
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

第Ⅰ卷( 共65分)
第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1分,滿分20分)
(1).Which subject does the boy like best? ( )
A. B. C.
(2).What does the woan say? ( )
A. B. C.
(3).What does To like to do best in the suer holiday? ( )
A. B. C.
(4).What does the girl have for breakfast? ( )
A. B. C.
(5).What's the an's nae? ( )
A. ary. B. Ji. C. John.
(6).Whose schoolbag is it? ( )
A. To's. B. Lily's. C. ary's.
(7).What does the woan like to eat? ( )
A. Apples. B. Oranges. C. Bananas.
(8).When is Eric's birthday party? ( )
A. On February 26th. B. On arch 26th. C. On ay 26th.
(9).When doesn't Jane have ath? ( )
A. onday. B. Tuesday. C. Friday.
(10).What is Lucy's favorite subject? ( )
A. ath. B. English. C. usic.
(11).Whose eraser is that? ( )
A. Sonia's. B. Jane's. C. Jenny's.
(12).Is this Jenny's pencil case? ( )
A. Yes. B. No. C. We don't kno

(13). A. 8 B. 9 C. 18
(14). A. toatoes B. oranges C. strawberries
(15). A. tennis B. table tennis C. ping-pong
(16).How old is Daniel? ( )
A. 15. B. 13. C. 11.
(17).Where is Sion fro? ( )
A. Beijing. B. Shanghai. C. Suzhou.
(18).What is Daniel good at? ( )
A. Playing coputer gaes. B. Playing table tennis. C. Playing football.
(19).Which subject does illie do well in? ( )
A. ath. B. PE. C. English.
(20).Does Sion go to clubs at school? ( )
A. Yes. B. No. C. We don't kno
第二部分 語言知識運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié),滿分25分)
第一節(jié) 語法和詞匯(共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)
21. Look at these _______. Victor has ______ aunt and two uncles.
A. photos, a B. photos, an C. photos, the D. photo, an
22. Yao ing is a ____basketball player. He plays basketball______.
A. well; good B. good; good C. good; well D. well; well
23. —How is your grandother, To? —________.
A. She is 62 years old B. She is OK C. I' fine D. sorry
24.It’s October 10th. Lucy is _______ years old no Today is her ______ birthday.
A. twelve; twelvth B. twelve; twelve C. twelfth; twelve D. twelve; twelfth
25. He usually watches TV Saturday evening.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
26. --_____is y coputer gae? -- It’s in the drawer.
A. What B. Where C. How D. How uch
27. —Do the Chinese like playing basketball? — .
A. Yes, he does B. No, they aren't C. Yes, they do D. No, they can't
28. — Does Helen like__________? —Yes. She likes eating apples, pears and bananas.
A. vegetables B. sports C. fruits D. clothes
29. You can buy socks _______ girls _______ only five dollars each.
A. to; to B. for; to C. for; for D. to; for
30. aria likes apples_____ bananas, ____ she doesn’t like carrots.
A. and, and B. and, but C. but, but D. but, and
31. —What _______ your favorite subject? — y favorite subjects _______ art and P.E.
A. is; are B. are; is C. is; is D. are; are
32. —Why ______ she likes history? —Because ________ interesting.
A. do; it B. does; it C. does; its D. does; it’s
33. —Who ______ P.E? —Sa _______.
A. like; does B. likes; do C. likes; does D. like; do
34. —_________ are these trousers?
—The trousers on the bed? They are only $15.
A. How any B. What color C. Where D. How uch
35. —Thanks for your help,ary! —________.
A. Good B. Don’t thank e C. You're welcoe D. All right
第二節(jié) 完形(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)
Look at this girl in the picture, she is 36 good friend. 37 nae is Lily. She is 38 .She is thirteen. This is e. y 39 is Li Ling. I’ a Chinese girl. I a one year younger than Lily. We are _ 40__ the sae class. Lily likes collecting sports things. She 41 a great sports collection. Look, these are her things. She has 10 tennis rackets, 8 baseballs, 6 basketballs, 12 soccer balls 42 18 volleyballs. But she 43 like sports. She 44 likes collecting sports things. His brother, David, likes soccer. He plays 45 every day with his friends.
36. A. I B. e C. y D. a
37. A. She B. Her C. y D. His
38. A. an English B. English girl C. English D. England
39. A. friend B. father C. other D. nae
40. A. in B. at C. on D. for
41. A. is B. are C. has D. have
42. A. and B. or C. but D. /
43. A. don’t B. isn’t C. doesn’t D. a not
44. A. no B. not C. any D. only
45. A. football B. basketball C. baseball D. ping pong
第三部分 閱讀理解(共10小題;每小題2分,滿分20分)
Dear Jenny,
I’ sorry you’re sick and can’t coe to school this week. Let e tell you what you have on onday next week.
We have ath at 8:00. How boring! Then we have English. That’s interesting. I know you love English. Next is P.E.. The fourth lesson is art. That’s y favorite subject! In the afternoon, we have history with r. Chen. He is fun but history isn’t. Then at 2:00 we have science with iss Jones. You know how strict she is. I don’t like her. Our last class of the day is ath.
46._____ is not at school this week.
A. Jenny B. Ben C. r. Chen D. iss Jones
47. Their first lesson is ______.
A. ath B. English C. science D. art
48. Jenny’s favorite subject is_______.
A.P.E. B. art C. English D. science
49. How any lessons do they have on onday?
A. Four B. Five C. Six D. seven
50. Their science teacher is _________.
A. friendly B. kind C. boring D. strict
r. and rs. Sith coe fro Sydney(悉尼). They teach English in a iddle school in China. They like their work. They have a son and a daughter, Ji and Sue. They are all in China no r. Sith can speak Chinese. He likes swiing and reading. rs. Sith likes swiing in the afternoon and cooking(做飯). Ji and Sue like playing chess. They often play gaes with Chinese boys and girls.
Ji’s uncle, Green, works on a far(在農(nóng)場里)near Sydney.
He likes swiing, too. He wants to work in China. But he can’t speak Chinese. So he is still(仍然) there and goes to Chinese classes every week.
51.Where are Ji and Sue fro?
A. Aerica B. Canada C. Australia D. China
52.What does r. Sith like? He likes ____________.
A. cooking B. reading C. playing gaes D playing chess
53.What does Ji’s uncle like? He likes ____________.
A. reading B. playing gaes C. swiing D cooking
54.Where does Sue’s uncle work?
A. On a far B. In a school. C. In a club. D in China
55.Who works in different countries(國家)now?
A. r. and rs. Sith. B. r. Sith and his uncle.
C. r. Sith and his brother. D. Ji and Sue
第Ⅱ卷(非 共55分)
第四部分 書面表達(dá)(共四節(jié))
第一節(jié) 詞匯運(yùn)用(共兩題,滿分20分)
56. E e, To. Is that your watch?
57. He can’t answer the question. It’s too d .
58. -Where are y __________(字典)? -They’re on the desk.
59. -Is this your cup? -No, it’s not ________.
60. Our ath teacher is very s_______ with us .
61. Tuesday is the t_______ day of a week.
62. Thank you for _________(help) e, s. iller.
63. She eats ____________ (健康的)food every day.
64. y brother doesn’t like ______________(草莓)
65. The usic s_________ good.

