
編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級(jí) 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

姓名_________ 得分_______
1.What is this? It’s_____ V. A. a B. an C. \ D. the
2. There is _____ f in the word faily. A. a B. an C. \ D . the
3.This is y_____ book. A. a B. an C. the D.\
4 ---______ your nae Bob? --- Yes, I a Bob. A. A B. Are C. Is D. Be
5. I have a love dog. _____ dog is very clever. A. An B. A C. \ D. The
6. ---You look very beautiful. --- _____.
A. Ok B. Yes, I a C. Thank you D. No, I’ not
7.Look at the wall. Soe pictures are ____ it. A. on B. In C. To D. at
8.---_____you ____ a ping-pong ball?
A. Are need B. Do need C. Is needs D. Does needs
9. _____ y English teacher, iss iller.
A. She is B. He are C. This is D. This are
10. Bob’s ruler is_______. A. green B. color C. in red D. a green
11.What do you like for breakfast? ___________. A. Two piece of bread B. Two pieces of bread
C. Two pieces of breads D. Two piece of breads.
12. I love the two ________(蘋果樹) in our school.
13. There are 12 ______(女教師) in our school.
14. Chinese _____ y favorite subject(學(xué)科). A .a B. is C. are D. be
15.How any ______ can you see in the picture?
A. apple B. apples C. apple jiuce D. apples jiuces
16.y trousers _____(be) old, but this pair of trousers ____(be) ne
17.There ____ a bag of ilk on the desk and there _____ two pieces of bread on it.
A .is is B. Is are C. are is D. are are
19. There are two kilos of _______(蘋果), a bag of _______(桔子)and two bottle of ________ (水)in our class. Who put the there?
20.Here_____ two photos of y sister. A. is B. a C. are D. be
21.I like apples and I eat _______ for lunch. He likes bread but he doesn’t eat ____for lunch.
A. it it B. they it C. the it D. it the
22. I have soe bread in y school-bag.(劃線提問)
How______ bread do you have in your school-bag ?
23. Tony and I are good friends, but we are in different ____.
A. classesB. schoolC. gradeD. age
24. —____ Wang Fang have two sall eyes?—No, she has two big eyes.
A. DoesB. DoC. IsD. Are
25. —Look, the girl has long legs. —____
A. That’s right.B. Yes, she is.C. Tha nks.D. Good.
26.There are three _______ in y faily.
A. people B. person C. peoples D. child
27. —That’s y bag. Please ____. —OK.
A. give it to eB. give e to itC. give it eD. give e it
28. .Li Lei often ____ Lin Tao ____ his English.
A. help; toB. helps; withC. helps; toD. help; with
29. He ____ to visit China.
A. wantB. to wantC. don’t wantD. wants
30. It ’s very kind ____ you ____ help e.
A. of; forB. to; doC. of; toD. for; for
31. That coat is nice and I’ll ____ it.
A. tryB. takeC. wantD. put
32. I don’t have ____ apple juice, but I have ____ orange juice.
A. any; soeB. soe; soeC. any; anyD. soe; any
33. I think. He isn’t a good student. (合并為一句)_________________________ 34. He often ____ guitar at hoe. A. plays B. play C. play a D. plays the
35.Our teacher says, “______ go there.”A. Won’t B. Isn’t C. Can’t D. Don’t
36. They are orange watches. (改單數(shù)句) ______ ________orange watch..
37. He can ____ ping-pong at school. A. plays B. play C. play a D. plays the
38. There ___ an apple and soe pears on the table. (用 be )
39. Three and four _____ seven. (用 be )
40.All students in our class ______ Chinese. (用 be 填空)。
41. These are _____( 我們的 ) books. _______ ( 他們的 ) are in teacher’s desk.
42.--Hello! _____ is Ji speaking. Who _____?--Hello! _______ Jack.
A. This; is that; This B. This; is that; I’ C. That; are you; I’ D. He; are you; I’
43. He doesn’t have any books. ( 改同義句 )
He ______ ________ books.
44. To and his other ________ ( go ) shopping today.
46.—Who’s that, Kangkang? —____ ary.
A. That’sB. ItC. He’s D. They’re
47..—What are those? —____ are cakes.
A. ThatB. TheseC. It D. They
48. — Do the two boys have big noses?—____
A. Yes, they are.B. No, they aren’t.C. No, they have big ones.D.Yes, they do.
49. .There are any_____ in the shop.
