
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英 語(yǔ) 試 題

滿分:120分 時(shí)間:120分鐘
( )1.The girl’s nae is aria Schuartz, so her ___________ nae’s aria.
A. last B.faily C.first D.other
( )2. —Are you r Li? —_________.
A. Yes, I a B. No, you’re not C. Yes, you are
( )3. —Is this _____ basketball? —No. It’s _____ basketball.
A. you;y B. y;you C. your;his
( )4.-What’s your telephone nuber? -___________ 278-106.
A.I’ B.It C.It’s D.Is it
( )5.-Is that a ruler? -No, ______________.
A.it is B.it isn’t C.that is D.that isn’t
( )6.That’s a girl. Her nae is ___________.
A.Wang Xiaoling B.Wang Xiao Ling
C. Wang xiaoling D. Wang xiao ling
( )7. I _____ a student. You ______ a teacher. It ______ a book.
A.a, are, is B. be, are, is C. a, be, is D. a, is, are
( )8. y nae _______ Ji Green.
A. a B. is C. are D. be
( )9.—How is Li ing? —_______.
A.He is good. B. He is a boy. C. He is fine. D. I’ fine.
( )10.—Hello, Kate. Nice to eet you! — _________.
A .How are you? B. What’s your nae?
C. Nice to eet you, too! D. I’ fine.
( ) 11. —_______ do you spell “pen”? — P-E-N.
A. What B. Where C. How D. Which
( )12.This is Gina. _______ phone nuber is 5874—6923.
A. She B. Her C. He D. His
( )13.In England, the last nae is the __________.
A. faily nae B. iddle nae C. given nae D. full nae
( )14.-Is Grace your friend? -Yes,____ is.
A.his B. her C. she D. he
( )15. -What’s this ____English? -It’s ____orange.
A. in; an B .at; an C. in; a D. on; the
( )16.This is _____ruler.
A.I B.y a C.a y D.y
( )17. -What color is _____jacket? -Red.
A.your B.I C.you D.it
( )18.This is _____pen and that is _____orange.
A.a; a B. an; an C.a; an D.an; a
( )19.This is a ruler. _____ruler is blue.
A.A B.The C.An D./
( )20. -Are you Helen? -____.
A.No, I’ not B. No, it isn’t C.Yes, it is D.Yes, I’
( )21.ary is a(n)____student. She is ____.
A.good; fine B.well; OK C.OK; fine D.well; fine
( )22.與字母L含有相同因素的一組字母是______.
( )23.—Your English is very good. —______.
A.Thank you B.Thanks you C.You are good D.Not good
( )24._______Steven._______phone nuber is 215-0273.
A.y is;I B.I’;y C.I is;ID.I’;I
( )25. —What’s ______nae? —He’s Vinson.
A.he B.he’s C.his D.her
( )26. —Is it ______backpack? —No,it isn’t.
A.he B.she C.her D.hers
( )27.This is ______pen.
A.white B.a white C.an red D.an green
( )28.Look! This is ______ID card.
A.a B.an C.the D./
( )29. —What’s four and three? —It’s_____.
A.seven B.eight C.one D.six
( )30. —____ your nae? — y nae is Kate.
A. What’s B. What C. Where
( )31. —Is she aria? —No, she ____.
A. is B. isn’t C. aren’t
( )32. “ One one zero ” 表示 ____。
A. 火警 B. 匪警 C. 急救中心
( )33. —What’s this ____ English? —It’s ____ egg.
A. to; a B. to; an C. in; an D. in; a
( )34. —Is that an orange? ____. It’s an apple.
A. Yes B. No C. It is D. It isn’t
( )35. —____ your nae. —T-I-N-A, Tina.
A. Spell B. Now C. Say D. Speak
( )36. y o is ____ teacher. She’s ____ English teacher.
A. a; an B. a; a C. an; a D. an; an
( ) 37 . —Is her nae Kate? — ____
A. Yes, she is. B. No, she isn ’ t. C. Yes, it ’ s. D. No, it isn ’ t.
( )38.—Is this_______English car ? —No, it’s _____Japanese car.
A.a; a B.a; an C.an; an D.an; a
( )39. —Is your nae Brown?
A.Yes, it is. B. Yes, I a. C. Yes, I’. D. No, I’ not.
( )40. I a a teacher. She is a teacher, _______.
A. to B. too C. two D. do

