odule4 Healthy food訓(xùn)練試題(2013年外研版帶答案)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

odule 4 Healthy food檢測題

  D E
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. A. In No. 62 street.B. Across fro the zoo.
C. Next to the zoo.
7. A. No, it isn’t.B. Yes,it is.
C. I’ve no idea.
8. A. Noisy usic. B. Gentle usic.
C. Both A and B.
9. A. Fifteen.B. Five.
C. Fifty.
10. A. In the classroo. B. At school.
C. At hoe.
11. A. 30.B. 22.C. 52.
12. A. illie.B. Lily.C. We don’t kno
13. A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesn’t.C. Yes, he is.
14. A. A policean.B. A teacher.C. A doctor.
15. A. Yes, they can.B. No, they can. C. No, they can’t.
C)聽下面一段短文。短文后有幾個問題,從題中所給的A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳選項。16. Who gets up at 6:40 in the orning?
A. Lily. B. ary. C. Lily and ary.
17. Do they go hoe together?
A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. We don’t kno
18. When does ary go hoe in the afternoon?
A. 5:00 p.. B. 5:30 p.. C. 6:30 p..
19. Where do they have lunch?
A. At hoe. B. In the shop. C. At school.
20. Do they often chat with each other at lunchtie?
A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they do. C. No, they don’t.
21. ―What’s your favourite vegetable??
A. HaburgersB. ToatoC. BananasD. Eggs
22. I have_________ every day.?
A. chickensB. chickenes?C. ice creasD. bananas
23.―Do you like ________ ??
―Yes, I do.?
A. toato and noodle?B. toato and noodles?
C. toatos and noodle?D. toatoes and noodles
24.Which is different(不同的)fro the others??
A. Oranges.B. Apples.C. Bananas.D. Carrots.
25. Would you like _______apples??
A. anyB. soe?C. anD. uch
26. Please give e ________ and two .?
A. a bottle of apple juices; breads?
B. a bottle of apple juice; fruit cakes?
C. an apple juice; bread?
27. ―Would you like soething ?
―Yes, please.?
A.to eat B. eating C.eat?
28. What would you like supper??
A. of B. for C. to?
29. ―Would you like rice?
―No, thanks.?
A .any B .a C. soe?
30. There is orange on the table. orange is green.?
A. an; An B. the; The C. an; The
I’ Ji and I 31 two sisters,Sally 32 ona. We like to have haburgers
33 lunch. Sally and I 34 French fries, 35 ona doesn’t. I 36 like eggs for breakfast,but Sally and 37 do. I like 38 for breakfast. 39 really like chicken 40 salad for dinner.
31. A. hasB. have
C. here isD. there are
32. A. andB. or
C. withD. but
33. A. ofB. to
C. atD. for
34. A. likesB. like
C. are likeD. a like
35. A. andB. but
C. orD. with
36. A. a notB. is not
C. don’tD. doesn’t
37. A. SaB. ary
C. onaD. Alice
38. A. ilksB. noodle
C. fruitD. eats
39. A. onaB. Sally
C. JiD. We
40. A. andB. of
C. but D. to
四、理解(每小題2分,滿分30 分)
The food in Aerica is different fro our Chinese food. For exaple, they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat the every day. They eat bread for breakfast. They eat their bread with butter(黃油),aybe cheese or ja(果醬).Cheese and butter are ade fro (用……做成)ilk. They drink a lot of ilk, too. They drink ilk in hot or cold, and they put it in their tea. And they like eat or fish with potatoes and other vegetables. After the eal they always eat soething sweet. They call that dessert(甜點).?
41. The Aerican food is Chinese food.?
A. the sae as B. different fro
C. as well as D. better than?
42. Butter is ade fro .?
A. ilkB. butter
C. ja D. sweet?
43. In Aerica they usually eat bread with .?
A. sugar B. ilk
C. cheese D. tea?
44. Which is not entioned in the passage??
A. ilk. B. Tea.
C. Coffee. D. Rice porridge(粥).?
45. After the eal they like to eat .?
A. apples B. pizzas
C. dessert D. oranges
Hello! y nae is ike. I a fro the USA. Now I a in China with y parents. I like China. I like Chinese food,too. I have breakfast at hoe. I eat an egg,bread and porridge (粥)for breakfast. I do not like ilk. I have no tie to go hoe for lunch. So I have it at school. The lunch in our school is good. I can have different (不同的) food for lunch. I eat rice,eat and vegetables. Soeties (有時) I have noodles and duplings (餃子).I have supper at hoe with y parents. Soeties we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken,vegetables and fruit.