A. eggs   B. eat   C. vegetable   D.fruits
50. You want it, we have it, ________ a very good price. A.for B.a(chǎn)t C.of D.in ,(“以……價(jià)格銷售”用介詞at)
51. We have sweaters ________ all colors ________ ¥50 each.
A.in, at B.a(chǎn)t, in C.in, in D.a(chǎn)t, at
(in all colors各種顏色的, at ¥50 each以每件50美元的價(jià)格)
52. We can ________ books ________ the bookstore (書店). A.sell, to B.buy, fro C.sell, fro D.buy, to (buy…fro…從……購買……)。
53. We read $ 10_______A.ten dollar B.ten dollars C.dollar ten D.dollars ten
54. To speaks English. ____ Jane ____ English, too?
A. Do; speaksB. Does; speakC. Do; speakD. Does; speaks
55. Susan can speak Chinese, ____ she doesn’t like it at all.
A. butB. soC. asD. and
56. The dress is very nice and I’ll ____ it.
A. thinkB. takeC. wantD. bring
57. That’s too expensive(貴的). ____ thirty yuan?
A. How anyB. How uchC. Why not D. How about
58. —The box is too heavy. —____ Let e help you.
A. You’re right.B. You can’t study it well. C. Don’t worry.D. Not at all.
59. —I don’t like the green coat. —____ the red one?
A. What’sB. Where’sC. What aboutD. How
60. —Do you want ____ with e? —Yes, I do.
A. to do any shoppingB. do any shopping
C. to do soe shoppingD . do soe shopping
( )1. y brother wants ____ orange, not ____ orange juice.
A. an; /B. an; anC. a; /D. a; a
( )2. —Is this your book, Alice? —Yes, it is ____ book.
A. hisB. herC. hersD. y
( )3. —____ is your schoolbag? —It’s green.
A. WhatB. What colorC. WhereD. How
( )4. —____ your sister know Lucy? —No, she ____.
A. Do; don’tB. Does; doesn’tC. Does; don’tD.Do; doesn’t
( )5. —Do you have a sall outh? —No, I don’t. I have a wide ____.
A. itB. oneC. theD. ones
( )6. —How old is To? —He is ____.
A. fourteen yearsB. fourteen year oldC. fourteen oldD. fourteen
( )7. The girl ____ red is y sister.
A. onB. inC. ofD. over
( )8. —____, To. Is this your pen?—No, it isn’t. I think it’s ____.
A. Excuse e; JackB. Sorry; Jack’s C. Excuse e; Jack’sD. Sorry; Jack
( )9. —____ does your father work? —He works in a hospital.
A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where
( )10. What ____ you like ____ breakfast?
A. do; toB. would; toC. would; forD. do; doing
( )11. Please ____ the tree. Can you ____ any apples on it?
A. look; seeB. look at; seeC. see; lookD. see; look at
( )12. I want two ____.
A. bottle of ilkB. bottles of ilkC. bottles of ilksD. bottle of ilks
( )13. —____ —Sorry. She isn’t at hoe no
A. Are you Ji?B. Do you know Linda?
C. ay I speak to Linda?D. Can I help you, Ji?
( )14. —____ are the pants? —They are 180 yuan.
A. How anyB. WhoseC. Where D. How uch
( )15. —____ —It’s ten o’clock.
A. What’s that in Beijing?B. What’s the tie in Beijing?
C. What’s it in Beijing?D. Where is Beijing?
( )16. It’s very kind ____ you ____ help e.
A. of; forB. to; doC. of; toD. for; for
( )17. —Could you ask her ____ e back, please? I have soething to tell her. —OK.
A. callB. to callC. callingD. call to
( )18. —I don’t like the green coat. —____ the red one?
A. What’sB. Where’sC. What aboutD. How
( )19. I like these shoes. Can I ____?
A. try it onB. try the onC. try on itD. try on the
( )20. —Would you like to go out for a picnic toorrow?
—Yes, I’d love to. —Don’t forget ____ soe drinks.
A. bringingB. to bringC. takingD. to take
( )21. That coat is nice and I’ll ____ it.
A. tryB. takeC. wantD. put
( )22. —What tie is it? —It’s ____.
