
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

英語人教七年級上綜合測評Unit 9
(分?jǐn)?shù):100分 時間:90分鐘)
第Ⅰ卷 部分(15分)
Ⅰ.聽句子, 選擇與其意思相符的圖片(有兩幅多余圖片)(5分)
1.Do you lik e play football?
2.We have English on onday orning.
3.Her favorite subject is usic.
4.Jane likes science very uch.She thinks it's very interesting.
5.r Green is our ath teacher.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

6.Do you like English?
7.Does she like art?
8.What do you like doing at hoe?
9.What subject do you like?
10.Does Bob like history or biology?
6.A.Yes, I a. B.No, you don't. C.Yes, I do.

7.A.Yes, she likes art.B.Yes, she does.C.No, he doesn't.

8.A.Yes, I do.
B.I don't like listening to usic.
C.I like cleaning y roo and cooking eals.

9.A.A little.B.I like history.C.Yes, I like it very uch.

10.A.Yes, I do.B.No, I don't.C.He likes biology.

Ⅲ.聽短文,選擇正確答案(5 分)
Today is Wednesday.It is a nice day for e today.I' really very glad.At 8:00 I have Chinese.I like Chinese because y Chinese teacher, r Yang, akes it fun.We all like hi.Then at 9:10 I have science.Science is difficult, but it is very interesting.any boys in y class like science.Then at 10:20, we play sports.We all like playing sports because it's fun and relaxing.Next, at 11:00, we have English.It's y favorite subject.Our English teacher, iss Evens, is fro Aerica.She's very kind to us.And she often teaches English songs and plays gaes with us.I have lunch at 12:00.After that, I take a rest.At 2:00 p, I have Chinese history.I think it's very interesting.Then at 3:00 p, I have art.It's fun, too.All y classes finish at 4:00 p.After class, I play volleyball with y friends.It's relaxing.At 5:00 p, I go hoe.
11.What day is it today?
A.onday. B.Friday. C.Wednesday.

12.What's her favorite subject?
A.Chine se. B.English. C.P.E.

13.What tie does she have art?
A.At 2:00 p.B.At 9:10 a.C.At 3:00 p.

14.Her Chinese teacher is ______.
A.r.YangB.iss EvensC.rs.Yang
15.She thinks science is ______.
A.difficultB.interestingC.difficult but interesting

第Ⅱ卷 筆試部分(85分)
16.—______ do you like science?
—Because it's interesting.
A.When B.WhatC.How D.Why

17.—______ does he have ath?
—He has ath on Fridays.
A.What B.WhyC.When D.Where

18.The last day of the week is ______.[
A.weekend B.SundayC.Saturday D.onday

19.—______ is your usic teacher?
—iss Han.
A.When B.WhatC.Who D.Why

20.—What ______ do you like best?
A.food B.subjectC.sport D.usic

21.After class, I have sports ______.
A.a(chǎn)t two hours B.for two hoursC.for a hour D.a(chǎn)t an hour

22.y other works all day.She is very ______ every day.
A.interesting B.oldC.relaxing D.busy

23.—What's your favorite color?
—y favorite color is ______.
A.baseball B.scienceC.haburger D.white

24.A lot of students are busy ______ their hoework ______ Sunday.
A.in;on B.with;onC.with;in D.in;in

25.—Do you have ______ toatoes?
—Sorry, I don't have ______, but I have ______ carrots.
A.a(chǎn)ny;any;soe B.soe;soe;soe
C.a(chǎn)ny;soe;soe D.a(chǎn)ny;any;any

Dear aria,
Thanks for your letter.Now I want to tell you about y weekdays.I __26__ at 6:00 and I go to __27__ at 7:00.
I have ath at __28__ and then I have science at 10:00.__29__ is y favorite subject.I like science because it's __30__.r.Zhao is our science __31__.I like hi very uch.I eat __32__ at 12:00 and then I have usic at 13:00.
I have history at 14:00.I __33__ like history because it is boring.But I __34__ like art and I want to be an __35__.I have art on Wednesday at 15:00.
26.A.work B.get upC.study D.go to bed

27.A.hoe B.ovieC.school D.work

28.A.6:00 B.9:00C.11:00 D.12:00

29.A.usic B.Sci enceC.English D.Chinese

30.A.boring B.difficultC.interesting D.relaxing

31.A.teacher B.partnerC.classate D.parent

32.A.breakfast B.dinnerC.lunch D./

33.A.not B.doesn'tC.don't D.can't

34.A.kind B.reallyC.sure D.well

35.A.artist B.a(chǎn)ctorC.teacher D.usician

Dear Xue ei,
Thanks for your letter.Now let e answer your questions.I go to school fro onday to Friday.We have four classes in the orning and two in the afternoon.And we have any subjects to learn such as Chinese, ath, English, P.E., science, biology, usic, history and so on (等等).We a lso have any things to do after class.On onday and Wednesday afternoons we play sports.On Tuesday afternoons soe of us have a drawing class, and on Thursdays soe have a dancing class.I like usic, history and English.But y favorite is usic.
On Saturdays and Sundays I don't go to school.Usually I go to the park and have a good tie with y father and other there.
根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容, 判斷正 (T) 誤 (F)。
36.Xue ei has six classes on weekdays.