46. ike is ______.
A. AericanB. English
C. ChineseD. in the USA
47.For breakfast,ike has _______.
A. an egg,an apple and porridgeB. an egg,bread and porridge
C. an apple,bread and ilkD. an egg,an apple and bread
48. He has lunch _______.
A. at schoolB. at hoe
C. in a restaurantD. with his parents
49. He has _______ for lunch.
A. rice,eat and vegetablesB. duplings and noodles
C. chicken,eat and fruitD. A and B

50.Soeties they have supper ________.
A. at schoolB. in a restaurant with soe friends
C. at his friend’s hoeD. in a restaurant with teachers
In any English hoes people eat four eals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
People have breakfast at any tie fro seven to nine in the orning. They eat porridge, eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.
Lunch coes at one o’clock. Afternoon tea is fro four to five in the afternoon. And dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, and then they have eat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat soe other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Soe of the have their dinner in the iddle of the day. Their eals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and these eals are very siple(簡單的).
51. any English people have _______ eals a day.
A. twoB. three
C. fourD. three or four
52.People ay have ________ for their breakfast.
A. tea and eggsB. porridge, eggs, bread, tea or coffee
C. tea and coffeeD. bread and eggs
53. People have lunch at _______.
A. any tieB. nine
C. fiveD. one
54. People don’t have ________ for their dinner.
A. porridgeB. bananas and apples
C. soe soup and eatD. eat and fish
55. In any English hoes dinner coes _______.
A. at one o’clockB. in the iddle of the day
C. at noonD. at night
56. We have got soe juice, but we haven’t got any    .
57. Do you like p   ?(一種蔬菜)?
58. I don’t want to eat t   .?
59. Do you like fish or c   ??
60.Betty doesn’t like apples or o   . 
They are________ _________ and_________.
y _______ ________is beef.
To likes ________and _________ __________lunch.
_______are_________ food.
Susan ________ ________ _________ piano.
66. We have got soe juice.(變?yōu)榉穸ň??
We________ _________ ___________ juice.
67. Have they got any carrots?(作否定回答)?
________,they___________ .
68. We’ve got six eggs.(對畫線部分提問)?
_________ __________ ___________have you got?
69.y sister likes apples.(對畫線部分提問)?
________ ________apples?
70.you, got, have, any, juice(連詞成句)?
odule 4檢測題參考答案

1.We can’t soke here.
2. He has a teddy bear.
3. There’s a beautiful bird in the tree.
4. They usually play basketball in the afternoon.
5. They often fly kites in the park.
6.: Excuse e, how can I get to the city library?
W: The No. 62 bus will take you there. It’s across fro the zoo.
Q: Where is the city library?
7.: When are you supposed to arrive if you are invited to a dinner party in Gerany?
W: I’ supposed to get there on tie.
Q: Is it polite to be late for a dinner party in Gerany?
8.: ona, did you enjoy yourself at the party?
W: No, it was quite noisy. You know, I like gentle usic.
Q: What kind of usic does ona like?
9.: A terrible accident happened in Aerica last week.
W: Oh, what is it?
: A plane fell into a neighborhood and fifty people were killed.
W: Oh, y goodness!
Q: How any people died in the accident?
10. : Our English teacher was ill. Who will teach us today?
W: It ust be iss Green. Look, she’s coing to our class.
: Let’s go back to the classroo no
Q: Where are they talking?
11. A: How any boys are there in your class, Jill?
B: There are 30, and there are 22 girls in our class.
Q: How any students are there in Jill’s class?
12. A: Do you have a caera , Lily?
B: No, I don’t. But illie has one.
Q: Who has a caera?
13. A: Does Nick usually get up early?
B: Yes, he does. But he gets up late at the weekend.
Q: Does Nick get up early on Sunday?
14. A: ary, does your cousin work in a school?
B: No, he’s a policean.
Q: What’s ary’s cousin?