A. four four-fiveB. a quarter to five
C. three quarters past fourD. forty-five four
( )23. —Could you help e, please? —Sure. What would you like e ____?
A. doB. to doC. doingD. does
( )24. —Do you want ____ with e? —Yes, I do.
A. to do any shoppingB. do any shoppingC. to do soe shoppingD. do soe shopping
( )25. I don’t have ____ apple juice, but I have ____ orange juice.
A. any; soeB. soe; soeC. any; anyD. soe; any
( )26. —ay I speak to Ji, please? —Sorry, ____ no
A. I’ not JiB. this is eC. this isn’t eD. he isn’t here
( )27. —____ —I want a pair of shoes for y son.
A. Can I help you? B. What do you do? C. What do you buy? D. What do you want?
( )28. —____ do you like China? —Very uch.
A. What B. WhereC. HowD. Who
( )29. —How any ____ would you like? —Two, please.
A. glasses of ilkB. glass of ilksC. glasses of ilksD. glass of ilk
( )30. —Sorry, I have no tie to help you carry the water. I have to look after y sister.—____
A. Is it? B. You’re welcoe. C. Thank you.D. Thank you all the sae.
( )31. —What are your favorite anials? —____
A. Cute.B. Tigers.C. Zoos.D. Baby.
( )32. —____ is it? —It’s six o’clock.
A. WhatB. What colorC. What tieD. How
( )33.“12: 45”reads(讀作) ____.
A. a quarter past twelve B. a quarter to twelve C. twelve forty-fiveD. three quarters past twelve
( )34. ike often gets up ____ 6:40 ____ the orning.
A. in; inB. on; onC. at; atD. at; in
( )35. aria often ____ breakfast at seven o’clock.
A. drinkB. hasC. haveD. eat
( )36. What’s wrong ____ you?
A. aboutB. withC. ofD. on
( )37. It’s very kind ____ hi to cook food for his other.
A. forB. toC. ofD. with
( )38. It’s seven o’clock, it’s tie to ____.
A. goes hoeB. go hoeC. to go hoeD. going hoe
( )39. —What tie do you get up, Ji —I get up ____.
A. about six o’clockB. at about six o’clock C. about at six o’clockD. six o’clock
( )40. —____, what’s the tie, please?—It’s half past six.
A. HiB. SorryC. HelloD. Excuse e
( )41. —Don’t forget to bring your kite. —____
A. All right.B. That’s all right.C. Yes, I do.D. No, I don’t.
( )42. —Do you have any tie this afternoon? —Yes. ____
A. What are you?B. What’s going?C. What’s up?D. What’s atter?
( )43. Why not have a picnic ____ this Sunday?
A. inB. forC. atD. /
( )44. —Hello, ike! ____ Wang Wei. —ike? There is no ike here.
A. I’B. That’sC. This isD. It’s
( )45. Lucy ____ cook food for the picnic.
A. haveB. have toC. hasD. has to
( )46. —What about having supper with e?—Sorry. ____
A. I’ free.B. I have tie. C. I’ afraid I have no tie.D. I have soe tie.
( )47. Please ask Jane ____. I’ll wait for her.
A. call eB. give e a callC. to call e backD. giving e a call
( )48. —Can I tell hi about it? —____
A. Sure, thanks.B. Yes, you can.C. Not at all.D. That’s OK.
( )49. Would you like to go ____ a picnic?
A. forB. toC. atD. out
( )50. —Let’s go shopping, OK? —That would ____ very nice.
A. areB. isC. beD. a
( )51. I like these shoes. Can I ____?
A. try the on B. try on theC. try it on D. try on it
( )52. —Dad. I’ sorry I can’t find the shop. —____
A. Not at all.B. I’ not happy.C. Thank you all the sae.D. You can’t coe back.
( )53. The dress is very nice and I’ll ____ it.
A. thinkB. takeC. wantD. bring
( )54. That’s too expensive(貴的). ____ thirty yuan?
A. How anyB. How uchC. Why notD. How about
( )55. He wants two ____ salt and three ____ eggs.
A. bags; kilos B. bags of; kilosC. bags of; kilos ofD. bags; kilos of
( )56. Twenty-two and thirty-seven is ____.
A. fifty-nineB. fifty nineC. forty-nineD. fifteen
( )57. This pair of shoes ____ ine. His are over there.
