七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)7A unit6復(fù)習(xí)題(新版牛津英語(yǔ))

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來(lái)源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

Unit 6 復(fù)習(xí)練習(xí)
( ) 1.There’s________ “u” and _______ “” in the word “nuber”.
A. an; a B. an; an C. a; a D. a; an
( ) 2._____ orange is ____ orange.
A. The, an B. An,/ C. An, the D. The, the
( ) 3. —What do you have ______supper? —There _______soe ilk and bread in the fridge.
A. in; is B. for; are C. of; is D. for; is
( ) 4. The boys seldo play badinton _________ the girls often play it.
A. and B. but C. so D. because
( ) 5.We often go to the zoo _________ the orning _______ June 1.
A. in; on B. in; of C. on; of D. on; on
( ) 6.rs Liu teaches ________ English . We like _______ class very uch.
A. e , his B. e ,her C. us ,his D. us, her
( ) 7.There are thirty ___ and eight hundred ____in our school.
A. woan teachers, girl student B. woen teachers, girls students
C. woen teachers, girl students D. woan teachers, girls students
( ) 8.There isn’t tea in the cup. Would you like ____water?
A. soe;any B. any;soe C. soe;soe D. any;any
( ) 9.You need to exercise _ , watch ______TV .
A. uch;little B. ore;less C. little, uch D. less;ore
( ) 10.____________ orange do you need?
A. How any B. How uchC. How longD. How often
( ) 11.We need the____________ healthy.
A. keep B. keeps C. to keep D. keeping
( ) 12.He is in good_______, because his lifestyle is very ______.
A. health, health B. healthy , health C. health , healthy D. healthy, healthy
( ) 13.I don’t like this kind of drink because there’s ______________ sugar in it .
A. too any B. any too C. too uch D. uch too
( ) 14.One of the dishes _________ sweet, do you want __________________?
A. taste, taste B. tastes, taste C. tastes, to taste D. taste, to taste
( ) 15.--Would you like soe ore bread? --- .
A. Yes, you are B. I’ not hungry C. No eating D. No, thanks. I’ full.
( ) 16. There ____________a nuber of students in the school. _________ nuber of the students __________2000.
A. are, A, is B. is, The, are C. are, The, is D. is, A, is
1. Snacks are bad for our ______________________(牙齒)
2. We need fruit and vegetables to keep _______________________(健康)
3.ary often gets good _______________ (分?jǐn)?shù))in English tests.
4. A lot of people buy ___________ (漢堡包) in fast food restaurants.
5. They are _________________(計(jì)劃)a trip to Beijing no
6. The old an often ___________________(改變) his lifestyle.
7. What about _____________________(點(diǎn)) a plate of fish?
8. The piece of pork __________________(有…..的味道) bad.
9. y granda is ninety years old now, she is always careful with her _______________(健康).
10.We are watching TV the _____________________(整個(gè)的) afternoon.
11.He likes reading interesting ______________________(故事)
12. _________________(有時(shí)) she has soe fruit for supper.
13. Would you like soe __________________(西紅柿) and _________________(土豆)?
A. illie and her cousin Andy are o_________________ food at a restaurant. Andy would like soe beef and illie will have soe fish. They will have two b ___________________ of apple juice. Apple juice t________________ good. illie thinks healthy food is i_____________ for the. Andy s_____________ has cola. It is not healthy for her.
B. y friend is Sion. He a_______________ has an egg for breakfast. Soeties he d______________ a glass of ilk. This h _____________hi s _____________the day well. He has rice or n________________ for lunch. He has soe soup and vegetables for dinner.
keep fit, go, uch, be not, take a walk, sheep, not do,
keep away, be not good for, eat soe vegetables,
1. I often play football ________________________.
2. --_______the old an often _________________after eals? ?-Yes. Walking is good for his heart
3. The student ____________________________ hoework at hoe no
4. Haburgers _____________________________ people.
5. --What about _________________________? ?They are good for us.
6. It takes about an hour ______________________ to Changzhou by bus.
7. There _________________-__ any orange in the fridge. Would you like to buy soe?
8. Your lifestyle is not very healthy. You need to exercise ________________ and watch TV less.
9. An apple a day ____________________ the doctor _______________________.
10. There are any little _____________________ on the hill. They are very cute.
health, dance, eat fruit, not be ,have lunch, take a walk ,exercise ore, go swiing,
1. The old an has ____________________ because he is not healthy.
2. He with is father ___________________________ in the park at the oent.
3. They are planning ___________________________this afternoon. It is very hot.
4. Now it’s 12 o’clock. The students __________________________in the dining roo.
5. ___________________late for school next tie.
6. __________________________ is good for our health and fruit are very nice.
7. --How long ____________kitty ______________every day? ---For an hour.
8. It is iportant for us to keep ________________________.
1. 他午飯吃肉和蔬菜
He ____________eat and vegetables ______________________________
2. 這頓飯為我整個(gè)下午提供能量。
This eal ___________ e __________ for the ___________________ afternoon.
3. 一周我吃豌豆不少于三次
I eat beans ____________________________________________a week.
4. 你想要幾瓶果汁?
Would you like __________________________________________________?
5. 在冰箱里有四片面包
There are _________________________________ in the fridge.
6. 在兩餐飯之間他感到餓.
He ____________________________ between two eals.
7. 她每天跳舞半小時(shí). She ____________________________________every day.
8. 他計(jì)劃每天吃更多的蔬菜和水果。
He _____________________________________fruit and _______________every day.
9. 請(qǐng)給我十個(gè)蘋(píng)果。 Please ______________ten apples _____________________.
10.你每天睡覺(jué)多久? 7個(gè)多小時(shí)。
---____________________ do you sleep every day? --_________________7 hours.
11. 蘋(píng)果汁嘗起來(lái)很好。Apple juice __________________________.
12. 你想要點(diǎn)什么菜?
_________________________you like ___________________?
---_________________________your father _____________________?---_______________.

假如你是Sandy,請(qǐng)給你的e-friend Ay發(fā)一封e-ail,告訴她有關(guān)你的情況,要點(diǎn)必須包括:
3.我喜歡穿藍(lán)色牛仔褲、軟底動(dòng)動(dòng)鞋,因?yàn)槲掖┧{(lán)色看起來(lái)精干.運(yùn)動(dòng)鞋適合長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的行走. 藍(lán)色牛仔褲搭配軟底動(dòng)動(dòng)鞋.
Dear Ay
How is everything with you now? I’d like to tell you soething about yself.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________
Please write to e soon.

本文來(lái)自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/81448.html
