初一英語上冊7A Unit 1 aking friends測試題

編輯: 逍遙路 關(guān)鍵詞: 七年級 來源: 高中學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng)

7A Unit 1 aking friends 測試題
(滿分100分,測試時間為100分鐘) 2013.09

i. 詞語釋義。(共5小題,每小題1分)
( ) 1. ary is fro Hong Kong.
A. coes fro B. goes fro C. likes D. is in
( ) 2. We live in a house close to a park.
A. far B. near C. not open D. like
( ) 3. Everyone is happy.
A. Soe people B. No people C. All people D. Soe children
( ) 4. I want to travel all over the world.
A. every country in B. every city in C. all year D. all day
( ) 5. These are y favorite hobbies.
A. things I like doing B. things I ust do C. food I like eating D. food I ust eat
ii. 從A、B、C、D中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。(共15小題,每小題1分)
( ) 6.--- Lily is English girl. --- And she is friendly girl.
A. a, an B. a, a C. an, a D. an, an
( ) 7. I live in a flat close Xili Lake.
A. fro B. to C. in D. on
( ) 8. Anna goes swiing his other every Sunday.
A. and B. for C. with D. so
( ) 9. Jason’s favourite are English and aths.
A. hobbies B. subjects C. ountains D. rivers
( ) 10. To fro Canada. He is fro the US.
A. is not B. not is C. no is D. is no
( ) 11. --- is your new bike? --- It is black and red.
A. How uch B. How old C. What color D. What day
( ) 12. --- is your pet dog? --- It ten onths old.
A. How long B. How any C. How old D. How young
( ) 13. --- are you late? --- Because I got up late. Sorry.
A. Why B. What C. When D. Which
( ) 14. He is in ___________.
A. Class two, Grade seven B. class3, grade7
C. Three Class, Seven Grade D. Class Two, Grade Seven
( ) 15. --- do you go to school? --- By school bus.
A. How B. What tie C. Why D. Which
( ) 16.Welcoe _____ China.
A. / B. to C. in D. for
( ) 17.—_____ present did you receive?
—A coputer and an P3.
A. Which B. Where C. What D. How any
( ) 18. Don't forget _____ the windo
A. close B. closes C. closed D. to close
( ) 19. ost of the boys are good at _____ and playing basketball.
A. to swi B. swiing C. swiing D. swi
( ) 20. ---Would you like to _____ coputer gaes with e?
---That’s a good idea.
A. to play B. playing C. plays D. play
( ) 21. Who does Anna want to ake friends _____?
A. with B. to C. in D. for
( ) 22. _________ students are there in your class?
A.How any B. How uch C. How long D. How far
( ) 23. ______ is your father?---- y father is___ doctor.
A. How, a B. What, an C. Where, / D. What, a
( ) 24. _____ apple a day keeps the doctors away.
A. A B. An C. The D. /
( ) 25. Why do you go to school on foot?
_____ I live quite close to y school.
A. For B. Since C. Because D. So
y (36) is Lucy. I’ a (37) . I’ (38) . I’ (39) no y teacher is a (40) . Her nae is Wang Pei. She is an (41) teacher. David is y friend. He is English. He is fourteen. David and I (42) in Class 3, Grade1. I a (43) Nuber I in Row 2. He is in the sae ro His English is (44) . He has(有) a parrot. (45) nae is Polly.
( )36.A.naeB.nuberC.classD.row
( )37.A.a(chǎn)nB.woanC.girlD.boy
( )38.A.JapanB.ChinaC.AericanD.Aerica
( )39.A.a(chǎn)t the schoolB.a(chǎn)t schoolC.in the schoolD.good
( )40.A.boyB.a(chǎn)nC.EnglishD.woan
( )41.A.JapaneseB.EnglishC.Chinese D.good
( )42.A.a(chǎn)reB.a(chǎn)C.isD.be
( )43.A.inB.a(chǎn)tC.×D.on
( )44.A.wellB.OKC.goodD.fine
( )45.A.It’sB.ItsC.It isD.its
i. 閱讀下列短文,從每小題的四個選項中選出最佳選項。(共10小題,每小題2分)
It’s two weeks before Christas in England and rs Sith is very busy. She buys a lot of Christas cards to send her friends and to her husband’s friends. She puts the on the table in the roo. Then, when her husband coes hoe fro work, she says to hi, “These are the Christas cards for your friends. Could you please write the cards and I cook supper?”
r Sith doesn’t say anything and walks into his study roo, after a while, he coes with a box full of Christas cards. He puts the on the table and says, ”They are fro last year. I forgot(忘記) to send the.”
( ) 46. .What does rs Sith buy before Christas?
A. any presents B.A lot of flowers
C. Lots of Christas cards D. Lots of nice food
( ) 47.Why does rs Sith buy Christas cards?
A. She wants to give the to her husband. B. She likes the very uch.
C .She wants to give the to her friends. D. She wants to sell the.
( ) 48. What does rs Sith want her husband to do?
A. She wants hi to buy soe ore cards. B. She wants hi to send the cards.
C. She wants hi to cook supper. D. She wants hi to write the cards.

