
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)


時間100分鐘 滿分100分

班級 ———— 姓名————

部分(10分 )


( ) 1. A. photo B. brother C. hello

( ) 2. A. in the schoolbag B. on the desk C. under the desk

( ) 3. A. 66984127 B. 66894127 c. 66981472

( ) 4. A. these B. those C. they

( ) 5. A. think B. thank C. black


( )6.A. It’s red B. It’s blue C. It’s black

( ) 7. A. on ther chair B. in the chair C. under the chair

( ) 8. A. y nae is Ji Green. B. His nae is Jake Brown C. Her nae is Cissy White

( ) 9. A. Yes , it is . B. Yes , they are C. Yes , she is .

( )10. A. Thanks too B. You’re welcoe C. No thanks



( )1.That is ____ eraser and this is ____ ID card .

A .a,an B. a,a C. an, an

( )2. -Good orning, iss Yang. How are you? ---- ________

A. Good orning. B. I’ fine, thank you. C. How are you?

( )3.Is this your father? ----- No, ________.

A.it is B.it isn’t C.he isn’t

( )4.Are ________ Kate’s ________?

A.this, book B.those,book C.these,books

( )5.Is To your brother? -----________.

A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn’t C.Yes, she is D.No,he isn’t

( )6.Thanks ________ your help .

A.of B.fro C.for

( )7.Anna is not y sister. ________ y cousin.

A.She’s B.He’s C.She

( )8.Is ________ your aunt? What’s ________ nae?

A.she,his B.she,her C.he,her

( ) 9. -y nae is ary Brown. What‘s your _______ nae? -Brown.

A. first B. full C. faily

( )10. y nae’s ____. I a an English boy.

A. Gina Green B. John Brown C. Brown John

( )11. ________ nae is Tony and ________ nae is Lucy.

A. Her, his B. His, her C. Her, her

( ) 12. How _______ your sister?

A. are B. is C. a

( ) 13. Is your nae Brown? ________

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I a. C. Yes, I’.

( ) 14. Your pen is nice . ------ ________ .

A. That’s right B. Yes C. Thanks

( ) 15.This is y ____ roo._____ roo is tidy .

A. parent’s ,Their B .parents’ ,They C. parents’ ,Their

( ) 16. The an’s nae is Peter ark. We can call hi ________.

A. r. Peter B. r. ark C. Sir ark

( )17. — ________ —They are on the desk.

A. Where’s y book? B. Where are y books?

C. Where’s y books?

( )18. —________ is her hat? — ______ on her bed?

A. Where; They are. B. What; It’s C. Where; It’s

( ) 19. —Is the baseball in the schoolbag ? —___________

A Yes, it’s. B. No, It is. C. Yes, It is

( )20. Here are soe _______ of Linda’s faily.

A. a photo B. photoes C. photos


Hello ,boys and girls !Nice to _1_ you !y nae _2_ Alice Sith . I a a _3_ . I a 13 . Look , _4_ this ? It’s a photo _5_ y faily .These are y parents and this is y _6_ , Linda .She is 9 . y other is a teacher in a __7_ . y father is a teacher , too . y pen is red . And Linda’s ruler is _8_ , too . Our _9_ nuber is 8269167 . You can _10_ us at it . I love y faily .

( )1.A. thank B. eet C. excuse D. look

( )2. A. a B .is C. are D. /

( )3. A. father B. brother C. girl D.boy

( )4. A. What B. What’s C. How D. How’s

( )5.A.i n B.at C. to D. of

( )6. A .sister B. other C. friend D. aunt

( )7. A. picture B. photo C. school D. faily

( ) 8. A. red B. green C. black D. white

( ) 9. A. call B. ID C. QQ D. telephone

( )10. A. call B. found C. spell D. lost



Jenny is an English girl. She is a nice girl, and she is y good friend. y nae’s Ay. y father is John. y other is Helen. Jack is y brother. I like the. I like singing. Jack likes reading. y favorite(最喜歡的)color is blue.

( )1. Jenny is————.

A. an English boy B. a English girl C. an English boy D. an English girl

( )2. Ay’s other is————.

A. Jack B. Jenny C. Ay D. Helen

( )3. Ay likes————.

A. singing B. reading C. writing D. drawing

( )4. What is Ay’s favorite color?

A. Red. B. Blue. C. Orange. D. Green.

( )5. Jenny is y————.

A. other B. sister C. friend D. teacher



Nae : Peter Brown

Age : 12

School :No. 3 iddle School

Tel : 0311-5658226

QQ: 735466497632

E-ail: Perterbrown@hotail.co


First nae : Jane

Last nae : Sith

Age : 13

Tel : 0314-5656822


E-ail: Janesith@hotail.co

( )1. The boy’s faily nae is ______

A. Brown B. Peter C. Jane D. Sith

( )2. The girl’s full nae(全名) is _____

A. Jane Sith B. Sith Jane C.Jane D. Sith

( ) 3.What’s Peter Brown ‘s telephone nuber ?

A.0314-5658226 B. 0311-5658226

C.0314-5658262 D. 0311-5656822

( ) 4. How old is Peter ?

A.11 B.12 C.13 D. 14

( ) 5.Jane’s QQ nuber is _______

A.658226743572 B. 735466497632

C. 332264753427 D. 354697454372


1. These are pencils .( 改復(fù)數(shù))

———— ———— a pencil .

2. Are those your father and your other ?(肯定回答)

Yes,________ _________。

3. His clock is on the table .(對劃線部分提問)

_______ _______ his clock ?

4. This is y ring .(改為同義句)

This ring ___ ____ .

5. It’s a dictionary .(改復(fù)數(shù))

_______ soe ______ .

6. Is this your friend ?(否定回答)

No,_______ ________ .

7. These are y parents .(一般疑問句)

_______ these _____ parents ?

8. That ‘s an English book .( 對劃線部分提問)

_______ that ?


1.This is ____(we) roo .

2.y bag is in y _______(grandparents) bed .

3.The watch is ______ (her) .

4.____(be) they his eraser ?

5.I _______(not know) .


Ji: _______ this in English ?

ary: It is a baseball.

Ji:_____ do you _____ it ?

ary: B—A---S---E---B---A---L---L。

Ji: Is it your baseball?

ary: NO _____ isn’t . It is his baseball.

Ji; Hi, ike.Is this ______ ?

ike:Yes, it is .

Ti:Here you are .

ike: Thank you .


1. 那是一串鑰匙。

That is a __ of ___ .

2. 這支鋼筆呢?是Jack的嗎?

____ _____ this pen ? Is it ____ ?

3. 模型飛機(jī)在沙發(fā)上嗎?

Is the _____ _____ on the sofa ?

4. 這不是我的游戲機(jī)。

This isn’t y _____ ______ .


What _______ is the bag ?



1. 姓名:Tony Green

2. 家庭成員:祖父母、父母、叔叔嬸嬸、堂弟

3. 愛好:看書、玩游戲

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/81887.html