y nae is ary. 66_____ favorite day of a week is Sunday. On Sundays, I’ not very 67_____. In the orning, I get up late. At 8:30, I have 68_______. And after that I often 69_______ TV. It’s very 70_______. y parents and I eat well 71_______ lunch. In the afternoon, I often play 72_______with y friends. After dinner, I do y hoework at 73_________. I like all the 74________ and y English is the best in y class. I always go to bed after I 75_______ y hoework.
I like Sunday because it’s a free day for e.
第二節(jié) 任務(wù)型閱讀(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)
Hello, friends! y nae is Frank. I' an Aerican boy. I live in China no I' a iddle school student. Do you want to know about y school life(生活)in China?
I go to school fro onday to Friday. School usually starts at eight o'clock in the orning. I have four classes ①________the orning and two in the afternoon. (A)At school, I have Chinese, ath, English, science, usic and any other(其他的) subjects. I like Chinese very uch. It's difficult but interesting. (B) usic is y favorite subject. Because I can learn to play the violin and the drus in the usic class. And I really like y usic teacher, r. Liu. He is very kind. y favorite day is Wednesday. Do you know why? Yeah! Because I can have usic ②_______ Wednesday orning.
y last class is ③______ four o’clock. After class, I don't have uch hoework. I can do lots of things I like. I join the art club and the swiing club.
How do you like y school life in China?
①_________ ②___________ ③__________
79. How any classes does Frank have every school day?
80. What’s Frank’s favorite day? Why?
第三節(jié) 句型轉(zhuǎn)換 ( 每空0.5分,共10分 )
81. Is this your dictionary? (改為復(fù)數(shù)句)
__________ ___________ your ___________?
82.I think it’s her pen. (改為否定句)
I __________ think it _________ her pen.
83. To has haburgers for dinner. (對劃線部分提問)
_________ _________ To __________ for dinner?
84. How uch is the yellow T-shirt? (改為同義句)
__________ the __________ of the yellow T-shirt?
85. I buy a pen fro r. Wang. (改為同義句)
r. Wang __________ a pen ________ e.
86. Kate’s birthday is on August 21st. (對劃線部分提問)
__________ _________ Kate’s birthday?
87. His favorite subject is ath. (改為同義句)
He ___________ ath ___________.
88. y English teacher is r. Green. (對劃線部分提問)
__________ __________ English teacher?
89. To and his classates play soccer after class. (改為同義句)
He ___________ soccer __________ his classates.
第四節(jié) 寫作 ( 共2題,滿分15分 )
Ji:How are you, Harry?
Harry:I’ 90._________. And you?
Ji:I’ fine, 91.________. How any classes do you 92._________ today?
Harry:H, six.
Ji:What’s your favorite 93. ____________?
Harry:Science, I think.
Ji:Why do you 94.__________ science?
Harry:95.___________ it’s interesting. What 96.__________ you? Do you like science, too?
Ji:No, I don’t like it. I think it’s difficult.
Harry:Now, what’s your 97.____________ subject?
Ji:y favorite subject is PE.
Harry:98.________ do you like it?
Ji:Because it is relaxing. And I also like art. I 99.__________ it’s fun.
Harry:e, too.
二、請根據(jù)下面表格所提供的信息,以y good friend為題,寫一篇不少于60詞短文,向大家介紹一下你的好朋友To的情況,可適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。
NaeTo GreenAge14
Date of birtharch 1stTel0574¬8267345
Class103SchoolNo.1 iddle School
Faily ebersDad: Bill u: Alice Sister: Sally
Favorite sportsSoccer, basketball
Favorite subjectEnglish, ath
Favorite colorblue
y Good Friend

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/85934.html
