ ________ a boat last year, but now he _______ do it.

Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Grammar2 (第六課時)
1.It is very lovely baby. (how)______________________________
2.This is an interesting story. (what)__________________________
3.The weather is very cold. (how)____________________________
4.These students are very helpful. (how)__________________________

1. Yesterday our teacher told us the earth (go) around the sun.
2. Where’s Jack? He (play) in the basketball court
3. I (catch) a very bad cold last week.
4. He (leave) for shanghai tomorrow.
5. Please be quiet. We (have) a class meeting.
6. There is something wrong with my watch. It (not work)
7. you (be) free next Saturday ?
8. Please be quiet. Class 7 ______________(have) a class meeting.
9. Remember_______(call) me when you________(come) tomorrow.
10. People aren’t sure who _____________(invent) the TV.
11. If you______(not be) careful, you________(make) more mistakes.
12. Nick (watch) the game this weekend? No, he isn’t.
13. There (not be) much milk in the bottle.

( ) 1. He said he _________ swim when he was six.
A. might B. could C. can D. would
( ) 2. You _______go and ask Simon. He ________know the way.
A. must; can B. must; may C. need; can D. can; may
( ) 3. ?May I come in? -___________
A. Yes, please B. No, you couldn’t
C. Yes, you must D. No, you needn’t
( ) 4. _____________ music it is!
A.What a nice B. What nice C. What an nice D. How nice
( ) 5. ? Can I borrow your eraser? -__________. It’s not here.
A. All right B. Sorry C. Certainly D. That’s OK
( ) 6. The light in his room is on now. He __________ at home.
A. can be B. can’t be C. must be D. mustn’t be
( ) 7. _____________ hard work it is !
A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
( ) 8. _____________ great fun we had at the party last night!
A. What B. What C. How D. How a
( ) 9. Could Daniel ride a bike __________?
A. at present B. tomorrow C. now D. last month
( ) 10. I suddenly heard someone “ Help, Help”.
A shouting B to shout C shouts D shouted
( ) 11. He would like to recommend Chen Dan the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award .
A on B for C to D at
( ) 12. Mr Li is very kind. He always thinks others first .
A about B on C of D at
( ) 13. That girl the water and a kind boy her .
A fall into, saved B fell into, saved
C falls into, save D falls into, saved
( ) 14. I’m very grateful your help.
A to B on C of D for
( ) 16. What girl !
A an grateful B an unhappy C a unkind D helpful
( ) 17. I often tell the students .
A be careful B to careful C to be careful D careful
( ) 18. The fore burned Wang Fang‘s neck. She was in _hospital.
A a B the C / D an
( ) 19. Mr Sun is man .
A. a 89-years-old B. a 89 years-old
C. an 89-year-old D. an 89 year old
( ) 20. nice information !
A What B How C What a D How a
Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Integrated stills& Study skill (第七課時)
1.Amy ___________(練習(xí)) drawing every day.
2.She has a good _____________(記憶力).
3.Kitty is ______________ (有空) the whole day.
4.Next Friday we will have a parents’ m_______________
5.He often gets i_________________ from the internet.
6.I will do my b___________ to learn English well.
7.I have a good m___________, but I can’t remember everything.
8.Song Jia can get better r____________ if she studies better.
9. I can work out these ______________ (問題,題目).
10. Don’t p________ the soup over your clothes.
( ) 1. I want a cook __________ the children __________.
A. to teach/ how to cook B. teach/ how to cook
C. to teach/ to cook D. A and C
( ) 2. ?I broke your glass, uncle.
-_______, Herry. Be careful next time.
A. All right B. Never mind C. No problem D. OK
( ) 3. Kate likes history. She knows ________ about the history of her country.
A. a lot B. a lot ofC. lots of D. she’s
( ) 4. This basketball belongs to Lily. It’s _________________.
A. her B. hers C. she D. she’s
( ) 5.When I pass the park every day, I see an old man _____there.
A. to exercise B. exercised C. exercises D. exercising
( ) 6. -___________ did you help the child out of danger?
