2013年7A英語 Unit2練習(xí)題(新版譯林牛津英語)

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

7A Unit 2 學(xué)情調(diào)查
班級(jí) 姓名 ____ 評(píng)價(jià)___________
一、詞組翻譯。 (10’)
1. 喜歡踢足球_____________________ 2. 一天許多次______________________
3. 擅長(zhǎng)游泳_______________________ 4. 看上去年輕______________________
5. 是…的一名成員_________________ 6. 放學(xué)后__________________________
7. 成為現(xiàn)實(shí)_______________________ 8. 在周末__________________________
9. 步行去學(xué)校_____________________ 10. 使我高興_______________________
二、根據(jù)句意和提示填寫單詞的正確形式。 (15’)
1. Do you eat three _____________ (次數(shù)) a day?
2. There are five _____________ (碗) on the table.
3. ______________ (繪畫) is y hobby. Do you like it?
4. There are two basketball_______________ (俱樂部) in Nanjing.
5. Who can play very __________(好)in the atch?
6. The an is s __________ enough to carry that heavy box.
7. The book is f __________ . Don't pay oney for it.
8. What e_________ do you want to say, Sandy?
9.―Are you a good student? ? Yes, of c_________ .
10. y other e___________ watching TV at hoe at night.
11. How any ___________ (play) are there in a football tea?
12. To ___________(study) hard and he is a top student.
13. We usually have ___________[fʌn] talking with each other.
14. Jay is one of y ___________(hero). Do you like hi?
15. The young an likes watching NBA___________['ætʃɪz] on TV.
三、完成句子,每空一詞。 (15’)
1. 讓我們來談?wù)撐覀兊男聦W(xué)校吧。 Let’s ________ ________ our new school.
2. 你想去購物嗎? Do you want to ________ _______________?
3. 有許多學(xué)生在操場(chǎng)上。There are ________ ________ students in the playground.
4. Jack watches TV every day. (劃線提問)________ ________ Jack ________ every day?
5. Sion is fro Aerica. (同義句) Sion ________ fro Aerica.
6. Which book do you like best? (同義句)Which is _____________ ____________ book?
7. Does he play tennis well?(同義句) Is he ________ ________ ________ tennis?
四、選擇。 (15’)
( )1. -- Can you play ________ table tennis, Sion? -- Yes, I often play it after class.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )2. -- _______ your classates all nice to you? ? Yes, ________.
A.Do, they do B. Are, they’re C.Are, they are D. Is, he is
( )3. _________ of the students in Class 2 looks happy.
A. All B. Each C. Both D. Every
( )4. Is there______ in today’s newspaper?
A. anything else B. soething else C. else soething D. else anything
( )5. She wants ______ the roo. Would you like_______ her?
A. clean, help B. to clean, help C. clean, to help D. to clean, to help
( )6. Ji, with his faily, ______ a bus to go hoe every day.
A. takes B. take C. is taking D. are taking
( )7. y teacher has any books. Because he ______ reading very uch.
A. wants B. would like C. loves D. wants to
( )8. -- __________the woan like listening to usic?―_________.
A. Does; No, she does B. Do; No, she do
C. Does; Yes, she does D. Do; Yes, she don't
( )9. The boy often ________ a kite on Sundays in spring.
A. fly B. flying C. flies D. flew
( )10. Ay’s other always akes her ________ English every orning.
A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read
( )11. This piece of usic__________beautiful.
A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. sells
( )12. ---_______ do you visit your grandparents? ---Once a onth.
A. How soon B. How long C. How uch D. How often
( )13. ---How are you, Andy? ---____________.
A. How are you B. I’ fine, thank you.
C. Glad to eet you, Andy. D. I’ a student fro Beijing.
( )14. ---What about ___________a rest? ? OK. Let’s go out and have a walk.
A. to take B. takes C. take D. taking
( )15. ?Can you help e close the door?--__________. It's too cold.
A. Certainly not B. Not at all C. You're welcoe D. Of course
五、完形。 (10’)
