
編輯: 逍遙路 關鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學習網(wǎng)

Unit 1 School and Friends單元綜合檢測試題
(45分鐘 100分)
Ⅰ. (10分)
1. A. boyB. girlC. student
2. A. classB. friend C. classate
6. A. Wang Gang. B. Danny.
C. To.
7. A. Not fine. B. Fine.
C. A student.
8. A. Li ing’s classroo.
B. Jenny’s classroo.
C. Li ing’s lab.
9. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t.
C. Yes, it isn’t.
10. A. A pencil box. B. A pencil.
C. A ruler.
Ⅱ. 單項選擇(20分)
1. —Thank you.
— _____
A. Nice to eet you. B. You’re welcoe.
C. How are you? D. Thank you, too.
2. —This is Jenny, To. She is y friend.
—_____ , Jenny.
A. Thank youB. Nice to eet you
C. What’s your nae D. She is y friend, too
3. —Jenny, how _____ your teacher?
—She is fine.
A. be B. is C. a D. are
4. The girl is Wang ei. _____ is y friend.
A. She B. He C. YouD. Her
5. —_____ a pen?
—Yes, it is.
A. Is that B. This is
C. That isD. Are this
6. —ay I borrow your crayons?
—_____ .
A. Thank you B. Yes, it is
C. Sure. Here you areD. You’re welcoe
7. You _____ a teacher, and I _____ a student.
A. is; a B. are; is
C. a; is D. are; a
8. — _____ is it?
—It’s a pencil box.
A. Who B. How
C. WhereD. What
9. _____ your nae John?
A. Are B. A C. Is D. /
10. — _____ your new friends?
—They are very nice.
A. Who is B. What nae is
C. Where is D. What about
Ⅲ. 完形(10分)
Hello! 1 nae is Li ing. I 2 a Chinese boy. I have 3 sister(姐姐). 4 nae is Li Yue. She 5 a iddle school student. She is 6 Class Four. It’s a big class. I 7 two good friends. They 8 Li Lei and Jenny. Li Lei is a Chinese boy, 9 . But Jenny is a Canadian(加拿大的) 10 .
1. A. I B. eC. yD. Her
2. A. aB. isC. areD. have
3. A. anB. aC. twoD. /
4. A. HeB. SheC. HerD. His
5. A. isB. areC. beD. a
6. A. on B. atC. forD. in
7. A. a B. hasC. have D. are
8. A. is B. beC. are D. have
9. A. twoB. toC. tooD. /
10. A. boyB. girl
C. anD. teacher
Ⅳ. 理解(10分)
A: Hi, y nae is ary. What’s your nae?
B: y nae is Bill.
A: Nice to eet you.
B: Nice to eet you, too.
A: Look, this is your desk and this is your chair. Sit down, please.
B: Thank you. Where(在哪里) are your desk and chair?
A: Here!
B: H, the classroo is nice.
A: Yes, welcoe to our class.
B: You are a nice girl.
A: Thank you.
B: ay I have your pen?
A: Sure. Here you are.
B: Thank you.
A: You are welcoe.
1. ary is _____.
A. a nice girl B. 12
C. a boy D. a teacher
2. ary and Bill are in_____.
A. the lab B. the classroo
C. the library D. the desk
3. Bill is_____.
A. a new (新的) student
B. an old (老的) student
C. a girl
D. a new teacher
4. Bill doesn’t have a_____.
A. book B. pencil
C. pen D. ruler
5. How any things(東西)can you see in the passage?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. One.
Ⅴ. 詞匯運用(10分)
(Ⅰ)根據(jù)句意及首字母或圖片提示完成單詞 (5分)

1. I have _____ pens.

2. I often (經(jīng)常) buy things at the s_____.
3. I want to (想要) buy _____ rulers.

4. Can you s_____ e your pictures?
5. E_____ e, ay I have your eraser?
(Ⅱ)用所給詞的適當形式 (5分)
6._____ (be) you a student?
7. Let’s _____ (guess) what that is.
8. Look at the boy. _____ (he) is y friend. _____(he) nae is Jack.
9. That _____ (is not) Lily. She is Lucy.
10. —What _____ (be) the girl’s nae?
—Her nae is ary.
Ⅵ. 連詞成句(10分)
1. her, what, nae, is
2. big, is, blackboard, the
3. list, y, this, shopping, is
4. playground, fun, the, we, have, on
5. lessons, lab, Li ing and Danny, in, have, the
Ⅶ. 句型轉換(10分)
1. Good orning. (寫出答語)
_____ _____.
2. The girl’s nae is Wu Ping. (對畫線部分提問)
_____ _____ the girl’s nae?
3. Danny can play the guessing gae. (改為一般疑問句)
_____ Danny _____ the guessing gae?
4. That is y good friend. (改為一般疑問句)
_____ _____ _____ good friend?
5. This is a pencil. (對畫線部分提問)
_____ _____ this?
Ⅷ. 補全對話(5分)
A. What’s your nae
B. Nice to eet you
C. It’s a book
D. Goodbye
E. ay I have it
F. How are you
G. What’s her nae
A: Hello, To. 1 ?
B: Fine, thank you.
A: To, this is y friend.
B: Hi, I’ To. 2 ?
C: Ji.
B: 3 , Ji.
C: Nice to eet you, too.
A: What’s this?
B: 4 .
A: 5 , To?
B: Sure, here you are.
A: Thank you.
B: You’re welcoe.
1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
Ⅸ. 書面表達(15分)
Thingstwo pens, an eraser, a pencil, a pencil box, ten crayons
FriendsLi ing (boy) and Zhang Hong (girl)
Hello, boys and girls. y nae. . . __________________________________