( )41.—Glad to eet you. —Glad to eet you, too.
   A. Good B. Nice C. nice D. Hi
( )42. —What’s your nae, please? —I’ Tony. And your nae? —y nae is Lily.
A. And your o? B. And how are you?
C. And what’s your nae? D. And how old are you?
( )43. —How old are you? —I’ thirteen.
  A. thirty year old B. thirteen year old
C. thirteen years old D. three years old
( )44. y hair is long.
  A. I have short hair. B. I have long hair.
C. I have red hair. D. I have white hair.
( )45. I coe fro the USA.
  A. China B. Aerica C. UK D. UN

This girl 1 twelve. 2 nae is Kate. That boy 3 thirteen. 4 nae is To. 5 teacher 6 a woan. 7 nae is Wang Fen. 8 is a good teacher. Kate and To are good 9 . 10 are also good students.
( )46.A. be B. a C. is D. are
( )47.A. y B. Your C. His D. Her
( )48.A. be B. a C. is D. are
( )49.A. His B. Your C. y D. Her
( )50.A. They’s B. They’re C. They D. Their
( )51.A. a B. is C. are D. be
( )52.A. His B. Her C. She’s D. He’s
( )53.A. She’s B. He’s C. She D. He
( )54.A.friend’s B. friends C. friend D. friends’
( )55.A.They B. They’re C. their D. the