A. will beB. isC. areD. be
( )58. —The box is too heavy.—____ Let e help you.
A. You’re right.B. You can’t study it well. C. Don’t worry.D. Not at all.
( )59. —The clothes are one hundred yuan. —One hundred yuan! ____ you ____?
A. Do; kiddingB. Do; kidC. Is; kiddingD. Are; kidding
( )60. —How ____ ____ the apples? —They are five yuan a kilo.
A. any; areB. uch; isC. any; isD. uch; are
( )61. —____ is the letter fro? —It’s fro ike, y pen pal.
A.WhereB. HowC. WhoD. What 新 課 標(biāo) 第 一 網(wǎng)
( )62. To speaks English. ____ Jane ____ English, too?
A. Do; speaksB. Does; speakC. Do; speakD. Does; speaks
( )63. y parents ____ high school teachers.
A. are bothB. both areC. are allD. all are
( )64. —Would you like ____ juice, please? —No, thanks. I don’t like ____.
A. any; itB. soe; itC. any; theD. soe; the
( )65. ____ often helps ____ with ____ English.
A. His; her; hersB. She; hi; hisC. She; hi; herD. He; e; ine
( )66. Susan can speak Chinese, ____ she doesn’t like it at all.
A. butB. soC. asD. and
( )67. He ____ the Great Wall.
A. want to visitB. want visitC. wants to visitD. wants visit
( )68. —What does your father do? —____
A. He is a teacher.B. He is fro China.C. He is fine.D. He’s 40.
( )69. Is this a photo ____ your faily?
A. inB. withC. toD. of
( )70. He is kind ____ e.
A. veryB. toC. froD. friendly
( )71. You’re thirsty(口渴). ____ have a glass of tea?
A. Would you likeB. Would not youC. Why notD. Why
( )72. ay I have soething ____ supper?
A. to drink forB. drinks forC. to drink inD. drinks at
( )73. I’d like ____ orange juice, please.
A. aB. anC. two glass ofD. a glass of
( )74. Help ____ to the chicken, children.
A. youB. yourC. yourselfD. yourselves
( )75. Let’s ____ dinner together.
A. to haveB. haveC. hasD. /
( )76. Would you like ____ eggs?
A. anyB. soeC. uchD. a lot
( )77. She doesn’t have ____.
A. soe ilksB. any ilksC. soe ilkD. any ilk
( )78. What would you like ____ lunch?
A. atB. onC. forD. in
( )79. Why not ____ soe ilk?
A. eatB. drinkC. to eatD. to drink
( )80 —What would you like to drink? —____
A. Soe cakes.B. Two glass of orange juice.
C. Two glasses of apple juice.D. Two glasses of apple juices.
( )81. We’d like ____.
A. eat soethingB. drink soethingC. soething eatD. soething to eat
( )82. Would you like ____ chicken?
A. one B. two C. soe D. three
( )83. ____ fish and eggs?
A. Why notB. Why don’t youC. Let’sD. What about
( )84. —What’s his favorite food? —____
A. Apples.B. Rice and fish.C. A glass of juice.D. Soething to eat.
( )8510. —Let’s go hoe. —____
A. No, we don’t.B. We can’t.C. Let’s go to school.D. OK.
( )86. y faily ____ very big.
A. aB. isC. areD. does
( )87 His father and other ____ teachers.
A. are bothB. are allC. both areD. all are
( )88. rs. Zhang is ____ office worker.
A. aB. anC. /D. the
( )89. —____ does he work? —In a hospital.
A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where
( )90. —What does Jack do? —____
A. He’s good.B. He’s fine.C. He’s well.D. He’s a student.
( )916. o isn’t in today. I look ____ y little sister.
A. atB. afterC. likeD. the sae
( )92. The an in brown is ____ father.
A. Lucy’s and Lily’sB. Lucy’s and LilyC. Lucy and Lily’sD. Lucy and Lily
( )93. —Coe in (進(jìn)來) and have a seat, please. —____
A. Thanks a lot.B. That’s OK.C. You’re welcoe.D. I’ glad.
( )94. Your other’s brother is your ____.
A. auntB. uncleC. brotherD. grandfather
( )95 To and Kate are ____.
A. brothers and sistersB. brothers and sister C. brother and sister D. sisters and brother
( )96.—Could I study English ____ you? —No proble.