I rushed to him and caught him away from the running car.
A. What B. HowC. Where D. When
I need a the children to .
2 一位五歲的男孩迷了路, 正在街上哭。
A boy and was in the street .
3 我們熱切盼望收到你的來信。
We look from you soon .
4 我做電腦工作。有時他幫助俱樂部在網(wǎng)上獲取資料。
He does computer work. Sometimes he gets _____ from the_____ for the club .
5 陳丹正在上學(xué)路上, 他把那個孩子送到派出所去了。
Chen Dan was his way school. He the boy to the police station.
6 哈爾濱正在下雪,我們可以去那兒滑雪。
It in Harbin, we there.
7 昨天他們沒能打網(wǎng)球, 因為他們沒有網(wǎng)球拍 。
They yesterday because they didn’t have .
8 如果沒有他的幫助, 我是不會得到100分的。
I get 100 .
9 李雷過去會放風(fēng)箏嗎? 不,不會。
Li Lei ? No, he couldn’t
10 誰會唱這首歌? 我想湯姆會。
sing this song ? I think Tom can.
1.Mr Black could speak French before he came to China.
________ ________Mr Black ________before he came to China?
2.She knows a lot about Chinese history.( 對畫線部分提問)
_________ ___________ she _______________ a lot about?
3.The boy played football every day in the past.( 對畫線部分提問)
__________ ___________ __________ the boy _________ football in the past?
4.She has a brother. He is five years old.(合并為一句)
She has ____________ ___________ ____________.
5.To learn Geography well is difficult.( 改為同義句)
__________________________________to learn Geography well.
Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Main task (第八課時)
1.Simon was born _________Beijing ______________May 1, 1992.
2.___________ my way to school, I lost my watch.
3.He often plays computer games ___the Helping Club____Sundays.
4.She’ll get better results ___________English if she does her best.
5.Millie knows a lot _____________ Chinese history.
6.We can go to the zoo instead ____________ the park.
7.Please wait ___________ me at the bus stop next Tuesday.
8.I hope to hear _____________ my parents soon.
1.Do you often get information from the I___________?
2.My mother often does h_____alone at home, sometimes my father helps her.
3.Amy ___________ (can) read Chinese when she was five.
4.Millie likes _________ (read) books while Kitty enjoys ______ (listen) to music.
5.You must keep your eyes _______(close) when you play the game.
6.Sandy looks forward to ______________(see) grandma tomorrow.
7.Daniel lives on the _______________ (twelve) floor in Beijing.
8.Walking is good for your_____.You must keep ________. (health)
9.Daniel is very clever and he can learn things _________ (quick).
10.Last week, Lucy _____(lose) her way and _____(cry) in the street.
1.他學(xué)習(xí)東西很快。He can __________ _________ quickly.
It is easy for _________ to ___________ ___________ in the forest.
He _________ ________his sister ________ _______ _________.
No one ___________to play ___________this __________boy.
5.Daniel 考慮很周到,他總是在自己之前先想到別人.
Daniel is __________, and he always ____________ __________
John lived with his mother in a very big house, and when she ___1___,the house became too big ___2___ him, so he bought a ___3___ one in the next street. There was a very nice, old clock in his ___4___ house, and when the man came to take his things to the new house, John thought, “I’m not going to let them ___5___ my beautiful old clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it, and then it will be very expensive to repair it.” So he ___6___ and began to carry it down the road in his arms.
It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have ___7___. Then suddenly a small boy came along the road. He stopped and looked at John for ___8___ seconds. Then he said to John, “You’re a ___9___, aren’t you? ___10___ don’t you buy a watch like everyone else?”