r. Black coes fro New York in Aerica(美國(guó)). He teaches(教)English in No. 3 iddle School. He likes his work(工作) very uch. He often says Chinese people are very friendly(友好).
He has two daughters(女兒). They are Lily and Lucy. They are twins(雙胞胎). They are in the sae school. They study(漢語(yǔ)) Chinese very hard(努力). The teachers and students all(都)like the. They have a lot of Chinese friends.
( ) 56. r. Black is fro New York .
( ) 57. r. Black teaches (教) English in No. 5 iddle School.
( ) 58. Lily and Lucy are twins.
( ) 59. Lily and Lucy are in different schools.
( ) 60. Lily and Lucy have a lot of Chinese friends.
r. and rs. Brown are fro Aerica. They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou. Their son Jack is with the. Jack speaks English. They want hi to learn soe Chinese. Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school. He plays with Chinese children every day. He listens to Chinese, speaks(講) Chinese, reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese. He is doing well in his Chinese.
( ) 61. r. and rs. Brown are________. A. Chinese B. English C. Aerica  D. Aericans
( ) 62. They are working ________ no
A. in England B. in China C. in Aerica D. in Grade 3
( ) 63. Jack is________.
A. a student in a Chinese school B. a girl fro Aerica
C. in Class One, Grade Three  D. learning English
( ) 64. Jack likes to play with________.
A. his father B. his other  C. his brothers  D. Chinese children
( ) 65. Jack learns the Chinese language (語(yǔ)言) by________.
A. listening to the language B. listening to the language and speaking it
C. reading books in Chinese and writing in it D. listening, speaking, reading and writing
I’ To. I’ an Aerican boy. Ji is y good friend. He is fro England. He’ s thirteen. y sister is Ann. She is ten. She has a round face and a sall nose. She is very lovely(可愛的). We are in the sae school. But we are in different grades. I’ in Class 3, Grade 2.
Our teacher is fro China. She is iss Gao. She has big eyes and long hair. We like(喜歡) her very uch.
( ) 66. _______ coe fro Aerica.
A. To and Ji B. To and Ann C. Ji and Ann D. To, Ji and Ann
( ) 67. To and Ann are in different _______ .
A. schools B. school C. grades D. grade
( ) 68. Ann has ______ .
A. a long face and a sall nose B. a round face and a big nose
C. a round face and a sall nose D. a short face and a sall nose
( ) 69. Our teacher, iss Gao is ______ .
A. Aerican B. y good friend C. English D. Chinese
( ) 70. We like ______ very uch. A. Ji B. To C. Ann D. iss Gao
1.Good a _____ , Cindy!2.What’s this in _____(英語(yǔ))?
3.This is a ____(被子).4.Her nae is Alice. A____ y nae is ike.
5.y nae is Li Hong. Li is y f____ nae.6.Frank is in _____ (中國(guó)).
7.消費(fèi)者投訴電話:one—two— three— one —____
8.—How are you?—I a f_____, thanks.
9.______(拼寫) it, please.10.What is your telephone n_______?
1.What’s ________nae? ( you )2.He is y friend._____(he) first nae is Tony.
3.—What’s this? —_______(it) a key.
4. Hi! I ____ Liu Yun. What is your nae? (be)5.It is ______ (a) UFO.
1.y nae is White. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)____ ____ ____ last nae?
2. Alice is fine. (改為同義句)Alice ____ _____.
3. It is a blue ap.(改為一般疑問句)____ ____ a blue ap?
4. —Is he Dale? (作否定回答)—N0, he ____.
5. The ruler is purple. (對(duì)劃線部分提問)____ ____ is the ruler?
假如你的朋友叫Dale Brown,請(qǐng)以“ y Good Friend ”為題,運(yùn)用所學(xué)的英語(yǔ)知識(shí),介紹一下你最要好的朋友。注意:1.語(yǔ)句通順,語(yǔ)意連貫。 2.不少于30個(gè)單詞。你可以這樣開頭:
y Good Friend
I have a good friend. His / Her nae is __________________________ ____
一、1-5CACCB 6-10AABCC 11-15CBACA 16-20DACBA 21-25ADABC 26-30CBBAA 31-35BBCBA 36-40ADDAB
三、46-50CDCAD 51-55BBCBA
四、56-60ABABA 61-65DBADD 66-70BCCDD
五、A)1-5 afternoon, English, quilt, And, faily 6-10 China, five, fine, Spell, nuber
B) 1-5 your, His, It’s, a, a
六、1、What is your 2、is OK(well) 3、Is it 4、isn’t 5、What color

一、1-5CACCB 6-10AABCC 11-15CBACA 16-20DACBA 21-25ADABC 26-30CBBAA 31-35BBCBA 36-40ADDAB
三、46-50CDCAD 51-55BBCBA
四、56-60ABABA 61-65DBADD 66-70BCCDD
五、A)1-5 afternoon, English, quilt, And, faily 6-10 China, five, fine, Spell, nuber
B) 1-5 your, His, It’s, a, a
六、1、What is your 2、is OK(well) 3、Is it 4、isn’t 5、What color

一、1-5CACCB 6-10AABCC 11-15CBACA 16-20DACBA 21-25ADABC 26-30CBBAA 31-35BBCBA 36-40ADDAB
三、46-50CDCAD 51-55BBCBA
四、56-60ABABA 61-65DBADD 66-70BCCDD
五、A)1-5 afternoon, English, quilt, And, faily 6-10 China, five, fine, Spell, nuber
B) 1-5 your, His, It’s, a, a
六、1、What is your 2、is OK(well) 3、Is it 4、isn’t 5、What color

一、1-5CACCB 6-10AABCC 11-15CBACA 16-20DACBA 21-25ADABC 26-30CBBAA 31-35BBCBA 36-40ADDAB
三、46-50CDCAD 51-55BBCBA
四、56-60ABABA 61-65DBADD 66-70BCCDD
五、A)1-5 afternoon, English, quilt, And, faily 6-10 China, five, fine, Spell, nuber
B) 1-5 your, His, It’s, a, a
六、1、What is your 2、is OK(well) 3、Is it 4、isn’t 5、What color

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/80620.html