A sall an goes to a cinea. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two or three inutes, he coes out and buys a second ticket. Two or three inutes later, he coes out again and asks for another ticket. But the girl says to hi, “why are you buying all these tickets? Are you eeting your friends in the cinea all the tie?”
“No, I’ not doing that.” The sall an says, “but a big woan always stops e at the door and tears (撕) y tickets up.”
( ) 49. The sall an goes to the cinea to _______
A. see a fil B. buy tickets C. eet his friends D. watch TV
( ) 50. The sall an _______a ticket all the tie.
A. takes B. buys C. brings D. tears
( ) 51. ”No, I’ not doing that.” eans (意思)________
A. he is not seeing a fil B. he isn’t eeting his friends
C. he wants to buy the tickets for the big woan D. the big woan doesn’t let hi in

Helen’s eyes are not very good, so she wears glasses. But she doesn’t wear glasses when she is with her friend, Ji. When Ji coes to her house to take her out, she will(將)take her glasses off, and when she gets back, she puts on the glasses.
One day her other asks,“Helen, why don’t you wear glasses when you are with Ji? He takes you to see so any lovely places in his car, but you can’t see anything.”Helen says,“I look ore(更加) lovely to Ji when I don’t wear y glasses and he looks better to e , too”.
( ) 52. Ji coes to take Helen ________.
A. to school B. to work C. to see lovely places D. to his hoe
( ) 53. Helen doesn’t wear glasses ________.
A. when Ji is with her B. when she is at hoe
C. when she is at school D. in the evening
( ) 54. Ji and Helen go out ________.
A.by bus B. by car C. by bike D. by plane
( ) 55 Which sentence is right?
A. Helen doesn’t like Ji. B. Helen wants to look ore lovely.
C. Ji doesn’t like glasses. D. Helen’s other knows Helen very well.
ost English people have three naes: a first nae, a iddle nae and the faily nae. Their faily nae coes last. For exaple, y full nae is Ji Allan Green. Green is y faily nae. y parents gave e both of y other naes. Ww x k B 1.c O
People don't use their iddle naes uch. So“John Henry Brown”in usually called“John Brown”. People never use r. , rs. or iss before their first naes. So you can say John Brown, or iss with the faily nae but never with the first nae.
I think this is different fro Chinese naes. In China, the first nae is the faily nae, and the last nae is the given nae. For exaple, a nae called Zhou Jian puts his faily nae Zhou first.
( )1.ost English people have ______.
A. a first nae, a iddle nae and the faily nae B. a first nae and the faily nae
C. a iddle nae and the faily nae D. a first nae and the last nae
( )2.Green is the ____ for the boy called Ji Allan Green.
A. first nae B. faily nae C. given nae D. iddle nae
( )3.“John Henry Brown”is usually called _____.
A. John Henry B. Henry Brown C. John Brown D. r. John
( )4.People never say ______.
A. r. Brown B. r. Green C. r. Zhou D. r. John
( )5.Which or the following is true?
A. English people don't often use their iddle naes.
B. ost English people have two naes.
C. In English, the faily nae coes first.
D. In China, people use r., rs. or iss before the given nae.

ii. 從所給的六個單詞中選出五個補全對話。(共5小題,每小題1分)

Tony: Good 56 , aria.
aria: Good orning. It’s so 57 to see you again.
Tony: e, too. I want to buy a present for Lily’s birthday. Can you go with e?
aria: Of course. Which does she 58 , tennis or badinton?
Tony: Badinton.
aria: Why not buy one for her?
Tony: That’s a good 59 . Let’s go to the Rainbow 60 to have a look.
aria: Ok. Let’s go.
ii. 從下面所給的留個句子中選出五個不全對話。(共5小題,每小題1分)

A: Hi, can I help you? B: Yes, please.______
A: Good. _______ B: Sandy.
A: ______. B: I live on Beijing Road.
A: How old are you. B: I’ twelve years old.
A: Why do you want to join us?B: I like playing coputer gaes.______.
A: Here is a card._____. B: Ok. Thank you.
61. She is a ( Geran ) girl.
62. All the teachers are very ( friend ).
63. Don’t copy. You ust do the hoework ( you ).
64. I want to ake ( friend ) with you.
65. The nae of it is ( Anna ) blog.
66. I have two ( old ) sisters.
67. I’ good at ( play ) basketball.
68. I’d like ( drink ) a cup of tea.
69. His drea is ( be ) a boss.
70. y hobby is ( read ) books.
VI. .書面表達(dá)(15分)
1.姓名、年齡、籍貫、外貌。 2.愛好:科目、運動。
3.班級、最佳科目、夢想。 4.家庭狀況:人員構(gòu)成、職業(yè)。

本文來自:逍遙右腦記憶 http://www.yy-art.cn/chuyi/94635.html