A. inB. forC. withD. about
( )97.What does he ____ in the letter?
A. saysB. sayC. speakD. tell
( )98.—____ you please tell e your nae? —Sure. I’ Linda.
A. DoB. AC. CouldD. Is
( )99.—Who’s the girl in red? —Sorry, I don’t know ____. —____ is a new student.
A. she; SheB. her; SheC. her; HerD. she; Her
( )100.—Where does he live? —He ____ in Shanghai.
A. livesB. liveC. is liveD. to live
( )101.Li Lei often ____ Lin Tao ____ his English.
A. help; toB. helps; withC. helps; toD. help; with
( )102.He doesn’t like apples ____.
A. veryB. uchC. at allD. little
( )103.I like the little cat a lot but she likes it ____.
A. a lotB. a littleC. lotD. uch
( )104.Sally often helps e study English. And I help her study Chinese. We help _____.
A. each otherB. othersC. the otherD. other
( )105.He ____ to visit China.
A. wantB. to wantC. don’t wantD. wants
( )106. —____ jacket is this? —I think it’s inging’s.
A. WhoB. Who’sC. WhoseD. What
( )107. What is ____ nae?
A. his teachersB. her teachersC. his teacher’sD. her teachers’
( )108. —Is it your dress? —No. It’s ____.
A. hersB. herC. yD. hi
( )109. —What color is the T-shirt? —It’s ____.
A. an orangeB. orangeC. the orangeD. new
( )110 The girl ____ black is y sister.
A. inB. atC. toD. fro
( )111 —Do Lucy and Lily ____ bikes?—Yes. Lucy ____ a new bike, but Lily ____ an old one.
A. has; has; haveB. have; has; hasC. have; has; haveD. has; have; has
( )112. —Is this To’s bike? —____, I don’t kno
A. OKB. GoodC. YesD. Sorry
( )113. ary is in ____ red clothes and her hair ____ brown.
A. /; isB. a; areC. an; isD. /; are
( )114. What color ____ your ____, ike?
A. is; pantsB. is; pantC. are; pantD. are; pants
( )115. —Do you look like your sister? —No, we ____.
A. look the saeB. look differentC. look likeD. look at
( )116. ____ bikes are red. ____ are blue.
A. We; TheyB. Our; TheirC. Our; TheirsD. We; Their
( )117. The dress ____ yours.
A. lookB. looksC. looks likeD. are
( )118. Please give this book ____ Jack.
A. atB. toC. inD. fro
( )119 —You are nice in this dress. —____
A. It’s right.B. No, it isn’t.C. Thank you.D. OK.
( )120. Please ____ us find his bike.
A. thinkB. helpC. guessD. know
( )121. —____ is he? —He is y friend.
A. WhatB. WhereC. WhoD. How
( )122. ary and Joy are ____ Class One.
They are ____ the U.S.A.
A. fro; inB. in; froC. to; froD. in; to
( )123. —____ —Yes, I’ ike.
A. What’s your nae?B. What are you?C. How are you?D. Are you ike?
( )124. —Is this ____ car? —Yes, it’s ____ English car.
A. a; anB. a; aC. an; anD. an; a
( )125. —What are those? —____ are cakes.
A. ThatB. TheseC. ItD. They
( )126. —What’s that ____ English? —It’s a desk.
A. froB. toC. inD. /
( )127. —____ is she? —She’s ten.
A. How oldB. HowC. WhereD. What
( )128. —Is her nae Kate? —____
A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isn’t.C. Yes, it’s.D. No, it isn’t.
( )129. I’ in Class 4. Are you in Class 4, ____?
A. pleaseB. tooC. andD. excuse
( )130. This is y teacher, iss Chen. ____ is fro Hebei.
A. SheB. HeC. HerD. His
( )131. Linda is fifteen ____ old.
A. a yearB. the yearC. yearsD. year
( )132. —Welcoe to our school. —____
A. OK.B. Thanks.C. Excuse e.D. Hello.
( )133. —Thank you. —____
A. You’re welcoe.B. That’s OK.C. Thanks.D. A and B.
( )134. 當(dāng)你被介紹認(rèn)識(shí)某人后, 你應(yīng)該說: “____”。
A. Good orning!B. Thank you!C. Nice to eet you!D. How are you?
( )135. 當(dāng)別人稱贊你時(shí), 你應(yīng)該說: “____”。
A. Thanks.B. Good.C. Yes.D. No.
( )136.---Let’s play volleyball! --_____________.