Ⅰ. (Ⅰ)
1. Lyn is a girl.
2. Wang Li is y classate.
3. Danny is fro Canada.
4. I have seven pencils.
5. This is the lab in y school.
答案:1~5. BCABB
W: Hello! y nae is Jenny. What’s your nae?
: y nae is Wang Gang.
W: How are you?
: I’ fine. And you?
W: I’ fine, too. Thanks.
: Nice to eet you.
W: Nice to eet you, too.
6. What’s the boy’s nae?
7. How is the girl?
W: Hello, Li ing. What’s that?
: Hello, Jenny. It’s y classroo.
W: Let’s go to your classroo.
: OK. Let’s go.
W: Is this your pencil box?
: Yes, it is.
W: ay I have your ruler?
: OK. Here you are.
W: Thanks.
8. What’s that?
9. Is the pencil box Li ing’s?
10. What does Jenny borrow?
答案: 6~10. ABAAC
Ⅱ. 1. 【解析】選B?疾榻浑H用語。對于Thank you. 的回答常用 “You’re welcoe. /That’s OK. ”等,故選B。
2. 【解析】選B?疾榻浑H用語。根據(jù)上文“這是詹妮,湯姆。她是我的朋友!笨芍前颜材萁榻B給湯姆,所以下文湯姆應該說 “Nice to eet you. ”見到你很高興。
3. 【解析】選B?疾閯釉~be的用法。句意為“詹妮,你的老師身體好嗎?”,your teacher作主語,為第三人稱單數(shù),動詞be用is。
4. 【解析】選A。根據(jù)上文“那個女孩是王梅!笨芍挛挠胹he表示“她是我的朋友”。
5. 【解析】選A。考查一般疑問句。根據(jù)答語“是的,它是”,可知問句是一般疑問句,結構為Is this/that. . . ?故選A。
6. 【解析】選C。 考查交際用語!癮y I borrow/have. . . ?”意為“我能借……嗎?”肯定回答常用 “Sure. Here you are. ”意為“當然可以。給你!
7. 【解析】選D?疾閯釉~be的用法。主語you后用are,I后用a,故選D。
8. 【解析】選D?疾樘厥庖蓡柧。根據(jù)答語“它是一個文具盒。”可知,前面是問“它是什么?”。故選D。
9. 【解析】選C?疾閎e引導的一般疑問句。句意為“你的名字是約翰嗎?”主語為your nae為第三人稱單數(shù),故用is。
10. 【解析】選D。考查交際用語。根據(jù)答語“他們非常好。”可知前面意為“你的新朋友怎么樣?”,故What about符合題意。
Ⅲ. 1.【解析】選C。句意:你好。我叫李明。y nae is. . . “我叫……”。
2. 【解析】選A。句意:我是一個中國男孩。主語為I, 系動詞用a。
4. 【解析】選C。句意:她叫李月。her 形容詞性物主代詞,修飾名詞nae。
5. 【解析】選A。句意:她是一個中學生。she 作主語,系動詞用is。
6. 【解析】選D。句意:她在四班。在幾年級幾班用介詞in。
7. 【解析】選C。句意:我有兩個好朋友。I 作主語,“有”用“have”。
8. 【解析】選C。句意:他們是李雷和詹妮。主語為they,謂語動詞be用are。
9. 【解析】選C。句意:李雷也是一個中國男孩。too也。
10. 【解析】選B。由詹妮是一個女名,可知詹妮是一個女孩。
Ⅳ. 1. 【解析】選A。根據(jù)文中B說: You are a nice girl. 可知。
2. 【解析】選B。根據(jù)文中B說: H, the classroo is nice. 可知。
3. 【解析】選A。根據(jù)文中A告訴B他的座位可知。
4. 【解析】選C。根據(jù)文中B說:ay I have your pen?可知。
5. 【解析】選B。文中提到了桌子、椅子、教室、鋼筆四種東西。
Ⅴ. (Ⅰ)答案:1. ten 2. store 3. four 4. show 5. Excuse
(Ⅱ)答案:6. Are 7. guess 8. He; His 9. isn’t 10. is
Ⅵ. 答案:1. What is her nae
2. The blackboard is big
3. This is y shopping list
4. We have fun on the playground
5. Li ing and Danny have lessons in the lab
Ⅶ. 答案:1. Good orning 2. What is 3. Can; play
4. Is that your 5. What is
Ⅷ. 答案:1~5. FABCE
Ⅸ. 【參考范文】
Hello, boys and girls. y nae is Ji. I’ fro Canada. I’ 12. I’ a boy. I have two pens, an eraser, a pencil and ten crayons in y pencil box. And I have two new friends: Li ing and Zhang Hong. Li ing is a boy and Zhang Hong is a girl. We are all in Class Six.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/82094.html