Jack is y classate. He is y good friend. He is 1 Aerican boy. He is fro 2 . He is short. He has a round face and 3 big brown eyes. His 4 is not black. It is blond (金黃色的). To likes English. He can speak a little Chinese, too. He goes to school __5 foot.
We usually 6 our hoework at school. We clean our classroo 7 every Friday. Usually, To 8 the blackboard and I sweep the floor. Our favourite sport is basketball. Soeties we 9 in the playground. We 10 at 4.30. We both like our teachers and classates.
( ) 1. A./ B.the C.a D.an
( ) 2. A.Japan B.England C.Aerica D.China
( ) 3. A.three B.two C.one D.four
( ) 4. A.head B.hair C.nose D.hand
( ) 5. A.by B.with C.on D.in
( ) 6. A.ake B.do C.does D.look
( ) 7. A.at B./ C.on D.in
( ) 8. A.wash B.clean C.looks at D.cleans
( ) 9. A. plays basketball B. plays tennis C. play basketball D. play tennis
( ) 10.A.going hoe B.go hoe C.go to school D.goes hoe
John is fro London. He is 8 years old this year. His father is a waiter and his other works on a far. He is a pupil of Grade One.
It's onday today. iss King is teaching the to count fro one to ten. John is working hard in class. Soon he can count the. iss King is very glad and asks hi, “ How any people are there in your faily, John?” John stands up and says, “Two, iss King.” “Who are they?” “y father and other.” “Oh?” iss King is surprised and says, “There are three people in your faily.” “But now I’ not at hoe. I’ at school, you know!”
Who is a waiter?John’s 1.__________ is a waiter.
How old is John this year?He is 2._________ years old this year.
Where does John’s other work?She works on a 3.___________.
What does iss King do?She is a 4.______________ teacher.
How any people are there in John’s faily?There are 5.____________ people.
七、理解。 (10’)
It is eight o’clock. The chilren go to school by car every day, they are going to school on foot.It is ten o’clock. rs Sawyer usually stays at hoe in the orning, but this orning, she is going to the shops. It is four o’clock.In the afternoon, rs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living roo. But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden. It is six o’clock, In the evening, the children usually do their hoework, but this evening, they are not doing their hoework. At the oent, they are playing in the garden. It is nine o’clock. r Sawyer usually reads his newpaper at night. But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight. At the oent, he’s reading an interesting book.
( )1.The children go to school ______ every day.
A. by car B. on foot C. by bike D. by bus
( )2.rs Sawyer is going to ___ this orning.
A. stay at hoe B. go shopping C. drink tea D. watch TV
( )3. rs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at ______in the living roo.
A. 8:00 B. 16:00 C. 18:00 D. 21:00
( )4. Are the children doing their hoework at the oent?
A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. Yes, they are. D. No, they aren’t
( )5.At the oent ,r Sawyer is_________
A. watching TV B. reading his newspaper
C. playing in the garden D. reading an interesting book.
y school, Sunshine iddle School, looks l 1 a garden. It’s in the west of Hangzhou.
There is a l 2 at the gate where any fish swi happily. Over the lake, there is a bridge. We often coe here and w 3 the fish. Go across the bridge and you can s 4 a sall garden. We spend a lot of f 5 tie there.
There is a 6 a big library in the iddle of the school. There are l 7 of books in our library. Every noon, I go there to r 8 books.
I s 9 happily in y school, and I e 10 y day at school.
1.__________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________
提示:我叫…,今年…歲,我有兩個(gè)好朋友,To and Jack。我們都住在鎮(zhèn)江,是第三中學(xué)的學(xué)生。我們都喜歡游泳,我喜歡踢足球,To籃球打得好,Jack擅長(zhǎng)排球,我們最喜歡的體育明星是孫楊。(要求:條理清晰,書寫工整,可以適當(dāng)發(fā)揮)

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/81036.html