15. A: Can we ride bikes on the grass?
B: No, we can’t. Look at the sign.
Q: Can they ride bikes on the grass?
I’ Lily. I get up at 6:30 a.. y friend ary lives near y hoe. She gets up at 6:40 a.. We go to school together. I have lunch at school. She has lunch at school, too. We often chat with each other at lunchtie. After school, I usually go swiing. She usually goes to play football. We don’t go hoe together. She goes hoe at 5:00 p.. I go hoe at 5:30 p.. We do our hoework in the evening.
1~5 DABEC 6~10 BABCB
11~15 CABAC 16~20 BBACB
21. B 因為問的是蔬菜,所以只有B選項符合。
22. D chicken和ice crea是不可數(shù)名詞,無復(fù)數(shù)形式,故只能選D。
23. D 只有D選項中的單詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式正確,所以選D。
24. D A、B、C選項都屬于水果類,所以選D。
25. B 因為Would like...?問句是征求意見的,表示“一些”用soe,所以選B項。
26. B apple juice和bread是不可數(shù)名詞,不能加s,cake具體指某種蛋糕時是可數(shù)名詞,要
27. A 表示“可以吃的東西”,用soething to eat。
28. B 表示“吃什么作晚餐”,用介詞for。
29. C 表示委婉的請求和建議時,疑問句也用soe。
30. C 第一空是泛指,故用an,第二空是特指,故用the。
31.B 表示某人“有”用have或has,主語為I,故用have。
32.A and意為“和”,在肯定句中連接兩個并列成分。
33.D for在這里意為“作為”,三餐吃什么,用介詞for。
34.B 表示喜歡用like,主語“Sally and I”為復(fù)數(shù),故選B。
35.B 表示轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系,故用but。
36.C 否定實義動詞應(yīng)用助動詞do或does,主語為第一人稱,故用don’t。
37.C 前文已提到自己的兩個姐妹:Sally和ona。
38.C ilk和eat為不可數(shù)名詞,后不能加s; noodle一般用復(fù)數(shù)形式。故選C。
39.D 由謂語動詞like可知主語不是第三人稱單數(shù),故選D。
40.A 肯定句中表示“和”用and,連接兩個并列成分。
41. B 根據(jù)“The food in Aerica is different fro our Chinese food.”可知,美國食物與中國
42. A 根據(jù)“Cheese and butter are ade fro (用……做成)ilk.”可知,butter是用ilk做
43. C 根據(jù)“They eat their bread with butter(黃油),aybe cheese or ja(果醬).”可知,他們吃
44. D 通讀全文可知應(yīng)選D項。?
45. C 根據(jù)短文最后兩句可知,美國人餐后喜歡吃甜點。
46.A 由第三句可知ike是美國人。
47.B 由句子“I eat an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast.”可知本題應(yīng)選B。
48.A 由文中的句子“I have no tie to go hoe for lunch. So I have it at school.”可知A項正
49.D 由倒數(shù)第四、五句可知選D項。
50.B 由倒數(shù)第二句可知。
51.C 由第一段知很多英國人每天吃四頓飯。故選C。
52.B 從第二段的第二、三句知應(yīng)選B。
53.D 由第三段的第一句“Lunch coes at one o’clock.”知應(yīng)選D。
54.A 從第三段中的“First they have soup, and then they have eat or fish with vegetables.
After that they eat soe other things, like bananas, apples or oranges.”可知其中沒有提到
55.B 由“Soe of the have their dinner in the iddle of the day.”可知應(yīng)選B。
56.ilk 57.potatoes 58.toatoes 59.chicken
60.oranges 61.healthy food; drinks 62.favourite food
63.fish;rice for 64.Haburgers;unhealthy 65.can’t play the
66.haven’t got any  67.No;haven’t 68.How any eggs
69.Who likes 70.Have you got any juice
One possible version:
Lingling’s faily live in Zhuhai. Her father is fro Guangdong, he likes eating rice and eat. Her other is fro Dongbei, she likes eating noodles and duplings. Lingling likes eating ice creas and haburgers. His other says they are unhealthy food. And she asks Lingling to eat ore rice and fish, to drink ore ilk and juice, because they are all healthy food and drinks.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/79269.html