37.Sandra plays sports after class on onday and Wednesday afternoons.

38.usic is Sandra's favorite subject.

3 9.Sandra usually goes to see her grandparents with her father and other on weekends.

40.She usually goes to the park with her parents on weekdays.

y nae is Ji.I' 14 years old.I get up at six o'clock.And I have breakfast at seven o'clock.I want to join the art club.I don't like ath.I think it's boring.y favorite teacher is r.White.I go to the ovies every weekend.I like coedies.

y nae is Jane.I' 14 years old.I' in Grade Eight.y favorite subject is usic.I don't like ath because it's very boring.y favorite teacher is r.Green.

Hi! y nae is Liu ei.I' 14 years old.I' in Grade Seven.r.eng is y favorite teacher.He teaches us ath.I like ath and usic.I can play the trupet.I want to join a usic club.I hope to be a singer in the future.

I' Li ing.I a 13 years old.I get up at six thirty i n the orning.I have y breakfast at seven o'clock.I take a bus to school at seven thirty.I go hoe at f ive o'clock in the afternoon.I don't like ath.But I like science.y favorite teacher is iss Black.

41.______ is thirteen years old.
A.Ji B.Jane C.Liu ei D.Li ing

42.Liu ei's favorite teacher is ______.
A.r.Green B.r.engC.iss Black D.r.White

43.Ji wants to join the ______.
A.a(chǎn)rt club B.usic clubC.sports club D.swiing club

44.______ likes ath.
A.Ji B.JaneC.Liu ei D.Li ing

45.Li ing goes to school ______.
A.by car B.by busC.by bike D .by taxi

Sa's Weekday
Day TieondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
8:00­8:40F renchbiologyphysicsgeographyFrench
11:20-1:30NOON BREAK
1:30­2:10P.E.Englishsocial studiesbiologyusic
2:20­3:00social studiesgeographyFrenchathself­study
46.Which lesson does Sa have each weekday?

47.What tie does he finish his orning lessons?

48.Does he go to school on Saturday?

49.How any geography lessons does he have in a week?

50.How any subjects does he have altogether?

51.iss Zhang teaches us ath.She is our favorite t______.

52.The fourth day of the week is W______.

53.April is the fourth ______ of the year.

54.y f______ subject is history.

55.Sally is b______ noShe has no tie to play with her brother.

player boring fun subject difficult
56.y favorite ______ is science.

57.History is very ______.Soe children don't like it.

58.I think we have a lot of ______ this weekend.

59.a(chǎn)th is very ______, but all the kids like it.

60.Yi Jianlian is a basketball ______.

A.What is your favorite subject?
B.Because it's interesting.
C.Are they your favorite subjects?
D.She's very kind.
E.Because it's interesting.
F.Wednesday.,G.Well,who is your art teacher?
Betty:What's your favorite day?
Anna:Because I have English and art.
Anna:Yes,they are.
Betty:Why do you like English?
Betty:Who is your art teacher?
Anna:iss Zhang.64.______
Betty:And why do you like art?
Anna:Because it's interesting.
Betty:I also think so.65.______
Anna:s.Liu.She is a good teacher.

Hello,everyone!I a a student of Class Three Grade Seven.Classes begin at 8:00.________________________________________________________________________

Ⅰ. 1-5 1.C 2.B 3.E 4.F 5.A
Ⅱ.6- 10 CBCBC
Ⅲ. 11-15 CBCAC
46 English.
47 At 11:20.
48 No,he doesn't.
49 Two.
50 Twelve.
Ⅶ. 51 teacher 52 Wednesday 53 onth 54 favorite 55 busy
56 subject 57 boring 58 fun 59 di fficult 60 player
Ⅷ. 61.F 62.C 63.E 64.D 65.G

Hello,everyone!I_a_a_student_of_Class_Three_Grade_Seven.Classes_begin_at_8:00.I have four classes in the orning.The first lesson is ath.I don't like it because I think it's difficult.At 9:10 I have English.It's y favorite sub ject.I think it's interesting.I have history at 10:20.I think history is boring.So I don't like it.At 11:00 I have art.It's very funny.
In the afternoon,I have biology at 2:20.I like biology very uch.It's interesting.At 3:10 I have usic.It's relaxing.The last lesson is sports.It's good for y health.

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/92213.html
