
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

1. I like watching news ____ TV _____ the evening.
2. Thanks a lot _____ helping e _____ y ath.
3. We have sweaters ____ all colors _____ ¥50 each.
4. He listens ____ the teacher _____ two hours.
5. What do you do ____ the orning ____ October 1st?
6. Do you like to play ______ your dog _____ weekends?
7. There are soe words ____ the card, “Best wishes _____ Teachers’ Day!”
8. A friend _____ ine shows e a photo _____ his faily.
9. I watch TV ________ 8:00 _______ 10:00.
10. Ji gets _______ school ______ bus.
11. He buys sweaters ______ a an and sells the _____ others(他人).
12. I get up at ______ 7:00. How _______ you?
13. Please coe and have a look _____ our clothes _____ sale.
14. Please write and tell e _____ your life _____ China.
15. r. Johnson is strict _____ us. But all ____ us like hi very uch.
1. I like _____ books. A. looking B. reading C. read D. look at
2. Let’s ______ hoe. A. stay B. to stay C. stay at D. to stay at
3. We clean our roo ______ every Sunday afternoon. A. on B. in C. / D. at
4. ______ late next tie, To. A. Aren’t B. Isn’t C. Can’t be D. Don’t be
5. What about _____ to give hi a hand? A. go B. going C. to go D. goes
6. What do you often have ____ dinner? A. at B. with C. in D. for
7. Suer is _____ June _____ August. A. between, and B. fro, to C. fro, and D. in, and
8. We sell socks ___ only two dollars. A. on B. for C. by D. to
9. Lily and Lucy ____ a picture book. A. having B. have C. has D. to have
10. He can _____ very well. He wants to join the ____ club.
A. swis, swi B. swi, swi C. swiing, swiing D. swi, swiing
11. This is ______ car, and _____ nuber is 256780. A. y, its B. y, it’s C. a, it D. the, a
12. _____ you ______ to play football now?
A. Are, wanting B. Do, want C. Can, want D. Does, want
13. _______. Is this your backpack? A. I’ sorry B. Hello C. Excuse e D. OK
14. I can speak _____ English. A. a little B. any C. a lot D. any
15. What color are her ______? A. hat B. shoes C. pen D. jobs
16. Do you like _______?
A. play football B. playing football C. plays football D. playing the football
17. r. and rs. Black ______ very young. A. is B. like C. look D. look at
18. I have ____ aunt and ___ uncle in Hong Kong. A. a, a B. an, a C. an, an D. a, an
19. Who is the boy ____ red? A. on B. in C. under D. with
20. He’s a friend of y _______. A. father B. father’s C. fathers’ D. fathers
21. ____ is interesting to eat breakfast in a hotel. A. This B. That C. It D. She
22. Do you know ____ boy in red? Yes, he is ____ funny boy.
A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a D. the, the
23. —Is that your pen? —Yes,__________. A. this is . B. it’s. C. it is . D. that is
24. Ji ____ a boy. ____father is a worker (工人)
A. is He B. a His C .is His D. is her
25.—______________? —Orange.
A. What this in English? B. What color is it? C. What’s that? D. What this?
1. He does his hoework every orning. (改為否定句)
He _____ ______ his hoework every orning.
2. The little boy has two cups of ilk for lunch. (對畫線部分提問)
______ ______ ilk _____ the little boy _____ for lunch?
3. What sport do you like best(最)? (改為同義句)
→________ your __________ sport?
4. Are you and your parents happy? (作否定回答)
No, _______ ________.
5. I can dance. (改為一般疑問句) →_______ _______ dance?
6. Ann has bread and salad for lunch. (對畫線部分提問)
______ _______ Ann _______ for lunch?
7. We do our hoework in the evening. (改為一般疑問句)
______ ______ ______ your hoework in the evening?
8. He goes to school by bus. (對畫線部分提問)
_____ ______ he ______ to school? X
9. Jack likes to eat chicken very uch.(對畫線部分提問)
________ ______ Jack ______ to eat very uch?
10. The baseball is under the bed . (對畫線部分提問)
→________ _______the baseball?
11. Please open the door . (變否定句)
→Please ________ ________ the door.
12. There is one student in the roo . (對畫線部分提問)
______ ______ ______are there in the roo?
13. It’s seven twenty no Let’s go hoe.(改為同義句)
It’s ________ ________ seven no Let’s go hoe.
14. Are these pants black ?(變肯定句)
→ ________ pants _______black.
15. What’s the tie ?(改為同義句)
→_______ _______ ______ _______?
16. The jacket is 30 yuan. (對畫線部分提問)
→_______ _______ ______ the jacket?
17. Where is he fro? (改為同義句)
→Where _____ he _______ fro?
18. He is a very happy boy. (改為感嘆句)
→_______ ________ _______ boy he is!
19. She goes to school by bus. (改為同義句)
→She ______ a bus _____ school.
20. Where do you coe fro? Can you tell e? (合并句子)
→Can you tell e ______ _______ ______ fro?
A) 根據(jù)句意和首字母提示寫出單詞。
1. ?Do you have a c____________? ?Yes, I often play gaes on it.
2. On w____________, I often go to ovies with y friends.
3. What c_______ do you want to join?
4. Septeber coes after O____________.
5. The t________ onth is Deceber.
6. Noveber coes b_______ Deceber.
7. ?Who is your f_________ teacher? ?r. Wang. I like hi very uch.
8. In Aerica, school s_________ at eight-thirty.
9. The l______ day of the week is Saturday.
10. ay I k______ your e-ail address?
B) 用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空:
1. Do you want to be a _____________(usic)?
2. He _________(watch) TV in the evening.
3. r. and rs. Green have three ___________(child).
4. I a __________(real) busy today.
5. Our office is on the ________(nine) floor(層).
6. Please eat ore vegetables to keep(保持) ____________(health).
7. y sister _______(like) blue very uch.
8. I eat soe _________(toato) and a lot of ________(broccoli) every day.
9. She _______(have) soe questions to ask.
10. Best _______(wish) for Teachers’ Day!
1.Welcoe to our school.
2.Are you r. Wang?
3.What’ s your phone nuber?
4.Whose dog is that behind the desk?
5.Can I see your licence, please?
6.What tie is it now?
7.What colour is the dog?
8.What’ s twenty plus thirty?
9.Which sweater is yours?
10.Where’ s To’ s football?
A.It’ s 2210974.
B.Thank you.
C.It is fifteen past seven.
D.The red one is ine.
E. It’ s black.
F.OK. Here you are.
G.Yes,I a.
H.It’ s Wang Tao’ s dog.
I.It’ s under the bed.
J.It’ s fifty.