( )1. A.workedB.studied C.diedD.played
( )2. A.a(chǎn)tB.with C.a(chǎn)boutD.for
( )3. A.larger B.bigger C.nicerD.smaller
( )4. A.second B.third C.firstD.new
( )5. A.to carryB.bring C.to takeD.carry
( )6. A.picked it upB.picks it up C.picks up it D.picked up it
( )7. A.a(chǎn) lookB.a(chǎn) drink C.a(chǎn) walkD.a(chǎn) rest
( )8. A.a(chǎn) few B.few C.little D.a(chǎn) little
( )9. A.greatB.fool(傻瓜) C.clever D.bright
( )10. A.WhereB.WhyC.HowD.When
On 10 th May, Wang Fang was at home a___1____. Suddenly she heard someone s___2___,” Fire, Fire! “She ran o___3___. She saw a lot of s ___4___ from next door. She went in and saw her n ___5___, the 79- year- old Mr Sun, in the kitchen. He could not get out because he h___6___ his leg. Wang Fang quickly ran back to her flat and p___7____ water over her jacket. Then she r ___8___ into Mr Sun’s kitchen to s____9___ him. There was a lot of smoke and the fire was very hot. She was not afraid. She put out the fire with a b___10___ and helped Mr Sun out.
Unit 5 Abilities
課題: Checkout (第九課時)
1. Don’t p_______ the soup over your clothes.
2. Tom is the head of my class. So he often o_______different activities for my classmates at school.
3. Many v_________ come to see the Great Wall every day.
4. I was very happy because I r________ a letter from my best friend .
5. I f ________ to bring our tennis rackets, so we couldn’t play tennis.
6. I remember all the new words. I have a very good m_______ .
7. You mustn’t be r_____ to the old people.
8. It is d_________ to play with fire.
9.We will have a drama s______________ tonight.
1. She is a very nice girl. She does everything___________(care).
2. It is _________(可能的) to rain tomorrow. You’d better take a raincoat with you
3. My dog is ______________(聰明) animal of all.
4. Do you do anything for your own____________(安全)?
5. There’re many__________(老鼠) in the kitchen.
6. She isn’t careful. She is_______________.
7. I can’t tell the __________(different) between the two pictures.
8. Many _________(visit) will come to our school tomorrow.
9. It’s fine . Let’s go ________(ski).
10. There will be a ___________(parent) meeting next week.
( )1.There was a fire last night, but the firemen_______soon.
A. put down it B. put it down C. put out it D. put it out
( )2.Wood catches fire easily. So ______fire.
A. keep it away from B.don’t keep it away from
C. keep it away D. don’t keep it away
( )3.Daniel is helpful, and he always________.
A. thinks of himself first B. thinks of others first
C. thinks himself first D. thinks others first
( )5.--May I play with Jack, Mom? --______. He is a lazy boy.
A. No, you mustn’t B. No, I can’t
C. Yes,you do D.Yes, you may
( )8.What? Walking on the ice? That sounds_______ .
A. danger B. well C. dangerous D. dangerously
( )9.His sister didn’t know the time because she ______ her watch at home.
A. leave B. left C. forget D. forgot
( )10.On ______ home, Susan found a robber getting out of a van yesterday.
A. her way to B. her way for C. her way at D. her way
( )11.She is good at Chinese but sometimes she is _______.
A. careful B. brave C. careless D. polite
( )12.There are some ________ between the two pictures.
A. different B .differents C. difference D. differences
( )15.Yesterday I wrote ________ letter to my teacher.
A.a eight-hundred words B. a eight-hundred-words
C. an eight-hundred-word D. an eight-hundred words
( )16.The window was broken. Try to _____ who has broken it.
A. find B. look C. find out D. look for
( )17.Can you keep a fire from ______ ? Yes, I can.
A. burn B burned C. to burn D. burning
1 如果你盡力的話,你在地理學(xué)科上能取得更好的成績。
If you_____ your_____, you can_____ ______ _____in Geography.
2長發(fā)要遠離火。 _______ long hair _________ ________ fire.
3他總是先人后己。He always ______ ______ ______before himself.
4 那聽起來很危險。 That ___________ _____________.
5 昨天他買的金魚多么漂亮的小轎車!
_______ _______ ________ he _________ yesterday!
6 別把任何熱的東西放進垃圾箱。
Don’t put ______ ________ _______ the _______ bin.
7 在過去,他們用樹棍建房子

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/77147.html