A .No B. Bye C. That sounds good. D. Yes
( )137.—What’s Ji Sith faily nae? ---_________
A.Ji B.Sith C. Ji Sith D. Green
( )138.. —Is this _____ basketball?  —No. It's _____ basketball.
A. you;y    B. y;you    C. your;his 
( )139. —Do you have an eraser? —Yes, I __. I have a big one.
A. does B. a C.do D.are
( )140.---What do you eat____ breakfast? -- Eggs.
A .at B. in C. for D of
( )141. —What are those? — ____ are their books.
A. That B. They’re C. They
( )142.Please these things to your brother. He is at school
A. bring B. look C. take
( )143. Does r. Lee a big head?
A. has B. have C. is D. are
( )144.—Your English is very good. —
A. Thank you. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s not good. D. No, no.
( )145We are in school. Our English teacher is r. Li.
A. different B. sae C. the sae D. the different
( )146.. I a a teacher. She is a teacher, .
A. to B. too C. two D. do
( )147. — are y keys?
—They are on the sofa.
A. What      B. Where     C. Why 
( )148.—Do you have a tennis racket?
—______. But I have a baseball bat.
A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. Yes, you do
( )149. — Where is your ruler? —_______ in the pencil case.
A. They areB. It’s C.This is
( )150. — Is that an his uncle? —_________.
A. Yes, he is B. Yes, it is C. No, she isn’t
( )151. —_______ are your pens? —________ black.
A. What; It’sB. What color; They’re C. Where; The
( )152. He can sing lots of songs________ English.
A. in B. withC. on
( )153.--- Can you play _______ guitar ,John? --- Yeah, I can play it very well.
A./ B.a(chǎn)nC.the D.a(chǎn)
( )154.r. Chen is always _______ one to leave the school. He’s busy working all day.
A.the last B.firstC.lastD.the first
( ) 155.--- Excuse e, when is the English Speech Contest?
--- It’s ______ 8:40 a.. ______ Thursday orning.
A.a(chǎn)t, inB.on, onC.on, in D.a(chǎn)t, on
( )156.I like y history(歷史)teacher because he often ______ us about any interesting stories in history and he’s really huorous(幽默的).
( )157.— Are those______ shoes?---No ,they’re not .
A. your ;y B. your; ine C. yours; y D. yours; ine
( )158. —Is your nae Brown? —
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I a. C. Yes, I’. D. No, I’ not.
( ) 159.--- What a beautiful day ! Let’s _____ out to play soe wonderful gaes.
--- That sounds great!
A.goB.to goC.goesD.going
( ) 160.Little John ________ sports every day, so he’s very strong and healthy.
A.don’t play B.doesn’t play C.playD.plays
( ) 161.--- By the way, how uch _______ the glasses?
--- The glasses? Oh, _______ 230 yuan.
A.is, it’sB.a(chǎn)re, they’reC.a(chǎn)re, it’s D.is, they’re
( ) 162.r. King is very tired after work, so he _______ early.
A.does sportsB.gets upC.goes to bedD.watches TV
( ) 163. —Are you in ?— Yes, I a .
A. Class one B. class one C. class One D. Class One
( )164.—What's this in English? —______ a pencil.
A. This is B. Its C. It's D. Is
( )165.--- Hi, Daisy! _________ today? --- It’s DeC.30th.
A.What day is itB.What’s the weather like
C.What’s the date D.What’s the tie
( ) 166.--- ______ do you have P.E? --- We have it on Wednesday and Friday.
( ) 167.--- _________? --- Yes, please. I want a basketball.
A.What can I do for you B.Excuse e C.Can you help e D.Can I help you
( )168. —Are you Li Lei? — ______.
A. Yes, I a B. Yes, I' C. OK D. Sorry, I don't
( )169. —Is this your pencil? —Yes, ______.
A. it's B. it is C. its D. is it
( )170. Is that ______ pencil case?
A. he B. hi C. his D. he's
171. His nae is To iller. His faily nae is______ .
A. To B. Robert C. To iller D. iller
( )172. He isn’t ______ Chinese boy, he is ______ English boy.
A. a; a B. a; an C. an; an. D. an; a

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/93969.html