This is a picture 1 a bedroo. It’ s the 2 bedroo. Look 3 the wall. They are very white. There 4 two pictures and a ap on it. We can see 5 old clock on the desk. Soe 6 are on it,too. Lily’ s blouse is on 7 bed.Lucy’ s clothes are on the 8
9 under the bed. There 10 a box and soe shoes under it.
1.A.a(chǎn)t B.of C.for D.in
2.A.twin B.twins C.twins’ D.twin’ s
3.A.of B.in C.a(chǎn)t D.on
4.A.a(chǎn)re B.is C.will D.have
5.A.a(chǎn) B.the C.× D.a(chǎn)n
6.A.pencil B.pen C.books D.ruler
7.A.a(chǎn) B.the C.a(chǎn)n D./
8.A.door B.window C.ball D.chair
9.A.What B.What are C.What’ s D.Which
10.A.a(chǎn)re B.is C.has D.have
There are four people in the twins’ faily. They are the twins,their other and their father.
The twins’ naes are Lucy and Lily. They are fourteen. They are in the sae class in No. 3 iddle School and they are all good students.
Their father r. King is a teacher. He’ s thirty-nine. He teaches English in a school near his hoe. Their other rs. King is a doctor. She works in a hospital. Now, they are all at hoe. They are happy.
1.There are______________people in the twin’ s faily.
A.three B.four C.five D.six
2.r King is a______________.
A.worker B.teather C.doctor D.student
3.rs King works_______________.
A.in a school B.in a factory
C.in a hospital D.a(chǎn)t hoe
4.How old is rs. king?
A.Thirty. B.Thirty-nine.
C.Thirty-two D.I don’ t kno
5.The twins are in_______________ iddle school.
A.No. 1 B.No. 2 C.No. 3 D.No. 4
閱讀短文,判斷正誤,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫“F” Ji Green is a student at No. 14 iddle school. He has classes fro onday to Friday. He has any things to do after class. On onday and Wednesday he helps his friends with their English. On Tuesday he akes odle planes. On Friday afternoon, he plays basketball. He goes to the park with his parents and sister on Saturday. On Sunday, he has a good rest at hoe and does his hoework.
( )6.Ji has classes fro onday to Saturday.
( )7.Ji helps his friends with their English after class on onday and Wednesday.
( )8.Ji plays basketball on Saturday afternoon.
( )9.Ji helps his sister with her hoework on Wednesday.
( )10.Ji has a good rest at hoe on Sunday.

This is a Chinese girl. ___________nae is Wei Hua.She is in No. 9___________School. She is in___________0ne, Grade Two. We are in the_____class. Our English teacher is_____________Green. We love her.
One of y friends

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/78991.html
